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Trainerlevel: 70

Trainerpoints: 5,855/14,769


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
16542,794 / 102,714

☆ ≈≈ orca ≈≈ ☆


Time is passin' like a solar eclipse

lyrics from Dua Lipa - Houdini


hey there, lovely!
i'm orca! i'm a butch lesbian! ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜
just your regular high school student who tries hard to improve every day, and who grinds homework a bit too much haha

space and stars enthusiast!
love learning big and new words

feel free to palpad me if you just wanna say hi or to have a chat!
PMs work too, though i prefer palpad!

i use tone tags sometimes!

you can friend me! i might friend you if i find you interesting or funny!

i often try not to sound too serious by adding 'haha' to my messages

hoping to improve my concentration and find interest in a few hobbies!

young, growing, and learning
sometimes i say things that ain't good, so if you notice me saying something terrible, i'd appreciate if you let me know! thank you c:

have a great day!!



above photos taken by me, from top to bottom, in kyoto, japan and trenton, canada!


avatar drawn by me! character by me!

space and sky aesthetic art on profile pixeled by me!

☆ ≈≈≈ ☆ ≈≈≈ ☆


twinkle twinkle little star...


'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars

lyrics from Coldplay & Avicii - Sky Full Of Stars


"Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, I know the sun must set to rise"
This could be para-para-paradise

lyrics from Coldplay - Paradise


In the sky of a million stars

Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do

lyrics from Linkin Park - One More Light


current small brainrot obsessions:

chappell roan's music !!! x

fletcher's music !!!


now playing:

Imagine Dragons - Demons
1:34 ──❍────── 4:19
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▅▆▇ 100%


◢ ◤

up next:

Coldplay & Avicii - Sky Full Of Stars

Khalid - Young Dumb & Broke

5 Seconds of Summer - Youngblood

Post Malone, Swae Lee - Sunflower


above photos taken by me, from top to bottom, in lisbon, portugal and tokyo, japan!

Shiny Hunt

Orca~ is currently hunting Riolu.
Hunt started: 12/02/2025

Chain: 1,970
56 85 3


Last Visitors

OrangePopplioToday, 06:28
SourAppleToday, 04:18
GrimzeyToday, 03:29
ETREVToday, 02:54
MaguroToday, 01:24

Game Records

Trainer ID: #161120109
Registration: 06/04/2020 (4 Years ago)
Premium member until 17/Dec/2025
Time Played: 2985:01 Hours
Total interactions: 4,325,822
Money: 2,375,906
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


another female shiny mega?? 🎉

now i'm 2 females and 1 male sm riolu! for a pokemon whose gender ratio 1 female to 7 male!!
the lesbian effect is real, i'm way over the odds for hatching females HAHAHAHAH 😂 /hj

i think i'm gonna keep going until my mega cuff runs out in 17 days :)
Yesterday, 12:57
just sent an important email that i should have sent like... a month ago :')
nervousness and procrastination go hard for the most important things. this is embarrassing, i should never do something like this again HAHA.

if this is me being spoonfed "adulting 101," i already failed!! 😭🔥
kids... don't grow up /hj
1 Day ago
thinking of singing "all star" but every word is sung with a different person i meet !! would improve and incentivize my social skills for sillies! 😂

inspired by this video i saw, original is here from what i could find!

now to actually do it and manage to finish it aaaaaaa hahahaha. i'll tryyyyy 🔥🔥🔥
3 Days ago
fun fair corn maze basic help and reminders!

Akemie has a feed of a map to help you draw the maze! throughout the day, the maze is the same! so it may help you not to get lost if you mark down where you've already been and where you are currently :)
or you could get grid paper and draw it traditionally!

CommanderVenus has a collection of possible maze generations from last year! every day, the maze is picked randomly for every user from the possible pre-generated mazes. simply find the maze the matches yours and it may make it significantly easier to navigate :)

the new event egg found in the maze does not break your chain!

good luck and don't get lost :)
4 Days ago
legit when i woke up and saw fun fair was open, i screamed and cried /pos 😂😂😂
i dunno what's up with me, but apparently i really like the fun fair more than i thought i did 😂🔥💯
4 Days ago
i made this cute lesbian flag bracelet!! + progress pics :]

i made the beads out of clay and painted them! since i couldn't get my hands on pony beads, i simply made my own! and i asked an awesome friend for the elastic string!

this is your reminder to not give up on your goals and aspirations! even if you cannot achieve them now, you can always keep them in mind, slowly work toward them little by little, and find ways around the obstacles!

[more personal story + extra motivation in comments!]

love yourself and make today the best day it can be <3
6 Days ago
was wondering if there's anyone here who, like me, is interested in either working out or reducing their screen time? :)
would enjoy finding some people with the same goals as me, so we can encourage each other!

i know it's counterintuitive to be asking this on pokeheroes (when the people i'm looking for probably do not play this game that often HAHA) but it's worth a shot! anyone? o3o
8 Days ago
wth they're playing chappell roan's "pink pony club" for music in the morning at my school ?!!! was not expecting that
i clocked that piano opening so fast, head turned like 'no way ???'
HELL YEAH. LOVE WHAT THE SONG SYMBOLIZES !! i thank whoever chose to play that song. it's awesome 🔥🔥
9 Days ago
[close feeds]

yesterday (sunday), my screen time on my phone was less than 4 hours !! that has not happened in at least the past 3 weeks LOL. it's nice because it shows that filling my time with other hobbies really makes an impact! (aiming for less than 4 hours of screen time on my phone today too!)

yesterday, i made clay beads for a bracelet (~3 hours) and i halfway completed a build of an orca with mini blocks (~2 hours)!! that's significantly less time spent on my phone C: i forgot how nice hobbies were, i should find and do them more!

this is your reminder that irl activities can be just as or even more fulfilling than mindlessly on your device to fill a gap of boredom! find some hobbies or interests than you can do, whether that's something sporty, artsy and crafty, outdoorsy, or whatever you like!

find your passions and go slay in life (☞^o^) ☞
10 Days ago
forget to feed/milk your four miltanks but you still want moomoo milk? just feed your miltank 50 berries, and they'll eat em up and give you milks without overeating and wasting any berries!

slam 50 berries in there and forget about your miltanks! when you remember they exist, they've eaten all the berries and give you a good amount of milk. slam 50 more berries and repeat!

maximum milk with minimum berries and a lot of forgetfulness :) no more wasting 200 berries because you forgot to milk them and they're hungry greedy overeaters HAHAHAH
10 Days ago
i have over 300 dragon gems and fairy gems, individually. might be stubborn enough to save up for a shiny zygarde 10% hunt... hmmm 🤔

1000 dragon and fairy (and other) gems for a 100 chain? okay, that's reasonable! i'm aiming for it!! that's my sixth legend hunt planned! i am so happy being ambitious :D /sarc
13 Days ago
i'm looking to get into a new hobby by the end of the month! any hobby recommendations? o3o

preferably something simple with little/no equipment needed and is easy to get into :)

list your suggestions in the comments and i'll list some of my own too, in case you're looking as well!
14 Days ago
i have hatched 118 orthworms from the tall grass with premium. i have no shinies </3
i cannot get 7 more eggs. ending this blue worm search. i must rest for the night. good night, folks!
16 Days ago
fletcher's "girls girls girls" is my NEW FAVORITE SONG 🔥🔥🔥
i will SOB TO IT /POS 🗣️🔥💯‼️💖💖💖

it's the best rewrite of katy perry's "i kissed a girl" by a sapphic woman who actually likes women 💅
17 Days ago
i got pokemon oreos, and THIS is pikachu 😂😭😭

it's super cool bc i love peeps and i love pokemon, but i almost feel a little guilty for eating these pokemon HAHA. i give them head pats and everything, then proceed to decapitate them /silly
19 Days ago
i might sound a little crazy but i played rock paper scissors and other games with my reflection !! it's like having a friend with you everywhere, as long as you can get a reflection of yourself :]

i wave hi and bye to my reflection as though they were a fellow friend and you can eat food and do activities with them!! you can even high five them and encourage yourself to do things !!

it sounds crazy LOL but i would recommend it for bonding with yourself hahahah
19 Days ago
straight people get their heart broken when their crush rejects them

lesbians are always heartbroken before they ever confess to their crush because they've internalized that she's always straight


[positive note in comments because i don't like ending on a bad note !!]
20 Days ago
one of the tips that helps me is that time management isn't about getting everything done. it's about prioritizing some tasks and kicking out others and only getting the major things done!

you might very well burn out if you're trying to finish every task every day. just do what you can, the most important things :)

i like the idea of doing tasks in the following order:
1. urgent and important
2. urgent and not important
3. important and not urgent
4. not important and not urgent

so it's okay if you can't get every single thing done, big and small!! just get the big things and it's okay to leave the little things for another time :)
just do what you can manage!! you got this 💪🔥
21 Days ago
mega able heracross from bhc?? :OOO

my first special pokemon from bhc !!! gonna mega this one and save it :)

thanks rng!! i was just complaining that i have no shiny orthworms in 61 eggs, but maybe i'll forgive rng for now :']
21 Days ago
this feed is for all you who are disappointed that you aren't finding as many orthworm eggs as you'd like (no shade to those who have super amounts of orthworm btw!)

it's okay !! it means you have a life! and other commitments and responsibilities and such! that's wonderful :)

for me, i've been just barely staying afloat doing homework from my heavy workload STEM classes (physics, chemistry, computer science my beloved). got little free time every day. but i'm prioritizing my academics and future uni applications over pokemon pixels on a screen !!

be proud that you've got a life 🔥 it's a damn good thing 💪💯
21 Days ago

☆ ≈≈≈ ☆ ≈≈≈ ☆

closest friends! ☆♡


× pumpkin spice × and × boo! ×


•*. starboy .*• and .* midnight haze *.


Wherever you go, that's where I'll follow

Nobody's promised tomorrow~

lyrics from Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile


love! <3


above photos taken by me in the province of ontario, canada!

above photo taken by me in presqu'ile provincial park, canada!

☆ ≈≈ goals ≈≈ ☆


“If not now, when?” - Hillel the Elder

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.” - Thich Nhat Hanh


- obtain 30k fighting gems
for sm lucario hunt
hunt ongoing!

- shiny jirachi hunt
313/750 star pieces collected - 41% there

- shiny zygarde 10% hunt
353 dragon - 325 fairy - 1,695 ground - 2,277 normal - 531 ice - 3,450 electric - 1,241 steel
out of 1000 gems each, required for a chain of 100

- hatch a second shiny meloetta
4k/50k festival points

- all shiny tapu's
2/4 shiny tapu's - 185 speed click tokens

- shiny reshiram hunt (golden white fluffy!)
11 light stones collected

- shiny kyogre hunt (mega orca!)
2 marine cave maps + 5 sapphires


Pretending to be who you're not is a waste of what you've got
Keep dreaming, keep dreaming, keep dreaming
Keep on, keep believing

It seems life is impossible so believe that you're unstoppable

We are stars and
We are open-hearted
We are lovers
We are into loving

lyrics from Virginia To Vegas - We Are Stars (feat. Alyssa Reid)


above photo taken by me in guangzhou, china!

☆ ≈≈ plushies ≈≈ ☆


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel
Love your imperfections, every angle

lyrics from Bazzi feat. Camila Cabello - Beautiful


you out there! you are cherished and special. i appreciate you so much. you've worked so hard and accomplished so much. even if your life might not have gone the way you wanted, life's not easy. it's okay to feel down. but there's still a lot to live for. you have the strength to overcome problems. take care of yourself ♡

it's a rough world out there! you're free to use my profile as a calm space (pun intended) until you're ready to head back out there

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” - Norman Vincent Peale


just click on the plushie you would like to send! <3

☆☆☆ [collection] × [gift log] ☆☆☆


Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4
