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Posted: Tue, 18/03/2025 17:27 (9 Days ago)
"Rest assured, everyone who is meant to be here is present." Balam intoned dully, standing guard by the newly opened room. Indeed, if one looked behind them, the other three members had stepped foot into the villa though at a more languid pace, a vague fog filming over their eyes as they took off their shoes. Perhaps the trek up the mountainside was quite exhausting, their presence muted in comparison.

As the last person stepped out of the mudroom and onto the flooring, feeling the bend of organic wood bending under foot, the grand double doors thumped shut, sealing away the cold as the house slowly began to warm up again. Silently, everyone's shoes shuffle into a small cupboard, each one landing into the velvet lined drawers with a gentle thump, pushed back into the cabinet by an invisible force

So-mi the moment you step into the manor, you immediately feel the pain of the house akin to a buffet fit for a starving Zannie. Alongside everyone you can see, you also feel 5 other presences below you. There seems to be a basement floor in which the other staff are waiting in.

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Posted: Sun, 16/03/2025 06:42 (12 Days ago)
oh yeah count me in this sounds so fun

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Posted: Sat, 15/03/2025 06:04 (13 Days ago)
"Thanking Mr.Darshan for his kind words." Lăcrămioara demurred, bowing shallowly. "Please leave your shoes wherever you please, they will be properly put away in the respective rack by us."

As expected of athe residence of two of some of the most high profile people, Rosemary Hill's Welcome Hall is lavish and beautiful, the glossed wooden flooring practically reflecting the opulence. However, taking a closer look, the hall looks quite normal, if a little sparsely decorated. The candelabra lined walls follow the same wooden grain as the floor, organically ingraining the natural atmosphere that comes with stepping foot into a mountainside residence. The gentle flames flickering through the hall warms the heart, illuminating the various paintings hung up on the walls.

There aren't any that are recognizable from first glace, in fact some seem to be quite crude and unpolished, but one does catch the eye of anyone well versed in Werewolf made art. Hanging innocuously between two others is an original Forsoothe piece. It's one of her earlier works, the barest hints of what would become her signature art style just beginning to emerge from the hesitant strokes. As one of the only Wolven artist who have managed to break into the Werewolf art space, Foorsothe made a name for herself as a respected artist, though the painting simply sits among the rest as a equal easily missed if one wasn't looking closely.

At the centre of the wide open space drew the eyes directly towards a grand staircase, the spiralling wooden structure leading towards the second floor. However, Balam leads the group instead towards one of the doors on either side of the staircase, opening the left mahogany door to gesture in. It seems the welcome hall is not where you will be convening

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Posted: Fri, 14/03/2025 03:05 (14 Days ago)
Welcome, to Rosemary Hill, the shared winter cottage of the late Ye MengYa and Zagan Yali. While in name, it is listed as a cottage, the building itself is more akin to a villa. One of the first purchases that Zagan made with his rising fame, the four walls of the villa have seen the two influential figures from the start to the end, a stalwart guardian who loved so deeply that its masters felt comfortable enough passing within it. With a rooftop that barely grazes the towering trees around you, the two story manor was once the winter home for the world famous duo, and the sight of their death. It seems almost much too peaceful, the pure white snow that had fallen the night, though clumped into uneven bunches, was untouched all the same but the eerie quietness of it all puts you on edge. Death has a smell, and the whole mountain reeks of it.

You, along with the rest of the group, have been called in to search the premises. While an initial investigation has been conducted, it is up to you to look for the details. Everything have been left exactly as they have been found with an exception to the bodies which have been moved into the underground freezer for preservation and eventual burial rites. The staff would be there to assist, though most of them would be waiting until the preliminary investigation was complete to answer any questions. You have been forewarned as well, that Zagan was quite fond of traps and hidden passageways which was liberally implemented into Rosemary Hill, a residence which acted more of a personal home than a status symbol for throwing around one's wealth when welcoming guests. Thank goodness that the staff at least knew their way around the villa.

It has been quite the trek coming up, with Rosemary Hill being situated in the mountainous ranges. Despite the clean path carved out in the snow winding up the easy trail, the journey itself required quite the work out to even arrive on the front steps. You had arrived at the base of the property long before sunrise but now, beyond the frosted peaks of the mountain range, the snow glitters warmly. Perhaps it was the trick of the refracted light off the snow, but you could have sworn that a shadow moved over the second floor window, there one second and gone as in the next blink. However, before you can investigate, getting into the villa itself comes first.

Before the grand doors of the cottage, stands two butlers, dressed in traditional mourning robes. One appears to be quite old, the bags under her silver eyes heavy and inflamed, the red rim to them a sign of her mourning. Perhaps its the deep winter shadows, but she doesn't appear to be very tall or robust, her figure almost swallowed up by the butler uniform she wears, a simple outfit whose only distinguishing point appears to be the golden trim and serpentine design on the underside of her tailcoat, a shade lighter than the black fabric. Fur of the same shade as her eyes have been elaborately twisted back into mourning braids, beads held in place with skilled lattice work as even her ears hang heavy with mourning beads. The red decorative muzzle and elaborate beaded veil that covers the butler's face indicative of the significance of the one who has been lost, crystalline tears the colour of blood sparkling under the winter sun, barely making an indent in her fur as it drapes over her muzzle. Her glassy eyes barely twitch as she stares at the horizon despondently.

The other, in comparison, was almost scarily young. He couldn't be any older than 20, and perhaps he seemed even younger with grief hanging heavy on his shoulders. An ivory mask of bone prevented anything from being seen, only a painted on smile barely containing a mouthful of fangs greeting the incoming visitors, bell like flowers hang from the bone bundled into a chorus of buds. Heavy furs wrapped around him, a unique mourning robe worn by only a few vampiric families up in the north, almost covering up the tailcoat underneath, hints of off white flowers crawling up the fabric peeking through the brown pelts. His own hair had black ribbons braided into the rusted strands, a cascade of extensions blending in with the dark greys of the fur, adding even more weight to the already voluminous coat. Heavy manacles clasped around his wrists clank in acknowledgement as the two turned towards the sound of crunching snow, pinning their guests with empty stares. As you reach the final steps to stand at the door of the cottage, both butlers square their shoulders and bow deeply at the waist.

"Esteemed guests, thank you for taking the time to arrive at our humble estate at such an hour." They intone, voices droning in unison. "We are the Head Butlers of Rosemary Hill, Balam Baramos and Lăcrămioara. We will accompany you during your investigation to answer any inquires you may have about the late Masters. Please, come inside and change your shoes as you do."

Turning around as one, they bow again as the grand doors to the villa open outwards without a single creak, the rush of heated air from inside the house billowing over you to warm your shivering form. Welcome to Rosemary Hill, dear investigator.

[Dear investigators, please step into Rosemary Hill. Be sure to change into the provided house slippers before entering the welcome hall]

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Posted: Fri, 14/03/2025 03:05 (14 Days ago)
As the world mourns the passing of two high profile celebrities, you have more pressing matters to handle. As a part of the team tasked with examining the winter cottage that Zagan and MengYa called home, you must uncover the secrets behind the incident. Was it truly a double suicide or is there something more nefarious hiding behind the scenes? Remember, each character can have their own goals but your objective is to reach a unanimous conclusion as to what happened in the cottage, regardless if its the truth or not. You must convince everyone that what happened is the truth.


Task Force Members:

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Imbris Cataegia | She/Her | Vampire | PieSmellsGood
Osiris Darshan | He/Him | Vampire/Mothic | Spiderrs
Lee So-Mi | She/Her | Zannie | andrea~
Dominic Vasseau | He/Him | Domovi | Immortes
August Hazell | Any | Desert Yokai| Miso-Soup

General Info
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Rosemary Hill - The Villa in where the investigation is taking place

Balam Baramos - Head Butler, Wolven
Lăcrămioara - Head Butler, Vampire

Will be updated as the team learns more, but any details will be up to players to remember~

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Posted: Fri, 14/03/2025 02:40 (14 Days ago)
@Immortes @Miso-Soup
Your forms both look wonderful, accepted! The RP will be up shortly

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2025 19:07 (22 Days ago)
@Spiderrs @andrea~
Looking good, Accepted! A Palpad will be created shortly

@Immortes @Miso-Soup
A friendly reminder to please get your forms in by Saturday 00:00 PH time, you have around 2 and a half days until then. If you can't get it in by that time, please send me a message and we can work something out!

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Posted: Tue, 04/03/2025 03:03 (24 Days ago)
it does appear to be a bug, as the shiny Tadbulbs I hatched last tall grass event aren't even recorded on my shiny radar log, so Orthworm even appearing on the log seems to be a bug. I haven't hatched a shiny worm though, so I can't confirm or not if the numbers being counted as part of the shiny hunt chain is also a bug that can occur for other users

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2025 04:00 (26 Days ago)
Don't worry, you've got plenty of time to work on it! If you need more time, feel free to just shoot me a message saying just that!

Looks good! Accepted!

The first post has been updated with a few lore tidbits that came up while I was finalizing the plot! Do look over them as they might help with your plans with your characters. But don't feel like you can only play as a Vampire or a Werewolf, diversity is very welcome and who knows. Perhaps playing as a different species might help with your investigation

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Posted: Thu, 27/02/2025 23:58 (28 Days ago)
@Immortes @PieSmellsGood @andrea~ @Miso-Soup
Your res have been noted, please try and get them in by Saturday 00:00 PH time! Glad to have you guys on board!

I don't recall having ever been in an RP with you so I do, admittedly, have my own reservations after looking at your previous RP posts. If you feel confident that you can keep up with the writing (which, post length wise, I assume will probably look a little like this [ 1 | 2 ]), please feel free to submit a form and I will make a final decision. Either way, thank you very much for taking an interest in this RP

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Posted: Thu, 27/02/2025 06:29 (29 Days ago)
The Wailing Sun

!Breaking News!

Great tragedy has struck the supernatural community. We regretfully inform you that Songster Ye MengYa and Head Strategist Zagan Yali have been found dead in their winter residence yesterday, December 21st. Police say that while an investigation will be held, it appears as if no foul play was involved and likely a double suicide. As the bridge between the vampires and werewolves, the one question on everyone's mind is how the heads of the clans will proceed from now on. As the nation's darlings, we will be sure to mourn the passing of two influential figures who have shaped the community with their strides towards armistice.

Zagan wa... Read More

Other News:
Songstrer MengYa's debut album, Lavender Love, skyrockets to the top of the charts
Local demonstration turns violent as two clans continue a centuries long bloody feud
An insider look into the interpersonal life of the two star-crossed lovers, MengYa and Zagan

We want to hear from you: What do you think of cross species relationships?

Comments: 182.9k

As the world mourns the passing of two high profile celebrities, you have more pressing matters to handle. As a part of the team tasked with examining the winter cottage that Zagan and MengYa called home, you must uncover the secrets behind the incident. Was it truly a double suicide or is there something more nefarious hiding behind the scenes?

In this modern world, supernatural entities are abundant, with the most prominent being vampires and werewolves. Historically, there hasn't been much intermingling between species, some even outright hostile to each other. It is only in the last 100 years when Songster Ye MengYa of the Werewolves and Head Strategist Zagan Yali of the Vampires came together to broker an armistice between species. You too are a supernatural being, with powers of your own. The task force assembled is comprised of an eclectic mesh of different species, all with their own views. Some seek the truth, while others simply wish to do their jobs. Some others may be acting on orders, planting evidence where there previously weren't or others may steal evidence. It all depends on your end goals. You have the rare opportunity to dictate history, after all. What course will you write?

How this RP Works:
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This is a murder mystery RP! I will act as your game master and give you hints and descriptions of items as well as play any NPCs that you may encounter. Meanwhile, your characters have the main goal of solving the incident regarding the deaths of two prolific figures. Each character can have their own goals but your objective is to reach a unanimous conclusion as to what happened in the cottage, regardless if its the truth or not.

Players are responsible for keeping track of information given to them, they might help in furthering your goals

Lore Bits:
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Werewolves: A clan of people who hold the senses above all else. They are quite particular to how they perceive the world and have naturally evolved to prioritize their senses. Werewolves primarily fall into two categories, Wolven and Were. Wolven are considered lesser and more dangerous of the two, as though their senses are keener than Weres, they are more prone to being led astray by them, leading them to be treated cautiously by even fellow Werewolves. Were's on the other hand may have duller senses but still posses a heightened aesthete taste that allow for them to participate in the senses much more keenly than Wolven who often fall into a stupor around things that please their senses. Were's are lauded as the most artistic of the Werewolves for their ability to replicate and create more sensually pleasing products, a majority of which fall within the arts. They are a clan that is much more artistically inclined than any other species. By the way, the only way to tell apart Wolven and Weres is that Wolven look much more like wolves than Weres do. They say that Wolven are strongest when the Moon flowers in full bloom and Weres come to play when the Moon closes its eyes
Songster: An extremely illustrious position within the Werewolf clan, second only to the Clan Head. They are gifted with the unique ability to sing the future, their songs creating vibrant images that can be interacted with as if they were living flesh and blood, the future becoming the present for the brief moments that the songs resound. They are performers who titillate all the senses with song, though many do also add elements of other arts into their performance, such as dance or instruments. Songsters are chosen at random from birth and usually apprentice under the current Songster to hone their craft. The most recent Songster, the Wolven Ye MengYa, did not have an apprentice.

Vampires:A clan of people who hold the mind above all else. They are very particular about the knowledge they keep and have evolved to hone their minds into the sharpest of weapons. Vampires are particularly adept in scholarly pursuits, being much more academically advanced that any other species. They also occupy the most territory of any clan, having taken some other clans under as vessel clans. Often times Vampires are characterized as eccentric shut ins who spend all their time focused on their particular area of study, but they can also be stereotyped by their immense opulence which they enjoy spending to show off their latest patents and breakthroughs. It is thanks to their ingenious minds that Vampires are capable of walking around in the daylight without fear of burning as well as eliminating the need for live donors when looking for sustenance. There are two broad categories of Vampire types, Inventors and Speakers. Both are equally valued and act as the backbones of Vampiric society, the Inventors furthering Vampiric advancements while Speakers settle disputes and absorb vassal clans into their midst.
Head Strategist: The left hand of the Vampire Clan Head, the Head Strategist acts as the face of all Speakers and the mouthpiece of the clan. As the most eloquent Vampire, the Head Strategist often meets with other Clans to broker vassal agreements and quell major unrest within the clan. They say that the Head Strategist can make even the staunchest of enemies fall into brotherhood or destroy even the fiercest of marriages. In times of strife, the Head Strategist shines upon the battlefield, directing armies with precise movements and utmost efficiency. The most recent Head Strategist, Speaker Zagan Yali, infamously brokered armistice between the Vampire and Werewolf clans, who had long been at odds with each other.

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1. This is a semi-lit roleplay. I expect at least a paragraph per post, around 3-5 sentences minimum. If I am unsure about your RP ability, I reserve the right to request an RP sample
2. You can only play one character. No one will die but I intend on keeping the player count small. Probably only 5 max
3. Please be sensible when playing. This means things like bunnying, godmodding, powerplaying, or piloting are things that I will not be looking at kindly
4. If you want to direct my attention to something your character does that requires my reply eg) checking an item, please bold it so I don't miss it
Amanda goes over to the vase, glancing it over. She wasn't sure if it was just another tacky decoration or something but it sure piqued her interest.
5. While I have general things planned out, please feel free to derail me! This is an RP about obfuscating and revealing the truth so you are always free to steal or plant evidence
6. Please remove all parenthesis in your forms, they're there for mostly clarification reasons
7. Reserving is fine but please fill out your form within the week! If you can't, please either communicate with me and we can work something out or else that reservation will go to someone else
8. I reserve the right to reject your form. I also reserve the right to give out warnings and kick people out if I see fit
9. Above all else, please have fun

Task Force Members:

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Imbris Cataegia | She/Her | Vampire | PieSmellsGood
Osiris Darshan | He/Him | Vampire/Mothic | Spiderrs
Lee So-Mi | She/Her | Zannie | andrea~
Dominic Vasseau | He/Him | Domovi | Immortes
August | Any | Desert Yokai| Miso-Soup

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2025 05:26 (1 Month ago)
I'm always down for one of your RPs!

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2025 09:59 (2 Months ago)
"Really? Am I the one becoming strange? Or did you never know me that well to begin with."

Leo Baskerville


[ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ : Drunk on Pride ]

Gender + Pronouns:
Who Cares | He/Him


Canon or OC:

Home Region:
Celestic Town | Sinnoh

Blessed Legendary:

Blessing Description:
Leo is gifted with 4 different powers that he can only use one at a time, which blessing he is using at each given time signalled by the colour that his brooch shines. The more he uses it, the harder it is to stop using it alongside a specific cost for each blessing.

Teal Brooch:
Leo hates this brooch and has only ever used it once, and for good reason. This is a blessing of healing, one much more wild and untamed than any other. Vegetation and life grows inhibited around him in a 5 foot radius, filling the area with dense foliage within the span of a minute. Anyone who steps inside the glades will feel refreshed and revitalized and Leo himself seems to almost fall back into who he was, before everything went downhill. He hates it. And thus the cost is even more fitting, for anything that he touches will wither and die, lasting double amount of the time he spent using the blessing. It does not kill humans but it will make them violently sick. The same can not be said for pokemon

Cornerstone Brooch:
As a defensive mask, Leo rarely does use it though it does have its uses. The blessing strengthens Leo's body acting as the perfect shield and battering ram. With a blessing said capable of breaking even the hardest stone in two, there is very little that can break him at all, his mildly optimistic outlook whenever using this blessing giving him the strength he needs to take upon his body wounds meant for another. But for this stubbornness, equal payment is required and Leo will inevitably fall ill after using the blessing, the nature of the illness varying depending on how long his skin was as sturdy as the very earth. From a passing cough to bedridden fevers, it all depends on how stubborn he is.

Wellspring Brooch:
A blessing that perfectly balances offence and defence, this blessing heightens Leo's intellect. His sharp analysis makes quick work of any pokemon battle and a sharp memory makes any conversation with him as smooth as a well worn brook. He is very affable and agreeable when using the blessing, full of bright smiles and kind observations, a farcry from his usual acrid personality. Once the blessing has run its course, Leo relives one random memory from before he ever met Ogerpon. The length of the memory is contingent on the length of time spent using the blessing, and while it is possible for him to be snapped out of the memory early, it usually leaves him quite disorientated

Hearthflame Brooch:
This is Leo's most used blessing and it's easy to see why. Comparatively it is the most straightforward blessing, heightening Leo's anger into a boiling point and feeding off the tempestuous emotion. His physical abilities are heightened to inhuman levels, absolutely hitting harder than even his own pokemon can. He becomes a fighting machine under the Brooch's influence, taking down everything in sight with a calculated eye. Leo is prone to falling into bloodlust and losing his mind in this state. But after such an exhausting fight, his body refuses to work anymore, paralyzing him for double the amount of time he spent using the blessing. He is conscious for the duration of this, awake and made to feel the slow crawl of time inching past.

Pokémon Team:
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Hisuian Growthlite | Nickname: Statice | Gender: M | Lv.14
Ability: Intimidate | Nature: Serious | Held Item: None
Flame Wheel | Ember | Bite | Howl
Leo's greatest achievement and reminder of everything wrong in his life. A product of unethical genetic breeding, Statice is unfit for battle but still does his best to please his master. Too bad his master has little intention of paying any attention to him

Driftblim | Nickname: Oswald | Gender: M | Lv.31
Ability: Unburden | Nature: Timid | Held Item: Sitrus Berry
Baton Pass | Calm Mind | Shadow Ball | Tailwind
Leo's very first pokemon and eternal partner. Named after the man who adopted him, Leo and Oswald often butt heads and disagree over almost everything. He doesn't approve of anything that is currently going on, but ever loyal Oswald will stick by his master's side and see thing through. Even if he hates the inevitable path it leads to

Dragapult | Nickname: Jabberwocky | Gender: M | Lv.68
Ability: Infiltrate | Nature: Naive | Held Item: Heavy Duty Boots
Hex | Draco Meter | U-Turn | Will-o-Wisp
Traded to him by someone close to him as a symbol of their deep relationship, Jabberwocky is one of the few on Leo's team who approves of the path his master has chosen. As the only pokemon on the team capable of competitive battle, Jabberwocky often backs Leo up in any fight they encounter on their way to the end

Roserade | Nickname: Demios | Gender: F | Lv.56
Ability: Natural Cure| Nature: Timid | Held Item: Black Sludge
Spikes | Protect | Sludge Bomb | Sleep Powder
Originally traded away as a symbol of friendship turned something more, Deminos found her way back to her original trainer after an unfortunate incident. She is wholeheartedly behind Leo's actions and often eggs him on into his darker impulses, supporting him and Jabberwocky in battle. Sometimes she seems angrier than Leo

Leo's eyes hold the stars, dead and lifeless as they are, specks of gold glimmering amongst the purple nebulae. Once they were proudly shown off, framed around glasses given to him by a special someone, but not they lay hidden behind unkempt bangs that shifts purple under the sunlight. If you were to lift his thick choppy hair, you would only find a permanent set of heavy bangs and tears stains under those puffy red rimmed eyes that stand out starkly to his lightly tanned skin.. He has taken to wearing ill fitting clothes made for someone much taller than him but are very well made and maintained despite this, a majority of which are quite formal in nature, though a simple red cloak usually covers him. The only thing that seems to fit him is a violet brooch, engraved with statice flowers which he keeps on his person at all times.

INFP - The Mediator | 4w5 - The Bohemian | Chaotic Neutral | Blue/Red with Black Leanings
Despite his meek appearance, Leo has an incredible temper, thunderous and tempestuous. He despises higher authority and and does his best to not bother himself with things that actively ignite his anger. Because of his upbringing, he is very self sufficient and prefers to do things on his own, often refusing help and stubborn to a fault. While he may have once put up a cordial front, the current Leo has no qualms with letting his anger run wild, uncaring of the consequences. While he is self aware and deeply introspective, acknowledging that he probably has anger issues and is a little too codependent at times, he has long since given up trying to fix those flaws of himself and instead embraces them fully. There is no room in his life for anything else.

General Skillset:
Very efficient and straightforward. You ask him to do something? He gets it done. He is also quite good at being pointed at a problem and solving it quickly, be it through his immense wealth of knowledge or lately his more preferred method of just smashing through it. Despite everything, Leo is capable of pulling together a whole host of masks for different occasions, a mild mannered young noble, a stern authoritarian professor, a scared victim, he can play them all to an astounding degree. He just doesn't much care for playing the part for any longer than he needs to.

Blinded by anger and grief, Leo will throw himself headfirst into any situation regardless of personal safety or well being. He has become a death seeker, looking to absolutely raze what he can to the ground before he goes. Anything other than this singular goal isn't even worth thinking about anymore

Other Information:
Leo was a professor that specialize in Sinnoh's history and Hisui's pokemon population. He's particularly interested in the revival of old Hisuian variants of pokemon and has only managed to succeed once by sheer luck. Good things never last long though, and Leo's husband was away in Kalos on a work trip when disaster struck and the news came that he was among the casualties. Leo really never was the same after that.

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 18:38 (2 Months ago)
With a truly pathetic squeak Ibaraki was picked up, not without difficulty. Dense corded muscles bunched up with undisguised strength naturally made Ibaraki much heavier than other children of the same age, so Xiao Hua would undoubtedly have struggled a little to even pick up the small child. Still, Ibaraki was deposited into the train cart with only a muted whine of... some emotion, sitting down heavily as the dizzying wave of psychedelic visions made the walls bend and the echoes ring.

"Than'y...H'a-Jiejie....." Ibaraki mumbled, head thunking softly against the wall of the train carriage, heavy eyes fluttering shut against the hoard of stimulation assaulting delicate senses. Taking in a breath, the soft aroma of wood planks soothing frazzled nerves into a low hum, the buzz that filled Ibaraki's head slithering into only a pleasant annoyance. Letting the rocking of the train rock back and forth with the constant motion, the gentle motion drawing Ibaraki deeper into the lull of comfort that the power gave, though the more Ibaraki thought about it, the more a sense of unease sat heavy in an emptying stomach before Ibaraki shot up with a gasp.

"Hua-Jiejie! W-wait the rules!" Ibaraki sputtered, attempting to scramble out of the carriage. If there was one rule that always stuck out so starkly, if only for the reason that Ibaraki kept breaking it, was to never. Ever. Use your powers. The fear that coursed through the small body overrode any sort of illness that had plagued the child just moments before, giving Ibaraki the burst of strength to try and clamber out of the train.

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 08:01 (2 Months ago)
Brightening as a new tray was pushed into voracious hands, Ibaraki only paused about midway through devouring the epitome of "at least its edible" when the thought suddenly occurred that Phoebes hadn't eaten anything at all. Not the vitamins, not even breakfast. Yeah, logically Ibaraki knew how much of a torture eating more plastic than nutritional slop that was served was them was, but even nibbling on something was better than nothing. But as soon as Ibaraki was turning to needle Phoebes into eatting something, Madam Isla's voice chimed an end to that.

Standing up and ignoring the wave of dizziness that crashed over, making everything swim in a tangled mess of shapes and colours, Ibaraki trotted over to the main table and set the mountain of empty trays down with the rest. Unsteady steps left Ibaraki trailing after the others in a daze, shorter feet struggling to keep up. That light headed feeling clung like a ghost to the child, weighing down each step with a heavy fog that refused to let Ibaraki gain any proper footing.

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Posted: Fri, 03/01/2025 03:12 (2 Months ago)
Zagan Yali

[Great Race of Mercy - 1920]



January 21

[Way Beyond the Nightside - Neutral]
Zagan is forever bound to the form of a beast while retaining a sound mind. Zagan can change into as many skins as it desires however many times it wants, but a human body will be beyond its reach

Strengths & Weakness:
High Intelligence | Shrewd | High Sympathy | Warm Hearted | Gives 20/10 cuddles | Loyal
Horrible Communication Skills | Low Empathy | Stubborn | Values Independence | Rarely Helps Others | Nihilistic

Its difficult to even know where to begin with Zagan. In the first place, its difficult to even strike up conversation with it, Zagan's appearance not quite screaming a good conversation partner. It also frequently trips over its words, a mouth not used to forming vowels and sounds paired with the right vocal chords making for quite the dissonant experience. This high bar of entry makes it so that Zagan is often seen as a bit of a lone wolf even by other students with a more beastal spirit form.
But once that barrier is conquered, Zagan is quite a soft creature, willing to act as a living blanket whenever its friends want. It often walks those it favours from class to class, sticking by their side like a loyal hound and adopting the mindset that the enemy of my friend is my enemy. For a beast, Zagan has a very sharp mind, easily sitting comfortably in the top rankings academically without too much trouble though it has a particular skill for strategy and maths. With a knack for always making people feel heard without saying anything, Zagan is a loyal friend who will absolutely stay right by the side of anyone it has put its trust in.
That isn't to say that Zagan is someone who will selflessly help though, very rarely will it actually do anything for the benefit of others, even if its bribed to do so. It strongly believes in the independence of the individual, where someone can't grow without facing their troubles headfirst and alone. You can always unload your burdens onto it but don't expect Zagan to pick up part of it for you. In much the same way, Zagan won't ever confide in others, content to carry its own burdens alone. Seeking comfort isn't inherently bad, but Zagan prefers to do things itself. There's no satisfaction or worth in obtaining something that someone else helped you reach. In the first place, it isn't every very good at showing its emotions through words, actions being much more its forte.

Personality Type:
INFJ - Advocate | 5w6 - The Problem Solver | House Dimir (Blue/Black)

As a shapeshifter, its difficult to pin down what Zagan will look like at a given moment. Often it takes the form of a husky dog padding through the corridors but if its feeling particularly assholish that day, will wander down the halls as a caribou. In class, its always a sugar glider, just big enough to hold a pen and take notes. It changes skins based on a whim and never really settles into one appearance.
The only way to distinguish Zagan from regular animals is the gnarled burn scar stretching over its left cheek, twisting its face into a permanent grimace no matter the form. This is usually hidden by dense fur as a husky but it is there.

Born as to a well to do family in the South, Zagan lived a fairly peaceful life with its chronically ill sister while its parents built a solid future for their children as the threat of civil unrest threatened their simple life. It came to pass when Zagan was in its teens that it was drafted into the local army to quell the uprising that had broken out, on the condition that its sister would be well taken care of in its absence. Starting as a letter runner, a job whose mortality rates left much to be desired, Zagan began to form connections with the higher ups, controlling information as the one bringing it back and forth. Thanks to its strategic mind, work ethic, and familial connections, Zagan rose up the ranks to work as a strategist for the army for a number of years though this inevitably wore its world view down into a jaded crisp. When the mandatory time to serve had come and gone, Zagan returned home without a backwards glace to take care of its sister.

As things often do, things happened. Decision were made and actions weren't taken and it all ended as everyone else ends.


Voice Claim:
Lee Majdoub


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Posted: Sun, 29/12/2024 06:23 (2 Months ago)
Holding back a whine when Phoebes drew her hand away, Ibaraki wasn't left pouting for long. obeying her summons with a tilted head, Ibaraki glanced down at her hand where she offered the medicine. Of course, Ibaraki would listen to Jiejie... right?

Ah, so this was how it was going to be, huh.

Staring at the vitamins for perhaps a beat longer than what one would deem normal, Ibaraki only leaned around Phoebes to check if Nurse Lisa or Madam Isla was watching either of them. When that didn't seem to be the case, a toothy grin bloomed over Ibaraki's face as the unwavering trust wrapped itself around the proffered packet. "Of course!" Ibaraki chirped, swallowing down the bitter medication stored within with only a minor grimace. The grainy residue that lingered like sand joined with the tasteless food and bland water as Ibaraki beamed at Phoebes.

Of course he would listen. If it was Jiejie asking, then Ibaraki would do anything she asked.

[]Ibaraki has taken the vitamins. Again.

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 07:38 (2 Months ago)
With one hand firmly gripping Phoebes and another balancing a plate laden with an almost impossible amount of food, Ibaraki eagerly snapped up the food without a care about the rubbery texture of the egg whites or the glass like brittle shards of toast that slipped between sharp teeth to stab into tender gums. Ravenous and unrelenting, Ibaraki happily accepted any and all offerings that the other kids not so subtly pushed onto the never dwindling plate. The speed at which Ibaraki ate would be concerning if not for the fact that this was pretty normal, the rapid consumption warring with the ungodly metabolism that left the poor kid always looking on the wrong side of thin.

When Nurse Lisa came around to drop off the vitamins and supplements that they all took at breakfast, Ibaraki only beamed at her. "Good morning, ma'am!" Ibaraki chirped, washing down the given pills with water that tasted so strongly of sulphur that Ibaraki's throat burned as the lingering taste of metal and rust coated the inside of a still chewing mouth.

[]Ibaraki has taken the vitamins

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Posted: Fri, 27/12/2024 11:02 (2 Months ago)
Squeaking as the already bandaged skin was tugged and pulled at, Ibaraki's head swam the moment bare feet touched the cold ground again, woozy butterflies fluttering around to disorient the poor kid. By the time Ibaraki had finally regained his bearings, everyone was already filing out the door, the rush to make it to breakfast before Madam inevitably began to grow impatient.

"A-ah, don't leave me behind! Hua-jiejie! Xuan-jiejie!" Biting an already puffy lip, Ibaraki's knitted eyebrows only furrowed further as nervous eyes darted between Damian and the door. To be honest, Ibaraki wouldn't have even noticed the older boy's presence if not for the words that reminded the group of the time they had left, echoing Hua-jiejie's words. It didn't seem like Ibaraki hadn't even registered the fact that Phoebes was using the child as a makeshift armrest, the negligible weight imperceptible to a body capable of carrying much more than 120 pounds of human weight.

"I guess we should go now... together?" Ibaraki asked timidly, the coarse bandages chafing against skin from where Ibaraki held Phoebes' hand though perceptive eyes looked directly at Damien.

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Posted: Fri, 27/12/2024 00:52 (2 Months ago)
Feeling the heavy hand tap against scrapped skin, Ibaraki squealed in fright, bandaged hands only barely coming up in time the muffle the sounds into a wheezing whine that sounded a bit like a deflated plastic toy. Whipping around to brace against the inevitable scolding that came packaged with such words more often than not, pink eyes meet widened as they meet a shade just a touch lighter than Ibaraki's own, the much more comforting shape of Phoebes looming over the bed than any of the caretakers.

Still, Ibaraki's lower lip wobbled despite the safety that the lack of any adults provided, shuffling towards the edge of the bed with all the pouting regret of a child who had been caught in the act. "I-i know.... But you know I don't like going alone.... I'm sorry Jiejie...." Ibaraki sniffed, fingers finding purchase on Phoebes' nightshirt, all while neatly avoiding her eyes.

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