Forum Thread
~ R E L I C T A ~ Sea Beasts
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → ~ R E L I C T A ~ Sea Beasts
Nobody remembers when precisely when
the world became sea. Those that did are long since ashes and dust
in the plains of the ocean. To find an island in this vast expanse
is rare. To find one large enough to live on, even more so. Due to
this, the centuries have taken their toll. Ships, the most vital
part of this world, are the life of the millions upon this planet
of water. Those born as sailors remain as sailors. Those born on
the sparse lands become sailors. Every man, woman, elder and child
will become or served as a sailor aboard a ship. This is the way it
has been, since centuries before. This is the way it will be, for
centuries after.
Of course, every world with a people has conflict...
All those who are able are welcome to serve on a ship. Often times, many ships will host gatherings to trade sailors to their preferred ship, to greet one another under the ease of a full armistice. The ironclads and the woodworks both settle until the sun sets, when all depart and all are once again anxious to spot a flag over the horizon.
This conflict isn't a new one.
Not to this world, at least.
A conflict between belief and science.
Between majiks and technology.
"Ironclad" is the name given to a ship made of metal dug up from the bed of the sea. Ironclads are powerful, run by the law of the waves on board. Sailors aboard these ships are often raised by a military standard, kept under strict regulation. To attempt mutiny is to flirt with death, as captains aboard these ships rule with fists of steel. These ships are armor and firepower, technological and complex. Upon the foremost part of the hull, an Ironclad bears a masthead, one that might look like anything. To live aboard one is to live in tandem with your role; for you are not merely a pawn on the greater board of the ship, your role is as vital to the ship's running as breath is to your own life. To live on an Ironclad is to live for your uniform; by you uniform; because of your uniform.
"Woodwork" is the name given to a ship of majik. These ships are ancient and impressive, made with vast sails and glorious hulls. They bear awe-inspiring mastheads depicting great birds; gorgeous eagles of the old days, wise hawks of the forgotten land, and steadfast albatrosses of the modern seas. In their eyes, gems always sit, for this is the soul of the ship. The ship itself is only a mere vessel; a storage for the power of the majik in the so-called Bird's Eyes. Woodworks are often manned by smaller crews, each individual free to appear how they like. Captains aboard these ships are those who listen to their crew, who take the advice and suggestions for real consideration. To attempt mutiny is only to break the heart of a captain and of a ship, for it is the ship which chooses the captain. Each crew member aboard a Woodwork lives by the code of the ship; where one is needed, one shall be. Each member knows the ship inside and out, knows their duties the same. To live a life aboard these ships is to live one of a vague simplicity, though complex in skill. To live on a Woodwork is to live for your crew and your ship; by your crew and your ship; because of your crew and your ship.
These two classes of ship have long competed to find who is most mighty. Where one clan rises in the technologies of destruction, the other rivals it with the majika and mystics of repairs and glorious attacks.
Though, there still stands a global code.
``To Crossbreed a Ship of one Sort to that of the Other is to Birth an Abomination...``
Very rarely, a ship is both; both Ironclad and Woodwork, both Majika and Technology. These ships are forbidden, a volatile sort of taboo of which is scoured and purged from the seas. However, they never fall without a vicious, brutal fight. These destructive vessels are armed like no other, bearing weapons barely even considered by other ships due to their size, their tendency to cause self-inflicted damage... Or their sheer destructiveness.
As of late, a new ship has risen to break through the waves and codes.
It calls itself the Leviathan, said to be a mythological beast which sinks even the greatest ships before vanishing without a trace. The few survivors of this ship claim it's a brutal destruction; the ship is said to bear an enormous harpoon, used to spear ships and drag them towards their doom; for upon its hull, they say it bears weapons which tear into wood and metal alike, without as much as a dent or a scrape returned to it. It bears a masthead, one carved of metal to appear like a great water dragon. Down the flanks of it, it's painted to appear as though it has scales. In the eyes of the masthead, the forbidden majik sits; one gem of orange, another of yellow, colors unnatural and foul.
One report claimed that it was damaged; but that it was never repaired. A second report from the same wreck said that the crew seemed almost to bear the damage like a banner of war - a trophy, the pride of the ship.
The rivalry of Ironclads and Woodworks is always abandoned during the hunt for a hybrid ship... For the most part.
Your ship is one which suspects the Leviathan is in the area; and you've been told to keep your eyes sharp, for it's time to bring down a beast.
Of course, every world with a people has conflict...
All those who are able are welcome to serve on a ship. Often times, many ships will host gatherings to trade sailors to their preferred ship, to greet one another under the ease of a full armistice. The ironclads and the woodworks both settle until the sun sets, when all depart and all are once again anxious to spot a flag over the horizon.
This conflict isn't a new one.
Not to this world, at least.
A conflict between belief and science.
Between majiks and technology.
"Ironclad" is the name given to a ship made of metal dug up from the bed of the sea. Ironclads are powerful, run by the law of the waves on board. Sailors aboard these ships are often raised by a military standard, kept under strict regulation. To attempt mutiny is to flirt with death, as captains aboard these ships rule with fists of steel. These ships are armor and firepower, technological and complex. Upon the foremost part of the hull, an Ironclad bears a masthead, one that might look like anything. To live aboard one is to live in tandem with your role; for you are not merely a pawn on the greater board of the ship, your role is as vital to the ship's running as breath is to your own life. To live on an Ironclad is to live for your uniform; by you uniform; because of your uniform.
"Woodwork" is the name given to a ship of majik. These ships are ancient and impressive, made with vast sails and glorious hulls. They bear awe-inspiring mastheads depicting great birds; gorgeous eagles of the old days, wise hawks of the forgotten land, and steadfast albatrosses of the modern seas. In their eyes, gems always sit, for this is the soul of the ship. The ship itself is only a mere vessel; a storage for the power of the majik in the so-called Bird's Eyes. Woodworks are often manned by smaller crews, each individual free to appear how they like. Captains aboard these ships are those who listen to their crew, who take the advice and suggestions for real consideration. To attempt mutiny is only to break the heart of a captain and of a ship, for it is the ship which chooses the captain. Each crew member aboard a Woodwork lives by the code of the ship; where one is needed, one shall be. Each member knows the ship inside and out, knows their duties the same. To live a life aboard these ships is to live one of a vague simplicity, though complex in skill. To live on a Woodwork is to live for your crew and your ship; by your crew and your ship; because of your crew and your ship.
These two classes of ship have long competed to find who is most mighty. Where one clan rises in the technologies of destruction, the other rivals it with the majika and mystics of repairs and glorious attacks.
Though, there still stands a global code.
``To Crossbreed a Ship of one Sort to that of the Other is to Birth an Abomination...``
Very rarely, a ship is both; both Ironclad and Woodwork, both Majika and Technology. These ships are forbidden, a volatile sort of taboo of which is scoured and purged from the seas. However, they never fall without a vicious, brutal fight. These destructive vessels are armed like no other, bearing weapons barely even considered by other ships due to their size, their tendency to cause self-inflicted damage... Or their sheer destructiveness.
As of late, a new ship has risen to break through the waves and codes.
It calls itself the Leviathan, said to be a mythological beast which sinks even the greatest ships before vanishing without a trace. The few survivors of this ship claim it's a brutal destruction; the ship is said to bear an enormous harpoon, used to spear ships and drag them towards their doom; for upon its hull, they say it bears weapons which tear into wood and metal alike, without as much as a dent or a scrape returned to it. It bears a masthead, one carved of metal to appear like a great water dragon. Down the flanks of it, it's painted to appear as though it has scales. In the eyes of the masthead, the forbidden majik sits; one gem of orange, another of yellow, colors unnatural and foul.
One report claimed that it was damaged; but that it was never repaired. A second report from the same wreck said that the crew seemed almost to bear the damage like a banner of war - a trophy, the pride of the ship.
The rivalry of Ironclads and Woodworks is always abandoned during the hunt for a hybrid ship... For the most part.
Your ship is one which suspects the Leviathan is in the area; and you've been told to keep your eyes sharp, for it's time to bring down a beast.
Terms, Roles, And So On

Woodwork - A majika-based wooden ship.
Ironclad - A technology-based metal ship.
Hybrid - A forbidden half-majik and half-technological ship.
Call-in - A unique code used strictly by Ironclads. Each ship has a code.
Forewarn - In Ironclads, this is the two to four letters before the name of the ship. These mean different things, ranging from S., Scout, to W.A.D.V., Warfare And Destruction Vessel. A Forewarn typically tells other Ironclads the extent of the armament, armor, and crew of another ship.
Carty - A moving wooden crate used to carry cannonballs around on Woodworks.
Breaker - A nickname for a ship which rams into other ships to cause damage.
Bed-Seeker - A sinking or severely damaged ship, called this because it "seeks" the seabed.
Laywater - Waters in an area atfer a ship sinks, usually ridden with bodies.
Breakwater - Shallow, rocky waters that can break through a ship's hull.
Spyglass - A telescope.
Seascope - A specialized spyglass used to estimate distance across the surface of the water.
Hellfire - A broadside from a Woodwork ship which uses majik.
Captain - The top Commander of a ship. Captains arm themselves with whatever they like.
First Officer - The Second in Command to the Captain; on Ironworks, the F.O. patrols around the ship and maintains order while the Captain operates the vessel. On Woodworks, the F.O. calls out the Captain's orders to the rest of the ship, and stands beside the Captain. The F.O. is armed with a powerful firearm or crossbow, and occasionally a blade of their choosing.
Second Officer - The next rank beneath First Officer. Different sized ships have different amounts of Second Officers. Smaller ships can have anywhere from 4 to 10, larger ships can have upwards of 30. The S.O. is expected to move among other crew members and maintain operation of the ship; essentially, they operate as a foreman. The S.O. are armed with a dagger, a small sword, and usually a flintlock-style pistol of some kind.
Spotter - Skilled sharpshooters and climbers, Spotters work in the highest points of the Woodworks. Often times there are multiple, using a spyglass or spotting scope to pick out hazards in the water, other ships, Breakers, or shipwrecks. Usually, they're armed with a long range firearm, specialized crossbow, or a dart pipe.
Repairman - An individual skilled in repairs and strictly confined to Woodworks.
Mechanic - An individual skilled in repairs and strictly confined to Ironclads.
Boarder - A Woodwork crew member who specializes in leaping aboard other ships.
Brawler - A crew member of either type of ship who specializes in fighting in hand-to-hand combat.

Please note, not all fields are required... Just use common sense.
[u][b][size=16](Character Name)[/size] [/u][/b]
[u][size=14][i]"Character Quote"[/i][/size]
[u][b]Hair Color:[/u][/b]
[u][b]Eye Color:[/u][/b]
[u][b]Clothing Preference:[/u][/b]
[u][b]Build Type:[/u][/b][/spoiler]
[u][b][size=14]Internal Conflict[/u][/b][/size]
[u][b]Personal Strengths[/u][/b][/spoiler]
[u][b]Physical Illnesses:[/u][/b]
[u][b]Physical Disabilities:[/u][/b]
[u][b]Psychological Disorders:[/u][/b]
[u][b]Other/Not Mentioned:[/u][/b][/spoiler]
Ships and Command

Captain: RaRaRasputin
First Officer: Immortes
The Myrionymos
Captain: Comfygazing
First Officer: andrea~
The J.L.C. Valhalla
Captain: Gilded_Empress
First Officer: Daiko
Captain: RaRaRasputin
First Officer: Immortes
The Myrionymos
Captain: Comfygazing
First Officer: andrea~
The J.L.C. Valhalla
Captain: Gilded_Empress
First Officer: Daiko

i) At All Times, Maintain Respect And Courteousness To All Other Roleplayers
ii) When You Have An Issue With Any Individual, Bring It To The Host, Gilded_Empress.
iii) Please Control Only Your Own Characters Unless Given Explicit Permission To Control Another Individual's Character Or A Non-Roleplayer Character ("NPC").
iv) This Roleplay Will Include Violence, Mild Gore, And Death; If Any Of These Are Upsetting, Please Reconsider Your Decision To Sign Up. In Addition, Please Mark Any Gruesome Posts With A Forewarning At The Top Of The Page.
v) Profanity Is Allowed In Restraint; Please Do Not Get Punished For Excessive Vulgarity Due To A Post You make.
vi) Please Restrict Romantic Themes Heavily; That Is Not The Point Of The Roleplay, Life On A Ship Is More Siblinghood Than Lovers.
vii) This Is A Semi-Lit/Lit Roleplay, If You Believe You Cannot Make Large Enough Posts Each Time, Please Reconsider Your Application.
viii) I Have The Authority To Deny Any Individual From Entering This Roleplay; Attempting To Reverse My Decision To Do So May Result In A Blacklist From Any Further Roleplays.
ix) No Character Is Immortal; You May Cull You Character If You Decide To Do So, But You May Be Barred From Re-Joining The Rest Of The Roleplay If You Do.
x) You Are Not Limited On The Amount Of Characters You Have; Just Be Cautious, As Each Character Will Require Some Amount Of Depth And Detail Individually. If You Fear You Might Not Be Able To Keep Up With Each Character, Be Wary Of Your Count.
xi) There Is No Such Thing As A Perfect Sailor; This Is A World Without Land, Consequences Will Come With That...
xii) Activity Is Allowed To Be Staggered; This Will Not Be A Vigorous Roleplay Due To The Outside Life Of The Host And Other Roleplayers.
~Beware, beware, the daughter of the sea~

Height: 5'4
Hair Color: Long, wavy, raven hair
Eye Color: Silver
Clothing Preference: She is a fan of jewelry, wearing a gold and royal blue necklace, red feathered earrings and a jeweled headband. She also has black gloves with her uniform. Her attire is a white shirt and black robe, all tied together with a red fabric belt; and heavy boots with baggy pants
Build Type: Slightly muscular
~Those blood soaked shores of Kalimdor. Where sailors fought and died~
Internal Conflict

Age: 27
Personality: To her enemies, she is cruel and normally ruthless. One has to be when a majority of the sea wants to sink their hybrid ships. She is a powerful enemy, having the foresight to equip weapons on the Leviathan that will most certainly tear apart an enemy ship before even needing to step foot upon it. Often draining the hopes and will of those who are unlucky enough to face them.
To her crew, she appears to be very warm and friendly with them. She celebrates victories when they succeed in missions and mourns alongside them when a crew member parishes. Despite her strong appearances, it's clear she doesn't fully trust any of her crew. She emotionally distances herself from them. Despite being around them 24/7 not a lot of people know a lot about her. She keeps her allies far from her for unknown reason. Many don't mind, after-all, she is the mastermind that created the Leviathan and have kept them alive for so long
Gender: Female
Fears: Sif has become a perfectionist. She fears failure. Both in a broad sense and in general. She, her ship, her crew, must succeed or it means death. If too many failures occur, then the enemy doesn't kill her, her crew just might question her leadership and overthrow her
Personal Strengths Their name holds true- the Leviathan. Captain's would boast their great power, their unsinkability, and crumble beneath the Leviathan's piwer. Sif holds no shame in having a hybrid ship. To her, it gives them an advantage over everyone else. She won't hesitate to show off their power, especially if having people fear their ship means allowing them to survive
She is very strategic. Able to think quick and plan ahead in battle. She also is a good judge of character. Able to hire crew members who are fearless and can handle the ship during conflict, sometimes without needing an order. Despite being distant from them, her crew holds a positive view of her, unknown to her, it makes overthrowing her almost out of the question- she is a good and fair leader who has kept them alive. They'll gladly do anything for her, even slaughter enemy ships
Slight backstory: (May change once I see the flow of the story). Sif learned a cruel lesson one morning on why you shouldn't trust your crew members. She was a happy child, carefree, friendly, warm. She has known hybrid ships her whole life, yet her crew had done everything they could to shelter her from conflict. Her father was the captain of the ship, and she saw a powerful and smart man, someone who was loved and respected by his crew.
Of course, many things happen behind closed doors. The crew and her father had a very frail relationship and would often fight when young Sif was asleep. The crew was quickly getting tired of his attitude. They once saw a strategic, yet careful man. But now, saw a person who cared more about fights and far less about safety. Despite what Sif believed, her crew had a larger hand in sheltering her than her own father.
As tensions rose, her father made mistakes. They would often get too close to other ships, threatening their lives and young Sif's. The crew was desperate to not scar Sif in her younger years and was beginning to suspect that her bloodthirsty father was beginning not to care.
Sif learned almost everything she knew from her father and held him in high regards. So the day his crew overthrew him was nothing short of a shock. Even though one tried to hide and distract her from the conflict, she could still hear her father's enraged roar as he fought for his life.
A few crew members died along with her father. The crew did what they could to respect all their deaths. Eventually, a new member became captain. But it was clear he didn't have the necessary skills to take on the part. Eventually, Sif was old enough to try the part, having learned from the best, she managed to do well and quickly earn their respects. It didn't take long for her to make a name for herself, to pick up new members. Her crew rejoiced, happy to see the child they watched grow up succeed so quickly.
Deep down, Sif knew she couldn't trust them. In her mind, if they could overthrow her wonderful father, then one day, she could be next...
~Beware, beware... of me~ -Warbringers: Jaina

Scars: She has deep cuts across her right cheek, left eye, and a cut on her neck
Physical Disabilities: She walks with a slight limp, a permanent injury given to her during one of her many fights
Rank: Captain of the Leviathan
Armament: Pistol and sword
Daemon Oliele
(DAY - mun, Oh - LEEL)
The quote decided to take the day off

Height: 5'9
Weight: ~130 lbs
Hair Color: Messy, chin-length and light auburn, with faint streaks of a darker chocolate brown
Eye Color: Dark turquoise
Clothing Preference: Daemon, one not particularly fond of the uniforms, wears his more loosely than most others (but still at least tries to stay within regulation). Undone buttons, rolled up sleeves, anything of that nature (whenever he can, that is). He is typically seen with dangling earrings and an assortment of anklets and bracelets, none dazzling enough to be noticeable but still adds a unique touch on is appearance.
Build Type: Slender
Internal Conflict

Age: 28
Personality: Daemon is quite the bubbly individual, one that doesn't seem to be able to even hurt a fly. He is always seen having a nonchalant attitude about things, and seems to care deeply about details normally overlooked. This easily distracted and forgetful man never quite seems to have his focus on the bigger things, but he is very attentive nonetheless. Daemon is incredibly smart, despite his careless and whimsical demeanor. He hardly ever acts serious and the way he views or handles situations could be considered... odd, to say the least. In a world of rivalry, Daemon oddly doesn't seem to hold any hatred towards any hybrid or woodwork ship. He has given himself quite the infamous reputation among those that don't personally know him (which is difficult to achieve, as he doesn't open himself up to many), being seen as "weak" and downright crazy, not one to be respected.
Daemon maintains a mysterious aura, though, one that keeps many on edge. After all, how could a guy like him keep his status as First Officer? Little is known about him, he is credited with many great feats, and a multitude of myths and rumors are often spread about what is hidden under the surface. In reality, he can be incredibly cold and harsh, able to drop his sympathy and harmless demeanor effortlessly. Daemon, again, is quite intelligent and possesses a large amount of knowledge and experience, he is not one to be trifled with. Under wraps he can be as brutal as he needs to be, and he sticks to the code well.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Male
Addictions: Daemon is obsessed with distractions, constantly finding the most obscure and weirdest "hobbies" to sink all of his time in. One could say he was a work-aholic, if he actually appeared to stick to his work. Although he seems to be the laziest member on the ship, he can always be found doing something.
Fears: Daemon appears to not fear much at all due to his extreme nonchalant behavior, able to mask his true concerns and fears quite well. After all, it would be shameful to be openly fearful of conflict. Conflict breeds violence and hatred, and those two dreadful things eventually bring bloodshed. Daemon is especially susceptible to the pain of seeing someone you knew fall victim to an unfortunate fate, even if he only knew their name.
Personal Strengths: As mentioned before, Daemon is incredibly kind and caring, even when the environment doesn't allow much room for it. He is able to hide himself exceptionally well, and his intelligence is quite useful. Again, he can quickly become a terrifying foe if the situation calls for it, able to bring enemies down both mentally and physically shockingly well. Even with his infamous reputation, he still holds a positive name among many on the ship due to his positive attitude and the alleged feats he has done. Daemon is also fairly insightful, able to get along with most anyone he meets and quickly deducts a general idea of who they are and what their intentions may be.

Psychological Disorders: A mild case of ADHD and psychosis (if that's alright)
Rank: First Officer of the J. L. C. Valhalla
Armament: Revolver and a cutlass
Other/Not Mentioned: - Has a nasty scar extending from the back of his right ear all the way to below his left shoulder.
- Daemon is weirdly fond of flowers, something not expected for someone who boards a ship of metal. He likes to keep a small collection of ones he finds on various islands

”I shall return beneath the clear blue sky, to the sun-drenched surface of the sea. This time, I’ll answer your call, from the bottom of the deep blue sea.”
ᴀʀᴄᴀɴᴇ | ᴋᴀʟᴏɴ | ᴀᴢᴜʀᴀ
Character Name Celine Elyanna Lux
Rank First Officer of the Woodwork ship

”Fly, my little butterfly, across the starry sky.”
Internal Conflict

Age: 23
ISFJ The Caregiver | 2w1 The Companion
They tend to be altruistic and purposeful in their behavior. They have the will to alleviate human suffering and desire love and acceptance above all else. They are service-oriented and humble, seeking to help better the lives of those in their community.
In their unassuming, understated way, they help make the world go round. Hardworking and devoted, people with this personality type feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. They can be counted on to meet deadlines, remember special occasions, uphold traditions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. But they rarely demand recognition for all that they do, preferring instead to operate behind the scenes.
She is capable, with a wealth of versatile gifts. Though sensitive and caring, Defenders also have excellent analytical abilities and an eye for detail. And despite their reserve, they tend to have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships.
Celine cares deeply for others, even those considered enemies. Whilst she may not approve of the hybrid or Ironclad ships, she believes that everyone has something to fight for, their voices to be heard and respected. She loves her crew, and those aboard the Myrionymos are her family. She is perhaps too caring and kind, and upon first encounter with a ship that isn’t Woodwork, she instead goes for the defence and tries to make peace with them, or even become friends with them. As a result, Celine has little fear of other ships, except for the Leviathan. She doesn’t understand why that ship had to bring about so much death and suffering. Obviously, there are harmful ships out there that seek to destroy them, but apart from those were other deaths really necessary? Celine fears those onboard the Leviathan, as she views them as heartless monsters with tar coloured souls and no heart at all. Yet at the same time, Celine wants to meet with them, to hopefully get them to become more peaceful. Her dream is that one day, all three ships will live in harmony, respecting each others rules and not mocking them however different they may be.
This doesn’t mean Celine is too weak-hearted though. Once you mess with her crew, Celine can push aside those feelings of compassion and empathy, becoming a ruthless killer until her family is safe. Naturally, she would feel a bit guilty afterwards, having caused bloodshed, but she won’t dwell too much on it as she knows she has fulfilled the duty of care towards her crew.
Celine, whilst the sweet angel warrior she may appear to be, Celine has been pushed over the edge before. There are times where certain traumatic or emotional incidents have caused her to snap, losing herself amidst the chaos. In this state, she is a seemingly uncontrollable force with zero compassion, attacking with a fury that could rival the storms she faces. She can only be calmed down by her crew, or strangely enough, a classical piece played on the flute- Edvard Grieg - Schmetterling, Op. 43/1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Addictions: Ballet | Martial Arts
Fears: Atychiphobia | Lockiophobia

”Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.”

Physical Illnesses: anorexia (past) | anaphylaxis (current)
Physical Disabilities: none
Psychological Disorders: anxiety attacks
Other/Not Mentioned: Weapon: DSR-Precision DSR-50 + a massive scythe
Keiran Ulmaria
"To you, She is an unknowable monster, wild and dangerous. How fortunate that I am not you."

169 cm
45 kg
Hair Color:
Naturally black, has some white patches due to magika mishaps
Eye Color:
Pale violet, black sclera due to magika mishaps
Clothing Preference:
As someone who prefers comfort over appearances, Keiran prefers warm clothes that anyone could fall asleep in. A wide range of motion while concealing as much as possible is the main point of any piece of clothing as practically is the main focal point of these choices and if Keiran feels comfortable in it, then its just a plus. For as impractical as it is, Keiran does enjoy piercings and jewelry of all kinds though they are mostly pieces used to help focus magika
Build Type:
Lithe but surprisingly muscular
Internal Conflict

Eccentric though charming, Keiran is undoubtedly the captain for a very good reason and that is the ability to draw people into the ever chaotic orbit of the Myrionymos. Words sit on a silver tongue as if it was born to be spoken by such a charismatic figure, bracketed by a never waning smile. Often found working every part of the ship with startling efficiency while chatting up the crew, an equal more than a leader, Keiran leads the enigmatic ship full of bright eyed vicious youngsters with an almost wild fever. Everything there is to know about the ship and the crew, Keiran knows and has picked up all manner of skills in order to accommodate them. This voracious desire for knowledge in all its forms eats away at common sense and leaves behind a wild gleam in violet eyes that turns a broad smile into bared teeth danger. This unfailing positive enthusiasm and harried fever for everything in life is enough to put off any normal person, forcing enemies to think twice about head on charging into battle with a ship that never seems to have a clear chain of command. The Myrionymos, the ship of many names, has chosen Her Captain and Keiran is in every bit qualified to helm the ever changing ship that never stagnates
Chaotic Good
Magika - Keiran is obsessed with magika and its properties, delving into research and experimentation to the point where even the human body isn't safe from this captain's ravenous curiosity. Everything that can be gleaned, Keiran will find it and consume it with a voracity of a beast starved for millennia before digging filthy claws into the next prey that unfortunately ambles over. Nothing is as important as the pursuit of magical knowledge, even not personal health. Everyone aboard the Myrionymos knows that if you can't find the captain in three days then give up, Keiran's just in another Focus Fever.
Stagnation. Keiran never, ever wants to stagnate and become someone predictable. Sure, there may be some core personality pieces that will always be permanent but if Keiran never grows, then what is there to life? What is the reason for setting out into the unknown raging seas if not to change and learn? If nothing is changed, then what else is worth living for?
Personal Strengths
A surprisingly good flutist, shrill trills often heralding the arrival of the crew to harried enemies. It is only one of the many many skills that Keiran has picked up for the sake of the crew.
Eccentric though charming, Keiran is undoubtedly the captain for a very good reason and that is the ability to draw people into the ever chaotic orbit of the Myrionymos. Words sit on a silver tongue as if it was born to be spoken by such a charismatic figure, bracketed by a never waning smile. Often found working every part of the ship with startling efficiency while chatting up the crew, an equal more than a leader, Keiran leads the enigmatic ship full of bright eyed vicious youngsters with an almost wild fever. Everything there is to know about the ship and the crew, Keiran knows and has picked up all manner of skills in order to accommodate them. This voracious desire for knowledge in all its forms eats away at common sense and leaves behind a wild gleam in violet eyes that turns a broad smile into bared teeth danger. This unfailing positive enthusiasm and harried fever for everything in life is enough to put off any normal person, forcing enemies to think twice about head on charging into battle with a ship that never seems to have a clear chain of command. The Myrionymos, the ship of many names, has chosen Her Captain and Keiran is in every bit qualified to helm the ever changing ship that never stagnates
Chaotic Good
Magika - Keiran is obsessed with magika and its properties, delving into research and experimentation to the point where even the human body isn't safe from this captain's ravenous curiosity. Everything that can be gleaned, Keiran will find it and consume it with a voracity of a beast starved for millennia before digging filthy claws into the next prey that unfortunately ambles over. Nothing is as important as the pursuit of magical knowledge, even not personal health. Everyone aboard the Myrionymos knows that if you can't find the captain in three days then give up, Keiran's just in another Focus Fever.
Stagnation. Keiran never, ever wants to stagnate and become someone predictable. Sure, there may be some core personality pieces that will always be permanent but if Keiran never grows, then what is there to life? What is the reason for setting out into the unknown raging seas if not to change and learn? If nothing is changed, then what else is worth living for?
Personal Strengths
A surprisingly good flutist, shrill trills often heralding the arrival of the crew to harried enemies. It is only one of the many many skills that Keiran has picked up for the sake of the crew.

Physical Illnesses:
Chronic Migraines
Physical Disabilities:
Chronic Pain, Missing a left arm but is replaced with a prosthetic made from Myrionymos' wood still connected to the Eyes
Captain of the Woodwork Ship, The Myrionymos
A Helbard and a sharpened belaying pin often used to pin up much too long hair
Other/Not Mentioned:
Beware, Keiran nicknames everyone. Everyone. The more ridiculous the name the closer they are
In return, most of the crew have taken to calling Keiran any title but Captain. From the more normal Kei to the ridiculous Your Majesty Lord Ulmaria of the Mighty Myrionymos, there is no limit to what Keiran won't let the crew say
Chronic Migraines
Physical Disabilities:
Chronic Pain, Missing a left arm but is replaced with a prosthetic made from Myrionymos' wood still connected to the Eyes
Captain of the Woodwork Ship, The Myrionymos
A Helbard and a sharpened belaying pin often used to pin up much too long hair
Other/Not Mentioned:
Beware, Keiran nicknames everyone. Everyone. The more ridiculous the name the closer they are
In return, most of the crew have taken to calling Keiran any title but Captain. From the more normal Kei to the ridiculous Your Majesty Lord Ulmaria of the Mighty Myrionymos, there is no limit to what Keiran won't let the crew say

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•

"When you don't know what to do, just take the first step. The rest will figure itself out naturally."
(北斗 Beidou | Conqueror of The Sea)

5'8 / 172.2 cm
Hair Color:
Waste-length dark brown, nearly black hair
Eye Color:
Ruby red melting into gold
Clothing Preference:
Build Type:
Toughened and strong, Beidou is an individual known for her physical strength. The first officer isn't afraid to put her strength to use for the benefit of her crew, whether it's for adjusting the sails during a storm, or punching the enemy in the face.
Internal Conflict

27 years old
ESTP - The Entrepeneur
Entrepreneurs always have an impact on their immediate surroundings – the best way to spot them at a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about them as they move from group to group. Laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention. If an audience member is asked to come on stage, Entrepreneurs volunteer – or volunteer a shy friend.
Theory, abstract concepts and plodding discussions about global issues and their implications don’t keep Entrepreneurs interested for long. Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses.
8w7 - The Nonconformist
The final product of this mix is a subtype that is very pragmatic and that will do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. They are very self-confident and ambitious. 8w7 don’t settle for anything, they always seek more. They are also strategic and tough if needed.
Considering these two Enneagram types are not part of the same triad, this crossing point between the Head Triad (7) and Gut Triad (8) creates a new type that combines overthinking with instinct when it comes to making decisions. To feel safe, they become very self-protective and eventually get intensively aggressive too. Setting clear boundaries and showing their authority gives them assurance and advantage to get prepared for different situations. However, they also struggle for love and support. They need a safe space they can trust and gives them care and assurance.
Enneagram 8w7s are idealistic and imaginative people, they are highly creative and perfectionists when they feel comfortable. They master their field and consider themselves the best when they hold specific positions that allows them to make important decisions.
Chaotic Good
Cisfemale, she/her
Although she's fond of a good drink, she's careful to not let it impair her judgement in the case of a sudden shift in weather. Her only addiction would probably be to traveling. With a restless spirit, she's not fond of staying in one place or on land.
Two fears; one is being forced to stop traveling forever, and the second is the complete destruction of her crew.
Personal Strengths

Physical Illnesses:
Physical Disabilities:
Psychological Disorders:
Other/Not Mentioned:
"I will not stay seated for long. Bring me my blade. I've a ship to run, as it is."
Internal Conflict

Physical Disabilities: Freud's right leg was rendered inoperable after an untimely meeting with an explosion. The leg is now kept straight in a metal frame.
Psychological Disorders: Iris is nearly constantly paranoid, usually over two very different things; First, that her crew will attempt to rise up in mutiny. And second, that she will one day wake up to find that her left leg will not move.
Rank: Captain of the Juggernaut's Leading Charge Valhalla
Armament: Iris wields two powerful rapiers as well as a revolving five-shot pistol; relatively archaic weapons, but powerful and easy to master.
Other/Not Mentioned: The rapiers are used both as blades and as crutches for the Captain to get around more easily.

[size=16]Ship Name[/size]
[size=14]External Appearance[/size][hr]
Armament: (A total list of weapons with the power of destruction to another vessel)
Hull Color:
Hull Length: (In meters, if you would)
Figurehead, If Present:
Command Style: (Open-style wheel or closed wheelhouse)
[size=14]Internal Information[/size][hr]
Crew Size:
Cargo Space: (In terms of cubic meters, or square meters of stable floorspace)
Brig Space: (The maximum number of prisoners a ship can hold comfortably)
Living Accommodations: (Grand, Well, Mediocre, Poor)
Maximum Speed: (In knots, if you would)
Maximum Carry Weight: (In Deadweight Tonnage, if you would)
Maximum Armor: (For majik, in number of "casual barrage" - That is to say, how well can a majika shield hold up to a rate of one impact every ten seconds, and how quickly it can regenerate without the aid of the crew. For non-majika shields, this would be armor in terms of millimeters or fraction-inches, whichever is easier)
Minimum Armor: (These are the weak points of a ship, such as the top of the deck or transparent fronts on a wheelhouse)
My apologies for being gone so long, and letting this die out; This will be an example post to guide the Captains through the process of the previously posted ship form
The J.L.C. Valhalla
Ship Appearance
Armament: Heavy ram; a projection of the hull extended just above the waves, at the very front of the ship. Two total cannons, one at the bow and two at the stern; each with three barrels, firing a shell size of 127 mm at a rate of one shell every 15 seconds, per barrel. A dozen crew-operated machine-guns on port and starboard sides, firing 13 mm bullets at a rate of 100 bullets per minute - used only for close combat, due to low range. Eight total torpedo tubes, fixed in place; four facing directly forwards, four facing directly back, launching torpedoes of 288 inches in length and 21 inches in diameter - once fired, the torpedoes were entirely unguided, carrying a payload of 494 total explosive, plus any leftover fuel.
Hull Color: Gunmetal Grey
Hull Length: 116 Meters
Beam: 13 Meters
Figurehead, If Present: A Snarling Wolf Head, seeming to leap from the metal of the ship
Command Style: Closed Wheelhouse
Internal Information
Crew Size: 62 - The Captain and First Officer, as well as various crew working weapons and ship operations.
Cargo Space: Stable Floorspace - Appx. 1700 Sq. Meters across all decks
Brig Space: 25
Living Accommodations: Well
Maximum Speed: 34.5 knots - Appx. 39.7 MPH - Appx. 63.9 km/h
Maximum Carry Weight: Appx. 900 tons
Maximum Armor: Belt Armor - 280 mm, Appx. 11.02 in; Turret Armor - 320 mm, Appx. 12.60 in; Main Deck - 80-130 mm, Appx. 3.15 in - 5.12 in
Minimum Armor: Wheelhouse, frontal half, made of tempered glass - minimum armor, less than 20 mm. Below the Belt Armor, towards the lowest point of the hull - ranging from 80 mm to 100 mm. Top deck, entirely unarmored, made of mahogany wood - extremely vulnerable to falling shells - No Protection.
External Appearance
Armament: The Leviathan has two massive harpoons, meant to slam into enemy ships and drag them closer to the ship. Escape from them is extremely difficult and dangerous. The harpoons are built in such a way that forced release could cause massive damage to the ship. Likewise, if it's too dangerous to stay harpooned onto the ship, the Leviathan can easily release them, only leaving behind minor damage to the enemy ship. On top of that, the Leviathan has massive, rotating spears near the harpoons so it can pierce and cut into other ships that get fully roped in. Finally, the Leviathan has a two canons, in the chance that they cannot harpoon their enemies in
Hull Color: Gunmetal gray with silver and blue paint running along the hull to look like scales. There is minor damage still littered on the ship that will never be fixed and instead, showed off like a badge of honor
Hull Length: 95 Meters
Figurehead, If Present: A snarling water dragon, it's eyes glowing with the powerful Majik stones- stolen from destroyed Majik ships. It's teeth are red and rumored to be from a ritual that the crew does. After taking over a ship, they kill the captain and smear their blood on the fangs. In reality it's just paint- and oftentimes, they leave the captain alive to fearfully continue to spread rumors of their "terrifying power"
Command Style: Closed wheelhouse
Internal Information
Crew Size: Due to united hatred against hybrid ships, one can't exactly leave the hybrid ship, it's also dangerous and difficult to accept new members. Because of this, about 35 people reside on the Leviathan... Don't overlook their small numbers though, every member is a seasoned fighter with years of experience... Some have even more experience than Sif herself
Cargo Space: Approximately 1700 sq. Meters across all decks too?? (To keep living and comfort up, it takes up a lot of space)
Brig Space: The Leviathan usually takes no prisoners. On the rare occasions they do, they are simply guarded in the corner of a living area
Living Accommodations: Grand- again, hybrid ships are the united enemies of the sea. Other than surviving, there has to be more insensitive to take the risk of being a hybrid ship. Past captain's of the Leviathan pride themselves on great living conditions. It helps that they raid each ship they bring down, so they always have lots of nice clothes, medicine, blankets, soap, ect. On top of that, they have a secret wine cabinet which is reserved for special occasions- due to the difficulty of finding it. All other drinks are freely allowed to be shared whenever
Maximum Speed: Due to the ship being smaller and lighter than most ironclad ships, it can top out around 40 knots
Maximum Carry Weight: About 750 tons
Maximum Armor: The metal of the ship is light, but obviously, heavier than wood, it can withstand more hits, but not by much. So it heavily relies on the shield. The majika shield can withstand one hit every ten seconds but it slowly regenerates, needing about fifteen seconds to regenerate without help from the crew
Minimum Armor: Viewing points on the top deck have zero protection, making it one of the riskiest places to work. The wheelhouse also has minimal protection. While the majika shield is regenerating, the ship itself is vulnerable to large blasts
External Appearance
Armament: The ship is naturally shaped with two wicked prongs along its beak, a Breaker designed to dig and rip into metal. It is armed with four Demi-culverin and a wide variety of shots for any situation. Most commonly loaded with Grapeshot and Canister Shots, but look out for the occasional exploding shot. As with everything that lives on The Myrionymos, they have been modified with Magicka to reload faster, capable of firing twice within 5 minutes.
Hull Color: Brown, growing wild and untamed. At times, the colours may shift as if the wood holding the boat together is alive and writhing under the salty spray of the Sea
Hull Length: 33.5 Meters
Beam: 8.5 Meters
Figurehead, If Present: A soaring owl melding as one with the wood, eyes sparkling a green that even the oceans couldn't hope to reflect. Riding on the owl's back is a scorpion that most would miss on first glance
Command Style: Open-style Wheel
Internal Information
Crew Size: 41 - Captain, First Officer, and Her Crew, most for which to handle Her rigging
Cargo Space: 600 Square Meters
Brig Space: 5 - Mostly available for formality's sake
Living Accommodations: Well - Its cozy but with a such a small ship, you've got to pack it in. Thank goodness the crew all get along well enough to cuddle with one another else it would be quite cramped indeed
Maximum Speed: Due to Her lightweight nature, She tops at 80 knots (57 mph/92 km/h)
Maximum Carry Weight: 480 tonnage
Maximum Armor: Thanks to Her captain's tinkering, She can take two hits every 5 seconds, regenerating and refreshing Herself every 10 without any help from the crew. The shield is circular and envelops the bottom of the ship, though it is weaker at the lateral poles than it is horizontal poles.
Minimum Armor: If you get past the shields then anything is a weak point. Shields are especially weak towards the lookout and crows nest, being the last to regenerate after each cycle. In general, the further away from the deck the ship is, the more vulnerable it is likely to be. In part due to its quick regeneration rate, it requires a vast amount of energy to maintain thus leaving Her main power source, Her Captain, fatigued when active for extended periods of time without any help from the crew
Despite not being as impressive looking as other ships of its kind, The Myrionymos boasts one of the highest speeds on the Seas both among woodworks and ironclads, leaving many to rock wildly under Her surf as She runs circles around them. Her small stature makes it hard to hit and blend in with regular ships, disappearing off into the horizon and blitzing back before you can blink. She may not have the best firepower nor be the largest ship, but when you can pick fights and run away from them just as quickly, well why wouldn't you?

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•