Forum Thread
Roleplaying School For Eager Newbies (...And Beyond)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Roleplaying School For Eager Newbies (...And Beyond)
Okay, so you probably clicked this either because you were curious, you're an avid roleplayer, or you misclicked and now are reading this (the last one is very likely. I've done it myself a few times.) Or you have some other reason that doesn't fit into those three categories.
-insert extremely long explanation-

First question. What's this thread supposed to do?
Answer: To help struggling aspiring roleplays meet their dreams.
I thought of this after someone invited me to a one-liner roleplay and my sleep-deprived brain decided to go all "YOLO!" Off-topic. I've been seeing spriter schools out there, so I thought, "Why not make a school for roleplaying?" Anyway, I've been seeing a LOT of seriously basic roleplays out there being made. Almost no plot (or no plot at all), posts are almost always one-liners, and often the roleplay escalates to just purely random roaming around till it dies.
I suspect some of those "one-liner" roleplayers don't really mean to kill their roleplays. Some may do it just for the pure fun of it, but I really don't think that's a majority. Problem is, I don't think anybody's personally helping those who want to improve, improve. Sure, some might, but a lot of roleplayers are left struggling to fend for themselves in the internet where people tend to yell at them due to their basic skills.
I know a couple of roleplayers who are REALLY trying to get better at it, but have no idea how to. They're advised to study the more advanced ones, and try and learn from that.
Sorry, but I really don't think the "watch and learn" technique is going to work here.
Sure, some will learn...eventually. But we're talking about languages here. In this case, it's English. 26 letters, all having uppercase and lowercase forms that combine to make nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and a whole lot of other stuff I'd rather not list down in fear of clogging up this post.
Is it possible to learn EVERY SINGLE WORD AND ITS FACTORS by just WATCHING?
There's this person you call a teacher who personally spends their entire life on teaching one certain language. Teaching yourself? Slightly possible if you're some gifted bilingual genius or you just are a very stubborn person who won't give up on it. Or some other exception I don't know about.
Yes. It's possible to become a really awesome roleplayer just by watching. But it takes a lot of time and effort and sweat and blood and tears- okay, I need to stop rambling. Summing it up, it's difficult, it's kind of disheartening, and sometimes you may just burst into tears of frustration hysterically screaming murder as you pull out tufts of your hair. I think I went overboard with that one, but I'm certain you get the point.
This thread was made specifically to help out people who want to learn to roleplay better. People here can discuss all sorts of roleplaying problems, varying from grammar to spelling to a small vocabulary. Users can also discuss plot-making, character development, refraining from godmodding etc. Whether you're an experienced roleplayer wanting to pass down your wisdom, an aspiring one-liner roleplayer, or just a normal roleplayer who craves to get better, or some other random combo I didn't mention, this is the thread for you.
Answer: Offer your advice. Possibly even offer to tutor one or two people who want to get better. Start private group RPs together, with the simple goal of helping each other improve their skills. People of the same skill levels should band together and try to figure out what's wrong with the other's roleplaying in a nice, friendly manner. Those who have figured out what they're lacking can request help from those who are particularly experienced in those areas. Help each other out.
Here's a common one among roleplayers:
Ex: User A has trouble in grammar, but is actually quite good at detail.
User B has almost perfect grammar, but has difficulty in detail.
Solution: Users A and B work out a training private 1x1 RP. They scope out each other's problems, give constructive criticism, and basically give advice to each other.
Note that you're not going to be automatically amazing at detail or have perfect grammar after one training RP. You will learn considerably faster since you're partner is at least decent at what you're having difficulty with, but you're still human. Practice makes perfect.
Glad you asked. Here're the forms! :3 Keeping it simple with no BBCode~
Roleplaying Experience: (How long have you been roleplaying for? Approximately how many roleplays have you been in?)
Roleplaying Skill: (Please explain how well you do in roleplays. If you're not too lazy to, you can also link one of your best roleplay posts.)
Roleplaying Problems: (What you think is preventing you from reaching your full potential. If you don't know exactly, but you have an inkling or you have that gut feeling, please say so.)
Roleplaying Interests: (What kinds of roleplays are interested in? This is mandatory if you want to improve your skills and find a compatible RP partner. Basics of these would be:
Contact: (PokeHeroes already has great ways of communication, but yeah, it's possible you prefer something else like Skype or email. Just say so.)
Other: (Anything else I might have forgotten to put down. :3)
Your basic, blank form:
I'd like to reach my full potential!
Roleplaying Experience:
Roleplaying Skill:
Roleplaying Problems:
Roleplaying Interests:
Roleplaying Experience:
Roleplaying Skill:
Roleplaying Problems:
Roleplaying Interests:
Okay, form for offering to tutor and/or give advice. I'd like to note that I won't be allowing people with basic roleplaying skill to tutor others. That would make the whole tutoring thing pointless. I'll be less likely to list you as a tutor if it's obvious that you yourself need to be tutored. Half-decent grammar, spelling, and very short lengths? That sound familiar? Use the student form. Don't be shy or overconfident about your abilities. Believe me, I've met my fair share of stubborn one-liner roleplayers who refuse to admit they need any improvement.
Roleplaying Experience: (Explained above. If you're going to apply to be a tutor, it's preferred that you're at least of the semi-lit category.)
Roleplaying Skill: (Already explained. Once again, you may put a link to one of your best roleplay posts, which is also called a "sample.")
Roleplaying Interests: (It helps out a LOT if you and your student have a similar common interest. Discourages author's block and all that :3)
Applying For Tutor: (Yes or No. .w. If yes, state when you're available using server time. Also explain what your strong points are and what you would help your students greatly improve in.)
Contact: (Already explained. .w.)
Other: (Anything else? :3
I'd like to offer my expertise to other
Roleplaying Experience:
Roleplaying Skill:
Roleplaying Interests:
Applying For Tutor:
Roleplaying Experience:
Roleplaying Skill:
Roleplaying Interests:
Applying For Tutor:
Guide to Roleplaying by Death
Roleplaying Rules and Guidelines by SilverLugia456 (who, by the way, works alongside Doopliss as a moderator for the roleplaying section of the forums.)
Header credited to

Username with link to their application form / Approximate Roleplay Skill / Roleplay Preferences / Tutor (if they have one already) / Preferred Way of Communication / Advising Others Or Not
powerofwaffle / Semi-lit / Not much Pokemon, supernatural humans and unspecified animals, no intense romance / No Tutor / Contact through forums or PalPad / Unspecified, likely not
Viper / Semi-lit / Anything that defies normality / No Tutor / Standard PH contact except PalPad / Unspecified, likely not
TheHellPrince / Basic, getting closer to semi-lit / Human, Animal, Furries, Multifandoms, etc. / No Tutor / Chickensmoothie and PH (same username) / Unspecified, likely not
Lucina / Somewhere between semi-lit and basic / Fandoms, anything involving humans, Pokemon/Pokesonas, no animal/anthro, and nothing too graphic / No Tutor / PalPad preferred, PM available / Unspecified, likely not
Username with link to their application form / Approximate Roleplay Skill / Roleplay Preferences / Tutor (if they have one already) / Preferred Way of Communication / Advising Others Or Not
powerofwaffle / Semi-lit / Not much Pokemon, supernatural humans and unspecified animals, no intense romance / No Tutor / Contact through forums or PalPad / Unspecified, likely not
Viper / Semi-lit / Anything that defies normality / No Tutor / Standard PH contact except PalPad / Unspecified, likely not
TheHellPrince / Basic, getting closer to semi-lit / Human, Animal, Furries, Multifandoms, etc. / No Tutor / Chickensmoothie and PH (same username) / Unspecified, likely not
Lucina / Somewhere between semi-lit and basic / Fandoms, anything involving humans, Pokemon/Pokesonas, no animal/anthro, and nothing too graphic / No Tutor / PalPad preferred, PM available / Unspecified, likely not

Username with link to application form / RP Experience / Approximate Roleplay Skill / Roleplay Preferences / Preferred Way of Communication / Available Time if Tutoring
pretzel987 / Quite a fair amount of joined RPs / Semi-lit / Several fandoms including Pokemon / Standard PH communication / Schedule
Doopliss / Sample, has been RPing 4-5 yrs / Literate / Can do anything, most experienced in animal/Pokemon / Standard PH communication / Schedule, weekends available all day
Eeveelution8 / Sample, 2-3 months of RPing / Semi-lit / Certain fandoms, willing to try something else, nothing above M rating / PM, PalPad, or email / Schedule, all day on Friday and 0-4 on Sunday or unavailable
Finhawk / 1.5 years of roleplaying / Somewhere between semi-lit and literate / Check post details / PM or PalPad / Schedule, evidently not exact, check post for details
Username with link to application form / RP Experience / Approximate Roleplay Skill / Roleplay Preferences / Preferred Way of Communication / Available Time if Tutoring
pretzel987 / Quite a fair amount of joined RPs / Semi-lit / Several fandoms including Pokemon / Standard PH communication / Schedule
Doopliss / Sample, has been RPing 4-5 yrs / Literate / Can do anything, most experienced in animal/Pokemon / Standard PH communication / Schedule, weekends available all day
Eeveelution8 / Sample, 2-3 months of RPing / Semi-lit / Certain fandoms, willing to try something else, nothing above M rating / PM, PalPad, or email / Schedule, all day on Friday and 0-4 on Sunday or unavailable
Finhawk / 1.5 years of roleplaying / Somewhere between semi-lit and literate / Check post details / PM or PalPad / Schedule, evidently not exact, check post for details
Username: pretzel987
Roleplaying Experience: have been in multiple role-plays, usually a leading or semi-leading character.
Roleplaying Skill: semi-lierate to literate, depending how much time i have on my hands. My best post is on this page. I do one-liners sometimes, but try to stay away from them.
Roleplaying Interests: anything pokemon, and certain fandoms (Percy Jackson, Star Wars etc.) Superpowers are a MASSIVE plus. Give me excitement! Give me intense fights! GIVE ME DRAMA!!!
Applying For Tutor: Yes. Semi-availble all the way from 13:00 server time to 2:00 server time (hope i shifted the hours right XD) would like to help people figure out what to post, how to enhance the plot, and overall how to make the RP more enjoyable to read.
Contact: Standard PH contact for now.
Other: no cookie allergies.
beware the attack of the punz
make a wish?
Username: Doopliss
Roleplaying Experience: I've been RPing for about 4-5 years now, actually. I've done several RPs on a different website, and probably my best RP post(s) are on there xD I did do a couple on this site also, though one I don't use anymore since my RP partner didn't have time, and the other is basically the same. .w."
If you want to check my posts on the other website, you can find them here. ^^ It's one of those long and descriptive kinds.
Basically I've also been writing my own stories for about 5-6 years now, and still am. I can also give examples of my most recent story I started, if necessary.
Roleplaying Skill: I'd say I'm literate. I mostly do descriptive paragraphs, the sizing of them does range though (depending on what kind of RP it is). Grammar is all set (I like my posts to be perfect), haha. Absolutely no one-liners for me, I don't like 'em.
Roleplaying Interests: I can do anything, really. I'd say I'm most experienced with animal/Pokemon Roleplays, but I can definitely do ones including people too ^^ I basically have experience with most genres.
Applying For Tutor: Yes I am cx I can help out other users with anything they are seeming to struggle with. I'm mostly available from 22:00-4:30 server time on weekdays, and basically all day on weekends, depending what time I fall asleep/wake up on those days.
Contact: PH only for now. :b
Other: None. owo

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Username: Eeveelution8
Roleplaying Experience: I've been observing for 6 months, actually participating for 2 or 3 months. All have been semi-lit, but a bit inactive. Examples are in this RP, one of my best in this post.
Roleplaying Skill: Semi-lit bordering on lit, I need more opportunities to. My strengths are in vocabulary, grammar and detail. My weaknesses, well, I'd like to think I don't have any, but I occasionally have some errors in grammar and punctuation.
Roleplaying Interests: My fandoms (PJO, HoO, HP, KC), but I might be willing to try something else. Also, no going beyond M rating for me; I'm not willing to do that at all.
Applying For Tutor: Yes, since I'd like to have a go at teaching others. I have inflexible hours, so make sure you ask ahead of time. Generally, I'm available from 12-14 server time on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 12-15 server time on Thursday, 14-15 server time on Saturday, and all day on Friday as well as 0 to 4 server time on Sunday or not at all.
Contact: PM for those not on my friendlist, Palpad for those who are, and if they want it, email (PM me for it.)
Other: I may seem inexperienced, but I have written quite a few stories of my own (link on my profile page). It's pretty similar, so feel free to contact me for tutoring.
Username: Banette
Roleplaying Experience: I first started RPing on another website, and i eventually became a good RPer. On here, i have made quite a few successful Roleplays, but most of them have been inactive. I've probably been RPing for a year or 2.
Roleplaying Skill: I'd say Semi-lit.
Roleplaying Interests: Pokemon, Mythical (Dragons, Griffons, etc.), And others.
Applying For Tutor: Yes i am. I'd love to teach others how fun it is to RP. I mostly go on here on the weekends, but sometimes i am on here during the week.
Contact: PM me if you aren't on my friendlist, and Palpad me if you are.
Other: Nupe.
Username: Viper
Roleplaying Experience: I have (as of 2018) role-played for a total of three years. Most were on Pokeheroes.
Roleplaying Skill: semi-lit, I try my best to write two to three paragraphs, sometimes even more, depending on the action happening.
Roleplaying Problems: Length, grammatical mistakes. Also, I find it extremely hard writing fighting scenes, especially when it's a semi-lit roleplay. I write fights fast and (a little) choppy most of the time, switching instantly between reaction to reaction. This does not lend well into roleplaying when you can only control one of the characters fighting instead of both. Also, my character development is a bit weak - I think it's a fun challenge, really, to develop my character but at the same time have little to no control over what happens to them.
Roleplaying Interests: Pokemon, Dragons, Cryptids, anything that defies normality. Genres I like include fantasy, adventure, dystopian fiction and sci-fi.
Contact: Forum, PM just about anything here on PH except for PalPad
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Username: Krystal_fang
Roleplaying Experience: ive been rping for a few years 3-4 i think starting out with game rps then chat rps and ever since i joined this site forum rps
Roleplaying Skill:lit, i try to be as detailed as possible and have gotten used to making long posts
Roleplaying Interests: dragons, pokemon, giginka (and human turning creature sort of thing)
Applying For Tutor:yes on almost all the time even if im in school ill check in though on weekends i may be busy. I want to help people get into roleplaying and get more people to learn how to move from short posts of chat and game rps to longers ones of forum rps as well as making them detailed
Contact: here on pokeheros
Username: Lucina
Roleplaying Experience: I haven't roleplayed much. Just joined a few roleplays during my first months of Pokeheroes. I ended up quitting after a few posts, whether it be because of one-liners or they go too quick for my liking. I have first started on this site though. So maybe about a month or so of actual experience.
Roleplaying Skill: I make an attempt to write at least three-five sentences. So I suppose that would be semi-literate?
Roleplaying Problems: I haven't been roleplaying much to identifying a lot of my problems, so I'll just say some of the problems I have when writing other things(like my fanfics). I'd say description, I can be kind of bad at that, especially when describing people. Even though I'm a native speaker, I definitely lack vocabulary and I'm not sure if my grammar is the best.
Roleplaying Interests: My Fandoms(I have a lot so I won't list) are my main interest. However I'll roleplay anything that involves humans. I really don't have much of a limit. So long as it is nothing too graphic. I will also do Pokemon/Pokesonas. Just nothing animal/anthro.
Contact: Preferably through Palpad, I always have it set to everyone being able to contact me. If I'm not on your friendlist than just PM me.
Other: This seemed like fun, and I always wanted to roleplay more seriously.
Roleplaying Experience:
I've been roleplaying for about 1,5 years now.
I'm not a big fan of the terms "literate" or "semi-literate" as they come off as snobby and, to me, they imply the length is the thing that matters most. (Nothing personal against people that like to use these, this is merely my view on things.) I'd rather judge posts by their content than the length. I'll take a detailed single paragraph with good grammar and contribution to the story over a wall of text that is purely fluff and barely advances the story any day.
However, that being said, I almost never touch RPs where people can't type me even one measly paragraph, the story needs to move forward and one-liners don't usually help with that.
Roleplaying Skill:
I'm not perfect, not even close. English isn't my first language either so I do make some minor mistakes every now and then, I'm only human after all. I think I have some trouble moving the story forward smoothly and I'm unable to put as much detail into my posts as I'd like to. However, I have a habit of underestimating myself and I'm not that good at describing my level of skill in anything so I'll put one of my better posts below and you can judge for yourselves.

The ungodly ruckus someone seemed to
be determined to produce didn't help with Finley's head. Not in the
slightest. Groaning in annoyance and frustration, the male tried
moving again and got the same result as earlier. He was still bound
down but the restraints seemed looser and allowed slight movement.
However, the change soothed the field agent like having an umbrella
full of holes during rain.
The effect of the drugs or whatever had been inserted into his veins had started to wear off, slowly but surely, and the man tried opening his eyes again. The harsh blinding light from before was gone but he still had to blink more than few times to get his eyes adjusted. Finley's vision swam for a while before his eyes finally remembered why they even existed and the man could start making out the the room he was in. It was quite big and whoever decorated it, wasn't a fan of fancy carpets, old vases, sofas or any other pieces of furniture that made a room for that matter. There was almost nothing to see besides the few other occupants of the room who didn't look like they were there willingly either.
Seemed like the young woman with a golden hair was the source of the ruckus that so annoyed the older man. For some reason, as far as he could see, she looked familiar as well, his fuzzy mind just couldn't figure out why. However, before Finley could question anything, a man with brown curls spoke annoyingly calmly.
“I do not wish… to attempt identifying those around me…. But I do wish that whoever is seated to my left be silent and civil…. Whatever has been done, good or bad, must be sorted and dealt with before we can escape our binds and attempt to return to any life we may have been able to build up for ourselves.”
The man of Swedish origin did not mistake the words to be directed at him but he still couldn't help the raspy laugh from escaping his lips. However, he didn't get to laugh for long as his throat was in no way prepared for such sudden usage and Finley found himself couching violently in a matter of seconds. Once the male got his breathing under control again, he craned his neck to look at the young man.
"'Silent and civil'? Are you serious?"
The couching had done no good to his already raspy voice and Finley doubted he could have sounded any more pathetic than he already did even if he tried. However, his broken voice or the other male were the least of his problems at the current moment, he would have to get some movement into himself, preferably very soon, or he'd go nuts. He tugged at his right hand experimentally. The leather strap holding his arm down was firm and probably not easy to break away from but for some reason, the man felt like he could do it nonetheless.
He pulled at the strap again, with more force this time, and everything that seemed to happen was the dull ache spreading into his muscles again. However, Finley would rather try and fail than do nothing at all, he hated doing nothing. With his mind set, the male pulled at the strap again with every ounce of strength he could muster and the pain spread again, starting from his arm. Throwing his head back, the field agent let out a frustrated yell that was laced with determination and pain as he refused to give up. Suddenly, his arm came free.
Panting, Finley closed his eyes for a few seconds as he waited the aching in his limbs to subside. It must be just some kind of a side effect to whatever had been done to him and nothing more. At least he really hoped it wouldn't stay as a permanent thing. Looking down on his now free arm, the male closed his hand into a fist and opened it again for a few times. He could feel and see himself moving his hand but it still felt like it wasn't his hand. Like he was controlling a mechanic arm, it was his arm but not really his.
Not making any sense to even himself, Finley started fumbling on the leather strap holding his left arm down. His movements were sloppy and imprecise due to the drugs still in his system so it took him a while to get his other arm free. When he had both hands to work with, even if they didn't cooperate quite the way he wanted them to, the man managed to get the rest off rather quickly. However, as he attempted to get up from the chair he had been strapped to, he just ended up falling to the ground and hitting his head.
What was with him and hurting his head lately?
In hindsight, he should have taken it slow and tested his feet before trying to make his body operate like every other day. Though what was done was done and there was no reason to dwell on it anymore. Curling in on himself on the floor and holding his head with his hands, Finley groaned as stars danced around his tightly shut eyes.
"Helvetes jävlar... I'm so gonna kill someone for this."
The effect of the drugs or whatever had been inserted into his veins had started to wear off, slowly but surely, and the man tried opening his eyes again. The harsh blinding light from before was gone but he still had to blink more than few times to get his eyes adjusted. Finley's vision swam for a while before his eyes finally remembered why they even existed and the man could start making out the the room he was in. It was quite big and whoever decorated it, wasn't a fan of fancy carpets, old vases, sofas or any other pieces of furniture that made a room for that matter. There was almost nothing to see besides the few other occupants of the room who didn't look like they were there willingly either.
Seemed like the young woman with a golden hair was the source of the ruckus that so annoyed the older man. For some reason, as far as he could see, she looked familiar as well, his fuzzy mind just couldn't figure out why. However, before Finley could question anything, a man with brown curls spoke annoyingly calmly.
“I do not wish… to attempt identifying those around me…. But I do wish that whoever is seated to my left be silent and civil…. Whatever has been done, good or bad, must be sorted and dealt with before we can escape our binds and attempt to return to any life we may have been able to build up for ourselves.”
The man of Swedish origin did not mistake the words to be directed at him but he still couldn't help the raspy laugh from escaping his lips. However, he didn't get to laugh for long as his throat was in no way prepared for such sudden usage and Finley found himself couching violently in a matter of seconds. Once the male got his breathing under control again, he craned his neck to look at the young man.
"'Silent and civil'? Are you serious?"
The couching had done no good to his already raspy voice and Finley doubted he could have sounded any more pathetic than he already did even if he tried. However, his broken voice or the other male were the least of his problems at the current moment, he would have to get some movement into himself, preferably very soon, or he'd go nuts. He tugged at his right hand experimentally. The leather strap holding his arm down was firm and probably not easy to break away from but for some reason, the man felt like he could do it nonetheless.
He pulled at the strap again, with more force this time, and everything that seemed to happen was the dull ache spreading into his muscles again. However, Finley would rather try and fail than do nothing at all, he hated doing nothing. With his mind set, the male pulled at the strap again with every ounce of strength he could muster and the pain spread again, starting from his arm. Throwing his head back, the field agent let out a frustrated yell that was laced with determination and pain as he refused to give up. Suddenly, his arm came free.
Panting, Finley closed his eyes for a few seconds as he waited the aching in his limbs to subside. It must be just some kind of a side effect to whatever had been done to him and nothing more. At least he really hoped it wouldn't stay as a permanent thing. Looking down on his now free arm, the male closed his hand into a fist and opened it again for a few times. He could feel and see himself moving his hand but it still felt like it wasn't his hand. Like he was controlling a mechanic arm, it was his arm but not really his.
Not making any sense to even himself, Finley started fumbling on the leather strap holding his left arm down. His movements were sloppy and imprecise due to the drugs still in his system so it took him a while to get his other arm free. When he had both hands to work with, even if they didn't cooperate quite the way he wanted them to, the man managed to get the rest off rather quickly. However, as he attempted to get up from the chair he had been strapped to, he just ended up falling to the ground and hitting his head.
What was with him and hurting his head lately?
In hindsight, he should have taken it slow and tested his feet before trying to make his body operate like every other day. Though what was done was done and there was no reason to dwell on it anymore. Curling in on himself on the floor and holding his head with his hands, Finley groaned as stars danced around his tightly shut eyes.
"Helvetes jävlar... I'm so gonna kill someone for this."
Roleplaying Interests:
Action / Adventure / Supernatural / Superhuman / Sci-Fi / Horror / Modern / Fandoms (However, I won't RP as canon characters.)
I most likely won't do any animal or pokemon RPs unless there's amazingly awesome plot and epic characters. I'm not a huge fan of romance either so don't try to suggest pure romance RPs to me.
Applying For Tutor:
Yuppers. I could help out with moving the story along and fleshing out the characters and posts. Also, making posts fancy with codes is important too and I'm always happy to help with that if it's needed. :p
I'll probably be available around 13:00 - 22:00 daily PH time. Obviously I won't be online that whole time everyday and I multitask most of the time I'm online on PH. So I might not reply right away even if I was online but I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
If you're on my friendlist, you can PalPad me. If that's not the case, you can shoot me with a PM.
Roleplaying is all about having fun and that's the most important thing to remember if you ask me. Also, beating yourself up for 'not being good enough' or stressing yourself out doesn't help, learning takes time and it should be fun.
I think that's it, the great Finhawk has nothing else to say for the time being.
Username: NightStrider
Roleplaying Experience: (EDITED)
I'm gonna show an example.
Michael looked at his relic stone, he sighed. "I wish it'd do something. He started to look around. "Maybe someone can help!" He said, and tried to run off to a village. He looked for a village, and yet again, he sighed. There was none in sight.
Roleplaying Skill: I'm good at grammar
Roleplaying Problems: Being descriptive. I can't really be descriptive that well. I'm also repetitive.
Roleplaying Interests: I'm not really into a Pokémon or Digimon, and etc. I'm more of a horror, violent, zombies, realistic rps, and I could do romance.
Contact: Pokeheroes is the only one as of now.
Other: I leave school at 6:10 PM EST, which is an around an hour and fifty minutes before reset.
Username: enderknux
Roleplaying Experience: a lot you don't even know XD
Roleplaying Skill: Pretty good, I enjoy righting, so to me Ropeplaying is like Writing with others.
Roleplaying Interests: FANAF, Pokemon, Wolves/other animals, warriors,
Applying For Tutor: sure, I'd be happy to start some 1v1 Rps to help out noobs :3 Although, I can only get on 8:00-9:00 pm (eastern) on weekdays, but Fridays, weekends, special events out of school, and summer I'm free most of the time <3
Pokeheroes. AnimalJam (Skunky92) if I'm on but I'm only really on in the early mornings (eastern time zone) Chickensmoothie, (Skunky92 as well) but since I'm coppa it's not very helpful.
Other: Actually I'm allergic to peanuts so that makes me allergic to some cookies XDXD