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Adopt, raise, breed - what else?

Shaymin Sky and Shaymin Land On PokéHeroes you have the possibility to take the role of a Pokémon Trainer and Breeder (Read more).
But there are much more features to enjoy! Read here a list of some of them:

  • Train your Pokémon to Level 100 or even higher! On PokéHeroes there's no level limit. Cool!
  • Send your Pokémon on exciting rumble missions - they can battle wild ones and also find some items!
  • Master difficult quests and enjoy their reward
  • Interact with other players Pokémon to gain some Pokédollar...
  • ... and spend them at the item shop!
  • Hunt for shinies with your Pokéradar!
  • Collect data of your Pokémon in your Pokédex
  • Being bored? Spend some time at the game center! Many exciting mini games are waiting for you.
  • Communicate with other players via PM and our forum.
  • ... and much more!

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