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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
This user account has been locked permanently.
Trainerlevel: 42

Trainerpoints: 3,263/5,333


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Shadow Mewtwo)
28683,485 / 307,809
Amethyst (15 OS)
(Magikarp (Purple))
254205,800 / 242,889
(Mecha Tyranitar)
1,1043,549,179 / 4,574,701
(Mega Mecha Tyranitar)
7271,126,153 / 1,984,711
279104,171 / 292,951
13th OS
(Zygarde (Complete Forme))
1827,663 / 124,899


Nah just kidding. It's a fake panel. I left this site on 11/2/22, so I probably won't be able to reply to palpads, sorry about that. If you wanna contact me, my discord is Chewydabacca#7105
Thank you to everyone for making my 2 years so fun!


1̵̢̢̻̦̩̰͔̤́4̴͉̾̃͌̈́̾͝͝͠|̵͎͎̮̓̄A̷͍̱̞̺̤̝̜̍́͂͠ͅ ̸͍̀̂̋̈́̄͠l̴̡͓͕͈̓̽́͗͛͐̈̓ͅi̷̦̖̻̦̹͆̓̅́̂̇́͠t̵̞̰̫̋̃̇͋͝ţ̷͙̖̿̓͋́̀̀l̴̹͎̩̩̳̐́e̷͙̲͕̓̇͝ ̶͚̲͖̎͋͒̆a̸̢̤̦̹̪͔̺̳̔̃͝ń̶̫͚̠̪́n̷̪̝̟͎̺̜͕̾̇̃̑o̸͍̯͇̥̍͜y̸̢̗͍̖̱̟͍̤̓̑͛͆i̷̪̻̜̗̯̞̤̓͑́͜ǹ̸̞̮̞̰̳͓̣͕ģ̴͚̹̣̗͕̓

My pronouns:

Please do not refer to me.

Even better, do not perceive me.

For practical purposes, I do not exist.

Nah I'm kidding, I'm a guy, you can refer to me as anything you want, I don't care lol (and partially because I don't have the brain capacity to remember anyone else's pronouns either, I'm dumb lol). I think I'm friendly most of the time(?) and I've been here quite a while, so if you've got any questions, I'll be happy to answer via palpad!

~~~~~~~~Random stuff~~~~~~~~

89 Bug Gems
225 Electric Gems
188 Fighting Gems
693 Flying Gems
292 Grass Gem
306 Ground Gem
2,337 Normal Gem
348 Rock Gem
305 Water Gem
67 Dark Gem
110 Poison Gem
70 Fire Gem
146 Ghost Gem
191 Ice Gem
58 Psychic Gem
97 Steel Gem
15 Dragon Gem
52 Fairy Gem
17 Nebula stones

My halloween sweet progress!
I currently have 0 sweets!!


Chewydabacca hasn't collected any medals so far.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #471727110
Registration: 29/03/2020 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 889:34 Hours
Total interactions: 1,563,018
Money: 3,175,833
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


I... just can't quit this game. Damn
2 Years ago

It's almost 2 years since I joined this site, and almost 900 hours have been spent playing here, and I've made a lot of great experiences that I will probably never forget. Although this site was rather repetitive and dry at times, it never ceased to give me joy every time I hatched a shiny or caught a shadow. However, my major exam is getting close, and I really need to step up my studies a notch. Therefore, I will have to step away from this game, for at least this year, or maybe permanently, should life have other plans for me.

I will probably pop in once in a while, to check in on the RPs I joined, and maybe reply to the palpads for whatever reason someone needs to contact me, but will not really participate in anything else. Should any of yall want to stay in touch, My discord is Chewydabacca#7105.

Thank you Riako, and all of you reading, for making these 2 years great, and keeping me sane throughout the COVID-19 events. I'll miss yall.
2 Years ago
I didn't think it's possible, but nintendo made Cynthia's ancestor stronger than Cynthia ever was.
2 Years ago
50 cookies is enough for a top 50 place, right?
2 Years ago
happy Chinese new year for those who celebrate!
2 Years ago
Update: I got zhongliiiii
2 Years ago
Burned 132 wishes on zhongli's banner, with a 10 wish pity. Got qiqi. Cri
2 Years ago
Pokemon unite is so fun.

Running around with Offensive built snorlax destroying everything in it's path
2 Years ago
By GTS - 33 Minutes and 59 Seconds ago.
It's pay day!
Some of your items have been sold at the GTS with a revenue of 1,209,800 PokéDollar.

→ Claim revenue

I just earned 1 million in a day
2 Years ago
Random price check, is a shiny lunala worth more or less than 500 nugs?
2 Years ago
Some of your items have been sold!

Revenue: 859,814
Tax (5%): -42,991
TOTAL: 816,823

my mulch selling business going good
2 Years ago
currently stuck with 3 private trades from inactive users who had left for more than 5 months. Reject private trade function when
2 Years ago
So... I own 2 pokemon that have only 15 existing, and 1 pokemon with only 18 existing, and all of them are Karps. My party is the context
2 Years ago
Is it just my computer acting up, or is the site, super, duper laggy?
2 Years ago
day 231231342131414141892753289758274827492837489375289758327472493284729743294

of buying 100 magearna tickets every 3 days after magearna's release without winning a single raffle
2 Years ago
Me and my 30 spare level mulch preparing to make a quick buck during the berry battle:
2 Years ago

dark types lmao, Gotta love spamming prankster moves
2 Years ago
To those programming people, does anyone know a good website to learn web programming?
2 Years ago


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
gabrieleduar 2 Years ago
partizanovac 2 Years ago
Elysian 2 Years ago
Priyu~ 2 Years ago

Last Visitors

RedSkyFri, 12/Jul/2024, 17:46
Ark~Fri, 21/Jun/2024, 09:32
simbaThu, 13/Jun/2024, 21:14
CyndaGodFri, 31/May/2024, 15:38
ponsonTue, 21/May/2024, 11:05


Last Action
Fishing at the Emera Beach (2 Years ago)