The way I suck at diglett game is making me go bald but my skill at
wingull game is causing feathers to grow in place.

I just clicked on the first duck that appeared and got 25 points

Me before egg storage: I don't need egg storage.
Me with egg storage: hey did you guys know it's incredibly easy to
hack your 3DS?

You obtained a new badge (Rowan's Best Friend)!
Thanks for your help, buddy!
and time for me to touch some grass i reckon

so i have rowan's dragonite at level 139, oak's is at 195, i
currently have 59 rare candies but could potentially trade leah for
more or even buy from item market... there is a possibility that i
may be cooked but i'm still going to try for it. tomorrow is speed
click day so might be able to close the gap there. all this to say,
please interact :)

Congratulations! A shiny Combee hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #38)!
Very happy with this. Probably will keep the chain going until
premium ends unless I see something cool in the lab.

Does premium get you better honey tree spawns or something? In the
last few days I've encountered 2x Slowyore (never seen it before) +
a shiny Larvesta.

Thank you to whoever sent Dhelmise in wonder trade, I wasn't sure
how I would go about getting one otherwise. Hope you had a nice

Next year I would like to invent a special glue that allows me to
walk up and down anything

Do shadow pokemon evolve? Asking for a friend (my stock of

I think getting a DNA Splicer in the first christmas gift I
received gave me unrealistic expectations of what they'd all be

I like being given stuff, just saying B)

what if you wanted to catch 5 pokemon at the beach, but castform
weather said

LMAO I just realised the Froakie I put on auction is female, that's
why people are offering so much for it! Have fun with that I
suppose. I have another from the beach so I'm not missing out here.

Bombirdier was just born holding a flying gem is this normal?

But truthfully my biggest fear, for the sake of the event, is "No

We don't talk about it often, but draculas would be lowkey
terrifying if they were real.

This website has been really bad for my productivity so I got the
leechblock extension to redirect me to about:blank outside certain
hours of the day.