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Trainerlevel: 76

Trainerpoints: 14,556/17,403


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Rhonda {1st OS}
(Mega Kangaskhan)
2,91822,200,428 / 25,552,927
Slaking296297,137 / 329,671
Comfey377312,599 / 342,015
Skuntank33727,140 / 341,719
Azubell17415,458 / 73,081

Pokesona + Characters

Minkupo the Moogle/Minccino Fusion

Pikupo the Moogle/Pikachu Fusion


~Pokemon: Cubone, Galarian Ponyta, Mimikyu, Sylveon, Minccino
~Types: Fairy Psychic
~Games: Red/Blue/Yellow, Crystal, HG/SS
~Regions: Kanto, Johto, Unova, Alola
~Characters: Lyra, Silver, Paul, Dawn, Gary, Lillie
~Megas: Kangaskhan, Camerupt
~Gigantamax: Corviknight, Charizard, Pikachu, Eevee
~Starters: Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Piplup, Popplio, Scorbunny


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Kimie 1 Year ago
BigReputation 1 Year ago
KD6-37 1 Year ago
Bayleef 1 Year ago


Shiny Hunt

~Ria~ is currently hunting Comfey.
Hunt started: 24/12/2022

Chain: 1

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #218128529
Registration: 17/11/2013 (11 Years ago)
Time Played: 4159:14 Hours
Total interactions: 2,270,044
Money: 2,206,842
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Guess who almost got scammed of their Steam account
That's right me! But luckily I figured it out as the scam kept going. Seriously these guys are GOOD. Idk how they did it

Btw if anyone if ever contacts y'all and asks for information do the right thing and ignore and send in a ticket directly to the website.
2 Years ago

Gonna have to go with my 1os sm kangaskhan

I don't think I have anything else considered cool lol.
2 Years ago
Blehhhh. Someone rear ended me earlier today and because of the whiplash from the accident my neck/head/back are all seriously hurting(I'm OK. Got everything checked out. Just gonna be feeling it for a few days) really didn't wanna spend my day like this lol.
2 Years ago
Ngl. Besides Chris Pratt(who doesn't sound like Mario at all) the Mario movie is looking really good. Can't wait for spring to watch it.
2 Years ago
[Pokemon scarlet/violet]

Ngl. Don't really like the Tera stuff going on. Like I didn't like it to begin with but each new trailer and I like it less and less.
2 Years ago
Just left a group that soneone just rabdomly added me to(don't do that unless someone gives the ok) is it normal for the chat to still be in the palpad.
2 Years ago
Kinda disappointed that dream face reveal was an actual reveal. If it were me I'd troll everyone by taking off the mask and revealing another mask lol.
2 Years ago
This sure is a rough day of me just standing here lol

Today is going by so much easier then I thought. Two more hours let's keep it this way lol.
2 Years ago
Between the hurricane that might hit us, Rosh Hashanah starting tomorrow, and football Sunday, today is gonna be absolutely terrible. Rip me working at a grocery store.
2 Years ago
Finally got the egg. help me hatch it plz
2 Years ago
So I just got 10 berries to lvl 100 how do I get shiny harvest sprite?
2 Years ago
[Lf pokemon]

Looking to buy/borrow pokemon for alolan dex completion
Pokemon I need can be found here
2 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Salandit hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #138)!

A lady salandit! Was expecting this shiny to take a bit longer to hatch. plz feed her a berry to help her evolve?
2 Years ago
By PokéRadar - 1 Minute ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Salandit hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #98)!

Took a bit but finally got the first shiny of the chain. Now to continue on in the hopes of a lady lol.
2 Years ago
Ugh. I lost my wallet. I just wanna tear my room apart to see if I can find it but I'm stuck at work :<
2 Years ago
Nintendo direct and now a playstation state of play streaming soon? Is there like an event going on today or something that i didnt know about lol? So much vide game news coming out today.
2 Years ago
[Nintendo Direct]

Gonna be starting anytime now. Basically gonna use this feed to fangirl/comment on what's shown.
2 Years ago

why do people have to bring their dogs with them where ever they go? Like real talk dogs(excluding service ones) do not belong in a grocery store. And they especially do not belong in the carts of grocery stores. seriously leave your dogs at home. if for whatever reason you can't be apart from little fifi for 5 seconds at the very least do the common courtesy of not putting it in a cart that other people use
2 Years ago
Nintendo direct coming soon
Super excited wonder what they're gonna show lol
Would love Fire emblem news but that's a long shot because three hopes just released
Definitely think Zelda stuff gonna be mentioned that series has been very quiet lately.
2 Years ago
Guess I'm doing a quick salandit hunt while trying to complete alola dex xD(trying to get a female for salazzle and I just ended up starting a chain lol)
2 Years ago

About Me

~Ria| Female | Trash | 28 | Taken~
Avatar made by Rice:

Just your average video game and anime nerd who is super shy but wants to be friends with everyone. I love a lot of things that I don't really have the space to list but honestly feel free to shoot me a Palpad or pm about them love listening to other people's interests.

Palpad is always open to any and all messages unless you're asking for things or trying to sell me things. I have no interest in that. I'm always willing to help if needed as well. If you need to vent for whatever reason you can do so to me. I'm not the best at advice but I try my best.

Past Usernames(from what i remember there could be others): Angell | Lucina | Minccino | Allura

Plushie Hunting

Shiny Hunts

Current Hunt

Future Hunts

Last Visitors

Purple_GuySun, 23/Feb/2025, 17:55
Espy2015Thu, 06/Feb/2025, 10:24
caponSat, 30/Nov/2024, 22:29
SainagurlFri, 22/Nov/2024, 20:49
-XYZ-Mon, 18/Nov/2024, 01:05


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (4 Months ago)