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[Welcome to Reformation] [CLOSED 10/10]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up [Welcome to Reformation] [CLOSED 10/10]
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 17:24 (3 Months ago)

~[Ꮃꂅլ꒝Ծოꂅ ϮԾ ᏒꂅꊰԾᏒოᕱϮᎥԾภ]~

"ʙɪʀᴅs ᴏғ ᴀ ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴍᴇ ғᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ sᴛɪᴄᴋ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ."

| Love | Peace | Perfection |

In a world shaped by magic and justice, adhering to the strict rules and societal norms is absolutely essential. Any misstep, no matter how small, results in the immediate loss of one's status and standing as well as bearing immense punishments by the law. Despite such cruel laws, you people still manage to create a sense of peace and prosperity. However not everyone agrees with such ideals.

Enter you rebels.

However many of you are out there, there is one common belief you all share, and that is the rules the government has set up is jacksh#t. You thrive in freedom, and chaos. Why have powers if you can never use them? The rebellious nature in you creates a interesting track record for within the government; a bunch of mannerless misfits they call you. No school would entertain the thought of welcoming you, given your potential for causing collateral damage, deliberately ruining lives out of spite, or even having... a death record. It's understandable—who would want a group of rebels disrupting their classrooms?"

On the surface, it may seem that way. However, it's a little-known fact that only the most notorious rebels have ever been extended an invitation from this obscure organization.

Welcome to Reformation, an institute to teach folks like you how to truly mess up the government and current status quo. Here at this institution you will learn the art of violence, manipulation, weaponry and so much more. We, as the staff will elevate you to new heights, enabling you to break free from your past constraints and unleash your full potential. However it will be a tough journey ahead, with many dangers that may permanently affect your livelihood. Even so, will you take the risk?

Will you allow yourself to be formally reformed by the institute? Or will you change your mind last minute and go back to the strict customs that have been constricting you your whole life?

Within the school halls, there has been a hush rumour that there are traitors amongst them. Special students sent from the government personally to act as a secret agent providing them with information about the institute. Blending in seamlessly with the student body, participating in their antics, yet their true motives remain unclear. Are they here to persuade students to abandon their nature, or do they aim to bring down the organization entirely?

Are you the traitor?


[Rules of the Institution]
Even chaos can only thrive at their truest potential under certain circumstances
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1. All PH rules apply.

2. Characters must be balanced and not overly op. They can't just barge in and smash thing and call it a done day. Even the shonen genre has more duality than that.

3. What YOU know as the rp'er, does not make your character know such information as well. Your characters can't read minds. Make sure you have provided sufficient evidence on knowing such information.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: [character A] had a bad feeling about this.
WHAT YOU CANNOT DO: [character a] knew this wasn't going to go well due to the fact that this and this and this will happen. (info you know as a rp'er)

4. Romance is allowed but isn't the main focus.

5. CHARACTERS WILL DIE. I might be yours, it might not depending on the plot, so if you aren't ready for this, the rp may not be for you.

6. You character should have sufficient details on how to be a horrible human being at the beginning.

7. No *waved at character b* Hello! - type stuff thank you! I would like it if everything was in paragraph style.

8. Hate the character not the person.

9. Have fun folks! This shall be a wild ride :D

10. Follow rules 1-9 folks!

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Copy n paste this please or else I'll ignore your form ^^
[center][i]"input silly quote here[/i]







[b][Reference Image][/b]
[spoiler]Input image here if needed, if not delete code.[/spoiler]


(make it make sense and not otherworldly)


[b][Examples of Past Crime][/b]

[b][Theme Song][/b]



[My Forms]
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"My eyes are beautiful? Oh I wouldn't trading them!~"

Phoebes De Cecil


Female | She/Her | Bi - Curious

| Cute | Naive In the Strangest ways | Merciless | Childish | Impatient | Eager | Dainty |
| Knows so Much Yet so little all at once | Sleepy | NOT chill | Boomer | Curious | A little Dull Headed |

Phoebes is a curious wondering soul. She may appear harmless and fragile at first impression, but if you do know her then its clear that she is the type of girl that is both ridiculous and someone who can't be measured by human standards. Human logic doesn't apply to a monster in the first place.

She is merciless, impatient and spoiled despite looking like a homeless girl. She is often very sleepy and craves the ocean or cool shade. But when she is wide awake (though not rare), she is curious about everything and if you do manage to keep her attention, it can be your biggest weapon as well as your biggest ticking bomb.

However she does have some genuinely cute side, which she is a bit behind the times as well as dull headed. If she is not fully awake, you may need to repeat certain details through her dull head before she fully understands. That is saying that she even cares in the first place.

Just like how she has the curiosity of a 6 year old, she has just as a bad of an destructiveness an unwatched 6 year old can have.

Phoebes is a delicately looking lady with light pastel green hair with dark green in the roots. Her hair flowed alongside the wind like a wave, almost reaching the end of her spine. Fluttering her long delicate eyelashes hides the pitch black eyes that shone an eerie peach blossom pink with flower shaped pupils. There seems to be no life in her eyes, despite how much it glows within the dark. With extremely pale skin that rivals a ghost, its hard to find a single natural human trait in her.

But perhaps the only somewhat humane trait in her is her unique naiveness that almost rivals a 6 year old.

[Reference Image]

Made by yours truly :)

[Will of Mother Nature]
She is able to command the earth and bodies of water from miles away. This does not apply to the sky. Her abilities does not include in artificially made materials such as bottles of industrial water and cement. Phoebes carries the will of Mother Nature and is able to command the ground and water to her liking whether it would be to destroy or protect. That is saying she understands such concepts.

[Embodied Mind]
If she really wants to, Phoebe can work like a super machine, quickly calculating anything related to data. Whether it would be water pressure, how much force is needed to create earthquakes or how much force a human skull can take under a certain material, she knows it all, or will know it all. That is she ever wants to.

Due to the fact that, as of current, she has no reason to use her brain.

If Phoebes is ever injured, she can use any natural green light to slowly heal her wounds. However the ability is limited to deep scars, and cannot heal a broken bone. This process does take a long time depending on the size and depth of the wound. It can even take up to 12 whole hours of daylight. However a plus is that she doesn't have to stay still to receive healing. As long as some part of her body is exposed to the sunlight, it is being constantly repaired.

The first memory she had when she woke up was water. The cold water that enveloped her oh so coldly. She couldn't move, she couldn't feel, she couldn't think.

What was she?

What caught her attention next was a group of white robed men wearing glasses and holding up multiple strangely shaped metal devices. She didn't know why they were so enthusiastic, she couldn't hear anything afterall. Before she could take a look around her surrounding, a strong pang of electric shock went through her veins. It was the first sensation she has ever felt and learned of.

For the next few days, it was that very sensation that she knew. She didn't the concept of time nor pain, nor did she understand what she liked or disliked. For what was recorded to be the next few years, it was the same routine from morning to dawn. The same group of men would test her vitals before pumping mysterious liquids into her veins. Then they would continue to force upon various types of voltages into her space.

Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it didn't. But it was all that she really knew.

Sometimes if she were to be particularly well behaved, sometimes they would give her some treats. Before she knew it, she has developed a sense of taste.

It was only until a few years later, until she was finally allowed out of her 'home' for the first time. It was a new, foreign sensation she has never felt before. Now there wasn't a heavy weight of wires and water upon her. At that moment, she wasn't aware, but that would be the closest feeling to freedom she would ever be aware for the next 10 years.

For the next 10 years, she gained more and more of the human senses, and has even began to learn human speech. But no matter how well she tried to behave, she was never let out of her 'home'. But by then, she began to think with her new found sense of self consciousness, was this even a home?

Or was this a 'cage'?

[Examples of Past Crime]
Perhaps it was due to the fact that after she has forcefully regained back her freedom, the world she has discovered past her cage was much bigger than she has ever imagined led her to become slightly overwhelmed. This temporarily led her to be led astray by a few bad influences that taught the emotion of thrill. She then became obsessed with that temporarily emotion of adrenaline that made her feel humane which allowed her to commit countless crimes.

Such as: Massacred multiple towns through earthquakes, flood, or completely encapsulating them. Toying with human and dismemberment. And much much more.

[Theme Song]
Language of the Lost - R.I.P
"If I'm a robot or a doll? Am I anything at all? Maybe a thing like me doesn't even deserve to know?"

Oh, she also has flowers in her hair that for some reason is impossible to get rid off. Whenever birds or bees tries to get the pollen out of the petals.. they mysteriously never awake again.

[Accepted Characters]
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1. Alcyone Lestrade - Sterg
2. Andrea Kingsley - tasha~
3. Kiase Tokono - Mew
4. Ferrenal Cauter - CarnifexCoronatum
5. Dulcie Bouvier
6. Julius Ryan Liamson - "Caesar" - Interna_Chaotica
7. Persephone O'Couna - Serendibite
8. Satsujin - ShimmeringSuicune
9. Hikaru Eichi


[ʟᴀsᴛʟʏ, ɪ ғᴏʀᴍᴀʟʟʏ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏ ᴏғ ʀᴇғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ!]

[ᴍᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏᴜs ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ sᴛᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ.]

"ᴀ ʀᴏsᴇ ʜᴀs ɪᴛ's ᴛʜᴏʀɴs, ᴡɪʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀɪɴ ᴏʀ ᴡɪʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴜᴄᴋ ᴏғғ ᴀʟʟ ᴏғ ɪᴛ's ʙᴏɴᴇs?"

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 18:08 (3 Months ago)
Rock on, Gold Dust Woman
Take your silver spoon, dig your grave
Heartless challenge
Pick your path and I'll pray


"People who enjoy toying with other people- well, they fascinate me. To have the confidence that you can offer another human being something so great they won't put the knife in your back at the next deal, thinking you can control fools with common sense... Doesn't it sound an awful lot like arrogance? Trusting other people to be smart is the surest mark that it'll be your neck in the guillotine tomorrow."

Persephone O'Couna

// 23 \\

Female // She/Her // Lesbian

Though her constant teasing initially seeming playful, at her heart of hearts, Persephone is a bitter, spiteful person who will use underhanded tactics to take down those she hates, with any means necessary. She distrusts people on principle, and is always on watch for the inevitable knife in her back. Perhaps that's why, she tries to take people down first; at the first hint of weakness, she'll tear you to pieces, and have you thank her for the favour. There's little love to be found with her. She'd destroy herself if it means not letting her opponents win. And to her, who believes the whole world is her enemy, that can be very dangerous indeed. Ultimately, Persephone is very self destructive, and rarely happy with anything.

As a student, Persephone is a hard worker, who pours her all into learning the subject matter. She is determined to be a top student, and will do everything in her power to ensure she comes out on top. Oddly enough, she doesn't sabotage anyone school-wise, though for personal matters she'll rip someone apart for no reason whatsoever. Her philosophy is that hard work will always have you come out on top, therefore, why try anything else? In this way, she is rather naive and childish.

Oddly enough, despite her bitterness and feeling as though everyone is against her, she's the optimistic type. She believes that with enough self sacrifice, everything will go her way. Her self-grandiosity, and feelings of superiority towards other people mean that she has too much faith in herself and her abilities, a flaw which may prove to be fatal.

Persephone wants to distance herself from being "childish". She dresses up and she does "mature" makeup, and she refuses to trust anyone in case sme might display any degree of naivety. She has a nervous response in which she chews her nails, which she has done everything to curb, even to the point of harming herself every time she does it. Yet it won't stop, and she hates it, because she will not be vulnerable. It doesn't matter if she's the only one who knows she's not in total control of herself. Her, or somebody else, any recognised flaw is a weakness.

Ultimately, it comes down to this sense of control. Persephone wants to be powerful, wants to be the one everyone looks away from and avoids. Deep down, she feels as though she's holding tightly onto her core, keeping it in place... and if she lets up, even a bit, her whole being will be splattered across the pavement for the whole world to stare and whisper at. She will have her control, no matter what. No one will be allowed to touch her again.

[Description] A tall, slim girl with very pale skin. She has a chin-length bob with curtain bangs. Her once-red hair is dyed an unnatural shade of black that looks at odds with her pale blue eyes and pasty colouring. Very lanky with sharp, jutting features and a perpetual frown. Often wears black lipstick.

[Reference Image]

Persephone has the ability to grow plants rapidly in any manner or direction which she chooses. She can cause a sapling to grow to a tree in minutes, or an ivy vine to climb up the wall in a matter of seconds. She carries numbers of seeds on her for this express purpose (most of which are briars) in order to restrain her opponents.

Born into a wealthy, but distant family, Persephone had a rather isolated childhood, spending most of her time in the yard, playing with bugs and small animals. She was very emotional as a child, crying over ants that her mother stepped on. But the day that her parents died in a car crash, she didn't cry at all. She spent the next few years separated from her younger brother, juggled around by a variety of relatives. Eventually, she fell into the foster care system.

Previously, she had been a quiet, obedient girl who excelled in school and appeared to have a bright future ahead of her. But when she went to her first foster home, she became rebellious and quick to anger, often getting into fights with others at school, where she was labelled a delinquent. Her grades plummeted and people began to avoid her. Eventually, she spent every lunch alone, except for her foster sister who refused to leave her side.

Yet within a year, Persephone would sharpen a makeshift weapon and try to murder her.

[Examples of Past Crime]
Persephone stabbed her foster mother in her sleep, using a steak knife from the kitchen. She attempted to frame her foster sister for the murder, but her plots were uncovered when her history of violence as a young child came to light, and Persephone's close friend and classmate provided evidence that the use of the well in transferring the weapon from the kitchen was something they had discussed several years earlier. When her foster sister came to see her in jail, Persephone attempted to kill her using a makeshift knife she'd made inside her cell, but failed, due to the presence of guards. She later pleaded guilty, and was tried as an adult, despite being seventeen, due to the severity of her crimes.

[Theme Song]
"Gold Dust Woman" by Fleetwood Mac


Yes <3

to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 18:13 (3 Months ago)

"input silly quote here"

< Hikaru Eichi >

< 22 >

< Non-binary | They/Them | Aroace >

< ISFJ | 9w1 | Highly Anxious | Worrywart >
After living a life filled with anxiety and worrying (check background)


[Reference Image]
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Input image here if needed, if not delete code.

(make it make sense and not otherworldly)


[Examples of Past Crime]

[Theme Song]


si si

✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 18:21 (3 Months ago)
res accepted for both my lovely child and... our local oreo thief hehe :))
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 22:30 (3 Months ago)
"Your soul is wavering...It would be in your best interest to choose your next few words very carefully."

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Alcyone Lestrade


A fair woman in...almost...every meaning of the word. Albeit her strong sense of justice and righteousness,Alcyone is an extremely arrogant individual whose pomposity knows no bounds. No matter how highly she thinks of herself and even acts the part,her true,equitable,nature never fails to show,being no stranger to hardships herself.

A relatively short woman (165cm) whose green hat she always wears gives her an illusory,even if scant,boost in height. Alcyone has curly blond hair and a low ponytail can be seen come out of the back of her hat. She wears a green blazer that covers most of her grey shirt. Don't let Alcyone's slim build deceive you. Her body is foreign to exercise and she is a stranger to ostentatious and grand meals,thus explaining why she looks so thin. As far as athletic feats go,the only memories that surface are those of her running away after the places she frequented got busted or people somehow caught on to the fact that she had some sort of upper hand.

Alcyone has the innate ability of being able to see the psyche of man,allowing her to read the selected person's intentions as well as tell whether or not they are lying or are being truthful. She has revealed to those select few she trusts that an honest person's soul has a more calm and serene,almost spherical,look while a liar's becomes spiky,though no one else seems to be able to make sense of that statement. Regarding intentions,that part is difficult even for her to understand and,consequently,explain. She has watered it down to being able to feel a slight percentage of what her target is currently feeling and trying her best to accurately interpret it given various factors such as the topic and environment. However,such power requires Alcyone to also constantly speak truthfully if she wants to keep her power. Naturally,it was difficult for her as a child and she found out the hard way that the more she lied,the longer she had to wait for her power to return. It started with a few hours,then days,weeks and last time it took her months. Of course,she can't risk to find out how much that window can extend.

Born under rather undesirable circumstances,Alcyone's family lived every day hanging by a thread. A thread thin enough that even the most minor and insignificant of inconveniences threatened the already slim chances of them having lunch the following day. That was,until she tried her hand at gambling. Able to read every person in the room,Alcyone was able to successfully put her household in the green,guaranteeing her family's well-being. Painfully average student,though the blame hardly fell on her given how often she would hang out at various underground and suspicious gambling facilities. The worst part is that she was bringing back so much money,her parents couldn't even think about scolding her.

[Examples of Past Crime]
Caught cheating and extortion should suffice as umbrella terms pertinent to the crimes Alcyone has commited.
[Theme Song]

Might alter a few things here and there as I pester inquire april about this roleplay but yeah! c:
Naturally c:

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 22:52 (3 Months ago)
accepted~ :DDD

Welcome to the Institute of Reformation, Alcyone!
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 23:00 (3 Months ago)
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 23:25 (3 Months ago)
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 04:11 (2 Months ago)
”hm?….are you expecting something from me?”

Kiase Tokono


Non-binary (he/they pronouns) Bisexual :D

Calm, yes, calm OC for once. Stoic and calm. Kiase does not talk much but he’s reasonable, and mature. For the most part he just gives his opinion on things and then stops talking to think. Does indeed not scream, practically ever. Legend has it that he only reads and writes in his room whenever he’s got free time, mostly. Especially when he’s not annoyed with the government. Kiase has this very special thing for cats and he loves cats because who doesn’t love cats and cats are the best. Has a resting b#tch face most the time and always looks tired and half dead. Generally impatient, cannot be bothered to do much, and just is lazy.
||ISTP||Chaotic Evil||Hates people in general||

see blurry pic below :/

[Reference Image]


Manipulation of ink, also known as ink control. He can manipulate existing ink and not create it. Existing ink includes printed ink and dried ink. Therefore Kiase always carries a large ink bottle and some pens with him. This control can also involve changing it’s shape, form and structure but does not include changing the material or state. He can make the ink poisonous, but only by mixing it with poison because he can’t make poison.

Sentient Control
Kiase can control anything that has been cover over 50% in ink, if a organism then he gets to control its free will, if a non living entity then it becomes sentient, and it’s properties will change into ink, once the body is destroyed (through fire or decapitation) the entity will cease to exist.

When Kiase finds the need to, whether it be regeneration or other reasons, he can choose to replace parts of his body with ink, while makes that specific part a constantly flowing liquid, which means he will regenerate and heal while his injuries are impermeable. However, this can not go above 75% of his body or he will turn into uh… ink monster ig. This does not include broken bones.
Kiase was raised by parents who were gamblers, they spent basically all the money they had on gambling and went heavily into debt. Therefore, Kiase was homeschooled poorly, his parents weren’t smart or good at academics and nor did they care, so in the end, Kiase went to books that taught him everything. He matured much earlier than other children, especially since his parents suicided, because the loan sharks came after them. After being orphaned, Kiase was sent to an orphanage, where other children like him were unlike him, they were much more lively and actually played with each other, unlike Kiase who sat in a corner doing nothing or reading. One day however, the loan sharks then found the orphanage around three years later, they burnt it down and kidnapped the child whose parents owed them money. Kiase was then forced to do jobs for them, whether it be illegal or not for a sixteen year old. This continued for four years and all his parents’ debt as paid off, so Kiase left and here he is now, the government didn’t care, the government never cared. His surname was change twice, once after he got taken by the loan sharks and once again after he finished working for them.

[Examples of Past Crime]
Theft (around fifty accounts)
Kidnapping (twelve known accounts)
Human trafficking (twelve+ accounts)

[Theme Song]
SPECIALZ by King Gnu. JJK season 2 OP

yes yes good plot idea i approve 👍

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 04:21 (2 Months ago)
Okokokok btw how'd you like the idea? :>
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 15:07 (2 Months ago)
Hey! Would it be alright if I ask for a reservation?
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 15:27 (2 Months ago)
Ofc! :D you shall be res'eded
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 78
Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 21:12 (2 Months ago)
Res plz
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 22:05 (2 Months ago)

xxxxxAh, chaos; a roleplay aiming right for my heart! May I reserve a position please?
Ah, so you, O Mysterious and Curious Soul, have come to seek answers in the abyss?

Do you know what lies beyond?

Do you want to?

Or has your curiosity reached a nervous end?
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 23:01 (2 Months ago)
"This is the weave of the world. This is reality. Everything else is nothing but a by-product – random and accidental – of this movement, and this combining of atoms.”

Andrea Kingsley



INTJ The Intellectual | 5w4 The Philosopher | Sagittarius

She is confident, analytical, and ambitious in their behavior. Andrea loves to pursue knowledge and tend to be very logically minded. She tends to listen to her strong intuition and loves to see how everything connects together. She is focused on the bigger picture and may overlook small details.
Intellectuals are very logical and rational. She bases her decisions on what makes sense and might have a harder time connecting emotionally. Andrea is organized and prefer following a plan, loving to set and achieve goals.
Probably one of the more mentally unstable ones, Andrea is narcissistic and passive aggressive. She is described as a cynical, sadistic and psychopathic person, having long lost the very essence of what it means to be human. She is smart, not just in terms of intellect but also street smarts. But above all, she is manipulative. Is she ever truly on anyone’s side? She can be a saint, she can be a devil, a sweetheart or a monster, depending on her audience.

white hair with black streaks, caused by overuse of her magic. her eyes are a deep red, again clouded with black due to overexertion
[Reference Image]

•As long as your Heart Beats• | •Dance of the Dolls•
[Heart Beating to the Sound of War Drums]
Andrea can, with great pain and focus, manipulate the heartbeat of any living beings within a five meter radius
[One! Two! One! Two!]
Andrea can slow down one’s heart rate to drag down their athletic prowess for a period of five minutes
[Heart of Stone No More]
Andrea causes a singular opponent’s heart to soften, sparing her and her allies mercy
[Arabesque, Passé, Changement, Écarté]
Andrea’s dolls come to life, and dance, providing boosts to Andrea such as speed, strength and agility
[Dancing Dolls]
Andrea’s dolls attack alongside her, ‘dying’ only when their head is completely disconnected from their body
[Sewing, Stitching, Patch and Replace]
Andrea can heal or replace any non-vital organ with a cloth one, which will function like a normal one would. As long as in use, it drains Andrea of her energy and health at a constant rate.

A pretty face and charming smiles, the world is your oyster when everyone’s tripping over their own feet to appease you. Andrea has everything she wants, from money to fans, you name it, she’s likely got it. One would think that she’s just ditzy darling who’s extremely spoilt, and while the latter is true, Andrea’s mind is not to be underestimated. Andrea can and will use people to her own advantage, whether it be asking them for favors, or something else. She rarely thinks of others, and while she appears to be very charming on the outside, her true intentions are often borderline psychotic. It’s hard to know her true nature, especially given her innocent, doll-like features and a constant smile on her face. Andrea has spent years perfecting her lies, and her disguise is one that is extremely hard to break.
After all, Andrea is what one would call a performer, and the world is her stage.

[Examples of Past Crime]
Human Experimentation
When Andrea first found out she had powers, the first thing she did was, naturally, to test its limits. And how better to test them than on her enemies? And so, well….. that’s exactly what she did
[Theme Song]
Viper | Nightmare
Pomegranate Lips/Toxin/Reign | Devil [DropsteR]

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 18/07/2024 02:32 (2 Months ago)
"My spirit is neither good or evil, but instead of one that people would call satanic...but what's the wrong being one of those special breed souls, it's always encouraged to embrace and accept others, besides we serve to serve each other but what kind of life is this? do we really have to serve everyone under the moon, why can't we ever be something more...special than that?"

-has a middle name and last name but wants to be called by the real name so they don't address them-


Genderfluid Female
Demiromantic Lesbian Asexual

Sadistic with no in between as Satsujin was told on day one when one day enrolled in a special school that they were a slacker and average and that is their bid, causing them to try and be the most unaverage in the most ludicrous way possible, as well as never sleep, no really, she doesn't sleep and yet is able to function perfectly fine like she hasn't slept in literally years, so once everyone's asleep she usually wanders around a place and annoy the f*** out of everyone while they're sleeping to shifting around furniture to straight up smashing s*** on the ground and always choose the most important and valuable looking one to them, she is also a pure carnivore as she is only able to eat meat as that is her only way to survive as her body will always reject fruit and vegetables or anything along those lines, nonetheless are absolute favorite kind of meat is seafood of fish and really likes pure meat shish kabobs. Satsujin doesn't have any friends by her own choosing and has no desire to have a single friend, they simply enjoy the isolating and lonely experience of it so much, having no value in anyone but herself as she won't hesitate to try and blow their brains out if for no other reason then she wants to, really if she could she would cross a big X on everyone's face of society but the ones that she hate the most are the servers and slaves to capitalism and stock market, surely making you her hitman target as she'll do everything in your power to meet a bullet to your head. Satsujin has no interest in starting or participating in a fight with others, as if this would happen as she would walk away as if they continue to follow them she would ignore them, not that she was not a master of ignoring and being one of the most inconsiderate people you can meet, all she ever wanted to do was make her ritualistic circles and add to her corpses pile and then dance in the circle with the corpses while wearing her special mask.

Used to be fully human but the more as they wear the mask the more they transformed into nothing but a hideous beast that they have become, soon become a mix of a crow and a kirin as their kirin parts are meant to represent the innocent youth that they had as they were raised to be among the best as well as being a symbol of peace to represent how peaceful they once were, and more importantly they were believed to be the strongest mythical creature in Japan so they would come the best they were meant to be by becoming one of these godly creatures, and then the crow is believed to be a symbol of death in Japanese as this meant to represent even the most innocent souls can go in a murderous path if they're driven into such a direction, making them the symbol of the good and bad inside humans and if two mixed together they can become satanic in certain situations, neither good or bad but simply a satanic beast of their own making by one overpowering the other.

Almost their entire upper half and lower half is that of a Kirin but still standing on two legs, able to talk, and has human intelligence, as their head is that of a horse that has a dark blue mane but their jawline is significant much more longer than a regular horse, as when she would open it would reveal a jaw of sharp pointed teeth and a very long tongue that would stick out a little, with normal horse ears on top of her head but a sharp pointed blade horn of a kirin and some exposed black crow feathers on the front of their head which were originally meant to be scales. their arms are crow claws with a addition of a tumb with sharp talons as their arm up to their shoulder where it ended off was covered in crows scaling, and not mentioned they had Crow feathers that could be seen going down their entire back but more importantly large wings, also their horn was colored a light blue as well as their hoof of there horse but also their slightly bearing showing clothing being the same color while the patterns on it were navy blue, ther eyes also being the light blue and the pierced pupil being navy blue also, as well as having unique patterns under face and stomach that had a arrow shape to them that were a pitch black in color. The last thing they had was a incredibly long tail that could easily dragged on the floor with a dark blue spiky stuff at the end as kirin tail and mane were usually depicted curly, nonetheless it was the opposite case for them but it's not like it mattered really in the long run.

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-Strings Of Control-
Satsujin is able to summon red rings out of thin air that wrap around there hands that is also wrapped around the victims arms and able to control their entire body similar to a puppet, she can make them do whatever they pleased to attacking their friends or simply dragging them around like a dog on a leash walking behind her.

-Obey The Mask-
Satsujin has a special mask that she can wear as the moment you look into their eyes is able to put you in a mind control state, as she would begin communicating with the victim through telepathy to tell them what they wish them to do.

-Deadly Roses-
Satsujin is able to summon a blue rose as the moment they blow the petals suddenly become to act like daggers and fly towards whatever's in front of them, as they are only able to bring out one rose at a time to be little daggers but it makes up for that due to there being 20 pedals in a rose.


-Fragile Strings-
the strings are incredibly fragile and they can be cut with something simply sharp or pointed with ease, as when this happens they lose complete control over the victim's body, as well as only able to control one at a time than multiple.

-Strong Will-
The mask can't control you forever but an hour and a half is definitely enough, but if the victim has a strong will and of fighting Spirit then they're able to fight against the control and break out of it if it comes too much for Satsujin to handle, as well as if you begin to disobey their commands due to your will then they will drop you really quickly because they don't want the hassle.

-Inaccurate Pedals-
these pedals don't have tracking and only able to shoot forward, so if you're able to get out of the way in time then you can avoid having a bunch of little daggers stab into you.

Enrolled in a very special school the moment they reach adulthood by their parents that was meant to teach you how you were going to serve into the capitalism and participating in stock markets for their benefit really then your own, as it didn't long for her to be tired of constant yelling to there bidding, being told that your average and a slacker that will not ever amount to anything like everyone else, watching everyone else in our class become mindless slaves of the torture they were being fed with some not even making the class on time with her always being on time then constantly late as everyone else. Simply not taking long for her to put on the mask that she always hold onto but was always hidden to keep her identity a disguise as she soon got hold of a sniper rifle, pointing it at the heads of all her classmates and teachers as the blood that would shoot out would fly on her skin, not that she minded of course. Making one of her special ritualistic circles with all the corpse surrounding it as she gracefully danced among the body she killed, before having to flee as soon as she heard police sirens coming as to this day they never found the murderer, simply due to all the witnesses being dead so there wasn't anyone to question.

[Examples of Past Crime]
was enrolled in a special school that teaches how to become a slave to capitalism and stock market, then proceeds to murder her own class by pointing a sniper rifle straight to their head and blowing their brains while making a ritualistic circle while putting all of the corpses around it, having a special and sacred mask that she served when she simply got too tired and couldn't take it anymore that she would wear throughout the process.

[Theme Song]

big trigger warning on this song so don't say I didn't warned you.

carries a sniper rifle that she make sure to always be loaded before she leaves, as she has a holder on her leg that is hold by two straps around her leg where she keeps it in.
yes she can fly but almost never does it because she's absolutely horrible at it.
she can actually use telepathy by default due to her wearing the mask so much, but really doesn't do it much as she should as she can only invade one person's head to have a private conversation with them.
she can wrap her tail around people's ankles and throw them but can't throw them as much as through a window but can throw them across the room and intentionally aiming at walls a lot so they would hit the wall in the process most likely, how far a person goes is dependent on how much strength she puts in it and how far she wanted to throw them.
you already put me in it against my will (jk)



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 18/07/2024 02:58 (2 Months ago)
All of the above are res'ed! And until further updates, new applications are closed! And palpads are going to be created around tmr, so keep an eye out for that! :D
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 78
Posted: Thu, 18/07/2024 03:41 (2 Months ago)
"I have transcended the human form many times over, yet it is not enough. I must continue to grow to new limits. The future does not lie with this government but with the cold, sweet sting of steel.”

Ferrenal Cauter

Straight Male
Ferrenal is an extremely clever and inquisitive individual. He enjoys working with machines and forging metal. He still possesses some of the cheer he once had but he is now consumed by a ceaseless pursuit of knowledge and power in an attempt to finally make a breakthrough that would lead to the downfall of the tyrannical government. This makes him emotionally distant on occasion and even willing to forgo morals if it means he can be even one step closer to bringing about a new order.

Ferrenal rarely shows his true face, preferring to wear a mask to cover his grievous injuries. Under the mask hides a severely burned and scarred face with eyebrows almost completely singed off. One of his arms is gone and replaced with a prosthetic. His right eye is also replaced with a bionic replica that allows him to see even better than an ordinary human. His organic eye shines a brilliant blue. A deep crimson cloak enshrouds him. The interior of the cloak is lined with many pockets that each contain strange contraptions Ferrenal created.

Ferrenal can manipulate electricity, using it both as a tool to power his machines as well as a weapon in its own right. He can discharge it from his fingertips and even create an entire electrical field around himself. However, overusing this ability can harm his already burnt skin

-Oculon Class Telescopic Vision Supplement-
Ferrenal's bionic eye allows him to see far better than any ordinary human. He is able to see in complete darkness and even use a limited form of x-ray vision to see through walls as long as they are not too thick

-Manus Mk IX Multi-Purpose Limb Replacement-
Ferrenal's right arm has been replaced with a steel prosthetic. This arm is extremely strong, able to lift up an entire person by itself. It is also rather durable, allowing Ferrenal to shield himself from damage with it. The fingers can also sharpen at will to allow Ferrenal to grip objects more easily. There are also rumors of an even more potent weapon hidden deep within the mechanisms of the arm, though those who have seen never got to share their findings.

Ferrenal was once an unruly youth who often defied the harsh rules of the government. As a child he lost his parents in a mysterious accident that was quickly covered up by the government. In his teenage years, driven by the desire to avenge his parents, he joined a secret group of criminals that wished to overthrow the government. He quickly rose through the rebel ranks as a fierce, daring operative who used his wit to disrupt the local government enforcers in his small town. As his successes grew, so did his pride. Ferrenal soon donned the mask he is well known for as a means to hide his true identity. A few years after joining the rebels, Ferrenal participated in a riot against the government in a large city. However when the police came, his pride dealing with his town's small group of sheriffs blinded him. He was caught in the blast of a grenade thrown by one of the officers as he attempted to lead an attack on them. The explosion blew off one of his arms and severely damaged his face and caused one of his eyes to be blinded. Despite these injuries, he was able to flee to the rebel hideout and receive medical treatment and rudimentary prosthetics. However his pride was irreparably shattered and he lost his delusions of grandeur seeing the ruin his body was in. He then developed an interest in machines and started making several upgrades to his mechanical components in an attempt to gain the strength to finally end the government. However, as time passed, Ferrenal may have grown far beyond his orginal power but the desire for violence and vengeance that gave him his reputation as a fierce rebel had dimmed. Once a raging fire that would only be quenched with the downfall of the government, it is now nothing more than a few smoldering cinders. But just like a cinder, Ferrenal's wrath may once again ignite, provided that he has the right kindling...
[Examples of Past Crime]
Participated in a conspiracy to overthrow the government, incited violence, terrorism
[Theme Song]
It has to be this way




The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 18/07/2024 06:53 (2 Months ago)
"Road work ahead? Sure hope it does!"

Ozymandius Jacob Dahl


Male | He/Him | Taken

Cheerful | Brash | Nonchalant | Super ADHD | Loyal to a fault | Antiestablishmentarian
Hyperactive | Full of brotherly love | Holds Grudges | angrier than he seems

6'2. Shoulder-lnegth, gray hair.

[Reference Image]

(make it make sense and not otherworldly)

Sister's a soldier. Spends a lot of time in his hometown, where he got in trouble.

[Examples of Past Crime]

[Theme Song]
B*tch Don't Kill My Vibe - Kendrick Lamar



Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 19/07/2024 00:45 (2 Months ago)
"Choose your next words very carefully. I don't want to have to kill someone that might be useful to me."

Julius Ryan Liamson - "Caesar"

48 Years, 8 Months

Male - Aromantic - Asexual

ENTP - The Debater

"Quick-witted and audacious, people with the ENTP personality type aren’t afraid to disagree with the status quo. In fact, they’re not afraid to disagree with pretty much anything or anyone. Few things light up these personalities more than a bit of verbal sparring – and if the conversation veers into controversial terrain, so much the better."

Julius is a quick-witted and observant individual, his mind as sharp as his tongue when it comes to speaking the truths of his ideals; that is to say, the ideals which landed him in a prison on wait for execution nearly two decades ago. He wears that time as a badge of honor among his peers, though, often claiming he was closer to revolution than any other has ever been. Julius can be headstrong when his emotions get out of control, but he does his best to keep calm so that he doesn't do anything rash. He often considers himself a sort of living god or king of some sort, thus his self-given nickname and title - "Caesar", the name of a long line of emperors from an eternity ago. Due to his self-association with that, he often ignores ideas, conversations, and people that he considers unimportant.

Julius is, despite not yet being 50 years of age, a salt-and-pepper-haired man with a scruffy face, a short silver and black beard decorating his jaw. His eyes shine a soft hazel green under a firm and unhappy brow, a permanent scowl fixed upon his face. Though not a small man, he is by no means large - around five feet and ten inches tall(appx. 177.80 cm), with a slim frame that just barely matches his low, rumbling voice. He often wears a button-down cotton shirt, both sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and clean blue jeans, as well as a pair of brown steel-toed leather boots.

[Reference Image]

"Without a Sound, Begone"
This ability is not fully known to anybody outside of the government, and very few within - the failure of Julius' execution was covered up, witnesses sworn to secrecy or killed, and all details covered up.

In moments of extreme focus or emotion, Julius can focus his ability into a single point of skin contact, causing devastation to whatever he touches, but only for mere fractions of a second. Due to this, only one thing can be destroyed by this ability at a time. The use of this ability leaves very little behind; at most, dust. The damage to the object depends on the size. An individual brick may vanish entirely, but a whole wall will have pieces left behind. Damage to a biological object is less than that to an artificial object; while Julius may be able to destroy most of a car, he cannot destroy more than a quarter of a fully grown human (take that as you will...).

The backlash Julius faces when using this ability can be mild, but is often severe; depending on the size of the object he chooses to destroy, and whether or not it's biological or artificial, he will receive temporary sensory and nervous damage. This can range from losing the sense of touch in a few fingers to full-body paralysis, and can range from a few hours to several months. In addition, he can also lose his senses; he may become temporarily blind, deaf, touchless, experience ageusia, anosmia, or may become mute. Again, this effects can range from several hours to several months.

Julius used this ability several days before his execution-to-be, leaving his guards, captors, executioners and counselors in utter confusion; his holding cell had been obliterated, and he was gone overnight..

Born into a middle-class, hard working family, Julius was no stranger to calluses and aching muscles. His parents worked for honest livings, ensuring there was food on the table and blankets on the beds. Julius was happy to lend a hand when he could, though ravenously devoured literature in whatever spare time he had. History caught his attention quickly, the few history books he could find telling him of ancient worlds, governments that let people have a choice, even freedoms he'd never heard of. Sadly, one day, he found his books burnt. His home, his family, destroyed. A single day, when he'd been away, a fire started within the house he lived in. The cause was determined to be a cigarette that was carelessly discarded by Julius' mother or father... By one of his parents, neither of which had smoked a day in their life. The government did their best, which wasn't much, to support Julius in coping with the loss, ultimately losing him to underground organizations and criminal accomplices. Julius was still a hard worker, accomplishing everything he could, moving up in whatever way her could. He began to learn of connections in the government, learned of those connections being snuffed out, and learned of classified documents... One of which described, in detail, an inspection by the very person who had claimed that fire was caused by a cigarette; an important individual in the government, in some way. Nameless, ageless, unknown, but important. Julius put together a plan in a few weeks, and began to carry it out. Everything was in place, everything was ready... He was within an arm's reach, and everything went black... He awoke in a prison cell, with a wound on his head. At 26 years and 6 months of age, he was imprisoned, set to be executed. At 26 years and 9 months of age, he broke out of that prison and vanished from the world. At 39 years and 10 months of age, he resurfaced; a new face, a new mind, a new Julius. A new criminal. A powerful man with secrets. Caesar.

[Examples of Past Crime]
Conspiracy, Insurrection, Attempted Assassination, Prison Escape, Destruction of Public Property

[Theme Song]
The Stains of Time - Maniac Agenda Mix

