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Shiny Megaables
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User ranklist

Newest Members
1. clons0 9 Minutes ago
2. TaxEvader 11 Minutes ago
3. halcyonn 30 Minutes ago
4. InsaneSeagull1234 40 Minutes ago
5. kkcooldude 1 Hour ago
6. toddswelton 1 Hour ago
7. SwiftRays 1 Hour ago
8. hAdEs8329 1 Hour ago
9. Maxsous 1 Hour ago
10. nightaction 2 Hours ago
Most Interactions (30 Days)
1. Lorry14 2,030,504
2. Kimie 1,476,444
3. yomymaing201 1,392,946
4. WalkingOnSunshine 1,304,885
5. Edgay 1,208,253
6. HyperBeam 1,152,808
7. momalia 1,123,717
8. ShyShine 978,942
9. Tuna 908,307
10. Bambiii 871,186
Most Interactions
1. momalia 153,114,597
2. WalkingOnSunshine 146,768,001
3. Lorry14 111,224,155
4. loketoke 83,738,615
5. Tuna 74,591,680
6. Darenia 68,553,238
7. Zarkesh 67,099,017
8. Kimie 66,315,543
9. Shiala 58,309,453
10. Qiaokeli 47,721,867
Most Berries fed
1. Tuna 49,079,503
2. Qiaokeli 31,099,568
3. Kazyaquin 10,004,933
4. loketoke 8,872,188
5. Kimie 6,913,194
6. Bart~ 6,152,100
7. Gojirath 6,114,550
8. Zarkesh 5,718,390
9. Globe 5,607,280
10. CatLady 5,307,200
Most Pokémon
1. Nymphrasis 93,817
2. Qiaokeli 51,981
3. imagine 46,904
4. RoyalGecko 43,033
5. Kazyaquin 40,701
6. Espy 38,638
7. DragonSumedh 36,836
8. Kadse 35,102
9. LunaFenrir 34,893
10. Intak 34,814
Most Pokédex Entries
1. Qiaokeli 1,763
2. PenguinPowerful 1,763
3. Nika~ 1,763
4. LALVOE 1,763
5. Purgatory 1,762
6. Purrloin 1,762
7. MelonNoodle 1,762
8. PandaBennington 1,760
9. AllyBear 1,760
10. Shiny 1,760
Most Eggs Hatched
1. momalia 337,471
2. Tuna 269,270
3. Zarkesh 192,407
4. Makabe 181,874
5. CeNedra 179,785
6. Ghibli 164,666
7. loketoke 159,213
8. Kimie 150,848
9. Qiaokeli 148,383
10. Nika~ 142,957
Most EggDex Entries
1. CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen 795
2. Maniac 795
3. Jacharias 793
4. Finhawk 789
5. dusk_keldeo 789
6. Zellane 788
7. loketoke 784
8. CaptainParisStarr 783
9. Tuna 782
10. WalkingOnSunshine 781
Most Shinies
1. Nika~ 3,474
2. ArceusTamerJD 3,021
3. Tuna 2,763
4. Ravenswing 2,708
5. Kazyaquin 2,485
6. Tobey 1,995
7. BLEACHIchigo1 1,808
8. CeNedra 1,725
9. TheRockers 1,670
10. Kimie 1,625
Most ShinyDex Entries
1. Nika~ 1,489
2. loketoke 1,271
3. GetsugaTenshou 1,247
4. TheRockers 1,202
5. Ravenswing 1,201
6. Menxi 1,198
7. SilkySelkie 1,188
8. Kuroo 1,181
9. Greggory_Lee 1,148
10. ChikoritaMining 1,104
Longest Pokéradar-Chain
1. Shadowplay 34,395
2. LuckyLady 25,000
3. Kuroo 23,174
4. Zarkesh 21,660
5. Darenia 17,867
6. Tuna 16,143
7. AuroraNightshade 15,169
8. SCP-682 14,001
9. Furret 14,000
10. Faol 13,895
Most Shadows
1. Vixie 1,311
2. Wolfsdrache 1,273
3. 4eburaschka7 1,069
4. Ambipom 1,058
5. Aphrooturtle 782
6. WolfLeLoup 782
7. Naoma 759
8. Ghibli 729
9. Tuna 721
10. ShinyMegaHunter 710
Most ShadowDex Entries
1. CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen 278
2. ChikoritaMining 278
3. MetalHeadKendra 278
4. KittyMeow 278
5. pokemon2000 278
6. Pfeif 278
7. Zoen 278
8. Vixie 278
9. Finhawk 278
10. Shyrenia666 278
Highest Trainerlevel
1. momalia 176
2. Tuna 162
3. Nika~ 160
4. loketoke 154
5. Zarkesh 154
6. Kimie 149
7. WalkingOnSunshine 140
8. Qiaokeli 136
9. Ghibli 136
10. CeNedra 135
Longest Time Played
1. momalia 24352:48
2. Noboaku 16237:37
3. loketoke 15562:48
4. Zarkesh 15076:11
5. Tuna 14664:47
6. Kuroo 14551:33
7. Csoxi 14391:33
8. Jacharias 14122:03
9. BLEACHIchigo1 13686:16
10. Nika~ 13389:17
Most Money
1. Jaeger 422,023,649
2. Tesoro 332,524,044
3. HyperBeam 311,379,342
4. momalia 301,736,197
5. Kety 165,489,783
6. ~Fahrenheit~ 148,399,873
7. ~Minerva~ 114,306,640
8. Maniac 106,336,481
9. Catlexx 72,898,871
10. TheRedMist 64,264,061
Royal Tunnel Explorations
1. kikkoman1 Level 43,182
2. ShinyMegaHunter Level 19,980
3. Ohma_Tokita Level 15,145
4. anorchoclown Level 13,148
5. BarnacleBoy Level 12,205
6. Skips Level 11,153
7. Argentis Level 11,134
8. Lilith99 Level 10,737
9. Professor_Elm Level 10,488
10. loketoke Level 9,033
Most Wonder Trades
1. Kimie 21,442
2. WalkingOnSunshine 19,639
3. Jacharias 19,505
4. Waltz 19,231
5. Argentis 17,315
6. BLEACHIchigo1 17,056
7. Shadowplay 15,801
8. Zarkesh 15,275
9. loketoke 13,523
10. bloodyrikku 13,481
Most Berries harvested
1. Qiaokeli 10,732,079
2. Zellane 7,336,981
3. Okay 7,274,706
4. Tuna 4,986,924
5. Redrose199 4,231,745
6. Lorry14 4,009,218
7. Zarkesh 3,814,704
8. loketoke 3,766,819
9. Rscorpions2 3,341,716
10. Argentis 2,998,551
Longest HoL-Chain
1. Feena 56
2. Kimie 54
3. Lorry14 54
4. Zellane 54
5. Inferno53 53
6. KD6-37 52
7. Tuna 51
8. KittyMeow 50
9. SilverShinyBirdizard 49
10. Wanderslk 49
Biggest Plushie Collection
1. Nika~ 132,822
2. _Nyx_ 104,474
3. Tuna 103,032
4. Zarkesh 65,047
5. Bun-Bun 58,087
6. Cherry_Blossom 55,974
7. Waltz 52,121
8. Qiaokeli 40,973
9. champ1509 38,225
10. ImperialHound 21,014
Most unique Plushies
1. CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen 878
2. Jacharias 878
3. Tuna 878
4. Kimie 878
5. Catlexx 878
6. loketoke 878
7. Nika~ 878
8. momalia 878
9. Mafia 878
10. Zellane 878
Most Dream Points spent
1. Nika~ 8,061,990
2. Bayleef 4,544,350
3. Bun-Bun 3,635,560
4. momalia 2,488,410
5. Gojirath 2,410,179
6. Zarkesh 2,197,325
7. Tuna 1,865,275
8. Lorry14 1,673,520
9. Kimie 1,640,290
10. BLEACHIchigo1 1,459,309

Pokémon ranklist

Highest frequency
1. Combee 175,848
2. Eevee 173,654
3. Gyarados 172,971
4. Charizard 169,917
5. Pichu 128,219
6. Beedrill 124,856
7. Luxray 124,424
8. Haunter 111,006
9. Budew 107,575
10. Mightyena 105,004
11. Butterfree 104,386
12. Vivillon 101,814
13. Liepard 99,881
14. Tentacruel 99,469
15. Rapidash 99,422
Lowest frequency
1. Magearna (Master Ball) 28
2. Calyrex (Ice Rider) 33
3. Calyrex (Shadow Rider) 34
4. Magearna (Ultra Ball) 53
5. Palkia (Origin) 75
6. Dialga (Origin) 81
7. Enamorus (Therian Forme) 91
8. Gholdengo 95
9. Mega Robin Blaze 101
10. Sliggoo (Hisuian) 102
11. Avalugg (Hisuian) 110
12. Mega Obsidialix 117
13. Goodra (Hisuian) 117
14. Silvally (Poison) 117
15. Silvally (Dragon) 120
Strongest Pokémon
1. RoseLady Level 27445
2. 3OS - Alphonse Ⱄ Level 22823
3. NJDiver Level 20744
4. •°Jeffery°• Level 21541
5. ~•°KITSUNE°•~ Level 20080
6. Queen Tropius Level 18008
7. ❤ Eloise Level 17549
8. Rin-Rin Level 18474
9. Charizard Level 17268
10. Mikey Level 15707
11. ~°THUNDARA°~(11thOS) Level 14984
12. Dodrio Level 15620
13. «Jake» Level 14317
14. Bites Level 13994
15. Sugar Plum Fairy Level 12973
Highest shiny frequency
1. Gyarados 7,705
2. Combee 5,413
3. Riolu 5,366
4. Absol 4,528
5. Magikarp 4,470
6. Charizard 4,148
7. Luxray 3,967
8. Beedrill 3,961
9. Gengar 3,640
10. Pidgeot 3,571
11. Ponyta 3,548
12. Ampharos 3,330
13. Mareep 3,315
14. Buneary 3,054
15. Gardevoir 3,035
Lowest shiny frequency
1. MissingNo. (Kabutops) 1
2. Mega Mewtwo Y 1
3. Wopuppet 1
4. Mega Skarigami 1
5. Wydoll 1
6. Baby Latias 1
7. Vivillon (Pride) 1
8. Harplade 1
9. Allotrope 1
10. Puddy 1
11. Mega Diancie 1
12. Nuzzlear 1
13. Magearna (Master Ball) 1
14. Urshifu (Rapid Strike) 1
15. Ogerpon 1
Highest shadow frequency
1. Gengar 1,128
2. Pikachu 1,073
3. Raichu 1,058
4. Rapidash 1,037
5. Gyarados 1,035
6. Ponyta 969
7. Haunter 930
8. Golem 903
9. Gastly 892
10. Pidgeot 890
11. Wigglytuff 875
12. Clefable 871
13. Magikarp 853
14. Weezing 840
15. Jigglypuff 830
Lowest shadow frequency
1. Ditto 54
2. Unown W 131
3. Unown G 134
4. Unown H 134
5. Unown U 135
6. Unown O 139
7. Unown J 140
8. Unown F 141
9. Kabuto 143
10. Unown V 143
11. Unown M 143
12. Unown I 143
13. Unown B 145
14. Omanyte 147
15. Unown L 147