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Level: 15592
EXP: 58,023,337 /874,786,128

Health Points 322
Attack 222
Defense 259
Sp. Attack 201
Sp. Defense 228
Speed 186
Pokédex No. #8
Rarity Starter
Nature Impish
Trainer Zellane
Origin. Trainer Zellane
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 8 Years and 9 Months ago
As a present from Prof. Rowan
Family Tree
Hatched 8 Years and 9 Months ago


Mikey wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (110)

LALVOE, DaughterofAnubis, monsteraw_13, Ashe012, Mihir_5124, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, Thaaya, Maguro, danilo20, Zellane, Orca~, ant21, Fionna, Shoopeu, Hay-Shaymin, magma_ok, Calbest, Lemeyx, RobbMoth, Tigerli1y, Neva, ~Bunny_Lord~, Braixie, DGWHenrietta, H5z3r, LoTEr117, WolfGoddess18, Csoxi, absoul_74, haunter159, Calcarius, Masserozzo, szente1996, -Alakazam-, Gold117, Jonathanr951, soosmuel, Asterdel, phuc01, Himari, FlufferBuffer, Cerdessius, LukeL6213, Castiello11, MeipandaQueen, Hunterz~Wolf, iceyrose, WisteriaAria, Purrloin, HimitSuS, aarka, Libbey, sajib231092, Shiny, Tuna, Maato11, HeavenlyHacker, BarnacleBoy, ~-MysticM-~, Verenka, TheClicky5, HlyFghtr, Morgan-Anderton, Grietine, atharv1000, mgmg, azriel071222, Whimsicott, -XYZ-, Simi, RoadkillSkill, BeepBeepBirthdayMareep, NaxRelu, Absbor, Imurdad, ShinxThunderFangCrunch, LeoRia, hoopafreak54, Hagaru, NitaKalaga, Blazie, Rinne, CaptainParisStarr, michail, boring, Darenia, NelvixAzone, Rori, Nadgobus, -Morningstar, Purgatory, Diplodocus, Randolph4811, NapTime, LuckyLady, Blossomia, Crystabal, satkout, KaizenShuu03, Yanpro, Asthelegend, TomatoSoup, HyperBeam, ShiroTempest, vintageghost, Homework_sis, ShinyGengar, meggylu5 and 1 guest.