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Trainerlevel: 93

Trainerpoints: 2,151/26,039


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
300231,043 / 316,166

About Mafia

→ sleepy | adult | female | ♪♫

Hallo, I'm your favourite I mean friendly neighborhood Mafia.

I'm a rather introverted person and mostly lurk around. But I've been on PH for a while, so I'm happy to help with questions.
Just send me a PalPad message. ;)
You can talk to me in English or Deutsch.

Please note that I:
• don't have time for "Hi" messages, just tell me directly what you want
• don't buy/sell stuff unless I make a feed about it, put it on the GTS or auction it
• don't lend out Pokémon

Art Credit: Najem icon © Tesoro | Bennet art © HolyMami

Last Visitors

fengshuiYesterday, 23:14
jorrrrrrrrgeYesterday, 13:23
JohnSnowWed, 26/Mar/2025, 01:49
MidnightStrikeWed, 26/Mar/2025, 01:42
pokemonsea17Tue, 25/Mar/2025, 03:35

Game Records

Trainer ID: #213347679
Registration: 13/05/2016 (8 Years ago)
Premium member until 27/Dec/2025
Time Played: 5260:41 Hours
Total interactions: 15,032,943
Money: 67,441
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


The fun fair keeps making me forget about Mistral Jamboree on FR. 🤦‍♀️
3 Days ago
Found the event egg 3 steps into the maze :D
4 Days ago
A friend just called Morpeko a Calico Pikachu and I couldn't deny it xD
7 Days ago
9 shinies so far, and this is the fourth time a shiny and a mega-able hatched in the same party. Absol be trolling me.
15 Days ago
So, after finally getting that last Magearna yesterday, I went to check which Pokemon I still need with my OT and was once again reminded of the Regis. OTL
Royal Tunnel is a royal pita on phone because you can't look up stuff well, so I guess this will have to wait.

I think I'll focus on collecting Ice gems for Glastrier and breed the Pokemon I still need OT of for Paldea once my Mega Cuff runs out. Until then, Absol hunt it is!
23 Days ago
Ohh, shiny Orthworm! Today's a good day it seems xD
24 Days ago
Interaction exchange? I'm poor now but I managed to nab the last Magearna voucher I needed off the item market! \(^o^)/ No more wasting GC on the raffle.
24 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Electrike hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #159)!

No way! What's with this luck on here lately, it's getting scary asdfghjkl
1 Month ago
The first shiny of this hunt hatched at the exact same chain number as the SM Mawile did. If only :D
1 Month ago
My sister linked me some sweets that are named the same as one of my childhood nicknames. They look cute too, it's a shame I don't eat gummy bear type candies because I get immediate heart burn from them.
1 Month ago
I think I'm gonna hunt Mawile for a couple more days maybe, or at least until I get another shiny.

Meanwhile taking suggestions again for which mega form from my missings to work on next. :) Not gonna do any with an event counterpart though, because I wanna make use of my Mega Cuff while it lasts lol.
1 Month ago
My dad: telling me how his phone's browser now has a feature where it seperates inactive tabs (not used in 21+ days) from active ones

Me: Yeah, I know that feature. I have a lot more inactive ones than you tho. I have... *checks* 1038 inactive tabs open.

My dad: 😱
1 Month ago
Congratulations! A shiny Mawile hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #47)!

... it is an SM, what even!!! Sadly a female one, but still!
1 Month ago
*grumpy stare at Vday cards*
Why you no keep the paragraph breaks?
I already sent out two rhyming poems and they look unreadable now. OTL
1 Month ago
Finally, the 13th Iron Bundle shines! \(^o^)/
1 Month ago

I'm hoarding several plushies, but my biggest collection is Jolteon plushies, which pleases me immensely as my favourite Pokemon OC is a Jolteon. :3

Other hoards I have at the moment that will eventually be used up/dismantled tho:
10k+ Psychic gems for Unown hunt(s), because I focus on shinies from Kanto and Jotho specifically, as I only have OG games from these gens.
Purple Feathers and Enigma Stones, as I like those shinies (esp. Latias has such nice orange).
Also collecting several boxes full of Pokemon with IVs, ones with one silver star and not being my OT get the funny name of "S nOT." :D
I guess for the time being I also collect evolvable Lab Pokemon in two boxes, for the Paradox events.
1 Month ago
So I was looking around Etsy when I stumbled upon this type-changed Eevee. 😂 Beware, it might be nightmare fuel.
1 Month ago
Uff, 21st Scream Tail was finally shiny. Now on to Iron Bundle. I hope that it doesn't take that many tries...
1 Month ago
Ah yes, just my luck. Deletes a Fairy hatching task, sees 3 Fairy type eggs in a row in the lab.
2 Months ago
Sneasel > Weavile only counts for the evolve via level up task, not the evolve with evo stone one. Just tested it twice. Guess the "use" in the evo stone task is to be taken literally xD
2 Months ago

Plushie Hoard

Collecting these,


as well as any plushies I may still miss. ♥

View collection || View gift log

*Art credit: Jaari plushie © Akemie

Shiny Hunt

Mafia is currently hunting Absol.
Hunt started: 04/03/2025

Chain: 466
14 18 0
