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Trainerlevel: 105

Trainerpoints: 29,395/33,179


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Larvitar10 / 10
Larvitar10 / 10
Larvitar10 / 10

What's this silly game?

Not all Pokémon are made for Hangman. . .

But Cat is!
credits for image to Mozzie


Daily Goal Tracker!
[700 DP and 600 GGC]

95,534 of 87,700 and 504,640 of 30,800 on 04/01/2025 (19/01)
95,534 of 88,800 and 504,640 of 31,400 on 05/01/2025 (20/01)
95,534 of 89,900 and 504,640 of 32,000 on 06/01/2025 (21/01)
95,534 of 91,000 and 504,640 of 32,600 on 07/01/2025 (22/01)
95,534 of 92,100 and 504,640 of 33,200 on 08/01/2025 (23/01)
95,534 of 93,200 and 504,640 of 27,800 on 09/01/2025 (24/01)
95,534 of 104,300 and 504,640 of 28,400 on 10/01/2025 (25/01)
95,534 of 105,400 and 504,640 of 29,000 on 11/01/2025 (26/01)
95,534 of 106,500 and 504,640 of 29,600 on 12/01/2025 (27/01)
95,534 of 107,600 and 504,640 of 30,200 on 13/01/2025 (28/01)
[bag=Dream Points] of 400,000 on Halloween [31/10/2025] Marshadow redemption
[bag=GGC] of 200,000 on Christmas [25/12/2024]. . . I should really get to spinning (':

Why cannot I Philip?

Shiny Game Corner
Prices [in Ice Gems] -
Shiny Raikou: 467-500 Gems
Shiny Suicune: 533-567 Gems
Shiny Entei: 600-633 Gems
Shiny Manaphy: 633-667 Gems

Non-shinies can also be ordered -
Raikou: 20-33 Gems
Suicune: 40-53 Gems
Entei: 60-80 Gems
Manaphy: 67-100 Gems

Keep in mind -
1. Please be patient; I'll get you your pokémon as quickly as real life permits
2. Mixed offers are allowed, as long as they contain a decent amount of Ice Gems [Pure nugget offers don't require Ice Gems]

Interested? PalPad or PM me!

Current Hunt -
ponson: Shiny Manaphy
45% - 22,561,656/50,000,000

Shiny Hunt

CatLady is currently hunting Larvitar.
Hunt started: 21/03/2025

Chain: 271
5 13 0


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
CatLady 1 Day ago
ShyShine 2 Days ago
Sainagurl 9 Days ago
CatLady 13 Days ago

Last Visitors

scorpion130Today, 07:01
ChosenStarToday, 03:05
mccywyYesterday, 21:27
Renanzim2199Yesterday, 19:15
angel26569Yesterday, 17:41


Last Action
Reading the news (49 Minutes ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #357177868
Registration: 01/07/2013 (11 Years ago)
Premium member until 27/Jul/2027
Time Played: 10684:44 Hours
Total interactions: 26,264,907
Money: 3,877,148
Starter Pokémon: Serperior


The longer I wait to spin the Slots, the more GGC I collect, the less I want to spin the slots.

So I wait even longer x'D
1 Day ago
Yesterday and today were so busy, I'm already behind with my Fair Tickets (':

Guess I know what to do over the weekend 🤪
2 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Larvitar hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #92)!

. . . First shiny, this hunt is going to hurt (':
4 Days ago
Daily Fun Fair Goal - 700 Tickets
[technically, it's 667, but it's easier to multiply a round number x'D]
4 Days ago
Alright, I'm just gonna stop delaying and start my (second) shiny mega Tyranitar hunt

I might regret this, but school has been so busy that I couldn't even do a 'slow' hunt, so I'm gonna take advantage of the fact that report cards and discussions are done for now.

Getting ready to adopt and hatch those Eggs!
6 Days ago
Shiny Farmer is nearby!
6 Days ago
Show of hands, who's surprised Zeraora didn't hatch shiny?
I'm not x'D
12 Days ago
16% shiny chance.
I'm doubtful x'D
13 Days ago
Welp, kinda glad the shiny was at 160 Orthworm, because I've been too busy over the last few days to actually push to 200 (':

Steel Gems are interesting, but at least I'm not despairing over not getting them x'D
16 Days ago
Probably not gonna interact that much more for Zeraora. I need to recover from the week of "vacation" I just had.
[got a bunch of stuff done in the house]

And Monday I start teaching again, which also cuts into my interaction time, never mind my available energy for hobbies (':
19 Days ago
"Next personal reward at 160 returns: Shiny Ting-Lu egg"

Let's see if I can gift myself a shiny Ruinous Legend for my birthday x'D
21 Days ago
Just got rid of my Zeraora pyramid (had 9 waiting).

I debated on just waiting for the final day to see the final haul, but as you can't see how many exactly are waiting, I figured I should claim the Plushies to better keep track of them.

Wouldn't want to accidentally get a plushie for the final one, after all (':
23 Days ago
Hooray! A Tall Grass event during vacation! I might actually get the shinies this time ('x

Though I would've liked the requirement to be a little lower, because the EHP is higher.

[aka - you need more interactions/powerorbs to hatch them, compared to Tadbulb]
24 Days ago
Just got back from watching "The Phantom of the Opera" musical.
I absolutely loved it!
1 Month ago
Gonna get my ankles blasted tomorrow [xrays & echo] to hopefully figure out why they've been hurting this whole time (':

It started in the wrists, but the doctor said just the wrists wasn't bad enough for further tests.
[apparently, it's very hard to overexert your ankles, as opposed to your wrists?]

Mainly hoping they find something so there's a clue to work off of.
1 Month ago
Remind me please -
Does Raylong count for the Discount?

(aka can I hunt Raylong for the 'slow, no rush' hunt AND the 'work on discount' hunt?)
1 Month ago
On the one hand, I wanna start a normal (non-mega) hunt, because there's no race against the cuff, but still decent pace

On the other hand, I wanna start a legendary hunt, because I don't need to be supervigilant about checking my party every 2-3 hours

On the third hand, a shiny mega hunt would be a huge help for the Gem Collector discount (':
1 Month ago
Managed to do some Paldea Research inbetween everything else.
#15 was finally shiny (':
1 Month ago
My students went out, so I got to go home 2 hours earlier. (Midday).

I once again slept away the extra free time 🥲
2 Months ago
All the Igglybuff Eggs have been replaced by "Rare" Eggs.
I'm ready to never see that Hatch-task again x'D
2 Months ago

My amber subdomain dwelling

Lurker of Forum
Solver of Hangman

Hi 😸
I'm CatLady, 34 years and living life in Belgium. I've been Moderator since the 25th of November 2015 helping you all have the best time on PokéHeroes possible.
You might've seen me around the “PokéHeroes - General” part of the forum, but you can contact me about pretty much everything. My PalPad and PM-inbox are always open for your questions and your troubles 🐱‍👤
Je kan me ook een berichtje in het Nederlands sturen met vragen of problemen ^^
Tu peux m'aussi envoyer un message en français avec tes questions ou tes problèmes ^^

Do take a look around the Help and Bug/Complaints as well. You never know, someone might've posted an answer in advance

credits for avatar to ~Cookie~
credits for the Eggs go to Kuroo
credits for 'Owner of the Game Center' to Koushi

Owner of the Game Center

A Deep Craving Within Me

Old Vinyls for sale - 58

Shiny ???

38% - 67,461 out of 175,000 Ice Gems collected

73% - 129,335 out of 175,000 Flying Gems collected

Shiny Aerodactyl [+ Shiny Mega] => 41/????

Lovely Larvesta ♥ Silly Seel ♥ Lithe Liepard

[Garden Stuff]
Show hidden content
Medium Garden :
48 Pumkin
24 Drash
12 Eggant

Slow Garden :
55 Pumkin
27 Drash
14 Eggant

Galaxy Beach -
