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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 23:02 (12 Hours ago)
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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 15:18 (20 Hours ago)
Stopping all movement upon hearing their faithful words of kidnapping as Scarlett ears went as low as they could, "and what if that kidnapper experience regret for kidnapping those kids, would you still see them as the cold and heartless individual they were before they change?" She says in a much more ominous tone while giving a nasty glared towards them, terribly contradicting of all the demeanor she has shown so far, with this question being a highly careful one to answer as it would decide for decisions going forward with Ambrose, maybe even using their cursive abilities on them if they really didn't like the answer.

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 14:28 (21 Hours ago)
That's perfectly fine! If I had to pick between the two I would want the giraffe more anyway, thank you so much!

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 01:51 (1 Day ago)
"I um... Actually don't, really haven't been actively seeking one, besides my partner would be in too much danger and I wasn't going to put them through that." Her tone drastically but noticeably changes when it came to talking about the ball as her tail came to a sudden halt, shortly crossing her legs in the more nervous toned then irritated tone, besides they couldn't be any less correct about them coming from a good background, with everything down to her behavior being a act to cover up mortifying details of their ture background. Scarlett feeling a sense of dread from the smile then positivity she would usually feel for something like that, causing her to give a smile of her own but there was something off about it, almost seeming force in a way than a natural pleasant smile she had on for most of the times so far, only hoping that they wouldn't mention anything about it even if it was easily noticeable.

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 01:21 (1 Day ago)
"Ah, I don't find it to be that impressive seeing how is very common with our kind but I'll take the compliment~! And of course i do, it's can be entertaining to have someone question the meaning behind every word you say to them, I tend to do it a lot more than I should myself because it's simply too much fun!" She calmly replies with a small laugh as she continued to watch, for once being glad that she wasn't feared for her ability to cause death, not that they knew and they would like to keep it that way to not make a potential genuine friend terrified of them.
Sleeping peacefully in her room as Sindey was unaware that there was someone out on the hunt for them, only continuing to be in their cold sleep while periodically kicking their legs as well sleep talking to themselves.

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 00:27 (1 Day ago)
I should remember something that's important and yet I barely do, but all I remember is going into GameStop and looking into the 3DS and 2DS case back when it was actually filled and I saw Pokemon White 2 and decided I wanted that game, best decision in my life so I can be a young confused child about the story and play the original so much later, but at least everything made sense after I did lol

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 17:18 (1 Day ago)
"I see, I see, I apologize for making that assumption then, you sure are funny with words but still put them in a way for them to make sense to others, ain't ya~?" She apologized while pushing the neatly cut pieces of string with her horn over to Ambrose, remaining quiet when she noticed that they we're looking up at them anymore and in a deep concentration, silently watching them as she lightly swayed her tail back and forth as her little built-in fidget to play with.
Rushing back into their room while locking the door as Sydney immediately flopped on the bed on their side while beginning to curl up into a ball, holding there tall as they fell asleep not too long into it and passed out like a stone without even putting a blanket on.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 16:42 (1 Day ago)
"Okay~!" She yip out at Astrophel without even looking up, "well what do you think the answers going to be, hm? Of course, our race would only use mother nature's resources as those were the only resources we had, there was a rule to never stray for the village so we never did any trading or go into humanized civilization! You sure are a nature boy aren't you, you would fit in right with us if you were one of us!" She answers their question with slight confidence in their voice as Scarlet glance up at them while they answered, becoming ever some more curious how does human happen to know so much about nature, most of their kind wouldn't know such thing in such a tense detail as Ambrose seem to know
Stopping as soon as they heard a voice as Sindey shakily looked over to face them and she wouldn't be surprised if it was Trixie and Bliss coming to hunt her, shortly letting out a long sigh of relief upon seeing it was completely someone else even if she was a little weirded out by their appearance. "'No." She simply replied as she definitely didn't want to be trapped in conversation, well aware there's a chance if she did stop to stay still, then that give them plenty of time for either one of them to come and make their strike against them.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 15:47 (1 Day ago)

I swear I haven't forgot about this I've been trying to task on other thing has trying to task on this has been a juggle, I'll make sure to work on more artwork during this week and set myself a reminder so I make sure to do it.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 13:42 (1 Day ago)
"oh that's fine sweetheart, everyone has their own specialties when it comes to doing certain things, the most important thing is that you tried to learn anyway, besides I seen far worse so you didn't do too bad~!" She congratulates them for trying to do so as she began to resume work once more, giggling a little bit upon seeing Ambrose having some trouble with some string. "You want a little help there honey~?" She offered as Scarlett suddenly took some more untouched strings and place it on a empty part of the bench, soon lowering her head down as she used the tip of her horn to slice through the string by sliding her horn through the middle, putting back at least one earbud in as she hum a song to herself while carefully cutting the string with her horn.
Bolting there eye over upon sensing a grave danger coming up on a certain someone that they wanted to kill themselves and no one else, as Sydney ran as fast as she could down the stairs and waste no time to find a particular door, suddenly breaking the door down without much effort with the back of her legs as Sidney sat there for a moment looking at Ayran and Trixie. Though she ran off shortly towards a different direction upon breaking the door, she knew she would be getting a lot of questions from Ayran if he saw that she was the one who saved him from this situation, which she definitely didn't want to deal trying to explain her reason for such a thing.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 03:27 (2 Days ago)
Keeping an careful eye as Astrophel sew as Scarlett could not ignore to notice the black smoke that was coming out of Astrophel that wasn't before, soon connecting the dots rather fast as Scarlett hastily but gently taking the needle from Astrophel so she could take over once more, giving a slight frown upon sensing their disgust as she was quick to decide to simply have them watch for the rest of it. "U-Umm, don't worry my friend, I pricked myself a lot when I was a beginner!" She reassures them the best she could, having the best intent as Scarlett simply wanted for them to feel comfortable and have a good time.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 02:58 (2 Days ago)
"Oh, I didn't know about that, secretive aren't we Astrophel~?" She chimes out while beginning to do the same as she carefully worked on her portion of the dress, occasionally fixing small mistakes on Ambrose side when he did so. "Say, why don't you come over here Astrophel? I'll let you do some small and easy parts and guide you through them, and don't worry if you make a mistake, I'll simply fix it and you can watch me how it's properly done!" Scarlet began to coaxed them over, as even if they had little to no experience, everyone starts out in that plane and build more upon it the more they do so, besides she would make sure to help and guide them through it, the only way to learn something new is to try it out yourself.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 02:04 (2 Days ago)
In the middle of giving their suggestions on where to properly work on this dress together, as Scarlett heard a familiar but pleasant voice as she spun around with a skip in there step to face Astrophel, "Oh hey there Astrophel, I appreciate such kind words about my craftsmanship, say do you want to help us, I'm sure Ambrose wouldn't mind to help, the more the merrier they said~!" She offered while letting out a soft giggle with a slight bush. "Ambrose, this is my new but good friend Astrophel, I'm sure there's a way we can find to include them and help us out~!" She briefly gives an introduction to Ambrose as it wasn't like Scarlett wasn't able to tell that something was deeply bugging them, but right now isn't a good time to touch about such a thing and she would make sure to give them a proper check in later.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 21:27 (2 Days ago)
Just came to say that I find your art style really cute and charming~!

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 21:04 (2 Days ago)
"I um..actually don't~! I bet she interesting if she's part moth, I bet if we were together as a team then she'll love it even more, I can't wait to show her this dress and meet her together~!" She chimes out while watching Ambrose give the box a shake, with her tail not slowing down in speed when it came to the joyful wags it was doing, weirdly finding themselves growing fond of them rather fast compared to others that she meet even though they just met. "I don't think we want to do it out here though, why don't we go ahead and head to your room to do our little party~?" She suggested as they lift a sewing kit, knowing doing it out here on a bench in the open probably wouldn't be the best place to work on a dress, besides benches were made for sitting after all.
Growing tired of being stuck in the room finally while plenty of time has passed after the recent attempt, Sidney jumped out of bed and on there four as she kicked the door open well making sure to restrain her strength enough to not break the door off. Quietly but hastily running out of the room and through the hall, deciding they wanted to hang out in the balcony for a little bit as Sidney made their way there, going up the balcony as they find a good spot to lay down to relax in the sun that was still nice and bright out, closing their eyes when they did lay down as it wasn't like they were falling asleep but simply wanted to have their eyes closed to feel more relax.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 15:36 (2 Days ago)
Good job as always Enforcer, I love it, thank you so much!

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 14:40 (2 Days ago)
"Oh, I have actually, our race lived in a secluded forest that was considered scarce property, so our race would take fur from already passed on animals and use it for a variety of things, moth fur was actually very popular to put under horseshoes to make them more soft and comfortable to wear, essentially a form of padding!" She chimes upon seeing the beautiful silky fur and there question if they worked with something along that lines before, "I will be right back, wait for me here!" She ordered with a pep in there voice, shortly rushing off to hastily put it in her purse handbag for now, coming back not too long after with a purse strap on her shoulder as she gave an innocent smile again towards them.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 14:24 (2 Days ago)
"Oh, I did star in a few play funnily enough, not a lot of people know that because I only did it for a short while, but it was a really fun time when I did and I would totally do it again~! And you're right about that extra t, hehe, you're a little bit of a funny one aren't you, I can dig that~!" She laughs in a non-mocking way as her tail began to wag excitedly upon hearing they were working on a project, "Oh my, maybe I can help you with it, I come up with a lot of my own designs myself, and I enjoy doing those kinds of things a lot too, making but also designing and coming up with them are my favorite aspects~! Do you mind if I may be bring my unfinished dinosaur, so I can have something to work on and off in the background also while helping you out~!" She gave her offer to help them out without hesitation, as she would be ecstatic to help out with something like that as it wasn't like she didn't know how to sew also, though she still wanted to make sure she brought her dinosaur along so she can finish it thoughout the two working together.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 14:01 (2 Days ago)
Not too long into crocheting her dinosaur as she suddenly felt an absent of string as Scarlett look down in sight confusion, as Scarlett let out a small gasp as she rushed out the room, running past the rooms as she soon runs past an individual before stopping midway through upon catching eye of something they were holding. Her ears letting out a happy flicker as her eyes lit up a bit to see the sewing kit as she took out the earbuds momentarily, "Oh, hey there, I see you happen to have a sewing kit there~! A polite voice chime as she walk up to Ambrose in a non-threatening manner, with her hoofs letting out a soft click every time she took a step.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 13:34 (2 Days ago)
Peacefully entering there room as Scarlett made sure to carefully open and close the door behind them, shortly locking her door behind them as she decided that she worn this dress long enough today even if it was her absolute favorite, switching it out for slightly less glamorous attire that being a tin top and a skirt which felt nice after wearing this dress for so long. After when she did change clothes as she went over to grab her crochet kit before gently sitting herself on the bed, beginning to work on a little chibi T-Rex dinosaur while humming to herself before remembering that a certain something was missing. "Oh right~!" She chimes to herself before going to grab her MP3 player out of a drawer, shortly grabbing that earbuds also before putting them in her ear and plug it in, turning it on as she returned to work on her dinosaur while softly singing to herself.

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