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Trainerlevel: 66

Trainerpoints: 7,542/13,133


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Finneon215 / 37
Phione10 / 10
Wingull579 / 91
Drilbur16 / 8
Scatterbug460 / 61
Woobat10246 / 331


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Zarbes 11 Hours ago
Sharely 11 Hours ago
Darenia 11 Hours ago
Kazyaquin 11 Hours ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


LALVOE hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #16943629
Registration: 20/05/2022 (2 Years ago)
Time Played: 2245:52 Hours
Total interactions: 2,258,094
Money: 14,993,963
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


Glad it’ll be x2 tomorrow because my eggs have been taking so long to hatch and I need to hatch at least forty and I got a couple with high EHP.
Yesterday, 19:44
Looks like we’ll probably have a x2 day tomorrow.
Yesterday, 04:02
I’ve been so stressed out that my right eye has been twitching for several days, and I can’t stand it. Really hope it’ll stop soon. Google says that “Resting, reducing stress, and decreasing caffeine may help resolve eye twitching within a few days or weeks.” But I already wasn’t consuming any caffeine, and I can’t imagine how I’m supposed to reduce stress.
2 Days ago
I’m so upset about the fact that I can’t get Instagram to stop showing me close-up pictures of spiders.
2 Days ago
The forecast shows this coming Monday having a high of 73 and a low of 46 and the next one having a high of 43 and a low of 27 (degrees Fahrenheit). That’s how chaotic the weather is where I live.
4 Days ago
Sometimes it pains me to release Pokémon even when they’ve just hatched, even though it’s obviously the best thing to do for my box space and I can recover them later if I really want to. Nothing from the Rookidee line is even among my favorite Pokémon, but the whole line along with the Shinx line is in this weird kind of adjacent space, and the little Rookidee sprite looks really cute when I have to release it from the storage boxes screen. I don’t think I’ll ever sort out my feelings about those two lines.
7 Days ago
It’s extremely difficult trying to talk to my mother about anything serious. She always flips out the moment anything that makes her even a little bit uncomfortable is discussed, then screams at me to “shut up” and gives me the silent treatment until hours have passed without me trying to get any information about anything from her. It makes it so, so difficult to get information about things I need to know but was too young to remember when they happened.
7 Days ago
Unpopular opinion: Lance is not a Dragon-type specialist—he’s a Flying-type specialist.

Also, Agatha is a Poison-type specialist, not a Ghost-type specialist. All of her Pokémon were Poison-types, but Golbat and Arbok aren’t Ghost-types. Just like all of Champion Lance’s Pokémon were Flying-types, but Lance never had a full team of Dragon-types.
11 Days ago
One by one I’m seeing all of my apps become unable to update because my iOS is too old.
14 Days ago
Just for fun, my earliest OS Pokémon:

1st OS Celestial Mew
2nd OS Kingambit
3rd OS Aquageist (Leah)
4th OS Aquageist (Luvdisc)
7th OS Gimmighoul
8th OS Enamorus (Therian Forme)

9th OS Iron Bundle
14th OS Iron Treads
16th OS Scream Tail
17th OS Suicune (Retro)
17th OS Dralucha
18th OS Dralucha
16 Days ago
Glad to be able to add two new plushies to my collection today. Crazy to think there are still 56 I’m missing.
24 Days ago
It’s really sad how snow melts and the vast majority of people only have a limited number of opportunities to see it in-person in their life. After this snow melts, I think I won’t get to touch it again until a whole year has passed.
25 Days ago
The snow actually makes it so that I can see well outside in the middle of the night without any light. There aren’t any stars or the moon in the sky, but I can see everything outside when I turn off the lights in the house.
27 Days ago
I still don’t know what to do with myself.
27 Days ago
Woah! Just got a Spectrier egg from the lab!
29 Days ago
Finally reached Trainerlevel 66!
1 Month ago
Well, I just found out that the R-slur is apparently allowed on Instagram, and the report function is still broken. You can’t report people for bullying others and calling them mentally deficient just because of their accent/where they’re from. Isn’t that messed up?
1 Month ago
I hate everything about being alive and humans and the world.
1 Month ago
I think I’ve had the worst possible start of a new year.
1 Month ago


Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (4 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

SharelyToday, 01:12
DareniaToday, 01:07
KazyaquinToday, 01:05
gnarlyybrownToday, 00:59
quilavantToday, 00:59