[Necrozma quest spoiler]
ok but the dark beach looks stunning

Happy pride month! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ♥️♥️♥️

I can interact so quickly on my new laptop, this was a better
investment than expected haha

I completely forgot to claim my anniversary gift which was 150 days
ago ;-;

Just remembered an old user, went to check their last time logged
4 years. Oh how time passes

My favourite pokemon finally gets an event form? 2023 looking good

Happy pride month everyone! ♡ 🏳️🌈 ♡

Marill retro just hatched and my first thought was "Pikablu!!" 😂

When you do the task for the advent calendar but you forget to
claim it ;-;

I just noticed the new Dewott plushie and just AAAAAA-

Happy pride month!! ♡ ♡ミ\(^ ω ^)/ミ♡ ♡

"Lag? It builds ✨𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬✨" lol

I don't understand why people dislike lurkers. Please explain

Do you ever see a concept design for a character and go 'I'm glad
that that didn't happen'?

Meanwhile, in the 19th century, "The first year was really hard, we
didn't even have a maid."

Imagine getting banned because of an offensive password. That'd be