Forum Thread
Hunger Games
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Hunger GamesChan-Juan stands in front of her mirror, adjusting her dress, as she swipes off the fine specks of dirt. Once done, she leaves her house, a beautiful emerald necklace around her neck. Today was the Reaping, and she heard that it would be special this year. Finally, finally she was allowed to participate. Unlike others, Chan Juan couldn’t wait to kill or get herself killed. “It’s all very exciting, isn’t it?” She asked one of the district civilians, who looked at her in pure horror and fear. She arrived at the Town Square, and the first thing she noticed was that the new Peacekeepers were wearing silver masks stamped with a black wolf. She wondered what that meant for the Games. Perhaps it would be more fun!! Her patience was soon rewarded though, as a woman, equally lavishly dressed, stepped up onto the podium and cleared her throat. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you all so much for waiting! Your feet must be aching. This is a momentous occasion— the first Hunger Games under our new leader! As a special little treat, our leader has decided to switch it to a team battle! No supplies, just two opposing sides in a large domed arena with all kinds of different terrains! Now…let’s see…” The lady reaches into the box to pull out a slip of paper. She reads the name out, only for that poor child to burst into tears. “Excuse me, my lady. Me please! I volunteer as tribute!” Chan-Juan yells out, raising a gloved hand. The lady looks surprised, before arranging her face to one of calm. “Very well then. You are part of the Red team. Step up here with me.” Chan Juan obliges, first pressing the emerald necklace into the hand of the child that would have gone up. “Consider yourself lucky, little one.”
“Lilith? Time to go dear. We must head to the Reaping now, lest we are late. We shouldn’t make a bad impression on the new Peacekeepers.” Zoe’s voice rings through the shabby apartment they lived in, causing Lilith to stir from her slumber. Sitting up, she rubs her eyes groggily, mumbling something about it being way too early for anything, despite the sun having long risen. Zoe yanks Lilith out of bed, wiping her face with a rag before handing over a simple blue dress. Lilith puts it on, then sits down to let Zoe tie her hair into plaits. “What if you get chosen Lilith? What am I to do without you?” Zoe asks worriedly, her hands shaking slightly. Lilith smiles, and reassures Zoe. “Then I’ll win and come back, I promise.” Zoe doesn’t look all that comforted, but sighs and continues. Zoe, despite being older than Lilith, had no powers, hence wouldn’t need to participate in the Games. Once done, the pair headed over, just in time for the start of the reaping. “Zoe Amberstar” is the name read out by the announcer, causing the townsfolk to look confused. Everyone knew Zoe was powerless. So why was she picked? “NO! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!” Lilith yells, standing defensively in front of her sister. The announcer smiles and nods, before gesturing for Lilith to join him on the podium. “The Blue Team for you, young lady.” He tells her. Zoe tries to protest, and hold her little sister back, but to no avail. Lilith had already joined the announcer on the podium, leaving Zoe looking worried and upset.
(think minecraft terrains kids)
She walked to her closet, dragging her feet, posture slumped, running a hand through her messy, wild locks. She opened the closet, rubbing the dirty glass of the small mirror with the cloth of her shirt. Inside was an old hoodie, hanging from a dented hanger. She pulled it off the hanger, slipping it on. She walked to the kitchen, where a single, clean apple rested in a bowl. she took it, biting into it as she pulled her boots on.
She headed for the door but seemed to remember something. She walked back to her bed, this time to the small table next to it. She rummaged inside the drawers, pulling out a necklace, a four-pointed star hanging from it. She put it on. She glanced at herself in the mirror. She put on a confident smile and nodded.
She bolted out the door.
"Hullo, world! Macaria is ready to take you on!"
literally 5 minutes later
"Macaria Galanis. Red."
Macaria froze, as the man on the stage, lavishly dressed, called her name out. he gestured with his index finger, seemingly annoyed by her slow movements. Murmurs from the crowd sounded out.
"Hurry up now, little lass. We don't have all day."
"Oh, poor girl, She's been working so hard since her father passed away..."
"What a shame... but at least it wasn't us, right?"
The whispering continued. Macaria swallowed, though her throat felt dry. she balled her hands into tight fists. She walked up to the stage, sweating. She pressed the four-pointed star into her chest, closing her eyes. She whispered a few words as she walked up to the stage.
"Oh, cruel god. What did my past self ever do to deserve this life?"
Or is it
You decide.
At the announcement of team battles, she didn't even blink. Though it was slightly annoying that she would have to work with others, instead of killing them. But nontheless, she was going to win.
Upon her name being called, it was like she was a puppet come to life, suddenly brightening and straightening, just before all eyes turned to her. Stepping gracefully up to the podium, she smiled and gave a light wave to the assembled crowd. And it was extremely satisfying watching the disapointment of those who had tried so hard, but alas, just weren't good enough.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Darkened eyes look up to gaze at the door where a Peacekeeper emerges. He simply lifts up his face, not wanting to fight right now. Instead, he would save his strength. The Peacekeeper roughly shoves a mask onto his face before unchaining him. He collapse onto the floor and winces when the Peacekeeper lifts him up. His sore muscles screaming out in pain from the effort of moving. They give him a simple white shirt and jeans to wear, since he wasn't going to be picked, there was no effort in having him dress up. The shirt was too big for him, but he didn't care about that.
That's when they finally release him. He pauses to stare up at the sky, blinking from the harsh light. He knew the Peacekeepers wouldn't stray far, but they also wouldn't stay too close, they didn't want anyone to find out about their little project. He scoffs at this thought and continues forward towards the Reaping.
He wasn't paying attention to the announcer. Instead he stood with his head down, enjoying the feeling of the sun on his skin. He nearly jumps when he hears a gasp. He glances up, seeing a young boy be called. He knew the kid wouldn't survive. The kid looked terrified and when he limped fully into view, he saw a cast on the boy's leg and crutches under his frail arms. With a sigh he lifts a hand up, then winces when a hand snaps out and grabs his arm, tearing it back down before it could be spotted.
"I volunteer!" He shouts, his voice muffled by the mask. "I volunteer! I will take his place!" Slowly, heads turn at the sound of his muffled voice. The undercover woman standing next to him glares at him, but it was already too late.
Without them knowing, all these eyes protected him. He moves towards the stage and gazes at the announcer. "Maverick Ashenfall?" He questions. "Team red!" He declares. Oblivious, the crowd claps for the man that saved the kid. But his pride is shared by Lilith, who did the same for her sister. Maverick simply nods in greeting towards Lilith, but says nothing as he gazes at the crowd with the same life-less stare.
Please don't call me.
An old man was called up.
Atticus. Do not volunteer.
The old man locked eyes with him.
Atticus. Do. Not.
"I-uh- I volunteer as tribute for District One."
The old man smiled as Atticus slowly got up to the stage.
"Atticus Redding! Team Red!"
A Peacekeeper whispered in his ear as he looked for the other District One tribute.
"The Capitol's District Golden Boy. You support the Capitol, why would you want to volunteer."
Attcisu glanced up and tried to smile.
"I- I'm putting on a show. Just like the President wanted."
The Peacekeeper chuckled.
"Good, but don't expect me to bet on you."
Musing on the thought, Ayran stopped smiling and frowned, the sudden change of attitude made other people stand further away from him. After all, they fear the rumors may be true, they feared that they themselves may be killed if they stepped too close.
Ayran scoffed, how boring, these people have never experienced anything as thrilling as life in death, so of course they wouldn't understand.
Therefore, when he reached the town square, a whole area was empty because he stood there. It almost made him laugh out loud.
"Oh, how funny this is.." Ayran didn't bother hiding that he was excited.
Other civilians stepped back further in fear and horror, they didn't want to be even 6 feet within this man!
When the woman upon the podium called out the first name, he hoped that they'll say his, but was disappointed again and again every single year, he wanted to leave this place, and experience the thrill of walking on a tightrope, where the God of Death's sickle is always on your neck, where a slight miscalculation will get you killed.
That was the thrill he wanted to experienced!
While he was busy envisioning that, the women called out another name, the last one of this year, in this district, after all they only allow 2 per district. In the utter silence of the Town Square, a loud burst of sobbing rang out.
It was so loud that it even cause Ayran break out of his euphoria. Unhappy, he looked through the crowd and at the teenager who was sobbing on a friends shoulder.
Ayran clenched his fist, if he doesn't say anything now, then he won't have a chance ever in the future! Even though somewhere in the back of his mind, something that's more cowardly, screams no, don't say anything, and let the kid go!
That prayer was unheard of to Ayran. "I volunteer! Let me go in his place."
In the quite crowd where nothing else was heard except for sobbing, a clear voice shot through. The Peacekeeper glanced at Ayran for a moment before looking away, jotting down something.
"Ayran, Team Blue of District 2."
The teenager couldn't believe his ears, someone else wanted to go in his place, more tears bursted from his glands, he looked around for his savior, but when he found him... he was completely frozen, the only thing he could do was stare at Ayran in horror.
Just thirty minutes later, the family were in the square, watching as a lady pulled out a slip of paper from a glass bowl. The audience quickly silenced as they listened for a name, any name, the name of the unlucky person who would have to participate in this year's Hunger Games, different from all the others.
The citizens held their breath as the lady slowly opened up the slip of paper, and held the paper out for everybody to see. Holding the mic close to her face, the lady called out the unlucky person's name. And that unlucky person happened to be Kaori's little sister, whose mouth was wide open in shock. Tears fell as she slowly went towards the stage, but an arm held her back. Kaori. Kaori pushed her sister back to their parents, who were sobbing quietly, and walked towards the stage wordlessly. The crowd parted, and made a path for her, a path that led all the way up to the stage, where the lady was smiling down at her. Whispers were everywhere. People were trying to understand why Kaori, the emotionless girl, was volunteering for her sister. They all wanted to know. But they went silent when Kaori reached the stage.
After a moment of silence, the lady held her mic up to Kaori and asked eagerly, "What is your name, little girl?". The entire crowd sighed. Everybody knew that Kaori never spoke, and for all they knew, she hadn't said a word her entire life. And just like they expected, Kaori said nothing. The lady tapped her foot impatiently, and asked again "What is your name?", and held the mic closer to Kaori, trying to force words out of her.
One of the citizens of District 11 ran up to the lady and whispered in her ear, "Her name is Kaori. Kaori Kim. And she doesn't say a word. Don't expect her to. She won't." Hearing this, the lady sighed and faced the audience once again. She spoke loudly, "We have a tribute! Kaori Kim, District 11, Team BLUE!"
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿
Every year the same thing happened- Kara was forced to waste her morning at the Reaping. Didn't these Capitol scum realize that she had better things to do than stand here? She watches as families clutch eachother nervously, not sharing the same feelings as them, the odds of her being picked were small and if she were chosen. No doubt she would win. She could take down a team by herself!
Her confidence only rises when a familiar name is called out. "Kara Rhys!" The announcer shouts. She grins and moves onstage. There wasn't a flicker of fear within her gaze. She would make her family proud! "You will be on team blue" the old announcer informs her.
She goes silent while waiting for the male tribute to be chosen. A shocked look appearing on her face when she realizes that they were on different teams. Did the Capitol really expect Districts to slaughter eachother?
She glances at the boy- Atticus Redding, with an amused expression. Whatever, you are going down. "Good luck" she whispers to Atticus venomously.
’Oh Dammit, I’m going to get into soo much trouble for this, how could I forget that today was the Reaping Day?’ Reyna thought as she mentally kicked herself. She got out of bed and woke up her sister, then went downstairs and started making breakfast.
Reyna quickly got ready and headed for the town square, most of the citizens where there already and the peacekeepers glared at her as she arrived late. She gave the a cold glare and kept looking ahead, the overly dressed (in blinding neon pink) fancy lady was talking about the history of the Hunger Games and all that stuff, as Reyna fidgeted with a small chain dangling from her jacket pocket, it was a silver chain with a gold lace entwined in the gaps, and on the top a elegant dragon design with a small ruby for its eye, Reyna had gotten it for her 18th birthday a year ago, shortly before her parents passed away from a disease called (covid).
The overly dress lady looked down at everyone with a sweeping look and pranced over to the transparent bowl with all the names.
’Ladies first.’ She said in her singsong voice and reached in. She slowly picked a name and unfolded it.
’Reyna Simaria, team blue, please come onto the stage.’
Reyna stood still, still not processing the information, what felt like thousands of heads turned her way, she closed her eyes and shook her head, willing her body to wake up from its ‘dream’.
Finally, for what felt like decades, and millions of eyes staring at her, 4 peacekeepers stroked up into her face and grabbed her tightly by the arms and dragged her onto the stage, people murmured and whispered as she was dragged past them.
’Isnt she the one with the younger sister? The pair living alone in the cottage by the lake? Great shock for poor Evelyn, how will she manage on her own?’
’You’re worried about the Simaria’s? We have bigger problems to deal with.’
As she passed, Reyna made sure to meet every eye with a icy cold stare, even though she didn’t look menacing, her aura of cold and menace was clear and apparent. She was taken to the stage and soon to the waiting area, she put her head in her hands and one single tear rolled down from her cheek, she thought about her sister having to cope on her own, and after 3 years having to enter the Hunger Games as well, with the traumatising picture of her sister being a victim to the government’s stupid games, Reyna didn’t remember who the other tribute was, she was so shocked as she stood on the stage she didn’t remember hearing any noise at all.
"Thank you...?
He tried to smile, but anxiety was piling up in him.
Atticus you unholy idiot. Why would you ****ing volunteer? You literally have no fighting experience and this girl is probably going to be the death of you.
He swallowed nervously.
"So. Kara Rhys. How long do you think I'll stay alive? I think maximum is two weeks, though that may be a stretch. I hear the pool for me dying first may be the largest."
He nervouslu laughed.
"Sorry. I- I just feel stupid for volunteering. We're Distric One and we're expected to be on different sides?" He sighed. "I think I'll stop talking now."
Ever so slightly, she smiles. "Don't sell yourself so short. After all, we are District One- the strongest District. Our presence alone should terrify the others, which is unfortunate... It's not fun fighting someone who has no will to fight." While her words sounded slightly encouraging in a dark way, her gaze remained hard, with zero ounce of sympathy.
"You're right. We are the best District. I just didn't expect to volunteer for someone I don't know. I made an oath with another, but she's dead... ANYWAY..."
Atticus took a deep breath.
"You seem eager to kill me. May I ask how you would kill me? I'd strangle you, but I'm not strong enough."
He glanced out to the crowd.
"Do you think we'll have stylists this year or are we just going to be thrown in the arena?"
She shrugs at his final question. "We'll have stylist. Our audience is cruel. They'll want to pretty us up before slaughtering us" she answers bitterly.
"Heh, I don't really feel like fighting. My power is very uncomfortable to use." His gaze softens as he glances at Lilith. "I do apologise, my power will be a major inconvenience for you and your team."
A surprised gasp escapes out of Maverick at Lilith's words. "How did you know such things?" He asks quietly, keeping his voice low so that nobody could overhear them.
Lamenting to himself as to why he has to spend his spare time with these matters, Li Fengyu looked up at the stage, where the first girl was called up.
It was a semi-familiar face, it was Reyna Simaria, the older sibling of the Simaria pair.
Li Fengyu scratched his hair sighing, it truly was a pity. Seeing the poor girl standing upon the stage, blank faced, he could already tell that it'll take her a grate deal to accept her fate.
But there was no point in pitying her, Li Fengyu thought, in this world, only the strongest can survive.
Impatient to himself, he tapped his foot, can't wait to hear the next unfortunate soul who is going to be chosen as tribute. The quicker this can be done, the quicker he can go back home.
"Li Fengyu, Team Red, please come upon this stage!"
Li Fengyu paused, he couldn't believe his ears, he raised his forehead, and looked back at the announcer who was staring at him.
Even without looking, he could feel the others gaze at him, whispering and murmuring upon themselves. 'Oh isn't that Dr. Rain? How unlucky...' 'He saved my son once, poor guy.' ' How disappointing, I suppose we just lost another doc in town..'
His mind was all fuzz, trying to understand all this information, those 9 words just decided his fate. Unwillingly, he stepped upon the stage, and looked down among the people gossiping to the people next to them, bearing their judging gaze.
Li Fengyu grit his teeth silently, and stood next to Reyna, staring at the crowd with a cold gaze, there were many familiar faces in the crowd, some where crying or shocked, the others were laughing.
He didn't have anything he cherished in this world, he didn't understand why some people were crying to him, but he didn't understand why they were laughing.
Li Fengyu scoffed, he has already lost hope.
"Unfortunately, it's true. I'm nothing but a human experiment to them... I don't know what compelled me to volunteer. Perhaps I just wanted to see how the Capitol would react to see me potentially walk straight into my own death... Perhaps it was something else entirely..." He sighs and shakes his head. Look at me, rambling on like a fool. "I do hope you survive, so you can see your sister again" he tells her while offering a kind smile.
"Julie." A voice called and Julian immediately turned around for one of the few people who could match him. "Its time to go." A hand reached out for him and he took it gratefully. Twining their hands, Julian out of the beach. Squeezing the hand that he was grasping, Julian strode towards the grounds with a wide grin, greeting those who he passed. His words were warm, encouraging even as he passed families and career hopefuls on the way. For District 4, these events were always celebrations and festivities, abundant in the way that its people went about talking about the reaping. Julian continued to chat with those who approached him, entertaining them as he spread assurances and good will to those he talked to, only pulled along by the slight tug on his hand. It was a comfort that he never took for granted, holding steadfast to it as he steadily made his way over to the podium.
It was interesting to see that nothing had really changed. The structure was similar enough that Julian could hear some of his students murmuring in anticipation as he himself droned out the rabble. In the end it was only with his partner's help that he even jolted awake for the calling of names. Even when it was his own that was called, it didn't matter. It only began to sink in for him when he had to let go and climb on stage, unwilling to do so for a brief moment. With a charming smile, Julian introduced himself to the whooping and catcalls of many other citizens, very clearly a crowd favourite. To those who were watching, it was clear that Julian had been waiting his whole life for this moment, basking in the empty glory for a fleeting moment.
(I'll write for Hwa and edit this to be better later)

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Already, she could hear the whispers in people's minds as they betted on who was going to win. It was a hard choice for them. Both were able, charming, and top picks for the games. Both were eager to win. Most decided on Julian in the end, not particularly surprising, and she couldn't care less. That just meant they were about to be disappointed.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~