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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 333
EXP: 306,081 /333,667

Health Points 259
Attack 179
Defense 163
Sp. Attack 167
Sp. Defense 168
Speed 158
Pokédex No. #132
Rarity Ditto
Nature Hardy
Trainer GoldPeasant
Origin. Trainer Nika~
Obtained 7 Months and 17 Days ago
Received from the Gem Collector
Family Tree
Hatched 7 Months and 17 Days ago


THE ONE wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (132)

Riodise, ateane, Zorrakas, Anni146, ~Sun~, GlassWishes, WalkingOnSunshine, systemraboot, Thaaya, audreyy, Chilenka, vampyrr, Uyrkaze, WonderWeb, SaraPaulsgirl, Bretty, ~Yanma~, tamla, sieskitty, Grei, Keatah, unknown_kumi, Sleepy2287, Tigerli1y, Tombery, thatswampertguy, DGWHenrietta, Mycorrhiza, Csoxi, Enforcer, theinsaneone, Awsomeplayer34, natjacker, Rosette, Masserozzo, Aisaka, szente1996, taxable, _java, BloatedBulbasaur, VarsityRisneX, Himari, FlufferBuffer, quilavant, ARzyn, Castiello11, Leaf~, loketoke, GoldPeasant, WisteriaAria, SkyBluue, Ravenswing, Halaflora, enderknux, Yuji_Himtadori, amaikoneko, Sorasdra2simp, Rowletlove12, Pixer, berrypass, Briethecrestie, VeniceGuy, Randomness1221, DINOSAURUS_LANE, Wolfette, Maato11, Ravenheart, BarnacleBoy, MarowakTrainer, Gameboy1714, Psique, Kaede, drackie, kamomile, Grietine, angieco, Visitor, -XYZ-, Raspay, LilithClawthorne, Lione2004, Baelianee, Rice, Boots, Finhawk, NaxRelu, pokegreen64, Absbor, haisyhdaisyh, Meow_Arche, Rapmon, Farmer_Pikachu, rururis, momobami, Beatrix, Alphamon_Ouryuken, DuskThunder, Etielon, Hades215, Pskiiii_OTW7, juicyjae19, Qiaokeli, Dogga, Nadgobus, -Morningstar, IgneusAnima, PlumeLagoon, King_Lucario, Purgatory, Night7896, Jacharias, Yoshynepnep, Espevahr, lotad, Blossomia, Gizmomonkey, TedizStalker, RedFarlon64, catlove64, Skellart, GodGamer69, HyperBeam, Moon_Starlight, Galvadyne, -Max, Muse, Takuto, Politoed, GlitchMode, GOTO, Cyain, Arrow000.