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No item

Level: 34
EXP: 2,691 /4,464

Health Points 106
Attack 43
Defense 67
Sp. Attack 80
Sp. Defense 151
Speed 49
Pokédex No. #378
Rarity Legendary
Nature Hasty
Trainer ClickDeeClack
Origin. Trainer ClickDeeClack
Obtained 2 Days and 1 Hour ago
Royal Tunnel
Family Tree
Hatched 1 Day and 5 Hours ago


Regice wants to train with you a bit!


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YEET_MASTER0515, Night5hade, rexou32, milky_nari, PrettyMia, Joyfuldoggy, KnownBruh, DarkAmethyst, ClickDeeClack, JustinTPT, Pearlstardust, Komainu, buzz, Umbreonics, Darkdragonbz80, WalkingOnSunshine, Thaaya, gothicrift, ShadowXTM, Kastel, BobbaMan, ImperialHound, Ameer2011, Sharely, Sonickidz, GrimmeJunk, L1connu, Neva, Arven, DGWHenrietta, Stnrmmts, Mocha220, Csoxi, Nefalanis, BrookeOak, natjacker, Kusuo, Blitzin, Killik, VarsityRisneX, Himari, Cerdessius, MasterJeje, nillanilla, Krul, loketoke, Daisy-Brown, Truxtongender, Iggystar, Sorasdra2simp, Mika~Rin, h0tsalsa, Riuk, DragonEmperor, rexXie, Adr0nix, MorbidlyAnxiouss, Shiny, RoxasNuggetsXIII, GreenTaurus, BarnacleBoy, FrostyEquinox, cocobobo10, Rabdom, Xtreme_legends, Unlucky-boxer, EpicFailure, Ashikawa, Absbor, kibbitz, cat-rose, Remi_Fox, Allisa1504, Rinne, Realmavi, OneShinyRobin, Jmele112, Shinekiara, Aidam66, LuLu, Speed3Rman, TheGreatRoar, ShyShine, Nadgobus, Suwawa, salandit, KARUbin, EeveeLover, Zarbes, Espevahr, AnimeEmber, cynda1, GooBear, ShatteredDiamond, KnullType, Venchura, KaasSaus36, HyperBeam, Beachy72, AudibleLiquid, Cyain, KirishimaEijiro.