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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 15:35 (4 Days ago)
Res plz

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 01:39 (15 Days ago)
Ostium, Asper, and Cassius were recovered at the base, having regained all their stamina after slaughtering the ESA task forces. Almost lazily, Ostium went over to check the comms. "Hey you two wanna pick up with Monopo- Oh... Scrap that, there's more fun at the square!" With a sadistic glint in his eyes, Ostium told the other two what was going down. "Phony ambulances got merc'd, looks like ESA reinforcements are here. Let's meet up with Ms Ldeya at the Tower, the more the merrier!" Ostium's excitement was mirrored by Asper, "Alright..." she said as a smile cracked across her face like lightning "lets make them scream" Cassius got up with his usual indifference and steeled himself for battle. Once the other two were ready, Ostium created the portal and all three jumped through. Jackal, Reaper, and Hangman returned to the battlefield once more, appearing in from of Ldeya. "Why hello there bos-" Ostium started before noticing the other two people on the floor. "Oh, where are my manners?" He now addressed Jing-Yu and Eve. Asper and Cassius then fully stepped out of the portal "Allow us to give you a warm welcome!"

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Posted: Wed, 28/08/2024 04:09 (16 Days ago)
Name: Elias "The Gardener" Domitor
Age: 153
Gender: Male
Personality: (Min. 2-3 sentences)
Elias is an extremely wise individual due to his long age. However, decades of civil war on his home world have hardened his heart and made him stoic and uncaring. He is calculating due to his time as a warlord of the civil war. He has a deep love for the divine Lotus Blossom of his land that gave him his power as well as providing life to his home of the Veiled Lands.
Appearance: (Can describe or use an image)
The Veiled Gardener
The Last General
Abilities/Powers: (If Applicable)
Having obtained the Petal of Diligence from the Divine Lotus, Elias has been gifted immortality (he cant die from old age, but he can still be killed). In addition, he has supernatural eyesight. He also wields his Mossfell Blades: two emerald scythes that can contort into a singular sword if necessary.
Strengths: (What are they good at?)
Due to being a warrior general of the Veiled Lands, Elias is incredibly deadly with the blade as well as being extremely strategic, able to read most people.
Elias has an obsession with the Divine Lotus of his land and is solely dedicated to it, often neglecting his own needs to serve it in any way he can. He also is rather averse to trusting others
World: N/A
Character color: Verdant Green #0f600f
Anything Else? Most of Elias' lore comes from my Void of Hope RP that never really got going, just pp/pm me if you need any explanation on Elias' lore.

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2024 12:29 (1 Month ago)
A crown first requires strength

The Veiled Lands was once a place of great splendor and glory. Hidden from the outside world by a concealing wall of fog and stormy seas, it was only known only as a legend by sailors. However, those who braved the wrath of the oceans and the skies would be greeted by the warm glow of the lands, a glow that originated from the Great Lotus in the center of the island. The Lotus gave the Lands life and vitality. However, one day a creature known as The Blasphemous, driven by hunger and madness, approached the Lotus and began ripping its roots out one by one, hoping to sate its hunger with the radiance. However, before it could feast, the Blasphemous was set upon by the six great generals of the Veiled Lands. They drove out the Blasphemous and left its carcass to rot. However, the taint of madness began to affect even the generals, each one became enamored with the prospect of greater power and tore off petals from the uprooted Lotus and imbued the holy power into themselves. Although they received much power already, they sought more. If one was to unite all the petals of the Lotus, they would easily ascend to godhood over the Veiled Lands. And thus, the generals quickly became warlords of the great Civil War that followed. However, despite all the blood shed, no clear victor emerged, no god to fill the void the Lotus left behind. Locked in a stalemate, the warlords withdrew to their strongholds, festering in their failure The Veiled lands slowly began to wither, even the skies became more cloudy and gray. However, there was perhaps a glimmer of hope, no that was merely the glimmer of a ship's mast approaching the coast. But perhaps these sailors could breathe new life into the Lands...

Show hidden content

All Ph rules apply
No godmodding/Mary Sues
Censor explicit language
Put trigger warnings over graphic content
Posts must be at least 4-5 sentences long (I might let it slide if it happens once in a while but not if its consistent)
This is a Medieval RP, just keep that in mind when you post (so no computers or stuff)
Password: Lotus

Character Creation Form:
Weapon (Optional):
Background/Backstory (Optional also remember that the characters are not native to the Veiled Lands):
Which one does your character value most? (Intelligence, Love, Diligence, Fortitude, Temperance, Confidence) :

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2024 12:43 (1 Month ago)
Ostium, Asper, and Cassius landed in the meeting room, satisfied with their rampage for the moment. They saw Huixin and Xuanji on the other side of the room and went over to give the mission report.

"Hey boss," Ostium said to Huixin "we blocked up the Square real good, no more ESA jeeps coming through that road anytime soon!"

Asper then opened up a small bag she had been carrying. "We even managed to score some loot!" Inside the bag were the rings that had been cut from the fingers of the ESA agents although they were now clean and polished. Asper didn't like to use her powers this way but she had to admit that enhanced speed is rather useful for chores.

"But about their boss..." Ostium asked Huixin, "We already gutted the task force that was with her, what's stopping us from just going back to the Square with more members and finishing the job?"

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2024 02:40 (1 Month ago)
After hearing Huixin’s reply, Ostium mockingly groaned. “Well gang, we’ve been ordered to return to base.” he said, rolling his eyes dramatically.

“Yeah just one thing boss,” Asper said, clearly holding back laughter. She then produced a collection of bloody wedding rings from her pockets, having been taken from the agents. Some of the rings were still stuck onto mutilated fingers. “What do we do with all these souvenirs?”

“Well we are obviously going to add them to the hoard but they have to be cleaned first.” Ostium replied, also holding back laughter. “And guess who’s gonna be cleaning them? That’s right YOU!”

Asper’s smile quickly vanished and was replaced with a scowl. But before she could protest, Ostium created portals underneath her, himself, and Cassius. The three assassins vanished from the Town Square and left behind only a small letter that Ostium had written.




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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 17:36 (1 Month ago)
Ostium was assisting Asper and Cassius in destroying more ESA transports when he suddenly saw a massive force of agents approaching them. He knew that as a group, they could end the strike force in a few minutes but Ostium had a much more… entertaining… idea. He signaled Asper and Cassius to follow him and all three proceeded to stand face to face with the squadron of agents. Ostium then put his hands up in a sign of surrender. The other two looked at Ostium as if he had finally lost his mind completely but they caught on to his plan and also put their arms up. As the agents lowered their weapons, Ostium summoned a portal above the squad and a sheet of frigid seawater poured out. Taking advantage of the distraction, Asper and Cassius rushed in.The agents attempted to fight back but the sporadic bursts of gunfire were quickly silenced. Chains wrapped around necks, swords found themselves buried into abdomens, wounds filled with saltwater. As the squad was quickly and brutally dispatched, the three stopped to take a breather.

“I believe we are now guilty of perfidy under the Geneva Convention,” Cassius said in a soulless tone

“I believe you mean the Geneva Suggestion, Cassius!” Ostium said, out of breath but still laughing

“Both of you are wrong, it’s the Geneva To-do list.” Asper retorted with a wicked smile.

The trio’s merriment was cut short as they noticed a blue haired woman wearing sunglasses in the distance. They initially thought nothing of it but Cassius quickly became alarmed.

“I am fairly certain that is the leader of the ESA, Ms Ophelia.”

“Alright, fall back for a sec, I’ve got a call to make.” Ostium replied

The three quickly ducked back into the nearest alleyway and took a few moments to rest. Asper was exhausted after having ran at full speed for so long, Cassius was similarly tired from using his chains to hold back entire vehicles. And the effort to open a portal to as far away as the Atlantic Ocean was similarly taxing on Ostium, even though he had only kept it open for 20 seconds. After they had all caught their breath, Ostium took out his communication device and called Huixin.

“Hey boss, we found their leader in the Square. She appears to be alone, we already took care of the agents she sent. Now would you like her stabbed, strangled, shot, electrocuted, incinerated, drowned, frozen, decapitated, impaled, dismembered, blown up, or all of the above?”

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 12:18 (1 Month ago)
Ostium quickly replied to Huixin, "Sorry boss, Asper and Cassius are doing very well on their own. Last I saw of them, they had run an armored jeep off the road and executed the operatives inside. But what on earth happ-"

Before he could complete his question, Ostium was ushered out of the OR by Shieta. As the door closed behind him, he decided it would be best to re-enter the fray of combat in the Town Square. Taking a second to regain his composure, he created a portal back to the war zone and jumped through. The sudden increase in sound was jarring: from the regular, monotonous beep of a life support machine to the chaotic whizzing of bullets. Ostium saw Cassius and Asper in the distance, they had indeed managed to run several vehicles off of the road.

"Hey boss!" Asper called out to him as she drove a katana through a windshield and impaled the agent inside, "What happened in there?"

"Nothing that would interest you very much" Ostium replied, "A few agents got into the base"

"C'moooon boss, you know we would never have passed up a chance for more violence!" Asper chided, "But i suppose these tinfoil cars will have to do. Care to join us?"

After hearing this proposition, all doubt vanished from Ostium's mind. The boss would be fine, maybe he could catch up later. But for now, the Jackal had returned, and he was hungry.

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 03:25 (1 Month ago)
Ostium landed in Huixin’s office but she was nowhere to be seen. However, he noticed a trail of relatively fresh blood trailing out of the room. Ostium’s eyes began darting around frantically and he began following the trail of blood with great speed. Had the ESA been able to assassinate Huixin so easily? What chance did the rest of them stand? As he found the trail led to the mafia’s makeshift operating theatre, Ostium burst through the door to find Huixin gravely injured with Shieta and Aleksandr standing next to her. Ostium’s eyes quickly darted towards the heart monitor. Relief washed over him; Huixin was stable. However, this relief was undermined by a gnawing confusion. What could have damaged Huixin this badly? Did they really stand a chance? This tumultuous storm of emotions in Ostium’s mind caused him to simply blurt out the main question on his mind.


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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2024 12:46 (1 Month ago)
As Jackal, Reaper, and Hangman exited the alleyway, they were greeted by several task force members on their way to the base. However these three were not so amateur as to let a few gunmen get in their way. Cassius charged forward like a demented ox, bullets bouncing off of his kevlar suit, knocking aside members with brute force or breaking them with hooks and chains. Asper similarly lunged forward, speeding past bullets like a child in a game of dodgeball and set upon the operatives like a rabid animal. Not prepared for such brutality, the operatives screamed and bled like pigs as the two cold, steel katanas found their way past vests and armor and into flesh. Asper laughed maniacally though the whole process; this was her element, her speciality. In contrast to his two compatriots, Ostium stood completely still as the ESA agents began to open fire on him. He simply opened up a portal and let all the bullets enter its gaping maw. As the agents inevitably had to reload, Ostium closed the portal and gave them a sinister smirk.

"Right back at ya, buckaroo"

With that, Ostium opened a portal directly above the agents and all the bullets came hurtling out, striking down each and every one of the agents attacking him. Laughing to himself, Ostium reveled in the chaos. However his exaltation was cut short by a transmission from the boss. It simply asked "You guys okay?" Ostium dove into some cover before responding.

"Couldn't be better! Made it to the Square!" Ostium quickly looked at Asper and Cassius, seeing they have eradicated the agents attacking them and have begun destroying the ESA transports as they passed by. "We have cut off ESA reinforcements for the moment, should ease the pressure on the base. Just lemme know if ya need anything else!."

However, Ostium's reply was met by an extended period of silence from Hui Xin. This gave him worry, Hui Xin was always so prompt to reply. Thinking it was nothing, Ostium just sent another message "Hey boss, are YOU okay?" Silence. Now alarm bells were going off in Ostium's head. Was the base under siege? Had Hui Xin been assassinated? How are the other members holding up? Ostium sent out a message to Ldeya, Asper, and Cassius. "Something came up at the base, I'll go take care of it. Y'all make sure no ESA vehicles make it out of this area intact." Asper and Cassius nodded in the distance and with that, Ostium quickly made a portal to Hui Xin's office and jumped through.

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2024 02:15 (1 Month ago)
The three assassins: Reaper, Hangman, and Jackal were just about to carve their way through the task force members outside of the base when the received a transmission from Hui Xin herself ordering them to go to the Town Square and assist Mafia executive Ldeya.

“Loud and clear boss,” Ostium said into his pager before turning to address his compatriots, “Well you heard the paycheck machine! We have a community center to occupy!”

With that, Ostium created a new portal to the square and all three bringers of death and chaos jumped through to find themselves in a miniature warzone. ESA transports were whizzing about and personnel were flooding the area. The three quickly took cover in an alley before contacting Ldeya.

“Ms Ldeya, we are in the square near your position” Cassius spoke through his comm, “Please provide covering fire as we disrupt the government supply line.”

“Alright gang,” Ostium said, clapping his hands together, “Make as many of those transports go kerplewey as possible. No targeting civilians this time, unless they have money!”

With that the three harbingers of mayhem emerged from the alley with an unending excitement and bloodlust.

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Posted: Thu, 01/08/2024 20:08 (1 Month ago)
Asper, Cassius, and Ostium were at ease in a common room of the Mafia HQ, playing a game of Monopoly.

"HAH! You've landed on my Boardwalk!" Asper cackled maniacally, "Thats $600 you have to pay Oz!"

"Sure I've got the money right here, give me a quick sec" Ostium replied with a suspicious amount of calm for having to pay such a hefty fine. Soon enough, Ostium produced the money and handed it to Asper

"Huh?" Asper said with confusion, "I could have sworn you had less than $500-"

"Ostium's been summoning more money from another Monopoly set" Cassius quickly interjected.

"CASSIUS," Ostium jokingly groaned, "I thought I had given you some if you were quiet about it!"

"YOU CHEAT" Asper quickly yelled.

But before this argument could escalate, Ostium's pager went off; he quickly proceeded to take it out of his pocket and look at it.

"Hmm, government officials outside the base. Executive Ldeya and Member Xuanji preparing to confront threat-Cmon gang! Y'know we can't let those two have all the fun."

All three nodded in silent agreement and proceeded to equip themselves. Asper dropped two glistening silver katanas out from her coat sleeves and donned a black robe, resembling the Grim Reaper themselves. Cassius put on his helmet and summoned a massive chain tied into a noose, echoing the medieval hangmen of centuries past. Ostium looked at the other two before covering his face with a mask that bore the visage of a jackal's cackling maw. Once the three assassins were ready, Ostium quickly created a portal to the main entrance of the base and addressed his two allies one last time before all three jumped though.


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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 03:00 (1 Month ago)
Ferrenal stood by the door, talking with Caesar. However, as he noticed more people starting to trickle into the auditorium, he looked up. He saw Satsujin in the distance; so it seems that these graduates had some semblance of punctuality after all. “Well,” he said to Caesar “I suppose it is time for us to head in.” With that, Ferrenal threw open the doors and found an empty pair of seats, he quickly sat down at one and waited patiently for Caesar to arrive and for the graduation to finally begin.

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2024 23:29 (1 Month ago)
Ferrenal nodded at Caesar and slowly lowered his arm, claws retracting and temperature lowering. “Yes, this detour was nothing but a false alarm. We must be off to the auditorium.” Ferrenal slightly shifted the weight of the large pack on his shoulders before turning around and following Caesar. However, he gave one last glance to Satsujin. “I suggest you follow, the mission briefing is soon.” As he and Caesar walked, Ferrenal quietly spoke to him about the rather peculiar individual they had just encountered. “Reckless and arrogant. I do hope this mission is rather low stakes. Having to collaborate with those types could very much get us killed.” There was no malice in Ferrenal’s voice; he only cared about efficiency. However, having to go out of his way to keep the other graduates from exposing the collective group every 2 picoseconds would be very inefficient indeed. The similarities between Satsujin and his younger self were not lost on Ferrenal. In fact they gave him a slight hint of worry. It was only a matter of time before his arrogance led to his destruction. By this logic, it would only be a matter of time before Satsujin would grow too reckless for their own good. And if a similar cataclysm happened to Satsujin, it could risk exposing the whole mission. As he and Caesar continued to walk, Ferrenal spotted the grand entrance to the auditorium in the distance. “We are not far,” he said to Caesar, “And we are making rather impeccable time might I add. I cannot locate any other graduate near.” However as soon as Ferrenal spoke, he saw a group of four students relatively close by. Although it was hard to make them out at such a distance, Ferrenal saw a short pale… child? with green hair, a slightly taller pale woman with short, jet black hair, the diminutive greasy haired stalker from earlier, and a blonde haired woman. Surely they could not be the other graduates? They were not even traveling the correct way to the auditorium. However, as Ferrenal looked at the group with interest, the sunlight caught his mask at an angle, causing the steel mask to reflect the light and serve as a beacon to the location of the auditorium.

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2024 00:13 (1 Month ago)
After having allied himself with Caesar once more, Ferrenal was about to depart towards the auditorium when he suddenly heard a gunshot ring out in the distance. This quickly diverted his attention. Had the government finally discovered them? Were they here to execute them all? No, that would not do. Signaling Caesar to follow him, Ferrenal took off at a running pace towards the source of the noise, making sure to prime the weapons in his arm as he ran. His arm quickly buzzed electrical signals back to his brain, confirming his orders.


As he made it to the source of the sound, Ferrenal realized he was standing in a makeshift shooting range with targets laying strewn about everywhere. In the middle of the range stood a figure that vaguely resembled a human holding a sniper rifle. However, they had a horse head and were covered in crow feathers. In an attempt to identify the being, Ferrenal scanned them with his bionic eye.


Realizing that this was one of the graduates, Ferrenal lowered his arm but remained on high alert. After all, weren’t the graduates meant to be heading to the auditorium now? What was this one doing here? Were they plotting something? Ferrenal greeted the strange figure and attempted to find out more. “Hello there. You’re one of the graduates no? Aren’t you meant to be heading to the auditorium with the rest of us?”

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Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 12:54 (1 Month ago)
Name: Asper "Reaper" Favilla
Age: 23
Gender/Sexuality: Straight Female
Alliance: The Mafia
Position in Alliance: Member
Appearance: Asper is a woman of average height standing at 5'7". She has shoulder length brown hair and piercing golden eyes. She wears a dark gray fedora, a black suit, a golden tie, and covers her suit with a dark gray trenchcoat. She also wears dark crimson pants and black boots. Within her trenchcoat, she conceals a pair of swords that she uses as her primary weapon.
Personality: Asper is extremely sadistic individual, mocking those that attempt to capture her and laughing maniacally at those who put up a futile resistance to her attacks. However, she is loyal to the Mafia and when ordered to assassinate a target, she will carry out her orders with brutal efficiency before gloating.
Ability: Asper is supernaturally agile and fast, able to dodge bullets and jump much higher than any normal person. She as able to run so fast that she can run up/down vertical surfaces for a short period of time before gravity stops her. Her speed also allows her to leave afterimages of herself, making it impossible to determine where she actually is. Asper has incorporated this blinding speed into her assassination techniques, using swords instead of guns as at her speed, swords deal much more damage and don't require Asper to slow down and aim. This all-out offensive strategy often overwhelms any target before they can mount a proper defense
Weakness: Asper is not able to fight for very long amounts of time as her powers drain stamina extremely fast. If she were to use her powers extensively for longer than 15 minutes at a time, she would become exhausted and vulnerable to attack.
History: Asper was abducted by the Mafia at the the age of 3 after her parents had invoked the wrath of the organization. As Asper grew, many in the Mafia noted her supernatural agility and proficiency in combat. Thus, she began to be trained as an assassin. She was originally just another run of the mill hitman but as her powers matured, she grew exponentially more lethal. Her power and strategic prowess had given her many opportunities to rise through the ranks of the Mafia, but she turned all of them down as she preferred the thrill of the hunt and the heat of combat. As more and more blades began finding themselves piercing skin and buried in flesh, Asper became known inside the Mafia and out as the Reaper; once you see her cloaked presence, your time is up.
Palpad: yes plz

Name: Cassius “Hangman” Astrinx
Age: 24
Alliance: Mafia
Gender: Straight male
Position: Member
Appearance: Cassius is a tall, imposing, muscular individual standing at 6’ 2”. He does not conceal his strength with a trenchcoat like his two associates but instead openly wears a camo green Kevlar body suit and a solid steel helmet. The helmet is shaped like a medieval executioner’s mask as an homage to his alias. He wears two combat boots with concealed switchblades. He also wears a pair of metal gauntlets. Underneath his helmet, Cassius has a face pockmarked with battle scars. Despite his intimidating appearance, he has a soft voice but it is rarely heard as his helmet makes his voice sound much deeper and imposing.
Personality: Cassius is relatively simple minded. In spite of his appearance, he has no malicious intent behind his crimes. All he knows is that if he does what the mafia tells him to do, he’ll get pay and praise. Despite this, he still shows the rare display of intelligence and self autonomy.
Ability: Cassius can summon chains from his hands in order to use as whips or as ropes to ensnare his foes. These chains are extremely durable and won’t break even when exposed to gunfire.
Weakness: Although the chains are extremely strong, Cassius is still limited by the fact that he does not have any supernatural strength. Although he is still strong, this weakness means he cannot use the chains to just throw anything regardless of weight.
Backstory: Cassius was only 14 when the government forced him to confess to a crime he did not commit. He was convicted and thrown into prison. This injustice caused him to lash out against convicts and guards alike. This caused him to be thrown into solitary confinement for the rest of his sentence. The overwhelming darkness and solitude caused his brain to wither and his personality to decay away almost entirely. When he was released from prison after a decade, Cassius was left dazed and without a purpose when he was approached by a mysterious person in a top hat and offered a position in the mafia.

Name: Ostium “Jackal” Penumbrae
Age: 28
Gender: Ace Male
Alliance: Mafia
Position: Member
Appearance: Ostium is an extremely short individual standing at only about 5’ 2”. He has a pale white face and wears a large top hat with a crimson ribbon around it. He also wears a tuxedo and shiny black loafers. He carries a large sniper rifle with him as well as many small grenades.
Personality: Ostium is extremely cunning and mischievous. He often uses his powers to pull tricks on his two fellow assassins as well as his superiors. When ordered to kill, Ostium often tries to kill them in the most flashy and “entertaining” way possible.
Ability: Ostium can temporarily create portals in order to quickly escape from danger or simply to move around easier. Ostium can also telekinetically move objects.
Weakness: Ostium cannot create a portal with a radius of more than 10 feet or keep portals open for longer than 30 seconds.
History: Ostium tried to join the military as a sniper when he was younger but he was rejected due to his short stature and wayward nature. Wanting nothing more than the thrill of danger, Ostium joined the mafia and became known as an elite assassin and infiltrator but was also known as a loose cannon. A few years later he noticed two other junior assassins and decided to take them under his wing. After all, three people should be able to make three times the mayhem!

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 03:36 (1 Month ago)
Ferrenal listened to Caesar, his voice crushing the last seeds of doubt within Ferrenal’s mind. Finally, after overcoming the sheer impossibility of the situation, Ferrenal spoke. “I see that they never got around to properly terminating you either,” he said with a dry sense of humor. “I suppose the seeds of dissent can never truly be destroyed. Not even by the flame of oppression.” With that, Ferrenal placed his hands on his mask. He would usually never do this but Caesar deserved to see his true face after all these years didn’t he? With a hissing sound, the mask came off, revealing a face marred with burn marks. Eyebrows and hair singed off, right eye replaced with a mechanical replica, and patches of skin gone and substituted with steel mesh. A younger Ferrenal may have blamed Caesar for these injuries, but he had grown not only physically, but also mentally. These injuries helped him purge his arrogance and his delusions of righteousness. In his misjudgment, Caesar had helped Ferrenal grow far more than he did as a mentor. “Well, I suppose we must be moving along to the auditorium. It will be like old times, you and I together, executing the vision of our old resistance.” With a slight smile, a flicker of Ferrenal’s former humanity, he put his mask back on and waited patiently for Caesar’s answer.

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 01:35 (1 Month ago)
Ferrenal threw open the front doors of the residential building and strode onto the campus grounds. The sun was quick to greet him with warm illuminating rays; however, they were shut out by the silent menace of Ferrenal’s steel mask. On his shoulders, Ferrenal carried all of his luggage in a massive pack. His cloak fluttered slightly in the breeze, revealing the lower parts of his legs, moving with a brutal, regular pace. Ferrenal did not falter in the face of fatigue; he stood tall in the face of dismemberment, he would not surrender to the ache of lactic acid. As he began walking to the auditorium he heard a familiar voice. He quickly turned and saw a diminutive person with greasy black hair but it was the person next to them that Ferrenal was truly interested in. An annoyed looking middle aged man with familiar green eyes. Could it be…? No, Ferrenal was sure that he was set for execution. But that briefcase… it evoked a feeling of familiarity. Deciding that there was no harm in trying, Ferrenal focused his bionic eye onto the man to get a closer look. In a few seconds, the eye confirmed Ferrenal’s most far-fetched hypothesis.


This revelation caused a rush of emotion to flood Ferrenal’s calculating mind like a bullet through clockwork. This was the man who accepted him after the death of his parents, this is the man who gave him power, this was the man who trusted him with the most dangerous of operations, this is the man who gave him a purpose, this man is Caesar.

Quickly mastering his emotions, Ferrenal quickly changed course without breaking stride and approached Caesar and the black haired person, realizing that they were having some sort of heated conversation. So characteristic of Caesar.

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Posted: Tue, 23/07/2024 02:08 (1 Month ago)
Ferrenal gazed at the speaker rather intently through the slits in his mask as he listened to what they had to say. He had long ago lost the nerves preceding a perilous operation. As the speaker concluded their announcement, Ferrenal made sure that everything was in order. Spending three years as part machine had made Ferrenal much more cautious and meticulous in his work. After all, it was his sloppiness that led to his original downfall. He began by checking his bionics for any defects. All he had to do was to think: operating his prosthetics was as easy as moving a limb. “Requesting full eye calibration and run a comprehensive arm diagnostic test” he thought as the tiny motors in his bionics began to activate, preparing to run the diagnostic. Starting in his eye, his vision began to warp as his right eye quickly shuffled through many light frequencies: Infrared, X-Ray, Ultraviolet, etc. Afterwards, his eye sent an electrical signal back to his brain,


Ferrenal’s prosthetic arm then followed suit; it flexed fingers, grinded gears, and lit up displays. In a few seconds, it gave its answer.


Once the diagnostics have completed, Ferrenal quickly scanned through his luggage to make sure everything was there. He had no need to open his packs, he had his mechanical eye to thank for that. Emergency Rations check, Replacement Prosthetics check, Medical Equipment check. With all in order, Ferrenal steeled himself before beginning to make his way to the auditorium. As he did so, a tinge of excitement grew in the recesses of his brain, a remnant of his old personality. The one that led him to his ruin. He quickly silenced this feeling; his anger and rashness led to his injuries. It was his calm that allowed him to grow to new heights.

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Posted: Thu, 18/07/2024 03:41 (1 Month ago)
"I have transcended the human form many times over, yet it is not enough. I must continue to grow to new limits. The future does not lie with this government but with the cold, sweet sting of steel.”

Ferrenal Cauter

Straight Male
Ferrenal is an extremely clever and inquisitive individual. He enjoys working with machines and forging metal. He still possesses some of the cheer he once had but he is now consumed by a ceaseless pursuit of knowledge and power in an attempt to finally make a breakthrough that would lead to the downfall of the tyrannical government. This makes him emotionally distant on occasion and even willing to forgo morals if it means he can be even one step closer to bringing about a new order.

Ferrenal rarely shows his true face, preferring to wear a mask to cover his grievous injuries. Under the mask hides a severely burned and scarred face with eyebrows almost completely singed off. One of his arms is gone and replaced with a prosthetic. His right eye is also replaced with a bionic replica that allows him to see even better than an ordinary human. His organic eye shines a brilliant blue. A deep crimson cloak enshrouds him. The interior of the cloak is lined with many pockets that each contain strange contraptions Ferrenal created.

Ferrenal can manipulate electricity, using it both as a tool to power his machines as well as a weapon in its own right. He can discharge it from his fingertips and even create an entire electrical field around himself. However, overusing this ability can harm his already burnt skin

-Oculon Class Telescopic Vision Supplement-
Ferrenal's bionic eye allows him to see far better than any ordinary human. He is able to see in complete darkness and even use a limited form of x-ray vision to see through walls as long as they are not too thick

-Manus Mk IX Multi-Purpose Limb Replacement-
Ferrenal's right arm has been replaced with a steel prosthetic. This arm is extremely strong, able to lift up an entire person by itself. It is also rather durable, allowing Ferrenal to shield himself from damage with it. The fingers can also sharpen at will to allow Ferrenal to grip objects more easily. There are also rumors of an even more potent weapon hidden deep within the mechanisms of the arm, though those who have seen never got to share their findings.

Ferrenal was once an unruly youth who often defied the harsh rules of the government. As a child he lost his parents in a mysterious accident that was quickly covered up by the government. In his teenage years, driven by the desire to avenge his parents, he joined a secret group of criminals that wished to overthrow the government. He quickly rose through the rebel ranks as a fierce, daring operative who used his wit to disrupt the local government enforcers in his small town. As his successes grew, so did his pride. Ferrenal soon donned the mask he is well known for as a means to hide his true identity. A few years after joining the rebels, Ferrenal participated in a riot against the government in a large city. However when the police came, his pride dealing with his town's small group of sheriffs blinded him. He was caught in the blast of a grenade thrown by one of the officers as he attempted to lead an attack on them. The explosion blew off one of his arms and severely damaged his face and caused one of his eyes to be blinded. Despite these injuries, he was able to flee to the rebel hideout and receive medical treatment and rudimentary prosthetics. However his pride was irreparably shattered and he lost his delusions of grandeur seeing the ruin his body was in. He then developed an interest in machines and started making several upgrades to his mechanical components in an attempt to gain the strength to finally end the government. However, as time passed, Ferrenal may have grown far beyond his orginal power but the desire for violence and vengeance that gave him his reputation as a fierce rebel had dimmed. Once a raging fire that would only be quenched with the downfall of the government, it is now nothing more than a few smoldering cinders. But just like a cinder, Ferrenal's wrath may once again ignite, provided that he has the right kindling...
[Examples of Past Crime]
Participated in a conspiracy to overthrow the government, incited violence, terrorism
[Theme Song]
It has to be this way




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