Congratulations! A shiny Lechonk hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #41)!
Oh nice! Finally not getting the first one after 100+ hatches.

Congratulations! A shiny Rookidee hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #255)!
Aaand that's a wrap! Got one for the Gigantamax too ^^

Congratulations! A shiny Rookidee hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #172)!
Yess, finally! Just one more for the whole line.

Shiny Corviknight is so pretty. Silver birb 🖤

Congratulations! A shiny Purrloin hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #101)!
Ah the joys of shiny hunting, how I missed you. <3 Made me go
above 100, but oh well.

Still had some Nuggets left from before my break, so bought myself
a month premium, gonna Shiny hunt to get back into the flow. ~

*blowing dust off my profile* Man, what do you mean it has been 3+
years since I was last active? :''D

Please help hatching the eggs in my party? They are just Magikarp
eggs, I need them for the calendar!

Congratulations! A shiny Munna hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #112)!
Congratulations! A shiny Munna hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #115)!
Oh wow, that was a nice surprise!

#MyFavoriteMemory When I met my friends in uni the
first time - what started out as simply some strangers saying
"hello" to one another, turned into the most wholesome friendships
I ever had and I cherish that moment exactly because of that.

#MyBestExperience is closely connected to one of my
worst experiences in this year - my dog died and the whole family
collectively couldn't bare the loss for too long so we adopted a
very scared but very sweet doggo from a nearby shelter. Seeing her
making progress each day and getting braver and more comfortable is
truly a wonderful experience. <3

Congratulations! A
Starly hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #145)!
Oh now you are showing up?
Only one more!

Congratulations! A
Starly hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #142)!
Gosh, finally!
... now for two more

Man, these Starly are stubborn. :c

Lmao I released the bug contest Heracross, not realizing it's
megaable. :'''D All hail the recovery tool!

I got the new item from thunderstorm-fishing yesterday and I didn't
realize it was a summon item. :''D

I'm glad we got to re-choose what are we afraid of for the trick or
treat, picked kids over ghosts in a heartbeat. XD

This new update is so helpful, thank you Riako! Since I'm paranoid,
I always double-triple check when releasing Pokemon, but! I did
recover my Autumn Flaaffy I accidentally released. She was the only
"big" one, but I'm honestly so happy to get her back! ^^

Congratulations! A
Ducklett hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #49)!
And here's my boy. <33