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Trainerlevel: 32

Trainerpoints: 1,534/3,103


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Abra15163 / 500
Cobtrix1920 / 885


Melia / Mel - Adult - They/It

I joke about being Malware/A Computer Virus a lot.

I don't tend to be very talkative on sites like this, but feel free to message me anyways I'll reply I promise.

Hope you're having a great day reader!

<b>Please don't message me asking to trade Pokemon, if they are for trade I'll make it known or have them up on the GTS</b>


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Newest gifts
systemraboot 9 Hours ago
gnarlyybrown 14 Days ago
gnarlyybrown 14 Days ago
gnarlyybrown 14 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #100466506
Registration: 31/10/2024 (4 Months ago)
Premium member until 08/Apr/2025
Time Played: 131:55 Hours
Total interactions: 281,460
Money: 287,625
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Uggggh why did Rowan's lazy butt want DRY berry juice no one is selling Kebia berries and i am NOT gonna get to that level to grow them in time
1 Month ago
Wow when you lose the contest Rowan really is a jerk. Bro you're the lazy one who isn't doing the contest why are you back talking me 😭
2 Months ago
I was sick for a bit and Oak's Magikarp like tripled his level so I'm just gonna let the old cheat win i do not care there is literally no way for me to catch up unless i sink a bunch of rl money or give myself early onset carpal tunnel and that is naught of interest to me.
2 Months ago
actually kinda nervous since I've never made one of these before unsure how it really works

#NewBeginnings I'd love to start my comics I have planned! Maybe make some new friends as well...

Biggest hope is that my referral for my top surgery goes through! fingers crossed
3 Months ago


Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (9 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

Darkdragonbz80Mon, 24/Mar/2025, 16:40
123butterflyRoseSun, 23/Mar/2025, 07:10
gnarlyybrownFri, 14/Mar/2025, 04:13
berrykitWed, 05/Mar/2025, 07:15
sapsalmalWed, 05/Mar/2025, 06:56