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A Thirst for Blood - Hunger Games RP Sign-ups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up A Thirst for Blood - Hunger Games RP Sign-ups
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 07:34 (2 Years ago)

WARNING - There will be disturbing themes in this Roleplay, such as gore, abuse, and many others. Please do not participate if you are sensitive to these topics. Also, the events in the series never happened here, and nothing mentioned will be canonical

The Hunger Games have come once again, and this time,
the tributes aren't the only ones who've suffered.

Welcome to the 100th annual Hunger Games, the cruel yearly how the Capital displays each and every year. A female and a male from each of the twelve districts are put against each other in an elaborate arena to fight to the death. This year, however, is much different. It's the 4th Quarter Quell, an event hosted every 25 years with a special twist on the games, and things are getting spicy.

You see, there has been an invasion within the Capital, a mysterious and powerful group that has essentially taken over and now had full control of the games. This was only a few days before the Reaping, the day when tributes from each district are chosen at random, and everyone thought they were saved. Maybe this group would save them, maybe they would end the games, but their hopes were shattered when the day came. Everyone was still ordered to attend the Reaping. To everyone's disbelief, this group had something else in mind, and it became apparent when the President was first shown to the public after the invasion. It wasn't long until the people of Panem realized that everyone at the Capital was just puppets to this group, prominent public figures that stood on an indestructible tower. If that tower ever crumbled as it did now, that only meant there was a greater threat than the most powerful beings on earth.

They still wanted the games to continue, and they would put the tributes through a hell much worse than Panem could handle.

OVERVIEW - The secret group is apparently not of this world, and they would like to experiment on the human race to test its limits. They plan on experimenting with each of the tributes, and the games will be far more intense than ever. The Capital is powerless at this moment, and every move they make is already determined by the group. They plan on making the games a test lab of sorts, but also entertainment. They will use any and all means necessary to get a satisfactory outcome. The rest will be explained as the RP goes along, but there are things I do not want to spoil so they are not explained. Trust me though, this RP will get very dark and very exciting


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1. All PH rules apply
2. Cursing is allowed, but make sure you don't get banned for it
3. This RP is semi-lit, meaning I expect paragraph-form posts with at least 4 sentences for each post.
4. Don't power-play or try and control the plot, it isn't fun.
5. 2 characters max, but you can't have them both in the same district.
6. Feel free to ask any question you need, I'm happy to help.
7. Don't take advantage of any rule I have not yet added

Districts Info
Info from SerenityFallow's "We're Only Human" 👀

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- District 1 -

Members of District 1 were known to produce luxury items such as jewelry. Due to their skill in craftsmanship, the goods that came out of District 1 were used to decorate the Capitol. Those who lived in District 1 were some of the wealthiest citizens of Panem. Tributes from District 1 were known as "Careers" because they trained for years before competing in the Hunger Games.

Male -
Female - Versace Moncler Immortes

- District 2 -

Located in the Rocky Mountains, District 2 was one of the largest communities in Panem. It was also home to wealthy citizens, resulting in a positive relationship with the Capitol. District 2 was known for its masonry and weapon manufacturing. Tributes are also known as careers.

Male -
Female - Kara Rhys 18 RaRaRasputin

- District 3 -

The main industry in District 3 was technology as the people there produced televisions, computers, and other electronics

Male -
Female - Echo 18 -andrea-

- District 4 -

District 4 specialized in the fishing industry. The citizens in District 4 were known to be wealthy and very good-looking. Their tributes were also Careers, training from a very early age to prepare for the Games

Male - Mako Thoree 18 Sterg
Female - Grimm Peckington 18 DrGrimm

- District 5 -

District 5 was responsible for power and electricity. The area produced the electricity that powered all of Panem. They housed a hydroelectric dam which many of the citizens worked in

Male -
Female -

- District 6 -

The core industry within District 6 was transportation. It served as the hub for the transport network throughout all of Panem

Male -
Female - Atsuko 12 RoyalUltima

- District 7 -

District 7 supplied Panem with copious supplies of lumber. The area was said to be surrounded mostly by trees

Male - Riggs Dawnfrost 17 Serendibite
Female - Liliana Anaheim 17 Cath

- District 8 -

District 8 was known for their work in the textiles industry. One of their factories was dedicated to producing the uniforms used by the Peacekeepers

"Male" - Alecto "Alice" Athamas 18 Tsukoyomi
Female -

- District 9 -

The main industry at the focus of District 9 was grain production. The area was the least referenced district in all of Panem. Not much is known about the victors or tributes from District 9

Male -
Female - Majoree Sinclair 15 Serendibite

- District 10 -

District 10 focused on the livestock industry. Their main job was to raise animals and supply the meat to the Capitol

Male -
"Female" - Hwa 12 Tsukoyomi

- District 11 -

District 11 was said to be composed of a very large area, possibly the entire Southern region of Panem. Agriculture was the main industry of District 11 as the land was covered in orchards, crop fields, and cattle farms. District 11 was one of the poorest districts and its citizens lived in small shacks in an area patrolled by Peacekeepers

Male - Neo 17 -NeoSanchez-
Female - Ari Meita 14 Daiko

- District 12 -

District 12 was the smallest and poorest district in Panem. The district was located in Appalachia and their main industry was coal mining

Male - Senja Cassieae 16 Immortes
Female -


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"Some cheesy quote or whatever"


Username -

Character name -

Age (12 - 18) -

District -

Preferred Weapon / Skills -

Gender -

Appearance -

Personality -

Family (REQUIRED) -

History (OPTIONAL) -

Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) -

PalPad? (Y / N) -

Other -

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 16:09 (2 Years ago)
Ooooh,can I reserve a District 4 Male slot? Seems very interesting!
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 16:19 (2 Years ago)
yup! I'll go ahead and reserve you, i also need to make my form lol

"No matter what... We can do this, right?"


Username - Daiko

Character name - Ari Meita

Age (12 - 18) - 14

District - 11

Preferred Weapon / Skills - She's incredibly book-smart and does well with a whip.

Gender - Female

Appearance - her & outfit

Personality - Ari is a kind and compassionate girl, always doing her best no matter what she does. She constantly has a cheery personality and doesn't let anything get her down. Ari reads a lot and tries to gather as much information as possible, but has absolutely zero social skills. The rest is TBRPD

Family (REQUIRED) - She has a cat named Cookie and her mother who is bed-ridden

History (OPTIONAL) - Ari lived a very casual life, at least that's what she wants others to see. She refuses to speak about her past, and the only one that knows is her mother, who everyone assumes is in a coma.

Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) - Ari's greatest fear is pain, both inflicting it and receiving it.

PalPad? (Y / N) -

Other - I'm too lazy so she isn't fleshed out lol

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 22:50 (2 Years ago)
"What do you expect me to put here?"


Username - -andrea-

Character name - Echo (no last name)

Age (12 - 18) - 18

District - 3

Preferred Weapon / Skills - Any long range weapon, though she is better with a crossbow / Echo is able to manage hunger and has a high pain tolerance

Gender - Female

Appearance - black and white hair, white pupils, essentially like my profile. She’s short and looks extremely brittle

Personality - “If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s survive” Echo is fiercely protective of those she loves, and is street smart and tech savvy. She is a cheery, kind-hearted girl who helps out when she can, but is slow to trust and often appears cold.

Family (REQUIRED) - Parents (doesn’t give a— about them), Sister (whom she deeply cares about)

History (OPTIONAL) - Growing up in a pet cage with your sister probably isn’t the best way to spend the first five years of your childhood, but that’s what Echo and Rae (her sister) had to put up with. Echo’s parents were the definition of pure evil, and put their children through hell, feeding them when they felt like it (which wasn’t often) and beating them when they felt like it (which was pretty often) Echo and Rae had things thrown at them at a daily basis, whether it was a porcelain figurine or a broom. Disobedience was not tolerated, and they were punished mercilessly. This led to her having a high pain tolerance. At the age of twelve, Echo had enough and escaped the house with her sister. They’ve been living on the streets ever since, Echo picking up survival skills from there to keep her and her sister alive

Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) - Seeing her sister get hurt, or returned to their parents

PalPad? (Y / N) - if you don’t let me in, I will—

Other - I swear Daiko if you EVER—

then I’ll come after you Daikon Radish :)

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 22:55 (2 Years ago)
@andrea can't make any promises 😈

res accepted, glad to see you here lol

let me know when you're done so i can look back over it
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 22:56 (2 Years ago)
rl will settle soon hopefully

d12 male d1 female
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 23:25 (2 Years ago)
done lmao
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 23:55 (2 Years ago)
"I'll be going now, Sparkles. I better not see you for another 8 years"


Username -

Character name -

Age -

District -

Preferred Weapon / Skills -
Has an almost encyclopedic level of knowledge about plants and their various uses. Also very stealthy on account of being small and can fit in very tight spaces. Has surprisingly strong arms for a child but still manages to get others to lower their guard. Has perfected the art of puppy eyes

Gender -
Vaguely to the left of female

Appearance -
Hwa is a small 4'7 child with tanned skin and soft brown eyes, bordering on gold if viewed in the right light. No one is really sure how it came about, but Hwa has soft peach hair, unnatural and probably because of the amount of time spent in the sun bleaching the hair in a semi-natural way. Because of a lack of personal grooming, Hwa has a sort of shaggy and unkept skunk hairstyle. As someone with very little money, most of Hwa's clothes are oversized and falling apart at the seams. It gives Hwa deadly sweater paws though. Beware the innocent cuteness

Personality -
Hwa is someone who strives to live up to a name despite its multi meaning nature . On one hand, Hwa is a gentle flower who is a lover of nature; delicate and fragile. Anything Hwa touches flourishes and many have named Hwa as District 11's flower child. On the other hand, Hwa represents a hope for the new generation that young people may grow up with their innocence intact and carefree. Hwa is a star in that regard, a small but guiding light who pours in hours and hours of work to uplift and empower others. But flowers can wilt and stars can fade; Hwa is no exception. Despite the innocent airs surrounding Hwa, the knowledge of a the harsh reality that comes with living in District 11 has been ingrained at a young age

Family -
Seyoung, who is the closes thing to family Hwa will ever have even if they're not related by blood

History -
Hwa doesn't remember much. Maybe perhaps because life back then was much too harsh and it was simply easier to forget or maybe its because of something else. Regardless, life on the streets isn't something that they would want to remember, willingly or not. All that comes to mind from those times is Seyoung, a boy no older than her taking Hwa under his wing. They became each other's rock, the family that they needed. Co-dependent, the adults around them would sneer. Weak and unable to live on their own. Strong, Seyougn would whisper, wrapping blanket upon blanket around Hwa's shoulders in the long winter nights. Dependent, yes, but not on each other but on the humanity we give each other

Character's Greatest Fear -
There are many things a young child will be afraid of. The dark, loud noises, dying. But strip all the superficiality out of the way and Hwa is only ever been afraid of disappointing Seyoung. Loneliness, after all is a disease that infects all of us

PalPad? -
Lemme innnn

Other -
Im going to murder her specifically can I murder her please can she die a sad meaningless death Im actually seriously asking here

"I'm strong because I had no one to walk in front of me, so I'll be strong for those who walk behind"


Username -

Character name -
Alecto "Alice" Athamas

Age -

District -

Preferred Weapon / Skills -
Knives, Scissors, Needles, anything that needs delicate handwork he can do. As his specialty is weaving, if the plants are right and he can gain the needed material it can be easy for him to create what he needs. He is also very home savvy, knowing a whole host of common household chores such as cooking and mending

Gender -

Appearance -
He's just some dude, some dude who really can't be bothered to brush his ridiculously long black hair and simply lets it dangle in front of his eyes or pulls it up when he's working.

Personality -
Studious and disciplined, Alice is the type of son that your mother always says to be more like. As the oldest of eight, he carries with him the burden of having to be the most responsible person in the room at all times. This carries through as he presents himself as calculated and in control of the situation at all times. Calm and rational even under pressure, Alice often looks bored when in conversation, not willing to show much outward emotion when he's with strangers aside from what is expected from him. Above all else, he loves his family dearly and it his a pride point for him whenever his siblings achieve anything.

Family -
He lives in a communal home and considers everyone there his family. In this home there are 6 adults and 8 kids, Alice being the oldest of the children

History -

Character's Greatest Fear -
That he's wasting his youngest years chasing a profession he doesn't even want to go into, that all his life he'll be stuck doing what his family wants. Not what he wants

PalPad? -
/hacker voice/ I'm in

Other -
He is a family man at heart and its disgusting how domestic he is

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 03:28 (2 Years ago)
kinda dark...

Username - RoyalUltima

Character name - Atsuko

Age (12 - 18) - 12

District - 6

Preferred Weapon / Skills - Her katana or bow/ great memory and fingers :)

Gender - Female

Appearance - She has long black hair in a braid, a thoughtful and faraway look in her eyes, and a sweet smile

Personality - She is shy and keeps to the shadows, but fierce when needed

Family (REQUIRED) - Her pet fox (Sumi), her sister (Carol)

History (OPTIONAL) - Her father had been killed when her mother was pregnant with her sister (they got married young), and when she was 2. Then her mother, soon after having birth to her sister, died due to grief.

Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) - Her sister getting hurt/ both Sumi and her sister getting hurt

PalPad? (Y / N) - Yes!

Other - Uh, no...
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 05:32 (2 Years ago)
@tsuko reserved, and i'll be sure to do just that as much as i love hwa >:)

@royal accepted, i think this is the first rp i'll be doing with you so let's see how it goes :eyes:
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 06:41 (2 Years ago)
"What's the point of all this? Well, I don't know m'self. All I know is... If I can make at least one person in this hellhole laugh, it'd be worth it."


Username - -NeoSanchez-

Character name - Neo

Age (12 - 18) - 17

District - 11

Preferred Weapon / Skills - handy with a variety of tools, though prefers using a handaxe over anything else.(A handaxe as in the throwing weapon, not the prehistoric tool)

Gender - Male

Appearance - His skin is tanned from years of outdoor work. His hair is a light brown, ruffled and messy. His eyes are a chocolatey-brown. The only personal item he owns is a bead bracelet. He stands at a tall 6'1, and is surprisingly strong despite being thin and lean.

Personality - Most often, he is an energetic, joking individual, who cracks jokes and always smiles, much like an older brother. All he wants is to hear others laugh and be happy. He hides his insecurities behind his jokes and smiles to make sure no one is uncomfortable around him. he craves acknowledgement. His kindness towards others is his greatest weakness.

Family (REQUIRED) - His father

History (OPTIONAL) - he never knew his mother, as she passed away a year after he was born. His father became depressed and started drinking after his mother died. he never really got the attention that he needed from his father when he was young. His insecurities grew as time went on. he hid behind his smiles and jokes, craving attention and acknowledgement as a human being.

Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) - a soundless oblivion where he can hear, see and feel nothing. Pure, empty darkness.

PalPad? (Y / N) - HECC YEA

Other -

Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 06:44 (2 Years ago)

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"We kicked ass out there, Mousey. They'll never forget us! Never! We'll crush everyone, and go down in history! Can't you see, what we're capable of? We could do anything. Anything."


Username - @Serendibite

Character name - Riggs Dawnfrost

Age (12 - 18) - 17yo

District - 7

Preferred Weapon / Skills - Axe. A strong, stocky build- from countless years of hauling lumber and his own personal training with an axe, he's pure power from waist up. His mentality and lack of remorse may also help him in the games- he'd gladly turn on someone in order to win and feel absolutely nothing. He has some skill with trees in most aspects and can prepare a fire in a flash.

Gender - Male.

Appearance - Of average height- he appears to be no powerhouse. But beneath his loose shirts, hides a wonder of muscle. He's stocky and strong despite his height (or lack thereof). He has short, shaggy brown hair and piercing blue eyes set against his dry, pale face. Every shade of pink under the sun hides behind his paper-thin skin, giving his face a ruddish, bloated look. His features are rectangular with rounded edges- a sharp nose perches like an eagle's on the end of his face. His clothes are the usual shades of brown and red attributed to the workers of his district.

Personality - Riggs is a chittery, playful person- always on the edge of hysteria, a keening laugh coming from his throat. He's never serious, always watching people- always preparing for something. He has little in the way of remorse or care- he has his own goals, and while he waits for their time, he'll always be having fun. Games, that's what Riggs likes- even as a child, he would sit in front of the sole, sparky television in the Community Home, mouth dangling open, eyes wide as he watched each bloody moment. A sociopath, they say- can't see the consequences of his actions. And perhaps he can't. But with that childish mentality remains a certainty that everything will work in his favour in the end. Everything in his life; every moment; will at last culminate in him winning the Games and seeing his people. His true people- the ones with fire in their hearts and a longing for blood, not the gutless worms he's been stuck with his whole life.

Family (REQUIRED) - Father (Deceased, hung by Peacekeepers.) Mother (Deceased, hung by Peacekeepers.) He grew up in the group home of District 7.

History (OPTIONAL) - Born of District 2, but outported as a child when his father stole from the capitol's product bins; he longs to get the prestige he deserved from birth. He'll escape this pest-infested cesspool through the Hunger Games- and one day, will burn the filthy place to the ground along with the squealing pigs who follow him around.

Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) - Being lost to history. (Psychologically.) Snow. (Physically. He has bad frostbite scars from when he was locked out of the Home as a child, shortly after arriving in District 7.)

Other - Has a best friend named Primrose. He'd abandon her at the slightest inclination.

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"If a Guardian Angel existed out there, it wouldn't be for me."


Username - @Serendibite

Character name - Majoree Sinclair

Age (12 - 18) - 15yo

District - 9

Preferred Weapon / Skills - Fists. Very few strengths to be mentioned. She's light and fast and more well-fed than most tributes, but not exceptionally.

Gender - Female.

Appearance - A very short-statured, stout girl with thin limbs and a round, scowlish face. She has albinism with very, very pale skin despite her African features, and pale, pale blue eyes. Her hair is long and curly, whiter than her skin. She wears tailored clothes, typically done in a feminine style.

Personality - Majoree is a rather grumpy, insulting person, with little to no charisma and a natural prickliness which drives others away. She doesn't like other people, save for her sister, and perhaps her other siblings who she isn't as close with. Majoree loves admiration like affection, regardless of the cause, and feels discouraged over the simplest things without that. This harsh, rude girl is the opposite of naive, and while not the best in school-terms, is very good at discerning other's motives and reasons for their actions. While this is true, provided that someone gives her a good impression initially, she'll be quite trusting of them, and might make excuses for their crueller actions that don't line up with her image of them in her head. Overall, she's a very prickly, seemingly smug girl... and it'd be quite hard to get close to someone like that, wouldn't you say?

Family (REQUIRED) - Vim Sinclair (Mother), Affron Sinclair (Father), Chia Sinclair (Sister), Flax Sinclair (Sister), Gardenia (Sister), and Cotton Sinclair (Brother)

History (OPTIONAL) - Majoree was born to a wealthy family of District 9 alongside four older, and much larger, siblings. Her rough and tumble brothers and sisters were constantly teasing her, and she grew quite defensive of herself and others whom she felt were victimized. When her mother found her step-father, and a new child was on the way, Majoree grew more distant, even from the one sister she was close to. Oftentimes, she went off on her own, getting into fights on occasion; where she'd always walk away far more injured than her opponents. She hates injustice and often her snappish attitude and disdain for those in authority has gotten her in trouble.

Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) - Being perceived as a coward. (Psychological.) Disease. (Physically. She has trauma remembering a certain plague in District 5. She hates herself for never helping those people, since she herself survived it. Any disease terrifies her- and she doesn't know the proper protocols.)

Other - .

to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 07:27 (2 Years ago)
@neo accepted

@seren reserved
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 12:18 (2 Years ago)

"Let the current be the guide to victory!"
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Character Name:

Mako Thoree





Preferred Weapon / Skills:

Mako is proficient in spears and is an excellent swimmer,able to also hold his breath for roughly 5-10 minutes.




A tall (181cm/5'11") stud with blue eyes and a generally well-built body,though that is a very common occurance in most men of District 4. He has somewhat long,unkempt and curly sun-kissed hair,reaching slightly beneath his nape.


Mako is a very straightforward person who gets down to business immediately. He is uncertain of his social skills,however,as he has spent that vast majority of his life either fishing with his father or train in combat,sometimes even combining those two. That hasn't given him the opportunity to interact with many other people of his district beyond a superficial level,though he attended his district's events.


Father and Mother


I might add something here soon but seeing as it's optional I would rather give it some more thought,if that's okay.

Character's Greatest Fear:

Dying far away from the sea or lake and the like,being unable to receive a proper burial and not being able to see and touch things at the same time. To elaborate on the latter,think of it as if you've turned off the light and you're moving around the room trying to find either the switch again or anything else and you're just waving your arms around and yet you're not coming in contact with anything. For that same reason,when he's diving,he always has his eyes open underwater.


Well,I didn't have much say in that matter seeing as I already am in lmao (not that i mind ofc,i would have said yes anyway)



Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 12:49 (2 Years ago)

"But he that dares not grasp the thorn Should never crave the rose."
- Anne Bronte

Versace Moncler || District 1 || Female
versace - named after the famous clothing brand
moncler - refers to the french-founded luxury brand

open, jocular, witty, bold, free-spirited.
opportunistic, airy, relaxed, flirtatious.
wily, persuasive, manipulative.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 13:27 (2 Years ago)

"Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong people."
- Martha Graham

Senja Cassieae || District 12
senja - refers to the senna flower
hospitality “xénos/ξένος” foreigner/stranger/guest).
cassieae - tribe name for all senna plants

Male || 16 || Living father, all other kin deceased
quick-witted, courageous, resourceful, independent.
sardonic, guarded, brooding, reserved
crass, callous, defiant, hot-headed, brazen




Losing touch with the principles he's been raised with.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 16:55 (2 Years ago)
Reserve a District 2 female spot :3
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 16:56 (2 Years ago)
@everyone reserved and @sterg accepted!
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 248
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 21:42 (2 Years ago)
"Some cheesy quote or whatever"


Username - DrGrimm

Character name - Dr Grimm Peckington

Age (12 - 18) - 18

District - 4

Preferred Weapon / Skills - Scythe, medicine making, herbalist, nimble, wound treating

Gender - Female

Appearance - the pic by clown on my user profile

Personality - Kind, caring, helpful, smart,

Family (REQUIRED) - None

History (OPTIONAL) - Has been trained in medicine and combat for all her life

Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) - Water

PalPad? (Y / N) - Y

Other - She can talk in this Rp (testing how it feels)
The mute plague doctress
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 22:48 (2 Years ago)
@grimm accepted
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this