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Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Tue, 07/01/2025 05:44 (23 Days ago) |
-Headshot or Full: Full!! -Reference image(s): Kuruna -Specifics (poses, expressions, etc): Artistic freedom, something that expresses happiness nwn -Password: Chocolate! -Payment: 200k PD! -Anything Else?: Nope nothing else nwn [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 11:02 (3 Months ago) |
Username: Nymphrasis Character: Kuruna Art type: Animated Pixel And Fullbody ( If I can only just have one, just fullbody pleassu nwn ) Payment: 650 ( Or 500 for just the full body, if both isn't allowed! ) Password: Nightglow Tanya Chua Additional notes?: Nope! But I do apologize if I made this form a bit of a mess, as I am unsure if others can order one at a time or multiple orders here qwq. So hope this is ok >w<". I am open to full artistic freedom btw! A background for the Fullbody would be lovely but will leave that as optional! [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 12:09 (3 Months ago) |
Also Also Thank you so much for the lovely art QWQ! She looks so incredibly adorable! [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 11:48 (4 Months ago) |
And no need to apologize nwn! I didnt mind waiting on the response!! [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2024 13:33 (4 Months ago) |
ID from: @Nymphrasis Password:Komori OC/sona preview: Kuruna Accesories?: Just have the collar kept on her! I would love the Konpeito added onto her fur like the ref but that one is optional really ( If it ends up being too much of a struggle Payment: 100 nuggets Tip?: Gems is what comes to mind for a tip nwn [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2024 04:17 (4 Months ago) |
character info: She is very friendly towards many, often times being rather silly and goofy! Her info, while still a wip, can be seen on main page ( The five emotes on there are clickable, leading to different sections! ) song: Silly Billy ( Lyrics ver. ) [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Wed, 18/09/2024 20:20 (4 Months ago) |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 04:11 (4 Months ago) |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sun, 15/09/2024 21:15 (4 Months ago) |
Character(s) to draw: Gijinka Kuruna Style choice: Fullbody! Background: Artistic freedom! Additional information (ex. pose, emotion): Artistic freedom ( SFW pleassu since she is a minor ;;w;;! ) Payment: 770 Nuggets Other: Thank you for recommending me your shop! You work looks really good! If I am allowed to order two, here is a second form! Same one just other option! Ignore the second form if I am not allowed to comm two nwn! Username: Nymphrasis Character(s) to draw: Gijinka Kuruna Style choice: Icon! Background: Artistic freedom! Additional information (ex. pose, emotion): I would love for a really goofy and funny expression to her! She would have both hands press onto her cheeks, squishing them while she makes a silly face! Payment: 500 Nuggets Other: Nope all is good nwn! [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2024 17:52 (4 Months ago) |
reference: Kuruna ( If feral isn't the type you want to draw, I do have a gijinka version of her as an alternative option! ) type of art: Simple Shading payment: 130 nuggets ( Can bump if this sounds too low ^-^ ) others: nothing comes to mind! Always wanted to attempt to comm before but couldn't a ;u; [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Mon, 20/05/2024 18:37 (8 Months ago) |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Wed, 01/05/2024 15:09 (9 Months ago) |
Username: Nymphrasis Character: Space ( Their ref sheet is on the tab to the left <3 Art type: Fullbody please! Payment: 500 nuggets Password: Kill la Kill - Blumenkranz Additional notes?: Nope! I am open to full artistic freedom here nwn! Background would be lovely! [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Wed, 24/04/2024 20:49 (9 Months ago) |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 01:25 (9 Months ago) |
Awesome that is perfect then nwn [
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 01:22 (9 Months ago) |
Hmmm... Are you ok if I wait after the drawing to decide qwq? And color I want? You mean for the background, right pwp? If so, hmmm... How about a pastel purple or lavender qwq? [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 01:11 (9 Months ago) |
Hm... I feel neutral with the art style but I can try to give it a chance qwq. Please don't make a humanoid version of Space, as I already have a different artist in mind and not quite open to customs for a humanoid yet ( Aka trying to hold onto some money first for a computer repair and need to see how much I will have left ) pwp Also.. is it possible to have the design without a white background? I would like to avoid those pwp Also will need to know if you want payment or want it to be free qcq. [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 03:54 (9 Months ago) |
Awesome that sounds great nwn [
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 03:26 (9 Months ago) |
That is great then nwn/. Hope you don't mind if I pay after qwq/ ( I should of specify to others that, if people prefer that I pay beforehand, I am 100% open to doing that pwp. Reason why I tend to say after is moreso if I've never commissioned the artist before qwq/ ) [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 03:18 (9 Months ago) |
Ah I can try qwq. Uh... How does 40k PD sound? Is that low or an ok amount pwp? [Read more] |
Nymphrasis ONLINE Forum Posts: 1,082 |
Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 03:12 (9 Months ago) |
No worries, it is fine if you don't wanna do backgrounds ( I use to feel the same back then. I will respect the choice and boundary ) nwn. I can accept this Is there any payment in mind that you want in return btw? [Read more] |
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