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Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Mon, 24/03/2025 21:35 (3 Days ago) |
i will be sharing cool things i learn here! 🔥🔥 sometimes i want to share cool small facts and other things i learn, but i don't want to make constant feeds about every small thing. that's what this is for! subscribe to the forum thread if you're interested in the highlights of what i've learned today :) most of the things i share will be nerdy and related to STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), because i absolutely love STEM (TIL nerd edition real 😂). but there might be some other topics scattered throughout as well! you're free to post here about facts and experiences relating to what i learned or posting your own cool 'today you learned!' :) i will do my best to share what i learned and try to explain it according to my own understanding :) i may be wrong sometimes! double check my info before sharing around if you're interested! let's now roll into... the first fact! today i learned about half even rounding! normally, when one is rounding numbers, they round digits 1-4 down to 0 and 6-9 up to 10. but what about 5? in half even rounding, 5 is always rounded to the nearest even number (of the digit before it)! for example: - 3.5 would be rounded to 4, since 4 is the nearest even number. - 4.5 would be rounded to 4 as well :) - 250 rounded half even to the hundreds place would be 200. (the digit before the 5 is the hundreds place. 2 is the even number.) this half even rounding is useful to average out rounding with the digit 5. this is important because rounding half up (5 rounds to 10) or half down (5 goes to 0) constantly will get you a slightly inaccurate number over time! the idea is that with half even rounding, by probability, it should round up 50% of the time and round down 50% of the time. a comment under this answer explains it well! a few days ago i learned calculators can have floating point inaccuracy! computers (including calculators) are run on binary language. this is a language with only 0s and 1s. because of this limitation, some decimals are impossible to represent accurately. if a decimal is too small or complex, a calculator may not be able to compute it correctly and must round it. in my calculator, inputting 0.99999999999 and pressing the '=' button outputs 1. can you believe it? my calculator says that 0.99999999999 = 1 !! i learned this from this wonderful youtube video! more cool calculator errors featured in the video if you're interested! [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Mon, 24/03/2025 11:51 (4 Days ago) |
do you see in the bottom left of your screenshots that there are an absurd number of guests? over 700 of them. normally, pokeheroes has about 100-200. i suspect someone was trying to overload pokeheroes at this time by loading too many users at once to attempt to lag or crash the site (ddos attack). i was online during this time watching the guest counter go up by 50s in one second, and it did indeed make the wingull gulf lag, along with all other pages. this should be a one-time bug (only occurs when someone is ddos attacking; rarely). but if this happens again outside the high guest limit, you should update this post with more info! [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Sun, 16/03/2025 02:40 (12 Days ago) |
late because school has been throwing assignment after assignment at me and i've barely had free time and motivation to draw haha. but i'm on a week break! ...aaand i haven't picked up a pencil in a week so my pencil strokes were a little wonky! should be smoothed out enough though in the polished version :) [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Fri, 28/02/2025 12:41 (28 Days ago) |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2025 23:34 (1 Month ago) |
got a little busy haha, but i'm here now :) [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2025 03:18 (1 Month ago) |
edit: i'm heading to bed now, so any new guesses will be looked at when i get up in the morning! that's many hours from now, so don't worry if i don't confirm your guess soon :) [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2025 02:54 (1 Month ago) |
i hope you enjoy the unown! i think they're pretty cute haha, i'm pretty proud of myself coming up with the idea LOL. see if you can read what they spell out for fun! [easy] guessed by EeveeLover! ![]() [medium] guessed by Purple_Guy! ![]() [hard 1] guessed by ~Hummus~! ![]() - [hard 2] guessed by Himari! ![]() as usual, name the sprite you're guessing (preferably by difficulty!) and make your guess of the flag! please only guess one sprite in your post. first user to guess a sprite correctly gets a gem prize! good luck and have fun :) [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2025 01:26 (1 Month ago) |
[sprite 1] [sprite 2] sprite 1 was demiboy, sprite 2 was demigirl! congrats to the users who guessed it right! sending prizes now :) additionally, let me know if you liked this guessing format! will return to regular format now! and accept tord the spriter with open arms when they post !! show them appreciation for their sprites when they pop up C: [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Fri, 21/02/2025 19:11 (1 Month ago) |
you can check by buying the wide lens in the item shop! scan the eggs in the daycare before adopting them to see if they're event or not! [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Fri, 21/02/2025 03:27 (1 Month ago) |
sprites found here! please guess in this google form! the sprites and guessing blanks are in there :) i will do a different format (such as this one) occasionally so that everyone who guesses correctly will get a prize, not just the ones who happened to be online and were first to guess correctly! this way, everyone has a chance to win :) deadline is next reset (when it turns the 22nd of february)! that means you have plenty of hours to guess it before reset comes! after reset, i will stop counting the guesses. that is also when i will reveal the answer and give out the prizes! also announcement! tord has offered to join as a spriter! you may see them posting some pride sprites soon for you to guess! try to give them a nice, warm welcome when they do post their first batch of sprites for guessing! :) [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Thu, 20/02/2025 02:16 (1 Month ago) |
also, do you mean hollow purple as in from jjk? if not, please be more specific! [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Thu, 20/02/2025 01:36 (1 Month ago) |
@tord!! dalmatian! hope you enjoy silly glitch dog :) [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Sun, 16/02/2025 21:22 (1 Month ago) |
whether the A still includes ally now is debatable. but regardless, allies can hang here too, as the main post says "allies will be welcomed here" !! :) @Dragonstars, that's totally wonderful!! i wish everyone would be as chill as your parents haha! the world would be a better place. but until that happens, more (definitely non-disruptive!) advocating is appreciated. unfortunately, this causes a mini cycle of pushing for acceptance, then queerphobes pushing back because "it's all in their face" and cycle repeats. but maybe one day, it will be better everywhere! small steps at a time !! [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Sun, 16/02/2025 20:25 (1 Month ago) |
what's the funniest and/or greatest reaction you've had when coming out? 😂 bring something new to the table! maybe you have a funny story haha. the funniest reaction i've gotten is probably "i’ve known you for a year and i didn't know you like girls? you need to talk about yourself more" 😂😂 i suppose i should just be more gay then /j [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Fri, 14/02/2025 18:11 (1 Month ago) |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Fri, 14/02/2025 17:13 (1 Month ago) |
@mudskipper17, the opinions of the people close to you can hurt. you don't have to care, but being hurt if they're homophobic is normal </3 i'm saying this because it will hurt if they're homophobic, no matter how much you try to tell yourself what they think doesn't matter. it's natural to want the people close to you to think well of you. if they like you less, that's not a you issue! that's a them issue :') good luck out there, soldier !! [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Fri, 14/02/2025 15:08 (1 Month ago) |
to the people out, the best parts? been to any pride festivals or parades and how were they? any advice or words of comfort for the closeted people? to the closeted peeps, what do you hope for? support? to be out and feel safe one day? that being lgbtqia+ shouldn't matter, in a good way? queer music artist recommendations, of any genre? maybe if you suggest, like, a rock artist, there are some other rock fans who will enjoy it! (why specifically queer music artists? why not cishet artists? i love cishet artists too!! but sometimes, hearing about and being able to relate to similar experiences can be so wonderful! especially considering queer experiences aren't really heard in mainstream, having experiences that people can relate to can be so good c:) would love to hear your thoughts, thanks! if you have any other thought-provoking questions or conversation ideas, you're free to share them too!! [Read more] |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Sat, 08/02/2025 17:02 (1 Month ago) |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Wed, 29/01/2025 19:27 (1 Month ago) |
Orca~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 676 |
Posted: Wed, 29/01/2025 14:49 (1 Month ago) |
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