Forum Thread
[A] Create Your Own Eilimitura PT.6 ♥
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A] Create Your Own Eilimitura PT.6 ♥
Username: ~razpberry
Entry #1:

Suggested Name: Cavatheir or Cavathero
Cavatheir = cavalier + aether (hemera's wife)
Cavathero = caballero (spanish word for knight) + aether
(male evolution of ploreta)
Cavatheir/cavathero are extremely loyal to their queen. They attack using the sharp blade on their arms and defend using their petal-like shield. During battle, they group in a formation and use this attack-and-defend technique in defeating their enemies.
Entry #2:
Entry #3:
Password: electric
Other: bbcode seems to not able to distinguish capital letters. or it's just me.
Shinies I Want: (in order of preference) shiny beedrill, pichu, and zorua.

Username: Rice 🍚
Entry: Pre-evo of Aerisyin
Password: Ghost, Steel and Dragon ^^
Other: Great contest as usual <3
Shinies I Want: Retro Togepi and 2 Makuhita

Username: froge
Entry: Evo for Napino!
Password: Bug 🐞
Other: dino dino dino dino dino
Shinies I Want:Trapinch, Zorua, Scyther

Username: Hunterz~Wolf
Entry: 3rd Evo for this
Password: Iceeeee

Teeny Info
Primary: Gultrinum
Secondary: Fiaga
" These playful creatures tend to spit random fireworks of fireballs and electric sparks. It is advisable to stay a distance away from them when they're happy, and at least an ocean away if something happens to dampen their mood, as they are known to throw furious tantrums "
Day or Night variation depends on what time they evolved into this stage
Females would have shorter horns than males. However, they have more fiery coats.
Random Trivia
They stay miles away from any form of water and would go crazy when it rains.
They surprisingly love citrus fruits
Some people say that if you plucked of their furwhy would you
though-, one strand of hair is enough to start a
Primary: Gultrinum
Secondary: Fiaga
" These playful creatures tend to spit random fireworks of fireballs and electric sparks. It is advisable to stay a distance away from them when they're happy, and at least an ocean away if something happens to dampen their mood, as they are known to throw furious tantrums "
Day or Night variation depends on what time they evolved into this stage
Females would have shorter horns than males. However, they have more fiery coats.
Random Trivia
They stay miles away from any form of water and would go crazy when it rains.
They surprisingly love citrus fruits
Some people say that if you plucked of their fur
Shinies I Want: Shiny Gible Line

Username: Hipsterpotamus
Entry: Pre-evo of Oscurid
Password: Water 🚿
Other: I always love these events 🥰
Shinies I Want: <--- torchic, combusken and blaziken

Username: kelbunny13
Password: Normal
Other: Pre-evo to Suriosm
Shinies I Want: Spritzee, Dunsparce, A. Ninetales

Username: Frozawolf101
Entry: Evolution of Unknown!
Password: Probably Grass, or Normal as they have my favorite Pokemon :>
Other: A very fun event!! Imma try and get out one more entry if possible, but probably not with work?
Shinies I Want: Floatzel, Cloyster, and Makuhita :)

Username: SuperDucky100
Entry: Pre-evo of Unknown
Password: Normal
Other: I hope I didn't mess up on bbcode or something-
Shinies I Want: <--- Retro Togepi, Golduck, Regice

Username: Amelyanna
Password: Grass
Other: Not sure if this came through as I envisioned it...
Shinies I Want: Squirtle line