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Trainerlevel: 46

Trainerpoints: 5,469/6,393


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Vulpix10 / 8
Vulpix10 / 8
Bretty jr.
(Zenith Marshadow)
9682,624,819 / 3,517,471
Mega Vincent
(Mega Banette)
1,7634,133,630 / 7,463,838
Vulpix10 / 8

Moltres Hunt + Hunt's 2025

I have 1,894 of 2,500 Fire Gems!
I am 75% complete!

I have 1,576 of 2,500 Flying Gems!
I am 63% complete!

Month Premium (March)
I have 220 of 800 Nuggets! So I'm 27% complete!

2025 Shiny Hunts
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..Not Complete.....Not Complete......Not Complete.......Complete.....

Dex Entries I wanna finish
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Emera Dex: 261/362 ----- Unova Dex: 164/175
Retro Dex: 44/46 ----- Sinnoh Dex: 108/138

Extra Info
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...Golden Luck........Shiny Luck......Bubbly Luck

I mainly use Pal Pal but my Dm's are open.

Don't ask for my pokemon UNLESS YOUR BARROWING then I'll be alright with it.

Some of my favorite pokemon are below along with my best pokemon but here are my top 4ranked in order. (MARSHADOW IS MY #5!!!)

My Shiny OT's 1

My Shiny OT's 2

My Shiny OT's 3

All Victini's I Own

Game Records

Trainer ID: #194440734
Registration: 17/01/2023 (2 Years ago)
Time Played: 1400:29 Hours
Total interactions: 622,225
Money: 41,463
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Today at work this lady came and acted like a Karen. I know 1 good Karen and that's the one I work with. She's actually nice. But this lady must've drank something cause she was speaking Spanish fast. Basically being rasist to my friend at work on his 8'th day. Was insane. Besides from that a great day and super excited for tomorrow! Hru all doing? :3
Today, 02:26
Woah woah woah... Since when did rowlet become a head of lettuce? 😲
Yesterday, 03:20
Just realized fun fair was going on... Just threw out all my retro legendaries I got last year pretty sure bought them at auction house but 1 might be an of. Thinking moltres
Yesterday, 03:05
Btw never watch anime in school unless ur someone like me who wants to. If you are NEVER pause it cause I did 4 times yesterday watching tbhk season 2 and my friends kept giving me weird looks....
Yesterday, 02:26
I need some advice... Give me like 3 minutes to put it in comments. Need other peoples opinions tbh...
Yesterday, 02:11
You push the gold key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

8x Dragon Gem found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
8 Days ago
Ok got addicted to game again we good. Read some drama blog, read some feeds in news o. The site, blah blah blah I found another hanako fan but I was blocked and they are new so couldn't DM but that's fine. (I get excited when I share this topic with people) but yeah I'm going to be more active. Last feed for now cause I actually need to stop cause I don't wanna be blowing up the notification wall and all my friends feeds o-0
9 Days ago
9 Days ago
Hello everyone, sorry for dying on ya, between a teacher targeting and crashing out on me. My grades somewhat ok with this teacher, a girl, and my job I actually had a chance to really take a break from here and actually touch so.e grass. How have you all been? Did anyone see Elon Musk helped bring home the dragon with flight 9 after being stick in space? It was awesome! The dolfins in Miami I swear have an IQ of 1000 they are so smart. If y'all have the chance to see it you should 100% watch! But yeah! Glad to be back.
9 Days ago
25 Days ago
Well my IT teacher sucks. we took a huge test to make a server and he got mad and didnt help us when we asked for help. everyone failed. I'm not even joking either. Everyone acually gave up and failed. 16/16 it's so bad. He's so bad and the highest grade right now the 4/16 including me is a 50 after that it's lower. I'm so sad and want to go home. 3students got sent to he office and he told 2 others they can go to the school 2 minutes down the road if they dont like it here. Wild! Thoughts on what to do? The parents are gonna blow up his emails...
27 Days ago
By News - 1 Hour and 4 Minutes ago.
Riako recently published a news post on the Index-Page! Be the first one to discover our newest updates:

[News #330]
1 Month ago
... so... 4 till morning?
1 Month ago
By Item Shop - 8 Hours and 13 Minutes ago.
Alert: Your Premium Account expires in three days!
Go to the Item Shop in order to extend your premium membership.

→ Extend Premium Membership

1 Month ago
GIVEAWAY (by$$ti83):
I have been very busy lately, so I am giving away all my items including PD, that would be 500k PD+many high valued Pokémon. I will still visit once in a while, maybe doing shiny hunt.
1 lucky winner will win it all!!

1. repost the entire message
2. have at least 20 hours of playtime
3. heart this post

EDIT:: Because so many people joined, if you add to the prize pot, it will increase your chances by x1.01 to x1.25 depending on value. (You can gift or send priv trade w/comment)


1 Month ago
I finally got a dragon type egg from the lab after like a whole 6 months
1 Month ago
Moltres Hunt (so far)

I have 1,811 of 2,500 Fire Gems!
I am 72% complete!

I have 1,538 of 2,500 Flying Gems!
I am 61% complete!
1 Month ago
Just decided to start a new hunt, alread have 100/800 nuggets for a renewed 1 month premium. Interaction Exchange Please? <3 for return! (clearing out egg storage to lol)
1 Month ago
By Libbey - 10 Hours and 14 Minutes ago.
Since a new event appeared in Dream World Shop and I’m missing Shiny Cottonblu Plushie… I’m doing a giveaway, I guess.


Reward: plushie/s worth of:
1st: 600 PD

1. Heart the feed.
2. Share the feed.
3. Comment what plushie/s would you like to get if you win.

Bonus, if the giveaway have:
1-5 participants: everyone gets 3k of Pecha Berry (i have a lot to spare)
6-16 participants: everyone get a Psyduck Plushie
17+ participants: round 2?!

1 Month ago
Oh lord, it's hailing!
Normally I visit the Emera Mall every Saturday to get some food and necessary items from the stores. But this horrible weather makes it currently impossible to go out!
I hope it will be sunny again soon. Take care of yourself when you go outside.
1 Month ago

Shiny Hunt

Bretty is currently hunting Vulpix.
Hunt started: 25/02/2025

Chain: 23



View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
EpicFailure 1 Day ago
Calamity_Sass 1 Day ago
Libbey 20 Days ago
Libbey 20 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Bretty hasn't collected any medals so far.

Last Visitors

SkellartToday, 03:11
OliverTheOtterYesterday, 10:41
Abufirestar01Yesterday, 10:28
Raikage~Yesterday, 08:41
SourAppleYesterday, 05:41


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (7 Hours ago)