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Create your own account

Before being able to adopt cute, strong, cool and epic Pokémon, you have to fill out this small registration form!
Fill it out wisely - it's your first step as a new Pokémon Trainer!

The Registration Form

Your Information
Repeat Password:
E-Mail Address:
Repeat E-Mail Address:
Your Birthday*:
*Your birthdate is not shown publicly. It is only needed for in-game events.
Gender: Male Female None
Your Starter-Pokémon
What is your favorite element?
Describe yourself!
Cool Cute Calm
Nasty Jolly Different
Don't like surprises? Check out our Wiki Article about Starter Pokémon.
Policy Agreement
I have read the Rules and accept them. I will play fair and interact with other users in a friendly and respectful manner.
I know that I'm only allowed to have one account - creating multiple accounts is forbidden!