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Trainerlevel: 136

Trainerpoints: 5,771/55,623


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Nuzleaf924,931 / 28,128
Crustle8818,598 / 23,497
Sharpedo779,639 / 22,524
Beedrill9215,191 / 25,669
Galvantula9014,022 / 24,571
Watchog9123,817 / 25,117

About Me

Please don't message me asking to buy my stuff. If I'm selling it, it will be in the GTS or auction house. And please don't message me with just a "Hi." I usually ignore those ;)

I collect Shinx Plushies :D


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Catlexx 1 Year ago
Dawnified 1 Year ago
Aditya-Kumar-Verma 1 Year ago
Aditya-Kumar-Verma 1 Year ago

Shiny Hunt

Ghibli is currently hunting Carvanha.
Hunt started: 05/06/2023

Chain: 1
0 0 0

Random Stats

Highest Royal Tunnel level reached: 304
Most PD earned on a 5 minute rumble mission: 1,639
Most PD earned on a 30 minute rumble mission: 4,681
Most PD earned on a 2 hour rumble mission: 5,115
Most PD earned on a 12 hour rumble mission: 7,818
Most Nuggets earned at the golden slots: 38

First random lab ditto hatched on May 17th, 2016
First random lab shiny hatched September 23rd, 2016
Earned first place in the beauty contest on September 24th, 2016

First random lab Articuno received on October 22nd, 2017
First Bug Contest shiny hatched February 7th, 2017
First retro shiny hatched June 1st, 2017
First Shiny Mega hatched December 14th, 2019 on chain 104
Second Shiny Mega hatched December 15th, 2019 on chain 147

First SHINY Ho-oh hatched July 26th, 2018
First 1st OS Zorua (Hisuian) hatched July 1st, 2022

Shiny retro squirtle hatched on chain 7

My Goals

Buy 100 egg storage boxes: 59/100

Uxie Hatched: 29/50

Azelf Hatched: 28/50

Mesprit Hatched: 27/50

Cobalion Hatched: 0/50

Terrakion Hatched: 4/50

Virizion Hatched: 0/50


Last Action
Reading a forum thread (1 Year ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #681905734
Registration: 16/04/2016 (8 Years ago)
Premium member until 01/Aug/2025
Time Played: 5758:36 Hours
Total interactions: 27,071,058
Money: 1,936,636
Starter Pokémon: Feraligatr


Okay, now I'm annoyed. I found all 20 eggs last night. It was reset over night, and now I can only find 17! How is that fair!? If I don't end up finding my missing 3 I very well might quit the game. I am so sick of glitches negatively impacting the gameplay of people who aren't exploiting them. This game is supposed to be fun. If it becomes more stressful than fun I don't see the point of playing 😡
1 Year ago
Okay, so if it takes 150 cards to reach a 100% shiny chance, and each card costs 50 sweet hearts, that means we need 7500 sweet hearts to reach 100% shiny chance. So 7500 sweet hearts in 12 days equals 625 sweet hearts a day, if my math is correct. Do we know if feeding berries give more sweet hearts than regular interactions?
2 Years ago
So my biopsies just came back. I have endometrial cancer. I am in shock.
2 Years ago
So I went to vote this morning, but I guess that was too much exertion, and now I have a fever and feel super weak. Recovering from surgery stinks 😣
2 Years ago
So update, I just got home from the hospital after having emergency surgery. I had to have two units of blood transfused because my hemoglobin was so low the doctors said I literally could have died. They did an ultrasound and found an orange-sized fibroid tumor in my uterus, which was causing the extreme bleeding. Had the surgery to remove it right away and I am feeling so much better already ❤️
2 Years ago
So my PCOS has been giving me such horrendously heavy periods I have become so anemic that I am out of breath from literally just walking back and forth from the bathroom. If that isn't bad enough, my heart was racing so fast that I had a panic attack from the fear, and ended up violently throwing up. Long story short, I almost called an ambulance because I thought I might actually die. So any positive thoughts you guys send my way will be much appreciated 😞
2 Years ago
I'm free!!!

By PokéRadar - 6 Hours and 24 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Solar Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #191)!
2 Years ago
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme had their first vaccinations last evening and now today little Sage's eye is all swelled up from an allergic reaction. Trying to give a Benadryl pill to a three pound puppy is not easy!
2 Years ago
I've been saving solar eevee eggs to hatch the next time I get a shiny boost at the fountain, but I haven't had any eggs in days 😔
2 Years ago
I'm scared of boomers 😨
2 Years ago
I know that typically the Halloween event wouldn't start for at least another week, but I really hope it starts soon instead 😭
2 Years ago
Anyone else working as hard as they can to grow berries in case interacting with berries gives a boost to collecting Halloween candies this year? 😍
2 Years ago
Yay! Finally got my shiny shaymin! I was getting a little worried 😝
2 Years ago
So we have some new foster pups! A momma and her four newborns. Mom is a dachshund chihuahua mix, and the babies are little white blobs with some brown spots 😂. Three boys and a girl, so I named them Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme 🥰❤️😍🐶
2 Years ago
So the one retro I bought with my tickets leftover from Newton jr eggs was shiny! Go figure 🤣
2 Years ago
So the retro pokes at the fun fair say they have a 5% shiny chance, but the mega-able egg does not. Does that mean it doesn't have an above-normal shiny chance, or it has some sort of hidden chance?
2 Years ago
I am so sick of this hunt 😫. I don't want to give up, because then it feels like all the time I spent on it was wasted. But I'm also getting really depressed averaging one event egg a day. What do you guys think? Should I give it another week and then put myself out of my misery? 😭
2 Years ago
Yes!!! My 12th pichu (ukulele) hatched shiny!! Roughly 27% chance of it, so definitely lucky 🥰
2 Years ago
You have reached the maximum amount of interactions today!
Don't forget to take a healthy break every once in a while!

First time I've reached the end 😄
2 Years ago
Starting to get sick of this hunt. Is one more shiny too much to ask for? 😣
2 Years ago


2023 Goals

Reach Trainer level 140: (135/140)
Save up 100k Dream Points:
Have 800 unique shinies:


Shiny Dex Completions

Kanto Dex: 126/151 = 83%

Johto Dex: 58/127 = 45%

Hoenn Dex: 88/155 = 56%

Sinnoh Dex: 60/138 = 43%

Unova Dex: 76/175 = 43%

Kalos Dex: 51/117 = 43%

Alola Dex: 63/140 = 45%

Galar Dex: 50/125 = 40%

Hisui Dex: 1/25 = 4%

Emera Dex: 52/291= 17%

Mega Dex: 6/86 = 6%

Giga Dex: 11/32 = 34%

Retro Dex: 15/40= 37%

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Last Visitors

HimariTue, 11/Mar/2025, 00:13
SpiderrsMon, 10/Mar/2025, 21:12
loketokeWed, 05/Mar/2025, 23:28
KazyaquinMon, 03/Mar/2025, 14:13
VapourWed, 26/Feb/2025, 21:33