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Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sun, 16/03/2025 07:58 (14 Days ago) |
Yes! Add my name to the roster, I beg of you [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Thu, 19/12/2024 01:33 (3 Months ago) |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Thu, 12/12/2024 16:14 (3 Months ago) |
xxxxxOther news, nearly nothing. Merely some small ideas written in the logs of my notes. Another character, one Pallas' Cat, has indeed been commissioned. I may publish their story here, should I judge it worthy of the critical eye of those wonderful few that review and read my work. [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Wed, 20/11/2024 04:16 (4 Months ago) |
xxxxxFar on the south end of the world, on my first self-assigned mission to discover a much-debated presence of an exotic pantheon, I first heard of a mysterious falsehood hidden by centuries of root and soil. At first, I was investigating rumors of an isolated piece of humanity, a civilized group of exiles that wrote with odd symbols and crafted tools of rare metals and powerful steel. They were renowned, even by those that turned their noses up, as masters of the forge and hammer. Their weapons sold not for the common coin, though, only ever traded for material; metal for metal, and nothing else tolerated. When their merchants trekked to and from the market, they carried their goods in enormous pouches that they draped across their shoulders or ragged bags that they laid across the backs of steady mules. The tools and weapons, even plates of armor, all seemed as light as feathers upon them when they began their hikes. When I inquired, I learned the name of their community - Duuvernheim. Well, as close as I can find to write it in an understandable way. Their odd language, those dozens of odd symbols, were spoken with odd sounds that were nearly impossible to first understand. But, given time and exposure, I came to comprehend how the sounds were made. Some seemed to come from the clicking of the tongue, both while the jaw was closed and open, but some seemed more of a rumble, a growl from the depths of the chest and back of the throat. Those sounds created new words and ideas for me - including the name of the community, like this; Duu - with the teeth gritted, the growling sound from deep in the body. Verhn - almost spoken through the nose, though the lower lip still meets the front teeth for the sound of V. Heim - the sound is started with one of those odd clicks of the tongue, and sounds something like "kime", though it's very much not the sound of a K, most certainly a click. xxxxxUpon further inquiry, and after following one of the merchants while incessantly trying to communicate with her, I learned just how hard the average Duuvernheim resident could punch. As I was catching my breath, some heavily accented words reached my ears, which had flushed red from my sputtering disbelief and genuine shame in having let myself be hit quite so hard. Her voice was harsh and rather strained, as if raked by claws from the inside of her vocal chords, but her meaning was easily understood - even without an obvious tone. xxxxxI'm not sure which hurt more - the fist that had landed squarely in my gut, or the assumption that I was just some mindless fool. She made a sound (something akin to a hissing snake and a coughing horse) and stamped her foot at me, causing me to flinch back several inches, scrambling to cover my face from a rogue kick or another fist sent my way. I felt my adrenaline fire, my body desperately trying to claw away the curiosity of my mind, and shuffled back before trying to calm myself and straighten up. Gasping for breath still, and feeling the ache of a large bruise already forming along the bottom edge of my rib, I managed to hold out a hand to ask her for a moment to catch my breath. My other hand moved to dig in a bag along my waist, no larger than my own foot, and drew out the insignia of the Godseeker, a small sigil of our organization bearing an image of a featureless human clasping their hands together, rays of light blossoming from their palms. I tossed the insignia at the merchant's feet, then collapsed to my knees and gasped for breath once more. I nearly expected her to pick up the insignia and use it as a projectile to knock me unconscious before striding off into the woods, but what happened next truly did surprise me. Again, odd conveniences aplenty in this tale - she bent down, seized the insignia, and gazed at it sharply, examining every detail with an artist's appreciation for the workmanship. Then, with a scoff, she scolded me once more. xxxxx"You should have told me you were Seekerkin. I would not have punched you so hard. Come, I will bring you to Duuvernheim to fix you." She held the insignia out to me, keeping her hand low to help me up as I pocketed the sigil. With a grunt, she pulled me to my feet and put my hand upon her shoulder. Then, with no mercy for my partially crippled state, began her hike again, nearly dragging me along behind her. Well, with truth, I was the one dragging myself, trying to keep up in order to use her as a sort of crutch. Her pace was not-quite-breakneck, but certainly enough to make me regret everything I'd done up to that point. Our journey wasn't exactly a long one, just vertical enough to make my legs ache and burn with strain. I was used to walking, as the Godseeker's Code forbids the use of horses or other beasts to carry us, but climbing was a different issue altogether - especially when I could still feel the remnants of the merchant's punch in my core. [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Fri, 15/11/2024 19:38 (4 Months ago) |
xxxxxWe are, or were, once a famous and renowned cult unique to the Northern Reaches. At first, an attempted guild, then a failed guild. We poured over religious texts of all sorts, often needing to send agents to strange and unusual monasteries and churches, obeying bizarre rituals and processes to be accepted into their culture for even a matter of days. Our goals were never something hostile, at least while I was still recognized as a member of our loose organization. Rather, we sought the knowledge of deities. We believed that, if we were successful, we could impart the knowledge of these deities on the world and bring them closer to their gods and goddesses. I was still a stranger to the ways of the Entente when I first realized the foul truth hidden beneath the mask of righteousness. Certain beliefs worked traitorous puppet strings within our organization, spreading their deities far and wide through the use of hidden missionaries. Only the inner circle, our Godrisen Acolytes, were uncorrupted. xxxxxWhen I stood before those I believed to be my kin, I called out to them and begged for these hidden fools to be revealed and cast out; endorsed by the Godrisen, I believed myself invincible to the lies of the missionaries. Instead, those lies disassembled my authority and credibility, and my kinsmen called for my expulsion from our false cult. However, the Godrisen did not endorse those calls. They could do nothing without proof. Sadly, that meant that the spoken threats to my life could not be used to expel the hidden traitors, nor could the missing texts of sensitive religions be called to attention, for the thieves were never caught. I took it upon myself to step away from these liars and blasphemers of our beliefs, and so became the first of my kind: the Rogue Godseeker, neither exiled nor slain in the line of my duties. Rather, the final true Godseeker, devoted both to my gods and the true dictations of the first Godrisen Acolytes. I have, in the years of my life, traveled far and seen much. And, to keep those memories in order, I have written them down. If there are other pages scattered around this one, seek them in order. I have numbered them carefully as I have with the memories that first gave rise to these stories. Chronologically, they will make far more sense to any reader. [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Fri, 15/11/2024 18:58 (4 Months ago) |
xxxxxOther news, nothing much. Echoes has fallen into the RELICTA status, alongside Sea Beasts, but it couldn't be avoided. People are busy, and not very many of my old comrades still play in these forums. However, I hope to keep my skills with the pen sharp with stories I can make on my own; relying on others can be difficult, especially when you have more free time than them. My mind hungers to pour these ideas onto a page, and delays will not be tolerated by it. However, there are far too many of these fresh ideas; too many for stories, not enough for poems. [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sat, 12/10/2024 15:38 (5 Months ago) |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 30/09/2024 02:19 (5 Months ago) |
xxxxx@AthenaHere; reservation accepted. Though be wary, the requirements for post size may push the limits which I've seen in previous forum posts... @~4PR1L; reservation accepted. As large of posts as you can muster, alright? [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Thu, 19/09/2024 00:44 (6 Months ago) |
xxxxxShimmeringSuicune, please refer to Rule #4 again. Thank you! [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 00:28 (6 Months ago) |
xxxxxRules and Form sections are both complete! [
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 00:22 (6 Months ago) |
xxxxxOtherwise, not a lot to report; the work to bring firewood in for the winter has begun, progress is being made with sorting out everything which needs sorting before winter strikes... But, aside from that, nothing interesting. On to the poem? A bit of a joking one this time around. O, most worthy of tools The striking force Hand it not to fools Else it's an injury source The hammer, a god's weapon His friend, adding to that While a nail it may threaten It too threatens the gnat A mighty instrument Though just weight on a stick The craftsman's implement Where might we be without it? [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2024 18:54 (6 Months ago) |
xxxxxReservation accepted, thatguyoverthere! [
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 22:38 (6 Months ago) |
xxxxxThe lot of you have reserved a spot! I'll put up a bump when the forms and rules are complete. [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2024 21:47 (6 Months ago) |
![]() Every day is the same. Every day
should be the same. That's what you learned, that's how you've
always felt. Wake up the same. Eat breakfast the same. Walk the
same route to the same workplace where you always sit in the same
place and type on the same keyboard to create letters on the same
monitor. So why is it that now, for some reason, the same feels
different? It's like you've been sitting down in a crowd, all the
same, and suddenly stood up to look around over all of their heads.
But everything is the same. You say hello to the same
strangers on your walk. You work on the same project that your boss
has told you, all the same, needs to be finished by the same
So why does it feel so unfamiliar? You've always forgotten the previous day overnight. It's not worth remembering, it's never worth remembering.; it's always the same. But strange visions dance behind your eyes as you sleep, visions of those strangers that you pass on the sidewalk, those lettered keys that clump beneath your fingertips, the same words appearing again and again. And suddenly, it doesn't make sense; none of it does. Nothing is right, but everything is fine. Those strangers with the dead eyes are always the same. Their eyes are always the same. You know their faces, but could never recognize them on the passing hikes to and from work. One day after the next, one week after the next, years upon years upon years; they were all the same. And those visions, those alien images, the dancing curiosities in your head... Those were the days, the weeks, the years before now. Remembered only slightly, but shaking your beliefs, your supposed mastery of your own world. The news reports it as a sort of plague, the same time every day in the same way; "Dreamer" Epidemic Spreading Slowly; Reports Say Psychological Disturbance Is To Blame. Isolate From Your Workplace If You Feel Unwell And Contact One Of The Following Numbers For Assistance. Everything is the same, when it comes to those reports. When it comes to those numbers. And when you close your eyes and listen to your heartbeat, your breathing, it sounds the same. But when the dreams come, they are the only thing that seems wrong. The reason is because they are the same. Rules ![]() 1 - Just the same as always; hate
the character if you must, but DO NOT host negative feelings
towards the roleplayer.
2 - This is a semi-lit roleplay; if you think you may not be up to the requirements for this, don't be afraid to either ask for help or back away. 3 - All of these characters are, ultimately, normal people. This is not, however, a slice of life. There is a planned plotline, climax, and resolution. The only difference is that this unnatural world is inhabited by natural people. 4 - For the most part, please keep violence, romance, and personal character relations to a minimum - remember, everything has been the same for as long as anyone can remember. Logically, this brings about certain feelings; apathy, carelessness, maybe even nihilism. But please remember that, since everything is the same, nobody has noticed any feelings of depression, rage, or otherwise disturbing emotions. Only the feeling of needing to repeat the day. However, this place has also been the same for so long that nobody fears anything. Spiders are simply bugs, heights are just a part of life, and dark alleyways hold nothing within them but the occasional dumpster. 4.1 - That being said; this roleplay may start out very difficult. Your characters should start out fairly confused, or rather oblivious to the idea of dreams and free thought. They should not immediately understand their conditions, their world, or what's wrong. 5 - This roleplay will be very regulated by the literacy level of the players. That means there is no password; rather, I reserve the right to ask you for a writing sample as needed or otherwise rely on my past knowledge on your writing pieces. Using these, I will determine acceptance into the roleplay. If this seems unfair, please contact me via PalPad or PM and we can discuss. Remember; this is a semi-literate roleplay. 6 - Your characters should, at some point, have all seen one another; on the walk to work, sitting beside one another in an office, so on and so forth. It shouldn't be immediate though - slow recognition, perhaps, but a struggle to understand why this person looks familiar. 7 - Please try to stay in contact with the group that will be roleplaying. I will make a PalPad group, but you can opt out of it as you'd like. Just make sure to stay in contact with - at the very least - me. The duration of the roleplay will depend on how willing everyone is to continue; I may delay certain plot points or advance them as needed to fit the desires of our cast and crew. 7.1 - I cannot stress this enough - it is alright to take a break. Writing can be taxing, I hope that everyone that read this far knows that already. A notice of hiatus or something similar is more than alright, and I will make sure that your character does not get forgotten. 8 - Please use common sense. If I left out some obvious rule, then don't abuse that. Just use your head, think about what makes sense, and apply that to everything here. Thanks! Form ![]() Please remember, this is just a
template! You may, at any point, decide to use your own forms; that
is just fine! This is simply the bare minimum.
[i][size=6]Hello, isn't this familiar?[/i][/size] [size=8][i]-General Information-[/i] [b]Character Name[/b]: [b]Aliases[/b]: [b]Character's Age[/b]: [b]Character's Gender[/b]: [i]-Appearance-[/i] [input faceclaim's name, image, or detailed description here] [i]-Personality Traits-[/i] [b]General Personality[/b]: [b]Detailed Personality[/b]: [E.g., the personality type and the explanation of it] [i]-Additional Information-[/i] [b]Add'l[/b]: [/size][/center] [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2024 21:08 (6 Months ago) |
xxxxxBut aside from that, nothing to report... For now, that is. Be on the lookout for the post I'll make today, I hope I can still captivate an audience with my writing. I can't say I've ever been quite so excited to write something large, but it seems that today is a change for that. Ahead of you, you'll find a path It splits, it winds, it carries wrath Care not for rage that it may share Pay heed to tread lightly, to give a care Watch your step upon this trail Something behind may indeed tail But listen not to what it screams Pay only mind to mindless dreams And with these dreams and light steps Discover yourself within these wrecks Your heart, your soul, your endless checks All at once, prepared and set [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2024 18:02 (6 Months ago) |
xxxxxNothing else to report, though - a very slow, quiet couple of weeks. So, on to the poem, hey? Take care, O Wanderer Wander only in body There is a realm of thought Which betrays your plot You follow a path As it always should be But take heed to remember Maybe every December Think of your family Your friends and your loves Lest we all forget What they've given us yet [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2024 03:47 (7 Months ago) |
xxxxxWell, on to the past week, hey? I managed to injure another finger, this time it's my right pointer finger. Last time was my left ring finger, and that was a laceration. This is a gouge wound, which means it'll take a while longer to heal, but it thankfully didn't draw any blood. Just needs to put every layer of skin back on over the top; not too difficult, yeah? Work was warm, uncomfortably so, but it wasn't too difficult. My boss still gives vague instructions and gets upset when I interpret them in the most logical way. Nothing new there, but the least he could do is realize he's... Not clear. xxxxxThe roleplay with ~4PR1L is on hold for a little while, several people in there have taken a step away to focus on real life. School is starting up again, I suppose, and certain jobs are most definitely seeing an increase in calls. Just need to wait a little while. Between my schedule and the rest of the crew's, I'm fairly confident it'll see a revival in the next 4 weeks. Now, on to the poem... In one million years I'll be dust and ash Water in the sky, sea, earth I'll be energy and food For anything that still survives But in one million years Nobody will remember me Because I won't be dust and ash Water in the sky, sea, earth Energy or food Because nothing will survive [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 23:41 (7 Months ago) |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 23:29 (7 Months ago) |
xxxxxThe past week, plus these two days, have been interesting... As always, I suppose. Today was awful, though. My boss has been unbearable. Nothing really to write about though, nothing to say about anything. xxxxxThe roleplay is going alright, it's been very fun thus far. xxxxxFound a new server on discord to write on, making some new friends there as well. Good fun, very enjoyable. Take a minute and think, alright? You're not the wisest to do this You think you're the first ever to take flight But honestly, you're just a goldfish You forget, thirty seconds Blame it on others We all hate your presence Even your brothers So fie to you, fool You foul incompetent Just rip away the tool You're just too confident [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2024 23:20 (8 Months ago) |
xxxxx"We've just got to wait for the rest at this point. Soon, hopefully, they'll all be moving along towards here. At some point, they'll realize it's time to quit the conversations and carry along to the consultation. And, if we're lucky, none of them will do anything foolish once this meeting begins. The longer it takes to start, the more precious time this assignment wastes.." [Read more] |
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