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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 100

Trainerpoints: 6,031/30,099


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Smoochum17118 / 919
351,393 / 3,572
Great Tusk
329222,441 / 407,139

What's this silly game?

Not all Pokémon are made for Hangman. . .

But Cat is!
credits for image to Mozzie


Daily Goal Tracker!
[700 DP and 600 GGC]

165,910 of 148,400 and 233,444 of 23,000 on 20/02/2024
165,910 of 149,100 and 233,444 of 23,600 on 21/02/2024
165,910 of 149,800 and 233,444 of 24,200 on 22/02/2024
165,910 of 150,500 and 233,444 of 24,800 on 23/02/2024
165,910 of 151,200 and 233,444 of 25,400 on 24/02/2024
165,910 of 151,900 and 233,444 of 26,000 on 25/02/2024
165,910 of 152,600 and 233,444 of 26,600 on 26/02/2024
165,910 of 153,300 and 233,444 of 27,200 on 27/02/2024
165,910 of 154,000 and 233,444 of 27,800 on 28/02/2024
165,910 of 154,700 and 233,444 of 28,400 on 29/02/2024
[bag=Dream Points] of 250,000 on Halloween [31/10/2024]
[bag=GGC] of 200,000 on Christmas [25/12/2024]

Why cannot I Philip?

Shiny Game Corner
Prices [in Ice Gems] -
Shiny Raikou: 467-500 Gems
Shiny Suicune: 533-567 Gems
Shiny Entei: 600-633 Gems
Shiny Manaphy: 633-667 Gems

Non-shinies can also be ordered -
Raikou: 20-33 Gems
Suicune: 40-53 Gems
Entei: 60-80 Gems
Manaphy: 67-100 Gems

Keep in mind -
1. Please be patient; I'll get you your pokémon as quickly as real life permits
2. Mixed offers are allowed, as long as they contain a decent amount of Ice Gems [Pure nugget offers don't require Ice Gems]

Interested? PalPad or PM me!

Current Hunt -
ponson: Shiny Manaphy
20% - 10,090,689/50,000,000

Shiny Hunt

CatLady is currently hunting Necrozma.
Hunt started: 01/07/2023

Chain: 220


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
CatLady 1 Day ago
Choi 1 Day ago
Gojirath 3 Days ago
GoldenLeaf 3 Days ago


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (1 Minute ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #357177868
Registration: 01/07/2013 (11 Years ago)
Premium member until 18/Jun/2026
Game Time: 9861:12 Hours
Total interactions: 22,090,081
Money: 7,103,542
Starter Pokémon: Serperior


"Wow! That's a serious level jump!"
skips Koga & Erika and goes from Surge straight to Sabrina (after fixing Silph Co.)

. . . Yeah, I wonder where that level jump came from x'D
Yesterday, 00:02
. . . If only I had known that >.>

I'm currently semi-rushing Let's Go! Pikachu for the Birbs, so I can try to soft-reset for a shiny Articuno on Let's Go! Eevee.
we'll see how long my patience last once I get to it x'D

I've made several Raticate chains hoping to spawn a Porygon.
Succeeded in spawning a couple, three of which took all my Poké Balls (and Great Balls) before they run away.
I finally manage to get the fourth one in an Ultra Ball, only to find out that the Silph Co. person with the Porygon just gives one to you.

I hope there aren't any other Gift 'mon I'm gonna get annoyed by >.>
1 Day ago
2,804/2,805 EHP

. . . Thanks, RNG >.>
2 Days ago
I swear the Necrozma Quest has two modes -

1. Look at all this space you have! Let me take extra long.
2. Oh, Party and Egg Storage full?
Here's the Egg! And here's the next one!

sacrifices Ice Gems fund for more Egg Storage
3 Days ago
I have almost 500 pokémon just sitting in my boxes, 200 of which are ready to evolve when that task comes around.

I'm gonna start skipping tasks if it's not the "Evolve x pokémon" task ('x
4 Days ago
How often did you have to research for your shiny Paradox?
Great Tusk was my second try.
Iron Threads is currently on cycle 11, so (slightly) over odds for now.

What are your stats?
6 Days ago
Finally caught a glowing pokémon for the Necrozma Quest.
It only took all my energy and all the food 😑
8 Days ago
Dear PokéHeroes,

What am I supposed to do with over 200 of each Meteorite?
Also, why do I have over 1000 bags of Stardust? I'm not interested in making my own beach 😒

An annoyed Cat
9 Days ago
Hi there! ♥♥♥
I didn't expect this visit ♥
11 Days ago
"Hatch 20 Ground Type"
*2000 interactions later*
"Hatch 20 Ground Type"
*2000 interactions later*
"Hatch 8 Ground Type"

I already have a "Hatch x Ground Type" that's been around since I started the research and still not managed to finish it. I don't need any more!
12 Days ago
The Lab taketh all hope
The Lab giveth a pinch of relief
(just got a rare Steel 'mon which will finish 2 tasks with 1 Egg 🥲)
13 Days ago
1 Steel Type Egg vs. The Lab

How long will this battle last?
13 Days ago
I'm back from no-internet land!
I did a lot of reading and a lot of Bravely Default II

Here are my thoughts while playing -
- Why is the prologue almost 6 hours long????
- Run monsters, run!
- Sir Sloan, noooooooooooo! 😭😭😭
- This thing is a maze
- Castor, idiot
- She's a beastmaster!
- Minstrel, go sing your sad songs to someone who cares
- (when the asterisk is revealed) I knew it!
- Anihal, NOOOOOOOOOOOO! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Bernard, get out
- THIS thing is a maze, how do I get there???
- . . . These stairs were not there before 😒
- How is my splashing in the water not alerting the monsters/guards?

[and that concludes my thoughts - I'm about 12 hours in and still in chapter 1]
14 Days ago
Before I disappear for a week (back to no internet land) 🏕️🏖️

Here is a reminder to send in your plushies for the Plushie Drawing Contest

I've already received some, but there can never be too many plushies!
20 Days ago
My second Great Tusk is a shiny already!😻
22 Days ago
TheRockers (the guy waiting on the Necrozma) gave me his blessing to freeze the chain and delay any potential shinies.

Guess I'll be working on the Research!

[Yes, this is a repost, mostly because I mistyped the username]
[Other mistakes I can live with, but credits should be given appropriately, even in a silly feed like this ('x]
24 Days ago
glares at Necrozma chain
25 Days ago
I slept away today (':
Woke up around 9 to feed the cats and scoop the litter
Woke up around 12 and remembered to let my mom know I wouldn't visit
Woke up around 18 (alarm) to get to my saxophone lessons (didn't want to miss it, it was the last one of the year)
Getting ready to go back to sleep, because I'm still tired (':

I hate the heat and how it messes with my energy and sleep.
30 Days ago
Ever wanted to hug a character?
Come join the Plushie Drawing Contest and draw your favourite PokéHeroes character(s) as a cuddly plushie!
this is totally not late (':

[btw - This contest was inspired by a comment to Riako's feed. Ideas are always welcome!]
1 Month ago
Rewatching some old "futuristic" series (from 2000)
show : "In the distant future"
me : "Ah, yes, the distant future of 2010. I wonder what that will look like." 🤣
1 Month ago

My amber subdomain dwelling

Lurker of Forum
Solver of Hangman

Hi 😸
I'm CatLady, 30 years and living life in Belgium. I've been Moderator since the 25th of November 2015 helping you all have the best time on PokéHeroes possible.
You might've seen me around the “PokéHeroes - General” part of the forum, but you can contact me about pretty much everything. My PalPad and PM-inbox are always open for your questions and your troubles 🐱‍👤
Je kan me ook een berichtje in het Nederlands sturen met vragen of problemen ^^
Tu peux m'aussi envoyer un message en français avec tes questions ou tes problèmes ^^

Do take a look around the Help and Bug/Complaints as well. You never know, someone might've posted an answer in advance

credits for avatar to ~Cookie~
credits for the Eggs go to Kuroo
credits for 'Owner of the Game Center' to Koushi

Owner of the Game Center

A Deep Craving Within Me

Necrozma Renting Service

Tracking List :
TheRockers - All Vinyls - 124 Old Vinyls remaining
Starting Point -

Shiny Articuno

76% - 171,414 out of 225,000 Ice Gems collected

99% - 224,127 out of 225,000 Flying Gems collected

[2 Eggs in Storage]

Shiny Aerodactyl [+ Shiny Mega] => 40/????

Lovely Larvesta ♥ Silly Seel ♥ Lithe Liepard

[Garden Stuff]
Show hidden content
Medium Garden :
48 Pumkin
24 Drash
12 Eggant

Slow Garden :
55 Pumkin
27 Drash
14 Eggant

Galaxy Beach -
