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The Hunger Games (sign-ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Hunger Games (sign-ups)
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 07:06 (2 Years ago)


Welcome one, welcome all, to the 100th Hunger Games! Since it’s a such a special occasion, we’re doing something special! This time round, we’ll be doing it in teams What fun, isn’t it? Don’t worry, it’s still two people from each District, except this time one Red and one Blue. Being the 100th Hunger Games, naturally, we’ll have even more surprises, don’t you worry sunshine. We wouldn’t want our audience to get bored, would we? That would simply be terrible. :( Oh! And of course darling, make sure the audience is entertained. May the strongest team survive :) I hope you enjoy this new little game of mine! Love ya, and make sure you have fun! ~ [redacted] <3

No supplies shall be provided. After all…shouldn’t your powers suffice? Oh, forgot to mention. Only those with powers can play in our fun little game! The two teams will be Red and Blue, one from each District. :D (inspo from “The Great War” by Daiko)

Districts: (huge thanks to SerenityFallow’s RP, We’re Only Human)
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District 1:
Members of District 1 were known to produce luxury items such as jewelry. Due to their skill in craftsmanship, the goods that came out of District 1 were used to decorate the Capitol. Those who lived in District 1 were some of the wealthiest citizens of Panem. Tributes from District 1 were known as "Careers" because they trained for years before competing in the Hunger Games.
1. Kara [Rara: Blue]
District 2:
Located in the Rocky Mountains, District 2 was one of the largest communities in Panem. It was also home to wealthy citizens, resulting in a positive relationship with the Capitol. District 2 was known for its masonry and weapon manufacturing. Tributes are also known as careers.
1. Toi [daiko: red]
2. Aryan [April: blue]
District 3:
The main industry in District 3 was technology as the people there produced televisions, computers, and other electronics
1. Chan-Juan [mobius: red]
District 4:
District 4 specialized in the fishing industry. The citizens in District 4 were known to be wealthy and very good-looking. Their tributes were also Careers, training from a very early age to prepare for the Games
1. Julian [Tsukoyomi: blue]
2. Athena [Athena: red]
District 5:
District 5 was responsible for power and electricity. The area produced the electricity that powered all of Panem. They housed a hydroelectric dam which many of the citizens worked in
District 6:
The core industry within District 6 was transportation. It served as the hub for the transport network throughout all of Panem
1. Reyna [Angelic:blue]
District 7:
District 7 supplied Panem with copious supplies of lumber. The area was said to be surrounded mostly by trees
1. ????? [Serendibite: blue]
2. Macaria [Kendo: red]
District 8:
District 8 was known for their work in the textiles industry. One of their factories was dedicated to producing the uniforms used by the Peacekeepers
1. Lilith Amberstar [mobius: blue]
2. Maverick [RaRa: red]
District 9:
The main industry at the focus of District 9 was grain production. The area was the least referenced district in all of Panem. Not much is known about the victors or tributes from District 9
District 10:
District 10 focused on the livestock industry. Their main job was to raise animals and supply the meat to the Capitol
1. Alsweig [daiko: blue]
2. ???? [Serendibite: red]
District 11:
District 11 was said to be composed of a very large area, possibly the entire Southern region of Panem. Agriculture was the main industry of District 11 as the land was covered in orchards, crop fields, and cattle farms. District 11 was one of the poorest districts and its citizens lived in small shacks in an area patrolled by Peacekeepers
1. Hwa [Tsukoyomi: red]
2. Kaori [Royal: blue]
District 12:
District 12 was the smallest and poorest district in Panem. The district was located in Appalachia and their main industry was coal mining

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1. This is meant to be a semi-lit roleplay (Meaning at least one paragraph [3-4 sentences] per post)
2. No bunnying or powerplaying (Basically, don't control other peoples characters without permission and whatnot)
3. Cursing is kept to the minimum please
4. Romance is allowed but don't make it the main plot point
5. Hate the character, not the roleplayer
6. You may want to have two characters, one from each team, so that you will still be able to participate once the Games themselves are over. Max of three characters.
7. The first part of the roleplay starts with the Reaping, train interactions then parade
8. DO NOT ASK ME WHY YOU ARE REJECTED, read the post carefully!

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Age (18+ only):
o Strengths

o Weaknesses
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 07:21 (2 Years ago)
Everything about them is just gonna be TBRPD ig, don't mind me 💀


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- Name: -
Toi Paesiphi

- Age (18+ only): -

- Gender: -

- Team: -

- District: -
District 2

- Appearance: -
Toi stands at an average 5'4 and has a rather small frame, but she definitely has more meat on her bones than most others. She has long, flowing, light-blue hair and eyes as white as milk, and her skin is slightly tanned. Her clothing choice could be considered odd, but she just likes to wear whatever's comfortable. Idk what else to add lol

- Personality: -
That's for me to know and you to find out :) totally not a result of my laziness and lack of the ability to come up with something i'll be consistent with

- Powers: -
Necromancy & Communication with Spirits/Ghosts
Toi is able to communicate with spirits and the like, which she does quite often. Also, if someone is close to dying (from natural causes), she is able to "see" a faint outline of the ghost they're about to become. This is most likely useless, but it's something to point out.
With necromancy, she is able to raise the dead and "persuade" them to an extent, and she can communicate with them. They are their own being still, so if they decide to rebel against her, they can, but that usually doesn't happen due to her nature.
Due to being in the blacksmithing industry, although not very involved, she has a strange obsession with her knife collection, which she claims to help her with her abilities.
More detailed explanation will likely occur in palpad or edgy rp backstory, idk

- Abilities: -
- o Strengths -
Toi is incredibly kind and is able to make others around her feel at ease in almost an instant, even the coldest hearts can thaw out around her. She is self-less, but knows her boundaries. Due to said boundaries, she always tries to work harder to overcome them so she is able to do more for others, which gives her a large amount of determination and persistence. Toi is rather book-smart and knows her way around various subjects, plants being her biggest strength. Toi is also an excellent tactician due to her ability to get info that most others won't have access to, since she can eavesdrop by talking to spirits. She does know how to put on a really sick "haunted campfire stories" night though, and even with her kind nature, she knows how to scare people. Maybe even get into their head a bit...

- o Weaknesses -
Unsurprisingly, many of strengths are also her weaknesses. While she can be smart, and again, know her boundaries, with enough persistence someone could eventually wrap her around their finger. She's also not very good physically, being the average runner with a slightly less than average stamina, not being as strong as most others, among other things. She also has a slight problem with knowing when to stop being so creepy, but she never starts to be in the first place so it's not a big issue. Also, of course, this is the Hunger Games, so the immense amount of spirits and dead people might take a toll on her.

- Palpad?: -

I promise she'll have an edgy career backstory and be related to her district in some way :')


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- Name: -
Alsweig (Goes by "Dace") Timamura

- Age (18+ only): -

- Gender: -

- Team: -

- District: -
District 10

- Appearance: -
Alsweig is a relatively average height, standing at 5'7, and he is incredibly skinny. His blood-red eyes have dark and heavy bags underneath them, and his face seems to be in a permanent expression of boredom and exhaustion. His hair is long, messy, and almost black, and he typically wears a hat to try and cover the messiness. He has massive scars all over his body, and a large one covering his left eye. His pale skin and obvious poor health give him the look of being constantly sick, which may actually be the case. He also has a slight German accent and is quite fluent in it, but it only ever comes out as curses or quiet mutterings to himself most of which, if it ever happens, I will be using google translate for 💀

- Personality: -
That's for me to know and you to find out :) totally not a result of my laziness and lack of the ability to come up with something i'll be consistent with

- Powers: -
I'm lack so much creativity that I'm just stealing ideas, don't mind me

Alsweig, having the unfortunate fate of being one of my characters, has the ability to control blood. The downside? His diet is exclusively flesh and blood. While he can eat the meat of other animals, doing so is rather disgusting to him and even an entire boar is barely enough to "satisfy" (more like keeping him alive) his hunger for a day or two. Plus, it doesn't go well when he tries to use his ability. Even though it makes him feel absolutely miserable, he tries his best to survive solely off of animal meat.

The blood he is able to control, as well as the amount, is entirely dependent on whose and how much he has consumed. He is able to control his own at any point, as long as he's not on the verge of starvation. If he wishes to control another person's, he will have to ingest a part of them, whether it be their actual blood or just a chunk of flesh. If he only has a small amount, like a drop of blood, he won't be able to do much other than maybe stop blood flow to a small cut.

- Abilities: -
- o Strengths -
Surprisingly, even with his poor health and malnourishment, he can hold his own physically. He is a fast runner, he is strong enough to carry someone and still retain most of his mobility, and he knows how to at least stay alive in a fight. Alsweig is also incredibly perceptive and able to adapt to situations well, and he would pride himself in his ability to "fit in" if he cared enough. He is also a quick learner and is good with problem-solving. He's good with jokes though, and he typically is a fun person to be around if you get him to open up. tbh there's probably more but i'm lazy

- o Weaknesses -
While most would say he's set on the social aspect, he would heavily disagree. Alsweig is an incredibly anxious and paranoid person, quick to lose his temper and tends to lash out at the smallest things. He has an incredibly low image of himself and tends to close himself off whenever he can. Due to his poor health, he is also quite fragile and somewhat sluggish. He also has an immense fear of letting himself be around others due to his ability, so he tends to go out of the way to isolate himself (which is obviously not good due to his somewhat violent and harsh nature). laziness has consumed me, so this is all for now ig

- Palpad?: -

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 07:29 (2 Years ago)
Julian Solo

Age (18+ only):




Tall, handsome, the picture perfect career. Why he hasn't gone to the games is a mystery only the teachers at the academy will ever know as he is the embodiment of District 4's battle prowess in the arena. Physically, he is capable of throwing even the heaviest weights around with terrifying accuracy, soft sea-blue eyes tracking targets with a predatory zeal. His striking blue hair is an almost defining trait of his and paired with his olive skin tone it makes for one hell of a looker. Julian actively also pays attention to his appearance, often picking clothes that do complement his athletic build.

Colloquially known as the District's Golden Boy, Julian is as much of a ladies killer as he is a mama's boy. He's the type of boy that will help grannies carry their groceries back to their home, the kid who would pay for your order if you forgot your wallet, and he pets all the puppies he comes across. What a guy. He is a ray of sunshine, truly one of the kindest people within the District. He is the poster boy for the academy in which all career tribute hopefuls aspire to go into, often mentoring many of them in battle skills and also encouraging many in their education. He's a socialite, a magnet for attention who always has a large smile on his face as he welcomes you in for a conversation.

Away from the prying public eye though, Julian is rather... blank. He isn't very expressive, almost as if he mimics the emotions he sees when out in public rather than feel anything himself. Its quite odd, especially when you learn that Julian is an extreme introvert and gets tired whenever interacting with more than three people. Huh.

He can push or repel water particles with his own heart being the central point. He is skilled enough that many don't realize that he can't actually fully "control" water, but it does come with limitations. For one, his control is not omni-directional, it is only limited to the lateral plane but his impressive control of multiple particles gives the illusion that it is.

o Strengths
Incredibly Talented with any sort of Weaponry | Willing to Kill as a Solution | Charismatic and Charming | Socially Perceptive | Pragmatic and Rational | Strong Leadership | Resourceful | Strategic | Impressive Stamina

o Weaknesses
Emotionally Absent | Difficulty Relating to Others | Distrustful | Incredibly Easy to Manipulate | Can't Stand Being around People for very Long | Passive | Willing to Kill as a Solution



Age (18+ only):



Hwa is an average kid with tanned skin and soft brown eyes, bordering on gold if viewed in the right light but have long since lost that spark of innocent life. No one is really sure how it came about, but Hwa has soft peach hair, unnatural and probably because of the amount of time spent in the sun bleaching the hair in a semi-natural way. Because of a lack of personal grooming, Hwa has a sort of shaggy and unkept skunk hairstyle. As someone with very little money, most of Hwa's clothes are oversized and falling apart at the seams.

There's not much to talk about Hwa. Once the hope of the nation for a better future, the people have long since moved on to someone else, leaving Hwa in the dust to fester and rot like the rest of them. While the child who was bright eyed and looked to the future with excitement and eagerness is long gone, Hwa still believes that one day its possible to turn their fate around as the stars had said. So all Hwa can do is wait, wait patiently while working steadily forward for the day that everything will be made right once again.

Hwa is able to divine messages from the stars. Sometimes they directly whisper their secrets into a listening ear, other times they must be read among the skies but they will usually predict coming events in cryptic ways or lead Hwa towards an event be they good or bad. Hwa is unable to use this power during the day and has to interpret the message as they are never straightforward.

o Strengths
Encyclopedic Level of Knowledge on Plants and their Various Uses | Cunning | Small Enough to Fit into Small Spaces | Book and Street Smart | Agile Runner | Good Physical Strength | Survival Experience | Wide range of Language Abilities

o Weaknesses
Can't Take Hits | Unwilling to Kill | Weak Constitution | Little to no Combat Experience or Knowledge | Willing to give Enemies Second Chances


•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 07:45 (2 Years ago)
both reserved!

and feel free to angst out guys. or if you want, write stupendously long posts *ahem ahem* that spans the entire Amazon River
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 09:04 (2 Years ago)
Name: Athena Luminia Lediana

Age (18+ only): 18

Gender: Female

Team: Red

District: 4

Appearance: Frost blue eyes with hints of silver, pale blond hair, slender and possessing a kind of otherworldly grace. Clothes change as suddenly as her personality.

Personality: Whatever she needs to survive. She'd learned long ago that to survive, she'd have to learn to please people. Or drive them away when neccessary. She can go from energetic and friendly to serious and silent and back again in a matter of seconds.

Powers: Telepathy
Able to read people's minds and track thoughts, as well as tamper with their minds should she wish. Depending on the difficulty of the task, her mental energy will be drained after performing it. Examples include (Ranked by difficultly):
1. Mental shockwaves - These can kill if strong enough, but she mostly sticks to minor ones which cause dizziness or confusion. Usually requires few hours, up to a day's rest after minor ones, will pass out for at least a day if something stronger.
2. Memory tampering - Adding or removing memories, up to half a day's rest afterwards.
3. Transmitting - Speaking in someone's mind, barely drains her energy.

o Strengths
- Getting what she wants from others
- Predicting her opponent's next moves and stratigizing accordingly
- Apt fighter
o Weaknesses
- Too prideful
- Occasionally too stubborn or reckless

Palpad?: Yep!

Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 09:22 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 09:32 (2 Years ago)

Macaria Galanis





Despite being thin, and quite short, at 5'1, Macaria is surprisingly strong. She has waist-length blonde hair, her eyes are ice blue and her skin is tan. She usually wears an old, ripped hoodie over a tattered white T-shirt, with a pair of black shorts.

Playful, flirty, energetic, brash. Macaria is a real piece of work, far too energetic and excitable for her own good. Sometimes, it can feel like you're talking to two different people, with how quickly she can transition from playful, child-like innocence, to ice-cold, seriousness. Despite her erratic personality, it's clear she's quite crafty.

[Inertia Manipulation]
Macaria is able to manipulate the inertia of any given object, increasing its inertia to make a moving object unstoppable or an immobile object immovable. She is also able to decrease an object's inertia, making it easier to accelerate or accelerate an object.

o Strengths
She knows basic self-defense and is quite handy with an axe.

o Weaknesses
She's not the strongest one around, and she can't exactly do anything involving height.


Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 10:43 (2 Years ago)
ItsKendo, res!
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 15:24 (2 Years ago)
~✿ Name: ✿~
Kaori Kim

~✿ Age (18+ only): ✿~

~✿ Gender: ✿~

~✿ Team: ✿~

~✿ District: ✿~

~✿ Appearance: ✿~
Kaori has a pale face and an empty face. She shows no expression or emotion, and seems to only feel one emotion: emptiness. Her black hair is a little messy and long, and her purple eyes are slightly dull. Kaori wears a traditional school uniform, but hers is a little dirty and rumpled.

~✿ Personality: ✿~
Kaori is mute, and very shy. She prefers to not say a word or make a sound, and seems to be constantly stressed about something. She is diagnosed with OCD, social anxiety, and is an extreme perfectionist, but she is able to control her nervous habits. She is emotionless, and shows no emotion, and rarely feels emotion. But she is very intelligent, and just has a very awkward time relaying it. She is also rather gentle- when she isn't busy stressing over tiny things.

~✿ Powers: ✿~
- Kaori has the power to sprout flowers and control them to her will. But there is a limit to her ability, and she can only control a certain amount of flowers, based on how large she grows them. The larger they are, the less she can control, and vice versa. Plus, the flowers are very hard to control, as they have a soul and mind of their own, enabling them to do whatever they want. So when Kaori sprouts them, she has to be extremely relaxed and firm, not wishing to let go of control.

- The flowers are quite useful. They grow with long and skinny leaves, which can be used to grapple, or maybe to entwine. The middle part, the part with the pollen, can shoot out mild poison, which can stun for a couple hours. The roots can grow underneath one, and grab their ankles, holding them back if they are chasing Kaori. They are a main source of both offense and defense, but the longer they are standing, the weaker they get. The poison only lasts for a couple hours, and the roots cannot hold on for long. Kaori is still trying to extend the time limit so that it can be more beneficial. She is also trying to strengthen the roots so that they can hold on longer, and to make the poison last longer.

~✿ Abilities: ✿~

~✿ o Strengths ✿~
- Kaori is very intelligent, and has a lot of information stored in her head about different agricultural tricks and hacks. She uses it often to her advantage, especially when her parents call her to help them out in the fields. She often uses it to lighten the workload upon her parents, who come home tired.

~✿ o Weaknesses ✿~
- Due to Kaori's small size and height, she lacks in physical strength and relies heavily on her abilities to help her out. She does not have the most energy, and is rarely seen running. She is also very awkward, and has very poor methods of conveying words without speaking.

~✿ Palpad?: ✿~ Yes!

✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 15:47 (2 Years ago)
Reserve please?
What is this signature-thingy for?
Why did I bother adding one?
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 16:07 (2 Years ago)
Can I reserve for Male 7 and Female 10?
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 20:53 (2 Years ago)

"Sometimes I feel like i'm just dreaming.. Who are we truly, are our decisions truly ours..!?"


[Age (18+ only)]




Ayran has curly low saturated golden hair that is swept to one side, and golden eyes with pale skin. With a height of 5'9, he have a well-built stature. A slender figure, that has lean muscles hidden beneath his loose outfit.

Ayran tries to wear comfortable clothing when he can. Like, but not limited to, a knitted turtleneck, blouse, and windbreaker. Paired with some black jeans, and white boots that are somehow completely white, without a single stain.

Very often, he carries multiple pairs of black gloves in his messenger bag.

Ayran certainly is quite an eccentric person, he is very often, if not all the time alone. It's not abnormal if you see him playing around with little pieces of scrap metal left behind by factories, and turning them into interesting gadgets.

As much as he may seem like a cold, and anti-social person, Ayran could be quite talkative when spoken too. He would ramble on and on, for things like books, metal parts, ect-

Ofcourse, that doesn't mean he could be pushed around. It is said the reason people don't hang around Ayran was because of his temper. He may be your friend for one day, the next day, he may push you off a cliff without batting a eye. Like a double sided blade.

He can be both hot and cold depending on his mood. Because of such rumor, no one dares to approach him. Not that he cared for such rumors.

It is also basic knowledge that Ayran is extremely intelligent. Just from a few seeming useless scrap piece of metal, he can turn it into a deadly weapon. Ayran is both cunning yet naive, afraid to trust yet don't want to be alone.

Oh and did I mention that he is also abit of a germaphobe? :D


[Weapon Mastery]

Ayran can make everything into a weapon, like a branch could become the best spear in the whole world, but maybe after that single throw, the branch will turn into dust. Ayran can use anything as a weapon to his liking, but the more fragile the object is, the less time he gets to use it before it turns to dust. After all, even the strongest blade can get dull when it is handled by a master.

Ofcourse, how he uses this power depends on him.

[The Mechanic]

Using any material Ayran like, he can even the most useless scrap piece of metal useful. For example, with a small piece of scrap metal Ayran has once created a small automatic slingshot that packs quite a punch. But ofcourse, how durable, and useful it is depends on his knowledge and the materials he finds. Even if it is a master crafting, it's still a piece of scrap metal after all~ _(:3」∠)_

o Strengths
| Unreadable | Extremely Intelligent | Tactical | Creative | Keeps his promises | Knows Strange Knowledge | Rich even though he doesn't dress like it |

o Weaknesses
| Somewhat Naive | Mood Switches | Unreasonable | Stubborn and Reckless | Seek Thrills | Manipulative | A Germaphobe |

Uhh just so you know, I have not read the hunger games sooo :'D

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 23:09 (2 Years ago)
Royal, Seren, April all reserved!

Unfortunately, DragonSlayer, you are rejected! Unless you can provide proof that you will be able to post paragraphs each time, you will not be able to join the roleplay, sorry! If you have samples of your writing that satisfies the condition stated above, pm it to me and we’ll see how it goes from there
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 08/02/2023 00:20 (2 Years ago)
Kara Rhys

~"We need to be able to control- erm, guide the masses that can't control themselves" -(Brad McKinniss)~

Age (18+ only): 23

Gender: Female

Team: Blue

District: 1

Appearance: She has long lengths of fiery red hair that falls to her shoulders. Her hair has strands of pink and orange mixed within hair, although it's undeniably fiery red. She has dark green eyes on her oval shaped face. She stands at about 5'8 and is somewhat muscular

Personality: Incredibly cold and manipulative, as most Careers are. Her instincts have been sharpened and honed to make her the perfect killer. She never knew love and warmth growing up, so kindness catches her off guard. She usually see acts of kindness as a back handed trick

Powers: Kara has the ability to 'steal' someone's powers and use them as her own. She isn't able to permanently use their ability- she slowly loses the ability after a period of time- where the stolen ability will grow weaker and weaker until it fades away. She also has to take a drop of their blood to 'steal' their ability. It's bothersome unless she can take and store a vial of their blood- allowing her to use their ability for a significant amount of time

This power is weak by itself. But if she 'steals' two or more abilities, she can combine them together to create a lethal combination. As to not push herself to the point of death, Kara is only able to steal three abilities at any given time

o Strengths: Kara is obviously incredibly weak without an ability, so she learned how to fight in close combat situations. While she knows how to strike with lethal moves, lots of effort was put into how to launch an attack that would allow her to slice her opponent- as to take their blood and steal their ability as soon as possible. If needed, Kara can run away. She is quick and has pretty decent endurance

o Weaknesses: Without an ability, she is at a huge disadvantage. If she isn't able to steal someone's blood fast enough, she could easily be killed. She also hasn't had much practice with long ranged weapons. Catch her out in the open with a long ranged weapon or ability, and she will certainly perish

Palpad?: Yes please

Other: (More of a note to self)- if it's allowed in this RP, her choice of item that she is bringing to the games is a hair clip that has a pointed end and spiraled edges. Big surprise, it's made to stab or slice, the spiraled edges are also made to catch and hold blood. It won't do any real damage, but it will allow her to have easy access to blood
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Wed, 08/02/2023 02:43 (2 Years ago)
I finished my form ^^

If there is anything wrong with it, please tell me! Thank you~
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 08/02/2023 03:08 (2 Years ago)
accepted, welcome aboard Charlie- I mean Kara.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 08/02/2023 13:49 (2 Years ago)
Name: Lilith Amberstar
Age (18+ only): 18
Gender: Female
Team: Blue
District: 8
Appearance: misaki mei
ISTP | The Craftswoman

Lilith loves puzzles, and will approach her environments with a flexible logic, looking for practical solutions to the problems at hand. She is independent and adaptable, and typically interact with the world around them in a self-directed, spontaneous manner. She is attentive to details. Because of her astute sense of her environment, she excels at reacting quickly and responding to emergencies. She is somewhat reserved but enjoys taking action, and approaches the world with a keen appreciation for the physical and sensory experiences it has to offer.

She is able to control dolls, create duplicate dolls of other to control them and create a flexible replica of herself which is able to rotate joints a full 360 degrees

o Strengths
Can withstand hunger for a long period of time, quick and agile, small, and both book and street smart
o Weaknesses
her sarcastic comments may deter others from befriending her, and short range combat is NOT her specialty
Palpad?: si

Name: Chan-Juan
Age (18+ only): by right she’s 17, by left she’s 18
Gender: Female
Team: red
District: 3
INTJ The Intellectual | 5w4 The Philosopher

She is confident, analytical, and ambitious in their behavior. She loves to pursue knowledge and tend to be very logically minded. She tends to listen to her strong intuition and loves to see how everything connects together. She is focused on the bigger picture and may overlook small details.
Intellectuals are very logical and rational. She bases her decisions on what makes sense and might have a harder time connecting emotionally. Chan-Juan is organized and prefers following a plan, loving to set and achieve goals.
Chan-Juan will willingly sit with you as you pour your soul out to her, but don’t let her sweet facade fool you. Underneath that pretty, empathetic face is a serpent waiting to strike, to get hold of you.

Soul Sucker
Chan-Juan lives on souls. She is able to pull the soul out of another’s body, whether they are dead or alive. Of course, an alive person can still function without a soul, they will just be like a husk of their former selves. Apart from that, she can also sense one’s soul purity. Forcibly removing one’s soul from a body (when they are alive) is more difficult, and immensely painful for whoever that person might be. Thus, Chan-Juan is more like a vulture, swooping in after people are killed to suck their souls out.


o Strengths

o Weaknesses

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Fri, 10/02/2023 22:44 (2 Years ago)
Finished~ :D
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 00:07 (2 Years ago)

reminder! to those who haven’t, remember to finish ur for
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 01:09 (2 Years ago)
Is it

Or is it

You decide.