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Dark Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 51

Trainerpoints: 1,135/7,853


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
1,657754,187 / 8,241,919
Pagan Min
1,2343,451,802 / 5,449,431
mada mada
1,1221,911,598 / 4,502,448
7581,601,238 / 1,725,967

Shiny Hunt

weskyspuppy is currently hunting Autumn Mareep.
Hunt started: 06/06/2019

Chain: 112
0 2 0


Last Visitors

Chun1Yesterday, 22:13
Neur0tixxYesterday, 17:40
CelestiaCatYesterday, 12:11
soloniumYesterday, 09:50
rr555Sun, 22/Sep/2024, 23:23

Game Records

Trainer ID: #198224793
Registration: 12/08/2013 (11 Years ago)
Game Time: 1947:57 Hours
Total interactions: 520,051
Money: 1,496,201
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


I came back to keep my mind occupied so I also made a free art request thread. You just have to link a good song or an interesting character and I might draw it.
2 Days ago
Had a flashback to when I really wanted to be friends with this on person on PH but one day they vague-posted about my 'weird' pronouns at the time and to this day I've never been the same
2 Days ago
Every time I get reminded that I joined this website 8 years ago it feels like I got hit by a speeding truck and then an airplane fell on my corpse.
3 Years ago
Help I forgot this site existed <3
3 Years ago
Local idiot accidentally adopts normal Mareep egg because he was too busy chugging a bottle of OJ and clicked yes because he thought oo button shiny
3 Years ago
My favourite shipping dynamic is my self insert oc x my fav character
3 Years ago
I have been on this website for almost 7 years and only this year I have found all the eggs. I'm proud of myself.
4 Years ago
Some underclassmen in my event group called me onee-chan just because one of them saw me watching Jojo during the break. I'm howling.
4 Years ago
Not all parents love their children.
4 Years ago


reiji/leslie/towa/jiwoon ⋄ they/them ⋄ 18+

tummy ache survivor

[ carrd ]
[ art twitter ]


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Newest gifts
weskyspuppy 9 Minutes ago
weskyspuppy 9 Minutes ago
SensGirl25 2 Days ago
Shadowplay 1 Year ago


Last Action
Using the Item Bag (8 Minutes ago)