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Everlost - Roleplay Sign Ups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Everlost - Roleplay Sign Ups
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Mon, 23/05/2022 19:49 (2 Years ago)
A fatal accident occured. One that ended in taking your life. You're either a Greensoul; a new soul that has just woken up from a long sleep into this new echo of a world, or a more experienced soul. (Called an Afterlight)

The world of Everlost is one where children, who didn't get to where they were going, are forced to roam this ghost of the earth forever. The earth is still living but dead spots are here. Places once were in the real world but have passed over to this world.

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1. Your character must be under the age of 16
2. This isn't a multifandom roleplay (even though i love those)
3. No swearing
4. Relationships are okay, but please do not distract others from the storyline
5. You can have up to 5 characters
6. The password is your favorite subject
Now, I do realize this roleplay is based off of a book (that im currently re-reading) but that's just the world of the book. I'm not gonna pull up any plots or spoil anything big from the book. And if you have the free time, read it. It's good.

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Name: (full name please!)
Age: (under 16)
Cause of Death:
Role: (greensoul or experienced/afterlight)
Other: (any questions?)
Palpad: (y/n)

Questions I've been asked:
None so far! Don't be scared to ask a question!

My Form(s):
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Name: Roselia Luna Hallison
Age: 14
Cause of Death: Car Crash
Appearance: the img bbcode didn't wanna work twt
Personality: "I've been here for a while. How long? . . I do not know myself." ISTP-A / She loves to explore with her hands and her eyes, touching and examining the world around her with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. She loves challenges and loves to welcome Greensouls to this world.
Role: Experienced/Afterlight
Password: Intro to Computers (yes, its an elective, it counts)
Other: (any questions?)
Palpad: yes, duh-

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Name: Tyler Nicholas Howard
Age: 15
Cause of Death: Unknown Illness
Appearance: again, img bbcode didn't wanna work, sad
Personality: "What is this world?" INFP-T / Although he may seem quiet, Tyler is creative and imaginative. You will often see him dozing off in daydreams.
Role: (greensoul or experienced)
Password: Intro to Computers
Other: (any questions?)
Palpad: obvi

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~SakuraMoonEXE~ - Luna Azuxinova
CutePikaEevee - Ruby Preston
Aethernyx - Lysander Polaris
Daiko - Illusia Dea Sauhni
StoryWriter - Bri Tomika
Hunterz~Wolf - Lucas Corentin
kawaiikat2002 - Snow Darkleer
RaRaRasputin - Maverick Ashenfall
Serendibite - Reserved

Some things to know about the world:
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1. If they stand in one spot for too long, they sink. Unless they find a 'dead spot', a spot that has either crossed into Everlost (e.g a dead forest, the twin towers [the twin towers are actually in the book!], etc.) or a spot that has housed a dead person (like if you died in your sleep, your bed would become a dead spot) which are solid for them. Otherwise, down to the center of the earth you go!
2. They have no need for necessities like breathing or eating or drinking
3. They glow in the dark (hence the name afterlight)

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 00:13 (2 Years ago)
Name: Luna Azuxinova
Age: 10?
Cause of Death: Drowning
Appearance: She has deep long black hair, indigo-blue eyes, and pale-ish skin
Personality: She's very childish (obviously) and gullible, but she's talkative most of the time
Role: (greensoul or experienced/afterlight) greensoul
Password: Ummmmmm Recess??
Other: (any questions?) No!
Palpad: (y/n) Yes
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 00:17 (2 Years ago)

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 00:19 (2 Years ago)
Btw, what book is it based off of? I have to read it!
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 00:20 (2 Years ago)
Everlost, by Neal Shusterman. It's an amazing book!

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 00:40 (2 Years ago)
Name: Ruby Preston
Age: 12
Cause of Death: Hurricane
Appearance: She has green eyes btw
Personality: Ruby is shy at first, but is really nice and becomes nicer the more you get to know her.
Role: Greensoul
Password: Science
Other: No questions
Palpad: Yes
Quote from Pokemon Gold/SilverYou know how pokemon have different abilities? People are like that too. Everyone has different potential.

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 00:43 (2 Years ago)

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 01:33 (2 Years ago)
Lysander Polaris
Male, he/him

Cause of Death:
He appears to have gotten into a fight and dying later of his injuries. It's complicated, and if you ask him, the cause of death always changes with each recount. The truth was that he let his attachment to his brother get the best of him, but what that actually means to each person will vary.

Appearance: (xx) [voice]
Lysander is a rather tall and lanky person, his body built for agility and speed as opposed to combat. His long limbs and erect bearing only serves to drive this observation in deeper. He is certainly attractive, but his beauty seems almost cold or artificial, a testament to his withdrawn personality. He has stronger shoulders than one would expect, with most of his muscle hidden beneath the surface. His dark hair and pale skin draw attention to his unusually gold eyes, which stare outwards with a cold, ruthless intensity. The ends of his hair-tips brighten to a dim copper color. If you look closer, you can see the scars, the little nuances that break through his seemingly flawless facade. Sharp scars rip through his neck area, each telling a story of hardships and raging desperations. The two that are the most visible are the killing blow that runs right across his jugular, and the scar that runs across his now-blind right eye. Lysander has very little makeup, but the tattoo of a moth is visible on the back of his left shoulder. He also has a tattoo of a raven on his right arm. The shadows of a many sleepless nights are visible under his eyes.


[pos] astute, frank, loyal, eloquent
[neu] pragmatic, individualistic, relentless, methodical
[neg] obstinate, cynical, vindictive, rueful

True Neutral | ISTJ | 6w5

Lysander, above all things, is highly hypervigilant of others and can be slow to trust them with anything. He struggles with forming attachments and has developed a frosty outer emotional shell, complete with a sharp bite. As a result, he strives to keep his authentic self hidden behind a mask, so there seem to be two people in one body. Everything in his mind has a way, a method, and an order - this analytical mindset gives him an edge in solving patterns and riddles. At the same time, Lysander has a strong sense of independence, believing wholeheartedly that he can solve his problems on his own. A loner by nature, he usually doesn't take the time to sugarcoat his words, which makes him a highly frank person. His speech switches between a firm, albeit cold objectivity and witty sarcasm. Lysander's self is divided up into two parts, and his 'mask' tends to favor rules and order more than individual freedom because they make him feel safe. Ruining this sense of security is a sure-fire way to get him to snap. His withdrawn nature doesn't mean that he is an unpleasant person, per sé; it simply means that he prefers to keep to himself. Unsurprisingly, Lysander usually finds himself with only a few friends to entertain himself, which doesn't bother him. He may struggle to form attachments, but he tends to throw everything into the relationship with those he does bond with.

Deep down, Lysander is a hopelessly anxious person, riddled with many symptoms of paranoia and imposter syndrome.


Probably Creative Writing

A sad but bad boy. :c

Yes please~
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 03:00 (2 Years ago)
Illusia Dea Sauhni

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Name: Illusia Dea Sauhni

Age: 13

Cause of Death: It's complicated

Appearance: She appears to be a short, scrawny, and overall a horrible looking girl. She's only 4'7, has thin, long dirty-blonde hair, dull emerald green eyes, and bruises all over her body. Her limbs are thin and weak, as if they could snap like a twig. She wears the same, dirty white shirt with a thin, black zip-up jacket and tattered jeans, as well as socks and sandals.

Personality: Illusia is very skiddish, paranoid, and extremely unstable. They usually have a hard time figuring things out, observing their surroundings, and assessing the situation. She jumps at the slightest noise or movement, and gets upset and starts breaking down as soon as an unfavorable situation happens. If that wasn't enough, she constantly asks questions about her safety and the situation around her, and even after her well-being is confirmed to be safe, she won't calm down. Apparently, Illusia has always been like this, just not as intense. The events and experiences from the past, though, have tremendously increased her paranoia and she has never really felt true peace. She also has trouble dealing with things, even her own thoughts, and making decisions. The rest is TBRPD

Role: Greensoul

Password: Computer Science

Other: who would've guessed, it's another character with issues, so original

Palpad: Yup
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 15:20 (2 Years ago)
@Daiko and @Aethernyx, accepted!

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 16:03 (2 Years ago)
Name: Snow Darkleer
Age: 13
Cause of Death: bullying (b3at3n)
Appearance: short dark blue hair, a light blue hoodie with wolf ears and a wolf tail sewn on, dark blue shorts, pale skin, icy blue eyes, and barefoot
Personality: he tends to act timid when he's unsure about intentions and is more of a listener than a talker in general, but he loves unconditionally and will take the role of family if someone needs that of him
Role: Greensoul
Password: art!
Other: *bonk*
Palpad: yes
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 16:23 (2 Years ago)
Maverick Ashenfall

~"Sanity is a madness put to good uses." (-George Santayana)~

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Cause of death: Lab explosion- he doesn't talk about it since he accidentally caused the explosion

Personality: Maverick normally doesn't take anything seriously. Most would think that there is not a single intelligent thought in his mind due to the way he acts. He can be very bold and daring, seemingly acting on impulse. His insane personality tends to drive people away for fear they'll be roped into something dangerous. At the end of the day though, Maverick is extremely caring. He just has a horrible way of showing it. He can be extremely loyal-- when he takes the time to make an effort and show it. Befriend Maverick, and you'll have a strong and worthy friend. Get on his bad side and... well, let's hope you don't find out for yourself.

Appearance: Maverick has long lengths of unruly silver and electric blue hair. His eyes are mismatched from a freak lab accident. His eyes are green and grey, with his grey eye having slightly worse vision than his green one. Maverick usually has his hair tied back, and he wears a lab coat, boots, and gloves (a safe boi). He wears a simple graphic t-shirt and jeans underneath his open lab coat.

Role: Afterlight

Password: Lunch

Palpad group? Yes
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 16:30 (2 Years ago)
Can I reserve a spot, please?
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 16:32 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 16:35 (2 Years ago)

"And when darkness finds you, you will face it alone."

Calverus Polaris


Cause of Death:
A series of unfortunate events.

With his short stature and the mass of (mostly tamed) black curls atop his head, Calverus was often looked down upon by those around him, either for being "cute" or "weak" (both claims he would vehemently deny.) His face appears more rounded out by the freckles mapped out across his cheeks, though they were just barely dark enough to he visible. His sharp amber eyes are often set in a form of glare or grimace.

Calverus is a very conflicted individual. His nature was that of a pacifistic boy, who simply lived to bring those around him joy and to experience the many wonders life could bring. However luck never seemed to stay by his side as his life took a turn for the worse in his early years. The boy he was meant to become was lost, a more cruel and sadistic creature nurtured in his place. Calverus struggles to control himself and is often at risk of lashing out violently. He holds little care for those around him and during his more distressed moments Calverus pushes those close to him away using any means necessary.

In the moments he can better manage his erratic behavior, Calverus still holds on to some of his childlike traits. He is incredibly clingy, unable to be pried from his brother's side during his more vulnerable moments. The boy is still unable to resist the urge to coo at every cat he sees crossing his path and has gotten lost on more than one occasion trying to scoop a stray feline into his arms. He may, on occasion, flood a conversation with an onslaught of questions trying to disguise his ignorance with insults and rude comments.


I liked my painting class

How many AU Cal's get to he happy?
Literally just one and his life is just kinda meh.
(It's not this one lol-)



Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 16:38 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 791
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 20:38 (2 Years ago)
Lucius Corentin


Cause of Death:
As his brother's last string of sanity withered, he brutally murdered all his family members, including the boy himself


Cheerful and bubbly, with personality as bright as his appearance, a huge contrast to his other family members. Most would be surprised he was looked this joyful despite his dark past and family reputation, but that could possible be due to his unbelievable imagination that makes him forget about all the bad in the world. He tries to see the good in everything, even when there seems to be no hope of light in the dark.

Lucius was a boy born with a very vivid imagination that people worry he couldn't differentiate his fantasy from reality. While it helped serve as a coping mechanism for the sad boy, it was dangerous and distracting on some occasions, which was why he was always under the watchful eyes of his older brother. Despite his happy atiitude, Lucius likes to keep to himself, finding more comfort when he's alone yet surrounded by the beauty the world has to offer. He wouldn't mind, however, making a loyal friend or two, even if he never had a chance to properly bond with anyone before.

I think I'll just develop it more in the RP lol :')


Biology and Chemistry :b

I am now tempted to read the book but I don't have the time :'D

Get me in there xDD

Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 20:43 (2 Years ago)
Name: Bri Tomika
Age: 10
Cause of Death: Hanged (her brother thought she died from a knife wound he inflicted and tried to hide it by hanging her instead she died by the rope)
Appearance:Black hair with purple tips. She usally wears a school uniform. She Ironically always wears a choker. She is a rater tall girl and her hair flows downward.
Personality: She is kind and gentle. If you try to fight her, she will usally run away. She plays piano in her free time to hide away from bad memoeries.
Role: afterlight
Password: Music
Other: (any questions?) Do they have wounds from their death
Palpad: yes

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 20:49 (2 Years ago)
AAAAA- omg i never thought this would get so much peoples attention twt
anyway, all accepted and @StoryWriter, no, they do not. And here's some concepts from the book that will be vital in the roleplay and I just now realized we need them:
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1. If they stand in one spot for too long, they sink. Unless they find a 'dead spot', a spot that has either crossed into Everlost (e.g a dead forest, the twin towers [the twin towers are actually in the book!], etc.) or a spot that has housed a dead person (like if you died in your sleep, your bed would become a dead spot) which are solid for them. Otherwise, down to the center of the earth you go!
2. They have no need for necessities like breathing or eating
3. They glow in the dark
uhm i think that's all-

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 24/05/2022 21:19 (2 Years ago)
Question: im aware that spirits usually don’t need to sleep, but would it be possible for them to have visions of how they died? Or who killed them?