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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Aston.
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 06:05 (2 Years ago)
Hello, I would like to buy a pokemon!
Username: Aston
Which Breeder? Wolfsdrache
Which Pokemon: Hisuian Voltorb
Shiny/Mega Shiny
How Many: 2
How are you paying? PD
Anything else to add? None, thank you!

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2022 19:33 (2 Years ago)
Username: Aston
Favorite Pokemon: Victini
Item/Pokemon Donated: Shiny van Bagon

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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2022 01:51 (2 Years ago)
Box#: from Unova 1
Pokemon: Pansage, Munna, Gigalith, Timburr, Conkeldurr, Krokorok, Sawsbuck (Spring), Sawsbuck (Autumn), Frillish, Beheeyem

Box#: from Unova 2
Pokemon: Escavalier, Mandibuzz

Box#: from Unova 3
Pokemon: Accelgor, Bisharp

Box#: from Unova 5
Pokemon: Sandile, Klink

Anything else?: Can you please put everstone to Timbur, Krokorok, Frillish, Sandile, and Klink, thank you!

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Posted: Mon, 05/09/2022 07:25 (2 Years ago)
Hello, not shop related but just want to tell that 300 nuggets is way too cheap for a Solar Eevee considering it cost 1800 PD per nuggets. Just a concern user here :)

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2022 12:15 (2 Years ago)
Hello, I would like to buy a pokemon!
Username: Aston
Which Breeder? Wolfsdrache
Which Pokemon: Solar Eevee
Shiny/Mega: Shiny
How Many: 4
How are you paying? PD/nuggets/gems
Anything else to add? None, thanks <3

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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2022 23:47 (2 Years ago)
Hello, can I cancel my order in redemption shop? The shiny Deoxys from LUCKILYRICHNESS, i just don't think I can pay for it 'cuz I'm saving my pd for something and nuggets is hard to find. Thanks <3

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Posted: Mon, 15/11/2021 09:32 (3 Years ago)
Hi I Would like to order a Shiny
Username: Aston
Breeder: SurskitKin
Pokemon Which Needed: Combee
Amount of Slots: 2 male shiny
Everstone: none
PP/PM: (means you need to message the breeder to keep the trade ready)

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Posted: Thu, 11/11/2021 01:39 (3 Years ago)
Hi I Would like to order a Shiny
Username: Aston
Breeder: Wuffels
Pokemon Which Needed: Zorua
Amount of Slots: 2 shiny
Everstone: 1 everstone
PP/PM: (means you need to message the breeder to keep the trade ready)

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Posted: Mon, 25/10/2021 13:17 (3 Years ago)
!! [CassetteMan], [Aston] wants to buy a Pokémon !!

What Pokémon may it be? Should it be a Shiny? Shiny Oricorio (sensu)
How many of these Pokémon would you prefer? 1
Do you want it/them to carry an Everstone? None
What are your payment method? (mix allowed) PD
You get to know the password, please name it. Normal castform

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Posted: Mon, 27/09/2021 13:37 (3 Years ago)

Shiny x1 Easter ducklet

Everstone x1


Thanks <3

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Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 07:16 (3 Years ago)

Shiny/Non-Shiny? Shiny
How many? 1

What kind?
How many?

Pokédollar? 100k pd

Thanks 😁

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Posted: Sun, 16/05/2021 12:38 (3 Years ago)
Hello people here! I would like to join here 😁

My #1 favourite plushie is Alolan Vulpix (037a)
I also quite like the following:
- Phione (0487)
- Rockruff (0744)
- I collect any missing plushie too

Here are my favorite plushies:

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Posted: Tue, 04/05/2021 14:49 (3 Years ago)
Thank you! I'll go back here again to order something again 😁

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Posted: Tue, 04/05/2021 14:42 (3 Years ago)
I want to buy this from the bargain section.

Shiny metang: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=2456153
Shiny Metagross: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=7757385
Shiny rufflet: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=25747133
Shiny torchick: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=7711017
Shiny Combusken: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=23222917
Shiny blaziken: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=23025852
Shiny kadabra: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=5719675
Shiny scyther: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=15666914
Shiny milotic: https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=5589546

I'll set up a trade of no one order them! 😁

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Posted: Wed, 14/04/2021 12:30 (3 Years ago)
@ShinyZygrade pm me please 😁

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Posted: Wed, 14/04/2021 08:08 (3 Years ago)
@~skid~ accepted just pm me when your ready 😁

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Posted: Wed, 14/04/2021 07:50 (3 Years ago)
@Raltsfarm accepted

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Posted: Wed, 14/04/2021 07:39 (3 Years ago)
@TheTracker accepted 😁

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Posted: Tue, 13/04/2021 13:59 (3 Years ago)
Thanks 🤗

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Posted: Tue, 13/04/2021 13:39 (3 Years ago)
Username: Aston
Number of slots: 2
Everstone: 2 of them
Tip: 5k each shiny
Pokémon: Cubone
Shiny or mega able: Shiny
Buying from: thunderbolt443

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