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The Great War - Sign Ups [CLOSED]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Great War - Sign Ups [CLOSED]
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 07:43 (3 Years ago)

So, this is your life now, huh? You're one of those special ones recruited by the government to assist in the war, whether it be out in the battlefield, disguised as the enemy, or doing the boring work alongside the big man. Or of course, you could be the enemy. Heh heh, must be fun, but hey, I'm not judging. Oh, what do I mean by special? Well that just means you're pretty much a freak! Yeaahh... You know what I'm talking about, don'tcha? You either got flames bursting outta your hands or smarter than Einstein himself! Huh? What's that gotta do with this wretched war? Ya gotta be kidding me! You and your small gang of freaks are the only ones of your kind, the rest of the eight billion people on Earth gotta deal with being normal... Besides, boss thinks you'd change the tides instantly once your sparky fingers or whatever hits the battlefield or helps him in his glorified office, whichever one he sees fit for you. What's that? Ohhh... Now you're asking the real questions mate. This war was started about... Say 40 years ago, when people of your kind came around, and the guy in the chair got mad at another guy for doing inhumane experiments on average civilians, resulting in people like you. Of course, we over here had been doing experiments too, but at least ours were legal. Anyways, they were getting better results because of said crimes, and people began to defend them over it. It was an "Advance in technology and the human race" or whatever, I honestly don't know. During that time I was just a wee little lad playing with a sentient plant on my GameBoy at the time, ya know? So anyways, we got mad and declared war for the fight of human rights, and a fear of what uncontrolled powerful beings could do, causing what you see today. Oh whatever, you've probably heard it from your parents who were part of the experiment, or you yourself were a victim. Well, if I'm being honest, this damn war ain't got nothing to do with what I just said anymore, it's really just built up conflict. The world's broken down, and at this point, we just call the two sides 'Red' and 'Blue', not like anyone cares anyways. We call ourselves Red, and I'm guessing that you can figure out that the enemy is Blue. Am I rambling on too much for you? Oh suck it up lad! I was getting to the end anyways! I'm just here to get you started in having your own part in the war, I hope you're ready.

You are someone who has a special ability, one that is sought after as a weapon to use in the war, or just a normal human as a regular soldier, government official, or civilian. Those that have these abilities, though, are either old enough to be a product of an experiment or just inherited said ability from a parent who was a subject. You were sent a draft in the mail, ordering you to go to a discreet location, where many of you gathered and listened to a man give the introduction stated above. Alternatively, if you were what he called the 'enemy', you would be forcibly taken from your home and put in a small, office-like room and shown a video explaining something similar. Only a little bit more... Sophisticated. Regular soldiers, civilians, and officials are currently going about their Thursday afternoon as they normally would. Then, you would soon be given a task depending on your ability, and you would be expected to fulfil it. Those on the Blue side, though, could possibly be taken for further experimentation. This is where you begin, getting involved with this war and never having the same life ever again. Good luck, and I bid you farewell.


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1. All Pokeheroes rules apply
2. All RP rules apply, such as bunnying, godmodding, etc.
3. Please ask for any major plot changes or relationships
4. This is a Semi-Lit RP, meaning I expect paragraph(s) with at least 3-5 sentences.
5. Please delete everything in parenthesis in the form
6. The 'Password' is bacon egg and cheese biscuits
7. Please do not take advantage over any rule I have hot yet added
8. Feel free to ask me any question you may have, I'll be happy to answer

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[center][b]Username[/b] -
[b]Character Name[/b] -
[b]Age (19-65)[/b] -
[b]Gender[/b] -
[b]Appearance[/b] -
[b]Power (If Any)[/b] -
[b]Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.)[/b] -
[b]Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue)[/b] -
[b]Personality[/b] -
[b]Background[/b] -
[b]Password[/b] -
[b]Other[/b] -
[b]PalPad Group? (Yes/No)[/b] -[/center]

My Form(s?)

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Username - Daiko
Character Name - Dantier [Dawn - tea - air] Femmings
Age - 29
Gender - Male
Appearance - He's a tall and scrawny man, always huntched over and has the face of one who's seen millions die, which he has. His face hasn't had a smile in years, and his eyes look like they've never had a wink of sleep. Said eyes are a grassy green with hints of blood red in the center around the pupil. His hair is long and black, looking like they've been cut with a lawnmower. He wears the normal army uniform, and doesn't bother to wear anything else except for a white shirt and jeans.
Power - Infinite Lives: He can never die, at least, not to him. If he is ever killed, he will be snapped back to a 'checkpoint' in the past, the closest time that he is out of immediate danger, like waking up from a dream. No matter how he is killed, he will always end up soon before the incident. Everyone around him won't have any memory of the future if he ever tells them about what he sees, but some have very vauge feelings of deja vu once he tells them. He uses this power to, of course, be basically immortal, 'see the future' and change the outcome accordingly, and so on. He feels all the pain that comes from dying, and he maintains all memories of every single one of his deaths.
Role - Soldier
Allegiance - Red, after escaping the ruthless torture of Blue
Personality - TBRPD because i'm lazy
Background - also very lazy
Password - I'm hungry lol
Other -

Accepted Users

Daiko - Dantier Femmings - Red
-Widow- - Andrea Lethonia Kingsley - Red
RainbowEevee - Lediana Calina (Silverstreak) - Blue
Tsukoyomi - Choi San (S48A2N5, Nero) - Blue
RaRaRasputin - Bree Wilson - Neutral / Civilian || Aster - Red
ChewyDaBacca - Rey Narukami - Red
MsLovelyRainbow - Chip Sternson - Red
The_Blackguard_Empire - Jaxon States - Blue
Scrub - Grey - Red
DrGrimm - Grimm Peckington - Neutral
Sterg - Jordan Alain - Blue
Aethernyx -FLC-200, The Falcon (Erin Cho) - Blue
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 09:28 (3 Years ago)
Username - -Widow-
Character Name - Andrea Lethonia Kingsley
Age - 28
Gender - Female
Appearance - Black hair with white tips. Purple eyes, likes wearing complicated but beautiful tunics
Power - Chaos magic. Andrea can manipulate the minds of others, causing them to relive their worst memory, for a period of ten minutes or lesser. She can also cause mass confusion, and change the hearts of many, which thus will stir up fights, but this particular skill is extremely draining (the more people she affects, the more tired she feels, and the weaker she becomes) She is also able to shoot circles of her magic at enemies, injuring them in various ways. Once more, the more severe their injury, or the more people she injures, the weaker she’ll become, and more tired as well.
Role - Used to be a soldier, but now a spy.
Allegiance - Red
Personality - She’s sweet kind and caring, but also fiercely loyal, cunning and clever. To the enemy, she appears cold and calculated, but she does tend to lie a lot to protect others, or for other reasons
Background - She’s extremely stealthy, and carries a dagger and needle just in case she can’t use her powers. She has a high pain tolerance, but can’t last long without food. She can hold her breath underwater for a reasonably long amount of time. In terms of strength and speed, she basically sucks, but can conceal herself well. She’s ambidextrous, and can dislocate joints at will. She used to be a soldier, but seeing so many allies die before her in the battlefield, and having felt the blood on her hands made her change to become a spy.
Password - sunshines daisies butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow
Other - Daiko because of you I’m hungry. :holds sword menacingly: I will cut off your pinky. Also Andrea has a pet raven
[b]PalPad Group? [b] -Sure why not.

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 09:34 (3 Years ago)
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 09:44 (3 Years ago)
Username - RainbowEevee
Character Name - Silverstreak (Real Name: Lediana Calina - She doesn't let anyone call her that)
Age - 19
Gender - Female
Appearance - Blond hair, lavender purple eyes, likes wearing clothes that she can move quickly and silently in. She always wears some sort of accessory.
Power (If Any) - Elemental Control of Water, She struggled to control her power at first, and even now, she struggles whenever she uses her power for anything big.
Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.) - Spy
Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) - Blue
Personality - Fierce, daring, and clever, she’s kind to most people through, she can change what people think about her personality quickly (good actress)
Background - Her mother had the same power as her, but the scientists say that her power is stronger. Her family hid her power, as it was viewed as dangerous and unstable by the community. She practiced in secret, but that wasn’t always successful, and there were times when she was almost exposed.
Password - bacon egg and cheese biscuits
Other - I didn't copy from -Widow-, I know it sounds similar, but this is just my favourite kind of people! And can we have more than one character? I'm not done with this character yet, I'll post again when I finish my form!
PalPad Group? - Yes

Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 11:22 (3 Years ago)

Character Name
[Civilian Name: Choi San]

Age (19-65)


San is a relatively unassuming person of Asian decent, standing at a respectable 176 cm (5'9). Perhaps the only odd thing about him is a streak of white hair that falls over his left bangs, soft as the rest of his midnight black locks with all evidence pointing to the streak as being natural. Perhaps the other striking feature he has are the high cheekbones, a jawline sharp enough to slice through flesh, and predatory red eyes narrowed as a cat's eyes would, but all those fade to the background whenever San smiles, everything seeming trivial when faced with a sunshine dimpled grin. He has broad shoulders but a deceptively tiny waist, his body built from years of training and drugs. While blending in with society and humans as a whole, San is a fan of oversized sweaters and jumpers tucked into waist cinching jeans or leather pants. He always covers his skin, leaving the evidence of human dissections and experimentation hidden under layers of cloth. Stop his head sits a pair of fluffy black cat ears that replace his human ears, a matching slender tail attached to his spine denoting his very visible power

Black Cat Nero
Despite its naming, Black Cat Nero is much more than feline morphing. Of course the power gives San the ability to turn into a black cat, save for one white streak of fur which mirrors his own hair. Aside from feline morphology, Black Cat Nero also gives San feline traits outside of his physical cat form, such as exceptional balance, increased night vision, heightened senses, and an uncanny ability to sense danger though this stays as a gut feeling and not as an actual manifested power. In addition to this, San has claws made of keratin, though they can be a handful to maintain as they rapidly grow in order to combat the fragile nature of his nails. Much like a cat, he is most active during the night and can be caught nesting or purring.

... yes his ears and tail are fully functional and can be hidden

Trained as a Soldier, Assigned as a Spy


INFP - The Mediator | 6w7 - The Confidant
There's an almost frightening duality to S48A2N5. On one hand, he is the perfect Subject; silent, obedient, efficient, and best of all unquestioning. He carries out tasks quietly and quickly, always working to do the most in the least amount of time. There is barely any emotion on his face during these times aside from apathy or the rare crazed blood lust that overtakes him when he bathes in blood, cold indifference facing the horrors he commits. He rarely complains about his tasks nor does he shy away from any additional experiments scientists may drag him in for. Truly, the model test subject
On the other hand, San is kind. Kind enough to remember each SAN designation and their faces, their names, their hopes, dreams, and how he murdered them. He holds kindness in his actions, taking care of any new experiments unfortunate to find a place within the drab white walls of the facility. He takes on other's punishments and rarely holds grudges. San can be as playful as a cat, always fooling around and giving the dreary compound the light it needs. Whenever he throws his head back, his soundless laughter bounce off the concrete walls and lifts people's spirits. He is a breath of fresh air and sunshine dancing across the floors. He is joy and he is hope.
But perhaps the most damning of all is S48A2N5's trained ability to emote while never feeling emotions himself. He is a perfect spy, able to play whatever role you give him. So who is the real personality, S48A2N5 or San, or perhaps someone else; remains a mystery

S48A2N5. Subject 48, Assignment 2, Number 5.
Historically there have been other SAN subjects before the one that would ultimately take up the name of the project as his Civilian name. San didn't know them. Or that's what he would say. After all, the SAN assignment had concluded with his successful genetic change. There was no one to know anymore. What did it matter that SAN-2 had once snuck him a ragged blanket after a particularly gruesome session or if SAN-8 had looked up to him like a brother? They were gone and only he was left
Subject 48
Others had been dragged into this ungodly experiment just like him all in the name of science. Or so they said. He just figured that they wanted something to do while they twiddled their thumbs and decided to play God and mess around with human biology. They had separated him from the others, taking in his small stature and nimble athleticism before deciding to feed him to the animal morphology department. "He's already an animal, why not make the appearance match the character" they had figured, tossing the rat into his doom
Assignment 2
Cat morphology they reckoned was one of the easiest. After dogs that is. Dog morphology was Assignment 1 and Cats; Assignment 2. After all, there was an abundance of house cats and strays to take DNA from, why would such a simple animal be so difficult to splice onto human genomes? San could attest that it was quite hard, requiring hours of laying under blinding lights, head pounding and vision swimming from the blood loss, numb from the chin down as doctors played with his guts. Though he supposed that in some sense it was easy as they had produced a successful experiment. Him
Number 5
A number was the closest thing he had ever gotten to a name. Back when he had been on the streets, he had just been another forgettable face that stole from the masses. In the facility at least he had a designation. He was something to the people at the lab and something was always better than nothing. Later, after he had put to rest the final abomination and the still warm blood cooled on his hands, they named him San. To be a indomitable mountain to your enemies and a reliable hill to your allies was the dreamy explaination. The SAN project had been their mountain, their crutch to keep the experiments going, and now the responsibility fell on him to shoulder the same burden

He's just a little meow meow

Due to the nature of the experiments, his vocal chords have been torn beyond repair and he can barely make any noise. He communicates either through ASL, Morse Code, or a text to speech app on his phone. He also experiences chronic pain and acute arthritis in his joints, especially his back, knees, and hands
your local cat boy is here to cause chaos and take naps. And his insomniac body doesn't let him take naps :3c
His call sign is Nero

PalPad Group?

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 13:25 (3 Years ago)
(really considering joining,this looks very cool)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 13:56 (3 Years ago)
Bree Wilson
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~"Wishing is a form of inspiration for the lazy mind but taking action, persisting and finding alternative routes to your destination against all odds is the definition of a successful" (-Oscar Bimpong)~

Username - RaRaRasputin

Age - 20

Gender - Female

Appearance - Her normal attire is a simple shirt and jeans. She doesn't care much about looking fashionable. She has a habit of wearing boots since she never knows what type of terrain she'll be treading in. She has short blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. Bree is short, standing at about 5'3, fortunately, her boots give her an extra two inches of height.

Power - Aura reading (she can see people's auras, even if something is blocking her "view" ie: walls, trees, ect.). The more powerful someone is, the easier it is for her to 'see' them. She can only 'see' or sense them if they are within a certain range. She also has a healing ability.

Role - Trained solider- Bree's skill is obviously crucial to have in the battlefield. But she became a civilian for a few years- desperate to escape the experiments and bloodshed.

Allegiance - Bree is apart of the Blue group, but is personally more neutral. She will help anyone, no matter the group

Personality - Bree was born blind, but she doesn't let that get to her. Bree is incredibly tough. She'd die before admitting weakness to an opponent. She isn't afraid to bad-mouth an enemy, despite her obvious disadvantage if a fight occurred. Even with her tough attitude, Bree is kind-hearted, she will protect her allies with her life.

Strength - One always says... When one sense is lost, the other becomes stronger. Bree can see other people by sensing and seeing their aura. Her aura reading is incredibly skilled because she is forced to rely on it to see others. She also has a healing ability, although she is limited on what's possible to heal and healing others drains a lot of energy

Weakness - Bree is obviously susceptible to far ranged attacks. Even with her stronger "senses", she has trouble in hand-to-hand combat.

Background - Bree didn't need to be coaxed into healing others. If she sees anyone in pain, she does what she is trained to do- heal them. She doesn't discriminate, and would heal anyone, regardless of their side. There was almost a silent deal in place, if she healed her fellow comrades then she could avoid the dreaded experiments.
But her good fortune couldn't last forever...
She was caught healing the enemy and was therefore subjected to torturous experiments.
They tested her power to the extreme. Breaking her bones to see how well she could heal herself. Harming others to see how well she could heal them. They tried to strengthen her power, attempting to get her to revive even the dead and dying (spoiler: all tests failed). Arguably, the most horrific, however, was their attempts to get her vision back.
When her power failed they tried modern science. Their efforts were far from humane, and the final straw. Bree did everything she could to leave the organization, and tried to do everything in her power to never return.

Other - Bree only carries one weapon for self defense- a hidden dagger in her boot

PalPad Group? Yes

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~"It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill" (-Emilie Autum)~

Age (19-65) - 23

Gender - Male

Appearance - Long strands of black hair that is usually kept in a ponytail. His hair has neon purple tips and he has dark blue eyes. He is tall, standing at about 6'3. He has somewhat of an athletic build- being somewhere in between scrawny and brawny. He typically wears dark clothes and boots because it takes less energy to cloak himself with his power when his clothes are already dark. His arms and part of his chest are covered in flower 'tattoos' that he made himself by scarring himself with his powers and darkening the wound. He does this to remind himself of the outside world.

Power (If Any) - Darkness- he can hide in the shadows- making him appear almost demon like. He can also make shadows do anything he desires. Obviously he is weaker when there is lots of light present and stronger when there is little to no light. He doesn't get the chance to use his powers very often since he often fights in the daytime. He also rarely uses it offensively.

Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.) - Soldier

Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) - Red

Personality - He is very cocky. He is often more bark than bite, which sometimes works out for the better. People tend to overestimate him, so he often doesn't get his hands dirty. He may seem cold but he cares deeply about others and will glady die for his allies. He is a soft boi at heart.

Background - Like Bree, he has no real biological parents. He was a test tube baby and intended to become a super solider. It worked, he became a very extremely powerful person. Unfortunately for the higher ups, he has no real intention of wiping out the Blue group. He avoids using his power offensively and isn't afraid of being experimented on.

Other - His real name is actually a series of numbers. But he named himself Aster, after a pretty purple flower he saw and brought back to a kind scientist

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 829
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 14:48 (3 Years ago)
Username - Chewydabacca
Character Name - Rey Narukami
Age (19-65) - 19
Gender - Male
Appearance -
Power (If Any) - Quirk: Random. Rey can access all possible powers (that can be wielded by a living organism, He also is unable to wield some powers, which will be explained later.) but is unable to choose which power he gets. He is also unable to control the power unless he learns how to. Although it is by default completely random, there are certain factors that may allow him to have a higher chance of using specific power. Upon ingesting the DNA (hair, blood, any dna) of another person, he gets an increased chance to use that power, depending on how much he ingested. Once Rey swaps powers, this chance resets, and he no longer gets an increased chance until he ingests more DNA. His personality will also change depending on who’s quirk he obtains. The more powerful, the more the effect on his personality.

Notes: He will still be able to wield powers that will cause him severe damage, eg being able to self destruct certain parts of his body at will)

Normally, when wielding power, he will be able to access a small portion of the original wielder's memories. This normally gives him an idea on how to activate the power, and the identity of the user, but not enough information to know how to control the power well. If the power he received is strong, or the amount of DNA he ingested is of a large quantity, he will be able to access a larger portion of memories, mainly recent memories. He will still not be able to control the power well just from these memories.

The power he obtains affects his memories, the stronger the power, his personality becomes closer to that of the original wielder of the power. In other words, if he obtains a good person's power, he will have a more heroic personality. If power belongs to a villain, he will have a more villainous personality. Basically, his personality is based on the power he has. Note that for this RP, his personality will be based on the power's nature

If said power is too strong, Rey will lose consciousness and will take on the memories, quirk, and personality of the person the power belongs too. If said person has already deceased, he will take on the personality and memories of the person in his prime. Rey's consciousness will be taken over by Reyna's consciousness. Therefore, Reyna will be able to access the memories of the person the power belongs to, granting her close to full control of the power. Rey's regular healing factor is also increased significantly. Reyna bears a grudge against Red for her death.
Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.) - Soldier
Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) - Rey is Red, tho kinda forced to do it, Reyna is Blue
Personality - Indifferent, lacks a interesting personality
Background - Part of Red's project to create the ultimate "freak", that can use all powers at will. Long story short, didn't work out as planned, now, Rey can use all powers, but he cannot choose the power, and will have to use them at random.
Password - bacon egg and cheese biscuits
Other -
PalPad Group? (Yes/No) - yas

My Form(s?)
Reminder to self: work on your signature
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 17:04 (3 Years ago)
@All accepted!

@sterg i'll edit the main post if/when you get a form up, thanks for your interest!

@rainboweevee that's alright! and yes, i forgot to mention it but you can have up to 3 characters

just realized that i haven't finished my form, whoops
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 18:05 (3 Years ago)
Username - MsLovelyRainbow
Character Name - Chip Sternson
Age (19-65) - 21
Gender - Male
Appearance - A young male frame with fair skin, Chip stands at a small 5 foot. His brown hair fades into orange and isn't longer than his ears. His feet and legs are bandaged. His face is small and his green eyes are too big for his face, giving him the signature look of cuteness. His shoulders aren't as broad as soldier-trained men, but his strengths aren't the same either.
Power (If Any) - Speed. He's as fast as a cheetah.
Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.) - Spy
Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) - Red, I guess-
Personality - Introverted Pessimistic Perfectionist. He hates things to be off-balance or crooked. He also suffers from ADHD, ADD, OCD, and other mental illnesses they haven't figured out. Due to his ADHD, he's very hyper but doesn't show it in his emotions, resulting in him usually running and bouncing all over the place but being very serious at the same time. Another downside to this is his organization. It's disappeared, leaving chaos in its place. His low attention span and ADD make him usually not pay attention to a word anyone says, regardless if it's life-or-death. He'll usually disobey orders if he doesn't hear them, and forgets tons of things. His OCD has him touching and doing stuff regularly, for instance, he'll lap around a training field once and claim it 'gives him good luck'. He is very superstitious and not at all wary of consequences, so that's another minus. Chip is very sociable and will ramble on and on about something.
Background - WIP
Password - bacon egg and cheese
Other - Sorry I can't remove the parenthesis-ed words, I'm a little busy rn
PalPad Group? (Yes/No) - Yes

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 18:40 (3 Years ago)
@rainbow accepted!

i'll go ahead and make the palpad and finish my form, i'll most likely start the roleplay tomorrow if people the sign-ups slow down, thank you guys so much for your interest! if this goes well, this rp will most likely have multiple parts
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 18:41 (3 Years ago)
Username - The_Blackguard_Empire
Character Name - Jaxon States
Age - 23
Gender - Male
Appearance - Jaxon stands just above the average for his age, a rough five feet and eleven inches. His eyes are a quiet gray, set within a soft, rather boyish face. A messy mop of brown hair sits atop his head, often hidden under a hat or helmet. His shoulders bear two well-muscled arms, bosting great strength and endurance. His hands are large, calloused and slightly scarred from the war. His legs are sturdy, like a tree planted for all twenty-three years of his life. Due to some shortages in nourishment in his lifestyle, Jaxon's midsection is comparatively small, allowing his ribs to tent his skin meagerly.
Power - "Behemoth" - Jaxon can enter a brief state of invulnerability, usually lasting for about three seconds. In this state, (with correct bracing of course) Jaxon can even resist the blast of a heavy weapon, such as artillery. The downsides of this ability are not major, but definitely make it more difficult to utilize; Jaxon cannot move his body while in this state, and it takes an immense amount of focus to keep from crying out in pain when he's struck with a blast or bullet. If Jaxon attempts to use the ability more often then twice in fifteen minutes, he'll take more damage than usual, instead of resisting it.
Role - Soldier
Allegiance - Blue
Personality - Jaxon is a steadfast, quiet individual. His mind works in the military style, always planning the next move; establish the area, seek out threats and be rid of them. He's a planner, overall, if extremely nervous about any part of the plan going wrong. To an outside eye, Jaxon seems like a cruel man, driven only by wealth. However, when acquainted with Jaxon or hiring him into a force, one might realize just how much he cares. It takes about three days for an individual to be taken under the man's wing.
Background - Raised outside of the war until the age of twelve, Jaxon lived an overall quiet life. However, at the age of twelve, he learned of the atrocities of war; hiding under the stairs of his family's two-story house, he listened to the sound of soldiers breaking down the door and taking custody of his mother, father, and younger brother. At that age, he had learned plenty about living on his own, and surviving without money; his father had been a survivalist, often inviting Jaxon to learn the ways of the woods. Jaxon lived that way until fifteen, eventually crossing the path of an older man, a hired mercenary who taught Jaxon all that he could, before a bullet had his name written on it, a meek four years later. Joining into the army at the age of twenty, Jaxon almost instantly found his life to be hell; as a Private, nobody trusted him with his ability, which he had only found out about a month after the death of his mentor.
Password - Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuits... Wow, that sounds good.
Other - Though with a lack of stamina for running, Jaxon excels in CQC; hand-to-hand combat is his specialty, even if running is not.
PalPad Group? - Yes, please.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 18:47 (3 Years ago)
quote wip~

Username -Genya~
Character Name - Ariadne (Greek origin) meaning "most holy".) Noelani (Noelani (Hawaiian origin) meaning "heavenly mist".)
Age (19-65) - 19
Gender - Female
Appearance -
Power (If Any) - Mesmerising.
By staring into a person's eyes for long, Ariadne can kind of "brainwash" them, as she calls it. She can make them forget what they just saw, say whatever she wants, and make them do whatever she says. Only for a very short time though, as it drains her energy a ton, causing her to feel groggy, or pass out on the streets. For this reason, she tends to wear sunglasses, and avoids looking into people's eyes.
Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.) -Spy
Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) -Red
Personality - Ariadne never talks about her past. Truth be told, she doesn't remember any of it. She concentrates far too much on her work, leaving behind her friends, family, and everything around her.

She's got a hot temper as well, the slightest thing annoys her, making her lash out in anger and fear. She's afraid of being judged, and of people better than her. Ariadne has to be the best, otherwise there will be violence. TBA
Background -TBA
Password -bacon egg and cheese biscuits
Other -
PalPad Group? (Yes/No) -Yup
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 18:48 (3 Years ago)
Username - Scrub
Character Name - Grey
Age (19-65) - 22
Gender - Demiboy (He/They)
Appearance - Grey has (ironically) shoulder length blonde hair and dark green eyes. He stands at about 6"4, and is muscular with long arms and legs.
Power (If Any) - Grey has the ability to maniplate metal for short amounts of time, and the size cannot be bigger than him.
Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.) - Soldier
Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) - Red
Personality - Grey is an agreeable fellow, he works well with just about evreyone. He's extremely patient, and good-natured, enjoying a laugh when he can get it, but he knows when to work hard.
Background - Grey doesn't remember much...he lost most of it. He blocks it out, and trys not to remember. This is life now, right?
Password -bacon egg and cheese biscuits
Other - Hope this is good-
PalPad Group? (Yes/No) Yes-

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 23/01/2022 01:58 (3 Years ago)
@all accepted! i'll make a palpad soon, i promise lol
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Sun, 23/01/2022 02:07 (3 Years ago)
Edited and completed!
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 248
Posted: Sun, 23/01/2022 02:09 (3 Years ago)
center]Username - DrGrimm
Character Name - Grimm Peckington
Age (19-65) - 24
Gender - Female
Appearance - Wears a black cloak with two white bands on her arms that have a Red Cross on the band, her face has been replaced with a white plague mask
Power (If Any) - She can heal any ailments/illnesses/injuries someone has with just a touch, but she can only heal injuries they have suffered that hour
Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.) - Medic/sniper
Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) - Neutral
Personality - Kind caring loving
Background - Grimm was an orphaned mute child who grew up not aware of her powers, now she does her best to heal anyone she can
Password - Bacon egg and cheese Biscuits
Other - She is mute, she cannot heal herself.
PalPad Group? (Yes/No) -Yes[/center]
The mute plague doctress
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 23/01/2022 02:50 (3 Years ago)
@eevee and grimm accepted!
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 23/01/2022 12:28 (3 Years ago)
the sign ups are now closed, and i'll get the rp up in a few hours whenever i can! thank you guys so much for being interested, i'm really excited for this rp :D

and @sterg, if you want to sign up still, you can. i recommend doing it soon if you have the time because the plot will move pretty quickly at the beginning
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Sun, 23/01/2022 18:41 (3 Years ago)
Show hidden content
Character Name
Jordan Alain
Age (19-65)
A relatively short man who is mistaken for a boy in his late teens more often than he would like. His head is almost completely clean-shaven,only the middle row has blond hair long enough that falls over his right ear. He doesn't have any scars or freckles,just some blackheads.He's quite frail and slim to the point it's almost certain that he would barely hold his own in a fight even if he got lucky. He is almost always seen wearing a comfy brown jacket with fur on the inside and jeans.
Power (If Any)
Healing. Of course,that is limited to what is humanly possible,meaning he cannot regrow someone's limbs or bring back someone to life. He can significantly speed up the healing process of a wound,fix a broken bone or two and put back a broken rib. Said healing powers don't work on himself that well to the point where it's almost always preferable to help others.
Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.)
Battle Medic
Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) -
Jordan is a helpful fella,though he gets angry quite easily,always wanting to achieve something bigger. However,due to his short temper,Jordan rarely talks first or initiates a conversation.He tends to be quite harsh and direct,raising his voice but it's not something he is able to easily control. No matter how angry or spiteful he may look,he always tends to those in need.
Jordan's family lived in slightly poverty and he was tasked from a young age to tend to others and earn some money until he was recruited by the government. Due to him being busy trying to support his family,he hasn't received any sort of education and his social circle is almost non-existent. He was born with his power,though the reason for this is unknown. He believes it's because he is the seventh son of the seventh son. His 6 brothers were born with no powers and Jordan hasn't contacted them in a good while. He reluctantly joined the war,hoping he could help in ending it sooner.
Bacon? Egg? Cheese? Biscuit?
Nope,I think it's good.
PalPad Group? (Yes/No)
Yes please