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Forum-Index Discussion #PlushieExchangeGroup
Trainerlevel: 90

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Sun, 07/02/2021 13:33 (4 Years ago)
Hi Yvelette, you're more than welcome to join - I've already sent you a message asking if you would like to. Please don't feel bad about posting. We'd be happy to have you as a member. <3
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 09/02/2021 02:47 (4 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Absol (#359)
I also quite like the following:
- Litwick (#605)
- Litten (#725)
- Mudkip (#258)
She/Her • Sass

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2021 13:24 (4 Years ago)
I like any Plushie I'm missing
Have a great day guys :)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 187
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 12:55 (4 Years ago)
Is it possible to join this group? I am kind of into plushies....


Hiiiii!! Japanese Pokemon fan who loves Leafeon!!
Also in heavy love to Madoka☆Magika Sayaka Miki!!
Nice to meet you!!

@spites are from Konbe.Thanks!!
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 26/02/2021 11:16 (4 Years ago)
I'm hoarding Magikarp at the moment, going for the badge that requires 100 of one Plushie type.
I enjoy earning DP and sending Plushies out :)

Edit: My apologies, I didn't read the rules of the thread before posting... Could I be added, please?
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sun, 28/02/2021 17:57 (4 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Mimikyu plushies
I also quite like the following:
- any Dragonite
- Any lucario
- Any missing or favourites!
I hope you accept me into the plushie exchange group!

A Fact: An_Apple is nicer than me (Everybody knows that)!
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 07/03/2021 14:45 (4 Years ago)
My #1 favorite plushie is Fenniken!

I also quite like the following:
Trainerlevel: 78

Forum Posts: 607
Posted: Sun, 07/03/2021 16:08 (4 Years ago)
just putting this here as a marker for myself, future me will (hopefully) love me for it :D
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 674
Posted: Mon, 08/03/2021 00:35 (4 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Ninetales (038)
I also quite like the following:
- Alolan Vulpix (037a)
- Mudkip (258)
- Furret (162)
- Minccino (572)
keep livin'. keep dreamin'.

"'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars"
Coldplay & Avicii - Sky Full of Stars
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 808
Posted: Sun, 14/03/2021 12:51 (4 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Touya (0133r)
I also quite like the following:
- Eevee (0133)
Show hidden content

in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 352
Posted: Sun, 11/04/2021 12:29 (3 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Sylveon! (0700)

I also quite like the following:

- Alolan Vulpix (037a)

- Zorua (0570)

- Rockruff (0744)

- Froakie (0656)

My sprites are made by ♥MetalHeadKendra
Banner is made by ♥KittyKatrinaKat
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 319
Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 08:10 (3 Years ago)
Can I join the PPGC? Here's my form, I'm not sure if there is a limit to the nuumber of plushies you can put.
My #1 favourite plushie is Zorua (#570)
I also quite like the following:
Any missing is fine :), eeveelutions and dark/fairy type pokemon are fine too, but I prefer missing. I have more favourites if you want to check in Dream Shop.

Help level up to beat Prof. Oak's! -->

Trainerlevel: 78

Forum Posts: 607
Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 08:13 (3 Years ago)
yes please do!! if you can please contact LuckyLady to ask to be added to the draw, ill add your pokemon to the list :D thanks!!!
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 09/05/2021 12:55 (3 Years ago)

Title: Fav. Plushie

My #1 favourite plushie is Incineroar (727)
I also quite like the following:
- Litten (725)
- Torracat (726)

As you can see by my Signature those are my fav. Plushies
Trainerlevel: 111

Forum Posts: 647
Posted: Sun, 09/05/2021 19:02 (3 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Dwebble (557)
I also quite like the following:
Shellder (090)
Politoed (186)
Wooper (194)
Umbreon (197)
Mega Houndoom (229)
Lillipup (506)
Mega Audino (531)

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Sun, 16/05/2021 12:38 (3 Years ago)
Hello people here! I would like to join here 😁

My #1 favourite plushie is Alolan Vulpix (037a)
I also quite like the following:
- Phione (0487)
- Rockruff (0744)
- I collect any missing plushie too

Here are my favorite plushies:

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 29/05/2021 14:16 (3 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is. charizard (006)
I also quite like the following:
- Arcanine(059)
- Bayleaf
- etc etc
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Sat, 29/05/2021 18:30 (3 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Zoroark (#571)
I also quite like the following:
- Absol (#359)
- Decidueye (#724)
- Lucario (#448)
- Umbreon (#197)
- Any missing
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,537
Posted: Mon, 07/06/2021 04:20 (3 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Meowstic (Male or Female) (#678)
I also quite like the following:
- Flabebe (#669)
- Clefable (#36)
- Zorua (#570)
- Spheal (#363)
- Walrein (#365)
- Basically any in my 'Favorite' (the above are the ones I like more)
- Missing plushies are appreciated too <3

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Sun, 13/06/2021 13:19 (3 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Mudkip (258)
I also quite like the following:
- Snivy (495)
- Wailord (321)
- or any missing :)