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Trainerlevel: 75

Trainerpoints: 11,510/16,949


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Exeggutor564,942 / 11,971
Cornlet13 / 9


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Viewing a Userprofile (3 Hours ago)

About Me + Pokesona

Read about me on my carrd (Made by Jackie!)

⬇️My Pokesona! This art was made by Ramper⬇️

Blue was with 💛

Blue is shown to be much more caring and gentle when speaking with others than she previously was. Blue has realized the error of her ways when it comes to trying to get others to feel the emotional pain she felt, and that she now desires to bring happiness to others, freely letting other Gems experience joy.

Pink was the Final

Pink seemed to have a dim and jaded view on how her kin Diamonds viewed her. This might've come from their frequent scoldings, her feelings of never fitting in with Homeworld, constant punishments for little acts and how her pleas fell on deaf ears. In consequence, Pink assumed her fellow Diamonds didn't care for her so she wouldn't be missed if she was gone; something which led to her faking her shattering.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #924480751
Registration: 29/04/2019 (5 Years ago)
Time Played: 4908:59 Hours
Total interactions: 3,999,235
Money: 1,095,512
Starter Pokémon: Giga Venusaur


I is bored. Is there any sort of, like, online game to do with online friends???
9 Days ago
Happy St Patrick's Day! Got a few things to say.

First off, I was really ready for this holiday. I've got St Patrick's earrings (screw on, not pierced), a green Dragon Eye necklace, a Slytherin shirt, and Grogu socks!

Second, should I officially start my Event hunt today or this Friday???

Third continuing from the second note, as I've recently discovered, Snuggul is not available in the Event Shop. This means it would entirely be a Daycare Hunt. Because of this, I'm considering doing one of the current second place choices. This would either be Pharraloin or Pumpkabowl.

What do you guys think? Today or Friday? AND . Snuggul or the second place choices?
10 Days ago
Emera Square
Pokémon Beauty Contest

Current theme:

. . . . .

I literally made a post regarding Pokemon and Circus sometime this month... WHAT THE-?!?
14 Days ago
Thank you, Calamity_Sass! For helping me with the request from my previous post. This has been driving me insane and had put a stop to an art piece I've put myself into. This is a lifesaver!
15 Days ago
Ok, two things....

1) I am going INSANE at this point and must ask for help: does anyone have a reference image for a couple's hand hold that is made of either two left hands or two right hands? Apparently this is a unique concept because I can't find it ANYWHERE! (This hold would result in only one thumb being visible rather than both or neither being visible)

2) On a different note, my Event Hunt poll is still up! We currently have Snuggul in first with 7 votes, Pharroloin in second with 6 votes, and Pumpkabowl in third with 4 votes. Vote if you haven't yet!
15 Days ago
Oh, hi ShatteredDiamond!
I see you recently hatched a special colored Orthworm! That is pretty cool, congratulations.
You must be really proud of it! You should always keep such shiny hatches in your Party or in a special Storage Box.
I once found a shiny Aipom at the Honeytree on Route 53 and sold it at the Auction House. Man, that was dumb! I totally regret it now - but back then I guessed the Pokémon was just sick because it had this weird pink skin color.

No this is NOT a double post. I now have a Female Shiny Orthworm! The first one (named Blue Raspberry Gummy) is male.
20 Days ago
Oh, hi ShatteredDiamond!
I see you recently hatched a special colored Orthworm! That is pretty cool, congratulations.
You must be really proud of it! You should always keep such shiny hatches in your Party or in a special Storage Box.
I once found a shiny Aipom at the Honeytree on Route 53 and sold it at the Auction House. Man, that was dumb! I totally regret it now - but back then I guessed the Pokémon was just sick because it had this weird pink skin color.

21 Days ago
Random question:
Do we have any Circus themed Event Pokemon? I don't mean like Jolly Jr and Sad Jr, I mean like a Ringleader or Acrobat or Lion(Pyroar) Tamer or Magician or Tightrope Walker etc.

Also, my Event Pokemon Hunt may be starting soon! Currently Snuggel and Pharroloin are tied for first. Please vote if you haven't yet!
22 Days ago
Did the Wonder Trade Station experience a glitch? I have no notification about the trade and I'm almost certain that the Pokemon in it currently were put in BEFORE today's Wonder Trade...
24 Days ago
NEW POLL! Please vote to help choose my Shiny Event Hunt! And if you choose option 10, this is where you can comment here!
1 Month ago

Official Username: ShatteredDiamond
Nicknames I've seen on here: SD, Shattered, Diamond, bestie, pookie [;-)]
1 Month ago
Hi everyone! It's been a bit since I was on 😅. I haven't really been feeling well for a few days, but I think I can begin somewhat of a comeback.

Anywho, something I need to take care of is this little dude. Unfortunately, both potential buyers who were part of the rental party have failed to get back to me in regards to this SM. SO, I need help. Should I pop him into the Auction House, pop him into the Global Trade, or something else? Let me know please! 😉
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 15 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny mega-able Feebas hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2740)!

YES!!! O.M.G!! @socks, it's even Adamant!!!
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 29 Minutes and 17 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Feebas hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2727)!
By PokéRadar - 36 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Feebas hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2724)!

So close to twin shines!
1 Month ago
Inspired by Orca~'s post...A New BuddyMeter Quiz! It took me so long to make it Give it a whirl~!
2 Months ago

Trainerlevel: 75
Trainerpoints: 54/16,949

We rising up now, friends!
2 Months ago

By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 33 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny mega Feebas hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2362)!

@Sharely, your order is ready!
3 Months ago
Merry Christmas, Pokeheroes! 🎁🎄🎁
3 Months ago
Don't know if SM RNG complaints work like Shiny RNG complaints but Imma try anyway

RNG, I have THREE (and a half) renters still waiting for a SM Feebas to hatch! The last one was in JULY! It is nearly the END of DECEMBER! STOP!!! 🛑
3 Months ago
3 Months ago


White was the First

It takes White time to adjust to the new ways of Era 3. White has difficulty in socializing with others and she even looked uncomfortable when healing the Corrupted Gems. However, support from her fellow Diamonds along with Steven reassured her that she was doing the right thing.

Yellow was with 💙

Although Yellow still appears bold and retains a commanding demeanor, she has also allowed herself to be more open-minded in terms of humor. She expresses deep remorse over her Gem experiments, joyfully and willingly fixing the Gems she once shattered.


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ShatteredDiamond 1 Day ago
ShyShine 2 Days ago
ShatteredDiamond 2 Days ago
snowvixen 2 Days ago

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