Ooh shiny furfrou you want to hatch so bad ooh

There’s a mega shiny pidgeot in the auction house with a gentle
nature that I’ve seen so many times and want but I can’t afford it

Congratulations! A shiny Furfrou hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #60)!
My first ever shiny that I hatched myself!! Slightly disappointed
that it’s the wrong gender but we start again 🫡

Please interact with my eggs, I’ve got 10 more waiting in the
daycare ;_;

Need my furfrous to produce more eggs or to give me a shiny (or a
few, one can dream) so I can start my shiny mega Pidgeot hunt……

Also upon my return to this game I will kick things off with a
shiny furfrou hunt

Alexa play: Baby I’m Back by Kid Laroi

Got myself a mega evolvable Riolu with a brave nature -> a
Now, to get a mega stone OTL

I went through a majority of my old palpad messages and oh
boy...... It made me miss so many people who I used to talk to but
it also made me realize how embarassing I was djsjfkskfkskf

It's been ages since I've been on Pokeheroes but thanks to a sudden
spike in reinterest in Pokemon, I'm back

I don't really have a wish but I guess it'd be me getting good
grades or something like that, maybe patching some problems in life
up?? Idk but for everyone to have a great Christmas is part of my
wish c:

Giving up on my furfrou chain and starting a new one ;w; This time
it's going to be meowstic

Hhh-- I have 5 star pieces once again, what to choose, what to
choose >n<

It's still 4/16 for me so happy birthday to myself /w/

//high pitched screamings because I haven't found any eggs todayyy
for the Easter event except one

//quietly hopes the egg from the royal tunnel doesn't break my
chain or so help me I will flip

//quietly sobs since there's a mega pidgeot in the auction house
but I can't but it -cries a river-

I'm finally on level 15 \;u;/

I finally got over 2000 on the Pikachu minigame... OTL that was
insane- =A=;