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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 29

Trainerpoints: 2,361/2,551


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
486685,451 / 837,561

Shiny hunting

Currently hunting

Future plans



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Newest gifts
charknightz 10 Months ago
aspirationfailure 10 Months ago
SensGirl25 1 Year ago
GooBear 1 Year ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (10 Months ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #733636401
Registration: 11/09/2019 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 156:04 Hours
Total interactions: 368,598
Money: 249,310
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


"Hey, Baelianee!
How is my Bellsprout doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 104, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Bellsprout is on Level 97, so you're currently in the lead"

We are so close tysm to everyone who interacted! <3
1 Year ago
What would be a reasonable price to sell an eevee at?
I have a few boxes full of eevee's and i have no clue what to do with, them i already have all the eeveelutions aswell

Also if your interested contact me! x
1 Year ago
Hello please interact w my bellsprout! tysm if you do! xx
1 Year ago
ayy its may
so how is everyone
3 Years ago
remember when i spent 77k on a spheal for a christmas event
3 Years ago
Happy birthday to me!
3 Years ago
Hello i just got a new laptop well my moms but this ones better the keys are russian letters and english but its alright getting used to it and adding some stuff back
3 Years ago
anybody know how to get cramorant eating pikachu ?
i want its just funny
3 Years ago
okay 2020 is over now im giving it 2nd place for the worst ever year first place is ofc 2019
3 Years ago
im gonna do some interacting tomorow currently i did gifting and bidding and its getting late and i just am gonna play on my laptop then move on to my phone my goal for bidding is to have atleast 80k left
3 Years ago
i think im kinda sick i've been sneezing ever since i came home i can't seem to stop l o l
3 Years ago
why does pikachu belle remind me of celestia ludenberg from dangaropa
3 Years ago
Gifting people currently and giving plushies
anybody want some plushies and gifts?
also giving them to some of my friends on here automaticly
3 Years ago
i just feel sad rn cause i was going through my christmas gifts reading them and i saw one from last year from somone (not anonymous) and i looked thinking it was from this year and it made me happy but i just saw it was from no one
3 Years ago
Hi im back school ended for holidays anyways im feeling tired gonna go check up on some people! :D
3 Years ago
anybody wanna play among us? pm me and i'll give you the code !
3 Years ago
iM BacK
3 Years ago
Today is a horrible day my classmate had a surgery and she is no longer with us :)
3 Years ago
uh im alive i guess i see alot of people spying on me , What'd i miss ?
3 Years ago
looking for 2 fennekins for breeding (1male and 1Female ofc)
Pm me if you do im looking to shiny hunt a fennekin in the future
4 Years ago

Last Visitors

Dark_FireWed, 10/Jan/2024, 12:54
aspirationfailureSun, 10/Sep/2023, 20:24
truCrystalBorfSun, 10/Sep/2023, 19:27
CelestiaCatSun, 20/Aug/2023, 00:21
WhirligigSun, 16/Jul/2023, 15:24


Hello and welcome to my profile i am blossom!
Please refer to me as she/her
im trying my best to be more active lately
And hey interested in anything just pm me i will respond
lets be friends!

may we meet once again soon


best electro ever best electro ever best electro ever
best electro ever best electro ever best electro ever
best electro ever best electro ever best electro ever
best electro ever best electro ever best electro ever
best electro ever best electro ever best electro ever
best electro ever best electro ever best electro ever


Baelianee hasn't collected any medals so far.

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