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Roleplaying School For Eager Newbies (...And Beyond)

Forum-Index Roleplay Roleplaying School For Eager Newbies (...And Beyond)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 02:55 (9 Years ago)
*I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: Yuki-chan

Roleplaying Experience: I'm just a newbie who had joined some RP here~ :3

Roleplaying Skill: I don't know... I can write more than one sentence if my brain decided to get creative sometimes... I'd say I'm pretty bad, I guess? X'D

Roleplaying Problems: My English and my grammar are not good... And sometimes, I'm scared of what people are going to think about my writing...

Roleplaying Interests: Pokemon or any anime related, as long as I know that anime very well. I'm also fine with other genre, as long as it's not Horror, and Tragedy, since I'm not very good with them ^^'

Contact: PM and Palpad is fine, but I usually used my phone, so PM is better ^^'

Other: Uh, hugs? :3*
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 07:47 (9 Years ago)
I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: Navneet

Roleplaying Experience:I have acted in 2 - 3 RP's, All as Semi Main Character

Roleplaying Skill: I can do 2 to 3 Paragraphs in a roleplay.

Roleplaying Problems: Its Just the pressure I always have during RolePlay

Roleplaying Interests: I Love to do RolePlay with cars and Games and all. But I won't do Roleplays With very intense love or Me being a character Loving someone. I always Like t be alone, Strugggling all by himself kind of nature. And In a roleplay, i would like to have a pet.

Contact: I get like 5 notifications every minute so I might be not able to See the friend request. But my palpad is always open and you can PalPad me saying you have added me.

Other: Nothing :).
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2015 19:16 (9 Years ago)
I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: Lynvalla

Roleplaying Experience: I have been roleplaying on and off for a few years. It was script form for the longest time, but recently I have done one or two story form roleplays. Though the best one was done through e-mail so I have nothing to link to.

Roleplaying Skill: I like to think I'm not that bad, but I'm not sure how to rate my skill. I would say I'm decent enough with room for improvement, though.

Roleplaying Problems: In school English was my weakest subject so I have trouble with spelling, not sure about grammar, and sometimes I have issues with length. However I always try to get at least one paragraph out.

Roleplaying Interests: A few animes, BBC Sherlock, some genres though no horror what so ever. Depending on the fandom and characters I am open to yaoi, but I'm not comfortable with yuri. Outside of fandoms, still have no problem with yaoi.

Contact: For sorting things out I would prefer palpad or PM. With the actual roleplay, if it's a privet 1x1 I would prefer e-mail though I'm not against using the forum here.

Other: I use my browser as a spell check so if I take some time to reply that would be one reason. Any other questions, just ask me. ^_^
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 187
Posted: Mon, 18/05/2015 19:07 (9 Years ago)
I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: Accident

Roleplaying Experience: Roleplayed on and off on a few different websites, none of which were remotely like PH.

Roleplaying Skill: Fairly certain beginner

Roleplaying Problems: Usually length and confidence. Slight spelling & grammar issues.

Roleplaying Interests: Pokemon, love, nature-related.. As long as it's something I know, I guess.

Contact: Anything over PH. Feel free to palpad me (Especially if I don't see your friend request)

Other: Nothing else!

Name: Viktor
Adopt one yourself!
@Pokemon Orphanage
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 951
Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 00:46 (9 Years ago)
I'd like to offer my expertise to other roleplayers!

Username: WooperKasumi

Roleplaying Experience: I've done… a lot. That's the best I can say, as I've roleplayed since I was nine on a different site. ^^

Roleplaying Skill: semi-literate, I guess. I'll do one liners if I've no muse or if I'm just lazy at the time. However my first posts are generally 1-5 paragraphs.

Roleplaying Interests: Pokemon, anime/manga, Warriors, cats, wolves

Applying For Tutor: Eh, I'll be okay with new rpers if they're okay with a harsh teacher. Only small groups though, 1-3 players.

Contact: PH, Feral Front (Xerxes Break/Kevin Regnard)

Other: I'm lazy. And I can be inactive while something else holds my interest.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Thu, 02/07/2015 21:57 (8 Years ago)
Username: NarutoGirl
Roleplaying Experience: I've done about.... 30 rps, just on Pokeheros.
Roleplaying Skill: I want to be a writer when I'm older, so most of my posts are about... 6 lines.
Roleplaying Interests: anime, adventure, animals, and Romance.( don't judge me.)
Roleplaying Problems: When you're in a big cool dramatic part... and someone leaves.
Applying for tutor: Sure! Only about 3-4 players though.
Contact: Just PH, contact my username.
Other: N/A

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 02:29 (8 Years ago)
I'd like to offer my expertise to other roleplayers!

Username: SandeviRae

Roleplaying Experience: I've been rping for a little more than a year, around 1.3 years, I guess? I've been in too many rps to count haha

Roleplaying Skill: I like to think I'm pretty good at roleplaying, at least at a semi-literate level, sometimes moderate-lit at my best.

Roleplaying Interests: I like pretty much all types of rps, usually excluding fandom and mystery rps, though I particularly like sci-fi/fantasy rps.

Applying For Tutor: Yes, I'm available pretty much everyday, usually from 8am to 8pm central time, so around 3 to 15 o'clock server time, I think?

Contact: PM and palpad are the way to go eyy. Preferably PM if you're wanting tutoring though.

Other: N/A
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 05/12/2015 00:30 (8 Years ago)

Title: medallas

there any way to get faster medals
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 05:10 (8 Years ago)
I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: pokeperson00

Roleplaying Experience: ...not too much legit roleplaying, but a lot of sort of roleplaying text conversations with my friend.

Roleplaying Skill: pretty good I think, I'm good at writing or so people tell me. good with details and grammar and plot lines etc. I'm good at writing first and third person.

Roleplaying Problems: I never know whether I should try to get into a roleplay or not because I'm unsure if they want something other than what I do. basically I guess I'm afraid to roleplay wrong X]

Roleplaying Interests: That whole list! first that come to mind are sci-fi, adventure, mystery, and then the rest, as I look at the subjects I get ideas... so any of those subjects on the list in the first post!

Contact: this site is honestly the best contact for me. I hardly check any other site...

Other: I am terrible at art but really wish I could draw appearances for characters I think up. I always get a picture but I can't transfer that picture to paper OR screen. makes me kind of sad...
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Wed, 10/02/2016 17:25 (8 Years ago)
I'd like to offer my expertise to other roleplayers!

Username: Hell

Roleplaying Experience: Sporting a good 10+ years RP experience.

Roleplaying Skill: Everything from novella/ multi-par to lit/ to max post limit lit.

Show hidden content

Chapter 1: North Cobalt Ave.
The brown bat thumped so hard against the window that its tiny body went flat, moonlight shining through the thin membrane of its wings as though it were nothing but a well painted etching on stained glass. It’s pink mouth gaped open to issue a series of incessant clicks until it straightened itself out, clawing its way upside down to hang from the wooden top rail. It coiled leathery arms around itself and twitched its gaze inward at the house that sat quiet and dark in these graveyard hours of the morning.

It would wait there for only a couple hours before even the hint of motion would stir inside the modest North Cobalt house that sat stark and pale against the rapidly approaching sunrise, on the corner, adjacent to Monkshood N/E. There was nothing at all strange about the exterior of the house, except of course for the tiny bat clinging to the kitchen window. It was very narrow and very tall, very grey, and had an average manicure to its lawn, and there were two economy cars in the driveway.

Now that it was morning there were perfectly average things going on inside, also. A pretty, pregnant woman was standing in pink slippers at the stove now, cooking ham and eggs, hair freshly pulled from rollers and bundled up on the top of her head to keep in the heat. This was Linda Finch, mother of soon to be three. She had a habit of rubbing her round stomach whenever she did anything mindless, such as cooking.

Just then coming down the stairs, holding a reading tablet and a business jacket over his arm, was Loch Finch, using the metal board to shield his eyes from the orange sun.

“Good morning, love.” Loch said, slipping down to the round breakfast table and continuing to read the news on his tablet.

“Good morning.” Linda replied, casually flipping a few eggs onto her husband’s plate. He gave a weary smile, rubbed at his eyes and then poured himself some orange juice from the pitcher on the table just as two bouncing children leaped down the steps like ravenous animals. Both were blonde like their mother, but only the taller boy had her brown eyes. The smaller one had her father’s stormy blue hews.

“Are they here? Are they here??” Ruby asked, practically standing up in her chair. Her twin brother was quiet, helping his mother scoop his breakfast onto his plate. They seemed to have different priorities.

“Oh….and what are you talking about?” Asked Loch, looking at his daughter over his glasses, playing dumb.

“You know what!” she said, pursing her lips.

“oh, well…I think I did see something on the kitchen window…” he said, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards slightly as he exchanged a knowing glance with his wife. They both chuckled slightly as ruby darted for the window and slapped it open, reaching out to coax the tiny bat inside just as he was disturbed by her squealing.

“They’re here, they’re here!” She said, her face bright with excitement, freckled cheeks flushed pink with anticipations as she carefully untied a tiny scroll from around the bats neck, while it yawned and wrinkled it’s piggish nose at her. She unraveled it and noticed her brother’s name.

“Maggy, this one is yours.” She said, tossing it to him. It dropped onto his plate and rolled into his eggs. He glared at her and picked It up.

“Read it out loud, Maggy.” Linda said, grinning at him. The young boy tightened his lips but did as his mother said,

{“Mr. Magnus Finch, we’re pleased to inform you that you’ve been accepted to the First Witches Academy of Magick in Salem. You’ll be expected at Substation B, which is the closest transport from where your current home is [North Cobalt].”}

The rest went on to give more details on the boys acceptance but he was sighing each word before finally dropping down the letter and looked pleadingly at his grinning parents.

“I don’t WANT to go to a girls school.” He said, distress evident in his voice.

“Oh sweetie, it isn’t a girls school. It hasn’t been a girls school for more than a decade, your father went there.” Linda said, placing a proud hand on her husband’s shoulder.

“Yeah…and he’s a lawyer, he doesn’t even work in magick.” Magnus pointed out, grumbling and folding his arms. It was just looking like there was going to be a fight, when the sound of sniffling came from the other side of the room. It was Ruby, standing with the bat cupped in her hands.

“at least…at least..” she sniffled more, tease welling up in her eyes as she looked at her family, all of whom were now staring at her, “At least you got a letter!” she said, her whole facing going red, and in a whirlwind of sobs the young girl darted from the room and ran back up to her room.
Linda placed her hand on her lips, watching her go.

“Oh dear…..oh no, I worried this would happen.” She looked at Loch, what do we do…should we tell her?” Loch was staring after his daughter with a pained expression.

“No…” he said with a heavy sigh, folding his glasses and reaching into his pocket for his cell phone.

“I’m going to make a few calls…I’m not telling my daughter that she’s a squib. I won’t. Doing magick is all she’s talked about since..well, since she could talk.”

“Oh Loch…we can’t hide it from her.” Linda said, sitting down in the seat that had been meant for their daughter.

“I’m going to make some calls,” Loch insisted, “eat your breakfast, Maggy.”
Magnus stared at his parents,

"Ruby....Ruby is a Squib?" he seemed shocked.

"We've suspected for awhile now..." his mother replied, "your father is right, just eat your food, it will get cold.

How could this be, his own sister....a squib. He ate his eggs quietly.

Roleplaying Interests:
+Slice of life

Applying For Tutor:
I am applying for Tutor.
=This is what I have to offer=
I will help a student strengthen their RPs skills through...
+The advancement of their vocabulary
+The adjustment of their pacing
+The structure of their sentences
+Confidence in word choice
+Character development
+Character skills/weakness balancing
+Familiarizing of RP tropes and cliches
+RP civility and community building
+How to organize an RP as the head Moderator
+How to world build for an RP
+How to be assertive when choosing and denying RPer applications

I am available on palpad to anyone.

Teaching Rules
+I'm not your mama
+I will not teach an unwilling student
+I will not teach someone who I don't feel is progressing
+I will do my very best to train you, but if you don't work at it that is not my fault.
+I will be available as often as I can, but I have a life.
+Do not demand my time in an impolite manner.
+I give homework. Do it.
+Rules change and get added as much as I want.

Current student slots
My slots are open to everyone from the most basic untrained beginners to the elite that just needs a tune up--so don't be shy. Anyone can get these.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 23:12 (8 Years ago)
Message for the bagde guys
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 82
Posted: Wed, 16/03/2016 12:10 (8 Years ago)
I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: Umbreonkitty

Roleplaying Experience: Umm... Well, usually when I roleplay, people ignore me, but I still think that I can role play all-rightly? I've kind of roleplayed over the past 2 years, not a lot though.

Roleplaying Skill: I'm good at physical descriptions, I guess.

Roleplaying Problems: Fitting. Everything. In. without making it sound too weird., Like She did this. She also. She that. I want to find different ways of.. addressing?

Roleplaying Interests: Magic! Wolves! Cats! Mythology! I basically RP magical animals..

Contact: Usually Palpad.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Fri, 08/04/2016 06:31 (8 Years ago)
I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: crepuscular.

Roleplaying Experience: I have been roleplaying for over four years now,
starting back when I was only a wee twelve-year-old! I have been writing by
myself for as long I can remember, though. I suppose you could say I'm
somewhat experienced. I have been in A. LOT. of roleplays, whether it be on Advanced
Scribes, Chicken Smoothie, or just with friends.

Roleplaying Skill: I have always prided myself on my meticulous writing, and
thorough vocabulary. I also am quite good at coming up with ideas and what-not. I
guess I class myself as semi-lit+. Maybe lit if I'm lucky.

Roleplaying Problems: Aha... I have a massive problem of not being able to
have muse. I mean, I can write, but I don't know how to start it off, you know? I
have everything planned, but it's the first few sentences that really frustrate me as
I do not know how to start the response! I also am having troubles with forming
characters that don't have broad personalities. I would also like to broaden my
vocabulary, and not use 'said'/'say' all the time between dialogue.

Roleplaying Interests: I'm a sucker for anything fantasy, mythology, sci-fi,
drama or just plain humour. I am best at roleplaying with human/humanoids, and
I enjoy a bit of romance on the side.

Contact: please, just pal pad me ;v; we can go offsite later!

Other: I hope this is okay! I don't want to sound like I'm bragging at all..
I honestly don't mean to!

[COLOR="#008080"]| bell tree forums | toyhou.se | flight rising |

please help i am suffering from too many waifus and husbandos[/COLOR]

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 05:21 (8 Years ago)
I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: MooCow

Roleplaying Experience: I used to go on a roleplaying website where everyone did little roleplays. in 2015 it shut down so we found eachother and moved.

Roleplaying Skill: Even though I've been roleplaying since 2012, I'm a beginner. HELP.

Roleplaying Problems: I only type a sentence, because I'm
A: not pumped up
B: Can't really think of a thing for my character to do.
I have really severe writers block when my characters do things, but when I make characters and plots I'm chock full of Ideas, and I'm good at making a character likable yet realistic with weakness balances and such. I'm mostly here for structure/vocabulary improvement.

Roleplaying Interests: I've really only joined Gijinka Roleplays... mostly because everyone there usually types a sentence, like me. However, generally speaking, I like fantasy roleplays or roleplays involving animals.

Contact: Palpad, PM, Websites on the contacts list ( I'd recommend going to the top one first. )

Litleo is love, Litleo is life.

Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 31/07/2016 21:39 (7 Years ago)

Title: Umm

What kinds of RP do you do here
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Sun, 31/07/2016 22:30 (7 Years ago)
This is a school for roleplaying, not a roleplay itself, as said by the title and entirety of the first post. There is no actual roleplaying itself within this specific thread.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 02:56 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to reach my full potential!

Username: pielove123clan

Roleplaying Experience: I've been roleplaying for 2 or 3 years. 1 and a half spent roleplaying on animal jam and 2 years on roblox.

Roleplaying Skill: Im just ok at roleplaying. I try my best not to be a Marry Sue.

Roleplaying Problems: I need to get better at grammer, spelling, and description. I also need to get use to no just puting 1 line of text. At times, i cant think of any characters to roleplay as. I got very use to only typing 1 line of text when i roleplay because that what everyone else did.

Roleplaying Interests: Crossovers. Littartly almost all the rps i like doing are crossovers.

Contact: discord, skype, and youtube ( Message me for my username

Other: Im 11 and i LOVE video game crossover roleplays. At the moment i keep rping as characters from the touhou project so yeah.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sun, 21/08/2016 04:56 (7 Years ago)

Title: Application for tutor

I'd like to offer my expertise to other roleplayers!

Username: zanester04

Roleplaying Experience: Different sites,different methods, so yeah,Transformice is a place I rp on frequently I used to do it on Roblox. I Love helping struggling rpers because if everyone helps just two people then they each help two people eventually the everyone in the world would be helped.

Roleplaying Skill:I can mix it up,twists,excitement is my game I usually can make mistakes (keyboard lag) But I correct them later.I like making characters on the spot.Some people make different characters or ocs for different genres but I do use the same characters frequently ex: My umbreon named Zennith

Roleplaying Interests: I love about any role play some of my favorites are, pokemon ones (duh) Show related ones,roleplays based on anime or a series of some kind (books,cartoons anything),I hate fnaf personally

Applying For Tutor:Well when I first started I was lost I started out with roleplaying on a site called Roblox then moved to transformice (I still go on the cafe and rp frequently) and now I'm here so Yes usually from 1 pm to like 3 am I'll say (Colorado time)

Contact:Pm me or friend me i don't care really.

Other:Cookies taste good in my mouth and if I make an rp and it was (RS) on the side that means If you join it will be sort of a training rp,I will focus on a small group but will help other students
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 22:34 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to offer my expertise to other roleplayers!

Username: Cheese-Land

Roleplaying Experience: Been roleplaying for quite a few years now. That means I've been a newbie roleplayer as well in the past.

Roleplaying Skill: If I have enough detail from other posts to work with, I can do several paragraphs at least. The only thing stopping me from doing long posts is a lack of detail and some writers block I have been experiencing (though when I get into writing enough, I won't be worrying about writers block). Longest post so far is on a roleplay on Fanfiction.net, for interaction between one of my characters and another persins character. Said person is also a very good roleplayer.

Roleplaying Interests: Humans. Animals. Superheroes (Marvel, for specifics). Pokemon. FNAF (sometimes). Sonic. Battle Cats. Creatures. Supernatural. Warriors.
Please, no drama connecting to romance. And if I notice tons of grammar mistakes, I may try my best to keep my cool though I can point it out some way or another.

Applying For Tutor: Yeah, if you feel I can. I try to be on as often as I can, though if I'm not on it means I'm either asleep, doing something on another website, in College or I'm not feeling good enough to be able to get on.

Contact: PalPad, this website. DeviantArt, same name. Chicken Smoothie, AssassinPerson. Fanfiction.net, AssassinPerson.

Other: Despite having slight Dyslexia, it hasn't hindered my roleplaying. I started on a roleplaying website that you can't roleplay on anymore (damn filters), and then I moved to other websites when I find that one I go on isn't good enough. This is the most recent one I've moved to currently. I have a lot of characters, old and new, though not many have stood the test of time. I only have two or three of my original characters still remaining, but even then they have changed a lot over the years. If you want to try a 1x1 RP with me, Message me and I'll see what I can do. Most people don't expect me to have a character for something I do actually have a character for. I'm not mean and I don't bite, but you shouldn't test my patience either. And if I misspell a word, please point it out kindly. I'm only human after all, same with you. And everyone else, I hope.

Also, I tend to ramble.
That is important to note as well.
Some Pokemons:
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 18:50 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to revive this by making a training one with (RS)on it I'm not sure what kind it should be pm or palpad or whatever me if you'd like to join,vote on type,or help set it up,i tend to ramble aswell
I need help , I have too many combee eggs to handle. Everyone who interacts with an egg has the chance to win a combee

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