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Searching for: Posts from Immortes.
Posted: Mon, 24/03/2025 01:52 (5 Days ago)

[ placeholder - illusion studios pre-canon - canon oneshot: ray and anne, mother's day ]

planned for march 30th

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Posted: Sun, 23/03/2025 00:50 (6 Days ago)
tw: gore

[ placeholder - sith empire one-shot: lysander and calverus see a flock of ravens feasting upon the fallen soldiers ]

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Posted: Sat, 22/03/2025 23:49 (6 Days ago)

[ placeholder - illusion studios pre-canon one-shot: ray and pantalone go up the empire state building ]

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Posted: Sat, 22/03/2025 02:15 (7 Days ago)

Insert I | Melancholia

Trapped in the valley of ashes, the boy dreamed of technicolor birds, for his wings once glowed under the sunlight in a dozen colors before settling lame besides him on the earth...

Ashes ashes, we all fall down!”

Just as abruptly as the song started, it came to an end. A quartet of energetic youngsters collapsed into the summer dust, kicking up a small cloud. Their wings went limp as they practiced the age old dramatic art of “playing dead.” There was a chorus of exasperated sighs and groans from the other adults in the market following this display and two browbeaten parents stepped forward to extricate their young. Slightly out of earshot, one of the rambunctious youngsters received a firm scolding. He didn’t catch the exact wording, but judging by how the interaction ended quickly — and the hidden glances between parents - the laughing matter was excused for now. Still he didn’t miss how quickly the voices lowered, how glances became more furtive. There are risks to speaking too loudly in public.

A moment of silence passed, before the young boy with the dark wings—still engrossed in his drawing—finally let out a sigh and tapped his pencil against the paper in thought. His sketch was meticulous, the stoic posture of the guard outlined clearly, a mock version of the official style for the upcoming poster. His fingers, smudged with ink, worked quickly across the parchment, adding a few final details to the rough face. No features that he would call his own, there wasn’t the slender jaw characteristic of the boy’s species, or the graceful curves that would hint at wings. This guard, like many others in his squad — and the empire as a whole — was human. That was the golden standard, the Golden Ratio - the ideal paragon upon which all ideals were rested. Anything other than that was considered ‘subpar’ like a misstroke with a quill upon the earth that would never be erased.

The sketch was taking shape. He could finish by sundown and deliver it by nightfall. Still he couldn’t help but find the entire process particularly onerous, not just in time spent but in terms of the entire artistic process. Carved entirely out of charcoal monochrome, a tough stern material, the slate-faced complexion was alien in its severity. The boy only knew the swirling technicolor dress of his home-region, people clad in so many colors like a flock of migrating birds.

The kingdom on the other hand dressed in pale and lifeless colors, slate grey, navy blue accents, flint, and silver -- to the boy, they bled into one another until it was one body, one face, one mind moving in a stagnant tide.

The boy stopped, cast a glance around the market, and then pulled something from the depths of his coat. This he clung to his breast fervently, and his gaze became more furtive. Once more he checked that everyone around him was indeed occupied with their own matters, he flipped over page by page until he came to one that was blank. He wasted no time; pulling out his pen, the pen flitted with fervor. An image was imprinted there -- pasted from a burned book --captured an essence of the past; elegant script above titled the page and laid bare the risk of possessing it.

The possession of art is like the revelation of an ancient truth after a century of lies. That truth creates fear for art has the power to become a reckoning.
Knowledge is power. Power is freedom. Freedom is a pure ideal.

Albrecht Dürer

The entry ended there. The author of this art was of course, long dead. The boy read it four more times as he committed the art to memory before shutting the book. His finger absently traced over the cover absently as his heart raced.

Power. Knowledge. Freedom. Strong words. Forbidden words.

The boy knew these were all things which could be considered a capital punishment. His notebook didn’t just contain studies of avian anatomy, but lists, quotes, messages, names of artists banned politically for “controversial messages.” If this didn’t get him hanged, it would at least be grounds for arrest.
The deprivation of knowledge is a great weapon after all. You can’t have a mousetrap without cheese, nor a garden without an apple to tempt one to sin.

“Do you wish you were strong, like them?” He could almost hear his mother’s cautious voice in his ear. “You must yearn for the power they can wield with abandon, the power to decide, to govern, to weave fates on a whim.”

The number of people in the market was thinning out - and less people meant less people to hide behind. The toils of the day evaporated into the sunset like morning mist. The boy glanced around himself quickly before he departed with haste. Once he was a good distance away from the market, his wings unfurled, carrying him home on a cool night wind. As he stared at the ground, there was suddenly an immense surge of pity in his heart for all the empire’s soldiers who would never once experience the embrace of the sky. They were cursed, like so many cattle, to trod endlessly upon the earth, assaulted endlessly by waves of the dust they trod on until their untimely end.

Colors and dreams are fleeting things, there and gone quicker than a butterfly’s wing. For one inexperienced with their ebb and flow, it may appear dazzling and uncoordinated. Those in power hid their cruelty behind veiled smiles and excuses of power, claiming their rule and ideologies would last forever. The presence of color and free expression was an obstruction, and for that, it was stifled, chased, hunted. But for those who have learned to dance with the rhythm of their shifting hues and whispers, there is a quiet beauty in their impermanence, like a sunset that fades just as you reach the horizon.

[ 1024 words ]

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Posted: Wed, 19/03/2025 14:07 (9 Days ago)
Trapped in the valley of ashes, the boy dreamed of technicolor birds, for his wings once glowed under the sunlight in a dozen colors before settling lame besides him on the earth...

Ashes ashes, we all fall down!”

Just as abruptly as the song started, it came to an end. A quartet of energetic youngsters collapsed into the summer dust, kicking up a small cloud. Their wings went limp as they practiced the age old dramatic art of “playing dead.” There was a chorus of exasperated sighs and groans from the other adults in the market following this display and two browbeaten parents stepped forward to extricate their young. Slightly out of earshot, one of the rambunctious youngsters received a firm scolding. He didn’t catch the exact wording, but judging by how the interaction ended quickly — and the hidden glances between parents - the laughing matter was excused for now. Still he didn’t miss how quickly the voices lowered, how glances became more furtive. There are risks to speaking too loudly in public.

A moment of silence passed, before the young boy with the dark wings—still engrossed in his drawing—finally let out a sigh and tapped his pencil against the paper in thought. His sketch was meticulous, the stoic posture of the guard outlined clearly, a mock version of the official style for the upcoming poster. His fingers, smudged with ink, worked quickly across the parchment, adding a few final details to the rough face. No features that he would call his own, there wasn’t the slender jaw characteristic of the boy’s species, or the graceful curves that would hint at wings. This guard, like many others in his squad — and the empire as a whole — was human. That was the golden standard, the Golden Ratio - the ideal paragon upon which all ideals were rested. Anything other than that was considered ‘subpar’ like a misstroke with a quill upon the earth that would never be erased.

The sketch was taking shape. He could finish by sundown and deliver it by nightfall. Still he couldn’t help but find the entire process particularly onerous, not just in time spent but in terms of the entire artistic process. Carved entirely out of charcoal monochrome, a tough stern material, the slate-faced complexion was alien in its severity. The boy only knew the swirling technicolor dress of his home-region, people clad in so many colors like a flock of migrating birds.

The kingdom on the other hand dressed in pale and lifeless colors, slate grey, navy blue accents, flint, and silver -- to the boy, they bled into one another until it was one body, one face, one mind moving in a stagnant tide.

The boy stopped, cast a glance around the market, and then pulled something from the depths of his coat. This he clung to his breast fervently, and his gaze became more furtive. Once more he checked that everyone around him was indeed occupied with their own matters, he flipped over page by page until he came to one that was blank. He wasted no time; pulling out his pen, the pen flitted with fervor. An image was imprinted there -- pasted from a burned book --captured an essence of the past; elegant script above titled the page and laid bare the risk of possessing it.

The possession of art is like the revelation of an ancient truth after a century of lies. That truth creates fear for art has the power to become a reckoning.
Knowledge is power. Power is freedom. Freedom is a pure ideal.

Albrecht Dürer

The entry ended there. The author of this art was of course, long dead. The boy read it four more times as he committed the art to memory before shutting the book. His finger absently traced over the cover absently as his heart raced.

Power. Knowledge. Freedom. Strong words. Forbidden words.

The boy knew these were all things which could be considered a capital punishment. His notebook didn’t just contain studies of avian anatomy, but lists, quotes, messages, names of artists banned politically for “controversial messages.” If this didn’t get him hanged, it would at least be grounds for arrest.
The deprivation of knowledge is a great weapon after all. You can’t have a mousetrap without cheese, nor a garden without an apple to tempt one to sin.

“Do you wish you were strong, like them?” He could almost hear his mother’s cautious voice in his ear. “You must yearn for the power they can wield with abandon, the power to decide, to govern, to weave fates on a whim.”

The number of people in the market was thinning out - and less people meant less people to hide behind. The toils of the day evaporated into the sunset like morning mist. The boy glanced around himself quickly before he departed with haste. Once he was a good distance away from the market, his wings unfurled, carrying him home on a cool night wind. As he stared at the ground, there was suddenly an immense surge of pity in his heart for all the empire’s soldiers who would never once experience the embrace of the sky. They were cursed, like so many cattle, to trod endlessly upon the earth, assaulted endlessly by waves of the dust they trod on until their untimely end.

Colors and dreams are fleeting things, there and gone quicker than a butterfly’s wing. For one inexperienced with their ebb and flow, it may appear dazzling and uncoordinated. Those in power hid their cruelty behind veiled smiles and excuses of power, claiming their rule and ideologies would last forever. The presence of color and free expression was an obstruction, and for that, it was stifled, chased, hunted. But for those who have learned to dance with the rhythm of their shifting hues and whispers, there is a quiet beauty in their impermanence, like a sunset that fades just as you reach the horizon.

It would be the last of the sunsets he would see; that very night, his house received one of many dreaded knocks on the door. The door opened to cold drafts and a bitter rain, rain shining like teardrops; how he longed to string them together into jewels upon his leash as the soldier led him away — a lamb to slaughter. The words fell coldly upon the air, freezing it: “Your son has been selected for the royal army. He is to come immediately to the square; his majesty recognizes his art hides a cunning mind. Glory be to the godking.” Perhaps the heavens were weeping for him, for yet another bird had been lost to the grounds.

After being separated from his people for 47 winters and 48 springs, the boy had long forgotten the taste of wind on his wings, the way color overwhelmed yet uplifted his soul, like colors on the wind. His surroundings were muted into monochrome puddles.

And yet deep in the recesses of his mind, there still lingered the image of a frowning winged woman, clad in garlands, and staring mournfully into the harbor docks, accompanied by the words: freedom is a pure ideal.

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Posted: Thu, 13/03/2025 17:01 (15 Days ago)

Dezerae's Pokémon Team
Dezerae Pokémon Trainer AU

> >
Chesnaught - Starter

Special Ability: Bulletproof
Moveset: Wood Hammer/Grassy Glide, Spiky Shield, Drain Punch, Synthesis
Nature: Impish - Slow and steady
Team Role: A devastating physical attacker, special tank, and trick room sweeper rolled into one. Dezerae was initially stumped on how to properly manage her starter’s lacking speed; until she learned to use this slow and steady approach to her advantage. With defensive utilities in tow, Chesnaught becomes a deadly force when the dimensions are twisted, using STAB-boosted Wood Hammer to quite literally punch holes in opposing teams and Drain Punch to heal off the recoil.
Obtained: Professor Sycamore (Starter - Chespin)
*Tera Type: Ground


Special Ability: Gale Wings
Moveset: Tailwind, Roost, Swords Dance, Brave Bird
Nature: Adamant - Offensive sweeper
Team Role: Talonflame is the very definition of “turn-and-burn.” With its exceptional ability granting priority access to Tailwind and the devastating power of Brave Bird, this fiery avian becomes the catalyst for an unstoppable offensive surge. Its presence ignites the battlefield, setting the stage for the team to unleash a relentless torrent of devastating blows, turning momentum decisively in their favor. Although Talonflame lacks defensive investment, this isn’t a problem when it can deal devastating damage before potential checks can even move.
Obtained: Santalune Forest (Caught as a Fletchinder)
*Tera Type: Flying

Meowstic (M)

Special Ability: Prankster
Moveset: Reflect, Light Screen, Trick Room, Helping Hand
Nature: Bold - Defensive Utility
Team Role: You turn it into a master of disruption, crippling your opponent's ability to strike back. Meowstic, serving as Ray’s dedicated Trick Room setter, embodies this strategy with precision. Devoid of direct attacks, Meowstic instead thrives on manipulating the battlefield, twisting the flow of combat to ensure Ray's slower, heavy-hitting Pokémon gain the upper hand. Don’t get comfortable in Trick Room either, or Ray will have Meowstic return the twisted dimensions to normal just in time for one of her other fast sweepers to wipe the battlefield with your Pokémon.
Obtained: Gift (egg - Espurr)
*Tera Type: Dark


Special Ability: Magic Guard
Nature: Quiet - The Hidden Dagger
Moveset: Calm Mind, Psychic, Recover, Thunder
Team Role: Reuniclus is a powerhouse that thrives under the altered reality of Trick Room, transforming its seemingly sluggish nature into a devastating advantage. With its naturally low Speed, this Psychic-type Pokémon becomes a relentless force once Trick Room flips the battlefield’s tempo on its head. Boasting impressive bulk and a potent Special Attack stat, Reuniclus can comfortably absorb hits while dishing out crushing blows in return. In addition, with its Magic Guard ability defending it against status moves and hazards, the jellybean becomes nearly impossible to slow down.
Obtained: Lake of Outrage - Cerulean City. Dezerae was as of yet to fully understand how to integrate Trick Room into her team, and tried to beat the jelly bean with a surge of offensive power. The moment Trick Room went up, Ray realized her mistake; the Reuniclus swept her entire team with three-calm-mind-boosted Psychics. This is the only pokémon on her team Ray needed two tries to catch. Still subjectively her favorite Pokémon for cuddles though.
*Tera Type: Fairy


Special Ability: Competitive
Nature: Modest - The Special Wallbreaker
Moveset: Hydro Pump, Toxic, Ice Beam, Recover
Team Role: Dezerae’s Milotic stands as a steadfast guardian and a potent special wallbreaker, blending elegance with raw power. Its Competitive ability turns stat drops into a surge of Special Attack, punishing opponents who attempt to weaken its presence. The Modest nature further amplifies its offensive potential, making Hydro Pump a devastating nuke that tears through bulky foes. Ice Beam provides crucial coverage against Dragon- and Grass-types, while Toxic cripples walls that would otherwise outlast Milotic’s assault. Milotic’s durability shines through with Recover, allowing it to sustain itself in drawn-out battles and effectively pivot between defensive and offensive roles. Like Reuniclus, Milotic is a Trick Room sweeper.
Obtained: Caught in Oni Mountain (Feebas) | Evolved with a Marvel Scale in Felhorn Gorge.
*Tera Type: Grass


Special Ability: Adaptability
Nature: Jolly - Fast and furious
Moveset: Liquidation, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Crunch
Team Role: Crawdaunt serves as a relentless physical sweeper and offensive disruptor on the team. With its monstrous Attack stat and access to powerful STAB moves like Knock Off and Crunch, it excels at dismantling bulky threats and breaking through defensive cores. Under Tailwind, Crawdaunt reaches its full offensive potential, outspeeding faster opponents and sweeping with priority Aqua Jet once Tailwind expires. Its Adaptability ensures its STAB moves hit even harder, while Swords Dance offers a potent setup option to further boost its offensive output. Crawdaunt’s ability to pressure and disrupt the opponent’s strategy with strong hits and utility moves makes it a powerful asset, capable of turning the tide of battle in an instant. Crawdaunt rounds out the Tailwind sweepers.
Obtained: Fishing (Route 102 - Corphish)
*Tera Type: Dark

PC Box

Show hidden content
Vivillon (Marine) | Compound Eyes | Sleep Powder, Solar Beam, Psychic, Quiver Dance
Sylveon | Pixilate | Hyper Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Wish, Fake Tears
Rotom-Wash | Levitate | Hydro Pump, Will-O-Wisp, Volt Switch, Protect
Sableye | Prankster | Will-O-Wisp, Foul Play, Taunt, Recover
Gogoat | Sap Sipper | Horn Leech, Milk Drink, Leech Seed, Earthquake
Aegislash (Kalos) | Stance Change | Shadow Ball, King's Shield, Sacred Sword, Iron Head
Rotom-Wash | Levitate | Volt Switch, Hydro Pump, Will-O-Wisp, Protect
Clefable | Magic Guard | Moonblast, Thunder Wave, Soft-Boiled, Calm Mind

Chandelure | Infiltrator | Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Will-O-Wisp
Volcarona | Flame Body | Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance, Bug Buzz, Roost
Scrafty | Moxie | Crunch, High Jump Kick, Ice Punch, Bulk Up
Staraptor | Reckless | Brave Bird, Facade, Close Combat, U-turn
Samurott | Torrent | Hydro Pump, Retaliate, Taunt, Ice Beam

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Posted: Thu, 13/03/2025 13:51 (15 Days ago)
res please :3

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Posted: Sun, 09/03/2025 03:46 (20 Days ago)
Sorry i'm late! Dominic is done <3

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Posted: Sat, 01/03/2025 01:34 (28 Days ago)
"I don't care if someone winds up a corpse, just take the body outside or leave it in the cellar. I won't have blood staining the kitchen, not if I have to clean it!!!"

Username: Immortes

Character Name: Dominic Vasseau
Dominic - Derived from the Latin Dominicus, meaning "of the Lord" or "belonging to God." It has strong religious connotations, often associated with Saint Dominic, the founder of the Dominican Order. The name carries an air of dignity, devotion, and leadership. | Vasseau - Derived from the French word vaisseau, meaning "vessel" or "ship."

Gender & Pronouns: Technically agender, but accepts he/him

Age: 500+
Appearance varies
Domovoi tend to appear in the form of kindly old men in order to appear less intimidating to household guests and their masters. This is because they are benevolent spirits first and foremost. However it should be noted that their age and intellect shouldn't be underestimated. In his usual form, Dominic appears around his 70s, but strangely has no trouble getting around. In addition, his voice still carries youthful notes and can throw a few people off guard.

Species: Domovoi
Domovoi are household spirits that hail from Slavic folklore. Historically, the Domovoi is believed to personify ancestral spirits, serving as guardians of the family and household. This belief intertwines with ancient practices of ancestor worship, reflecting a profound respect for lineage and familial bonds

Power: The Walls Have Eyes and Ears
Dominic possesses a keen, almost preternatural sense of his surroundings, allowing him to pick up on the subtle details that others might overlook. When he rolls his intuition dice, it determines the extent to which he can gather insight into his environment, whether through reading the atmosphere of a room, detecting hidden tensions among its occupants, or sensing an unseen threat lurking in the shadows of the house. His perception isn’t necessarily rooted in the supernatural—it’s a product of his meticulous nature, his acute observational skills, and his ability to analyze patterns in behavior and space. However, at times, it might feel almost uncanny, as if his instincts operate on a level tied to the house itself. As he is not yet familiar with this house quite yet, the intuition dice has a -2 modifier.

Appearance: (xxx) (xxx)
Faceclaim : Pulcinella, Genshin Impact | Voiceclaim Sebastian, Black Butler

+ Meticulous, orderly, distinguished, selfless
— Fussy, pedantic, impatient, aloof

Dominic is a stately persona, possessing a rather calm and dignified demeanor. He likes to think a few steps ahead of what he is doing at the most part, and for the most part, takes things with a 'long-game' attitude. He's considered to be quite stern, and unsurprisingly, he takes everything in life seriously. A taciturn person by nature who people usually spot working dedicatedly in the background. Despite being so stern, he is by no means mean-spirited. As long as you don't say anything too ridiculous or out of place, he's more than willing to explain difficult concepts to you, or simply give you the time of day if you want conversation. Dominic tends to push his emotions and personal desires out of the way whenever he is working, which makes him seem almost robotic in attitude.

Additionally, he has a stubborn streak; he wants to do things by the book, to a fault. Outside of his work, however, Dominic is much more approachable. He has many grandfatherly instincts, and is a servant at heart. Though not exactly patient by nature, it can take a lot to make him truly mad, and even more to get him to actually start shouting. He can give the cold shoulder to people he doesn't like, and unfortunately, he tends to hold a grudge for a long time. Dominic has a strong moral compass, and even though he holds people at arms length, the male tends to give people the benefit of the doubt the first time around.

Unique Point: Origins
This particular Domovoi hails from this very house, and due to his connection, seems to have a keen intuition for what's going on within the walls at any given point. Despite his surly behavior at times, Dominic truly has the best interests of his household in mind, desiring nothing more than to put the ghosts to rest.

I know my res has passed, but I'll put this here in case someone can't make it.

Pal Pad Group: Y

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Posted: Thu, 27/02/2025 22:14 (29 Days ago)

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2025 20:57 (1 Month ago)
temporary interest throw here

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Posted: Tue, 11/02/2025 14:54 (1 Month ago)
okay then you could've just not clicked.
booping anyway <3

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2025 23:42 (2 Months ago)
am here <3

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Posted: Thu, 16/01/2025 14:30 (2 Months ago)

Title: Tapu Lele | Character #1

"When the desperate need a hero, they'll crucify a doctor and call her 'God.'"

Dezerae Li
Lilicove City | Hoenn
Tapu Lele
Natural Blessing: Just like how Tapu Lele sheds healing scales, Dezerae is capable of volunteering her blood or a few strands of her hair to supplement berries in healing potions. However, the nature of her remedy depends on Dezerae's emotions and feelings towards the afflicted. If malignant feelings reside within her breast, the remedy may turn toxic. So you're either going to be fine in a few seconds or checking into the ER as your entire body turns against you.
- Lowkey cult worshipped as a miracle healer in Pokémon Centers. This may or may not turn into a God (Arceus) complex later on.
- That being said, what if the cure is worse than the disease?
- Wears long sleeves to hide the self-harm scars along her arms and hands.
- Much like Tapu Lele, Dezerae can become increasingly incensed when a patient's body rejects her remedies, and lashes out at those around her.
- Reasonably put off by the concept of death, and the recent mass-death in Kalos has rendered her almost catatonic as her mind tries to process it.

Ability: Natural Cure | Item: Shell Bell | Nature: Calm
( Cotton Guard | Moonblast | Draco Meteor | Flamethrower )

Ability: Storm Drain | Item: Leftovers | Nature; Timid
( Rock Slide | Energy Ball | Power Whip | Sunny Day )

Ability: Hyper Cutter | Item: Life Orb | Nature: Adamant
( Crabhammer | Knock Off | Aqua Jet | Swords Dance )

Ability: Normalize | Item: Throat Spray | Nature: Bold
( Hyper Voice | Fake Out | Substitute | Thunder Wave )

Ability: Solar Power | Item: Choice Specs | Nature: Bold
( Volt Switch | Parabolic Charge | Thunderbolt | Flash )

Ability: Hustle | Item: Shell Bell | Nature: Modest
Nasty Plot | Heal Bell | Air Slash | Roost

[pkmn]334[/pkmn] [pkmn]346[/pkmn] [pkmn]342[/pkmn] [pkmn]301[/pkmn] [pkmn]695[/pkmn] [pkmn]468[/pkmn]

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Posted: Fri, 10/01/2025 02:40 (2 Months ago)

Dezerae's Kit

༄ Ascension Overview

Banner: Rhapsody of Caprice | Event wish with: Lisa, Freminet, and Xiangling
Rarity: ★★★★★
Region: Snezhnaya

Role: On field Damage-over-time DPS | Off-field support
Element: Cryo | Vision Location: Neckpiece center
Weapon: Catalyst

Max Stamina: 240
HP: 13,600
ATK: 488
DEF: 644
Elemental Mastery: 0

Ascension Stat: Crit Rate
Ascension Stat Value: 20%

(Ray's high HP and DEF stat allows her to remain on the field for longer periods of time, outputting consistent damage and spreading debuffs among enemies. Rather than dishing out bursts of DMG, Ray thrives in outputting consistent offensive pressure over time, whittling down her enemies HP and Cryo elemental resistance)

Character Ascension

A1: Shivada Jade Sliver (1) + Qingxin (3) + Recruit's Insignia (3)
A2: Shivada Jade Fragment (3) + Dragonheir's False Fin (2) + Qingxin (10) + Recruit's Insignia (15)
A3: Shivada Jade Fragment (6) + Dragonheir's False Fin (4) + Qingxin (20) + Sergeant’s Insignia (12)
A4: Shivada Jade Chunk (3) + Dragonheir's False Fin (8) + Qingxin (30) + Seargant's Insignia (18)
A5: Shivada Jade Chunk (6) + Dragonheir's False Fin (12) + Qingxin (45) + Lieutenant's Insignia (12)
A6: Shivada Jade Gemstone (6) + Dragonheir's False Fin (20) + Qingxin (60) + Lieutenant's Insignia (24)

Talent Ascension

1>2: Teachings of Elegance (3) + Recruit's Insignia (6)
2>3: Guide to Elegance (2) + Sergeant's Insignia (3)
3>4: Guide to Elegance (4) + Sergeant's Insignia (4)
4>5: Guide to Elegance (6) + Sergeant's Insignia (6)
5>6: Guide to Elegance (9) + Sergeant's Insignia (9)
6>7: Philosophies of Elegance (4) + Lieutenant's Insignia (4) + Evergloom Ring (1)
7>8: Philosophies of Elegance (6) + Lieutenant's Insignia (6) + Evergloom Ring (2)
8>9: Philosophies of Elegance (12) + Lieutenant's Insignia (9) + Evergloom Ring (2)
9>10: Philosophies of Elegance (16) + Lieutenant's Insignia (12) + Evergloom Ring (2) + Crown of Insight (1)


Normal Attack: Cold Surge
Deals three consecutive slashes of Cryo, dealing up to three counts of Cryo DMG
Charged Attack: Consumes Stamina to deal AOE Cryo DMG.
Plunging Attack: Dezerae plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Cryo DMG upon impact with the ground.

Elemental Skill: Imperial Directive: Black Ice
Cooldown: 15s | Energy Generated: 1x3 Cryo
Unleashes a chilling wave of frost in a wide area, dealing AoE Cryo DMG upon activation and creating the Coldheart Creed AOE.
Opponents within the field recieve one Coronach stack upon taking damage, for a maximum of 3 stacks total. Each stack lasts for 8 seconds and reduces their Cryo RES by 10%. Enemies affected by Coronach will also take increased damage from Shatter and Superconduct reactions.

Elemental Burst: Imperial Directive: Alea iacta est
Cooldown: 18s | Energy Required: 70 | Duration: 15s
Dezerae punishes opponents who fall for her beguiling charms and sleights-of-hand. When the conditions are right, the trickster rips off her elegant facade and displays her true colors in spectacular fashion.
Dezerae's burst will behave differently based on whether there are multiple opponents on the field:

If there are multiple enemies on the field, Dezerae summons a swirling blizzard of phantom ice shards, creating an AoE that deals multiple waves of Cryo DMG over 8 seconds. She dons her vulpine mask and enters the Kitsuneki: Fiendish Disciple state.

Kitsuneki: Fiendish Disciple:
When Dezerae is away, the fox shall play. When in this state, Dezerae gains the following effects:
indent• All normal attacks will become infused with Cryo and will be counted as Elemental DMG. This cannot be overriden.
indent• Dezerae gains a resistance to interruption and consumes less stamina when sprinting.
indent• If Dezerae is above 60% HP, she loses 5% of her HP per second.
indent• The elemental RES and Cryo DMG of her allies is increased.

If there is only one opponent on the field, Dezerae focuses her fury into a concentrated strike, calling forth a massive Cryo fox spirit to execute a devastating lunge at the enemy, dealing a significant amount of single-instance Cryo DMG. This is followed by continuous Cryo pulses over 8 seconds, locking the target in place and reducing their Cryo RES by an additional 20%.

1st Ascension Passive: Interest Accrued
Whenever Dezerae triggers a Cryo-related Elemental Reaction (Superconduct, Freeze, or Shatter), she regenerates 3 Energy and reduces the cooldown of her Elemental Skill by 1 second. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.

4th Ascension Passive: Opportune Dividend
When Deezerae uses her burst, she will consume the Coronach effects from all opponents in the AOE. In exchange, Dezerae gains a 20% DEF boost and heals 5% of her HP for each consumed stacks, up to 5 stacks total. (25%)

Utility Passive: Odds and Ends:
When Dezerae is in your party, opening a Treasure Chest grants a 25% chance to obtain 1–3 regional Character Talent Materials based on the chest’s location. The rarity of the Character Talent Materials depends on the World Level and chest type. This effect does not apply in Domains, Trounce Domains, or Spiral Abyss.

Percentages for finding 1/2/3 materials in a chest are ... 60%/15%/5% for common chests, 50%/30%/10% for exquisite chests, 40%/40%/20% for precious chests, and 20%/50%/30% for luxurious chests. Drops from Trounce Domain and Elite enemies are not included. Materials cannot be found in Primal Obelisk chests or Shrine Chests.


Constellation Name: Flebilis Larva "Tearful Mask"

C1 “Rabbit in a snowstorm”
When Dezerae's HP hits 40% or lower, she creates a phantom mirror image of herself, taunting enemies and taking up to 15% of her HP in damage. This effect can only be triggered every 15 minutes.

C2 “Cloak and dagger”
When enemies with Coronoach stack are hit by a normal attack, Dezerae gleans a Cryo DMG bonus equivalent to 14% of her Max HP. This boost is lost when she leaves the field.

C3 “Danse macabre”
Increases the level of Imperial Proclamation: Black Ice by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

C4 “She for whom the bell tolls”
When Dezerae enters the Kitsuneki: Fiendish Disciple state, she gains an additional effect based on her current HP:
indentAbove 70% HP: Increases her allies' Elemental Mastery by 100 for 10 seconds upon entering the field.
indent50% - 70% HP: Increases her allies' Energy Recharge by 15% for 10 seconds.
indentBelow 50% HP: Increases her allies' Crit Rate by 10% and Crit DMG by 15% for 10 seconds.

C5 "Walk in step with the wicked”
Increases the level of Imperial Directive: Alea iacta est by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

C6 “Hang your harps upon the willows”
If Dezerae absorbs 5 Coronach stacks from nearby opponents upon activating her Elemental Burst, she uses the energy to grant the kitsune spirit temporary corporeal form. This spirit fights alongside Dezerae, dealing Cryo DMG with D'yavol'skiye kosti and applying debuffs to enemies in the field. Allies within the AoE of the spirit’s attacks gain increased Cryo Reaction DMG by 20%. Enemies hit by the spirit's attacks gain a refreshed Coronach stack, resetting the timer for their Cryo RES debuff.
When the spirit disappears, it explodes in a burst of frost, dealing massive AoE Cryo DMG equal to 200% of Dezerae’s Max HP.

Artifact Set

Artifact Set: Diabolic Diplomat
Diabolic: characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to be suggestive of the Devil, Diplomat: a person who can deal with people in a sensitive and effective way.

Flower of Life: Northland Bouquet
Northland: the northern part of a country or region (a reference to Northland Bank); Wreath: an attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony.

Plume of Death: Gilded Masque
Gilded: covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint, Masque: a likeness of a person's face in clay or wax

Sands of Eon: Opportunist’s Fortune
Opportunist: one who seeks to exploit fortuitous opportunities; Fortune; chance or luck as an external force
Recommended Stat: HP or Energy Recharge

Goblet of Eonothem: Pernicious Revelry
Pernicious: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way; Revelry: Loud or noisy festivities
Recommended Stat: Cryo DMG Bonus

Circlet of Logos: Faustian Masquerade
Faustian; made or done for present gain without regard for future consequences; Masquerade: a false show or pretense
Recommended Stat: Crit Rate or Crit DMG

Breakdown: Crit DMG > Crit Rate > Energy Recharge (~150% - 170%) > ATK% > DEF% > HP

Signature Dish

Name: Portrait of Elegance
Quality: ★★★★
Type: Elemental group

Effect: Increases all party members' ATK by 224~320 and CRIT Rate by 6~10% for 300s.
Boosted by: Xiangling

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 17:06 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 03/01/2025 03:49 (2 Months ago)
!!! voicelines here

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2024 21:58 (2 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
Fantasy AU!

静寂 Seijaku
mer!ray's realm

governance: hesperides, current fae sustainer and regent
habitat: underwater glen/kelp forest

"Look inwards to find serenity and stillness; like dew perched on a leaf come dawn."

Seijaku is an underwater realm suspended in the liminal hours of dawn, mirroring the tranquil and introspective nature of its creator. This ethereal domain exists at the confluence of darkness and the faintest hints of morning light, embodying the quietude that dawn brings to the ocean’s depths. While Seijaku's aesthetic leans towards minimalism—especially when juxtaposed with the elaborate grandeur characteristic of other fae realms—its profound sense of peace compensates for the lack of grandeur. Soft carpets of bioluminscent algae pulse with a welcoming light, beckoning visitors to come rest past its gate. Within Seijaku, the passing of time dissolves and the lines between individual consciousness and the whispers of the sea begin to blur.

Seijaku's beauty lays in its sublety and sensory comfort. The gentle undulation of sea plants, the unhurried passing of deep-sea creatures, and a modest carpet of moss create an overall ambience of peace. Stone dappled by light is cool underfoot. The environment is punctuated by delicate coral structures and smooth expanses of seafloor, their surfaces faintly illuminated by the occasional cascade of refracted light filtering down from the world above. The absence of overt ornamentation fosters an environment of reflection and stillness, encouraging those who enter to surrender to the realm’s soothing embrace.

Nestled within the heart of Seijaku lies Hesperides’ cave, a secluded alcove carved into the ocean bed by ancient currents and time’s slow hand. The cave’s entrance is draped with cascading tendrils of glowing sea moss, forming a shimmering curtain that sways gently with the ocean’s breath. Inside, the walls are lined with crystalline deposits that reflect and refract the soft light, creating a kaleidoscope of shifting colors that dance across the smooth, iridescent surfaces. Pools of tranquil water gather in shallow basins, their surfaces mirroring the faint glow of the cave’s interior. Pearls the size of a mortal’s palm rest in clusters around the chamber, each infused with lingering fragments of Hesperides’ magic. Other, smaller shells can be located nearby -- in the case of a well-intentioned visitor or a wounded supplicant. Outside sounds are greatly muted within the cave, the whisper of a shifting tide forms a gentle lullaby within.

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2024 04:45 (2 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
Fantasy AU!


“When winter winds are piercing chill, and through the hawthorn blows the gale, with solemn feet I tread the hill, that overbrows the lonely vale.”
— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “Woods in Winter”

Opalescent Arabesque

Theme Song: The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives

Hesperides • huh - speh - ruh - deez
✧ Derived from the word "hesperos," which translates to "evening"/"western"
Originates from 1590s, Greek, the "daughters of the Hesperus" who guarded the grove
of golden apples.

★ Mer Age: Unknown | ★ Species: Transformed Nereides (Alseid)
★ Gender: Female | ★ Pronouns: she/her | ★ Sexuality: Pansexual/Demi
★ Sub-species: Dolphin Mer | ★ Fae Court: Unseelie | ★ Court: Winter, Mab


About: The Nereides
"Short version here" - Official description


About: (The Dolphin) - ref

About: (Chlorosis) - ref

★ MBTI: INFP-T | ★ Star Sign: XXX | ★ Enneagram Wing: XwX – Name | Alignment: XXX | ref, ref, ref

Basic Fear(s):
Basic Desire:
Key Motivation:

Additional Info

· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·

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Posted: Fri, 27/12/2024 19:11 (2 Months ago)
here's to organizing hunts




┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
Hunt started: DATE
Hunt ended : DATE
Chain Number: #70 (sm not yet)
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

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