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[Sign-ups] Prison Borough

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up [Sign-ups] Prison Borough
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 12:48 (3 Years ago)
Ohhhhhh sounds very good!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 705
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 12:52 (3 Years ago)
I read wicked fox yesterday and now gumiho is on my mind big time
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 13:07 (3 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 15:28 (3 Years ago)

Accepted :)


Take your time~ I didn't mean to rush


However, as it stands right now, we have 8 characters, and I will be randomizing the pairs shortly :) I plan to do this in a groupchat, but if you do not wish to be a part of it that's cool too :P I can just message you the pairs privately. Just lmk!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 705
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 15:30 (3 Years ago)
@Tsukoyomi i may have an idea for a spouse for izumi. we can discuss over PP/DM.

Btw yes I would appreciate a GC
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 17:17 (3 Years ago)
This looks interesting
I shall join in the fun :)

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Freja (pronounced Freya) Azurine

Very sharp and strict, she never lets anything slide, but if you manage to get close enough she will hold you dear to her heart and do everything to make sure you are safe and happy. She's fiercely loyal but not very kind, but that is only because she has never experienced true love before. She learned to push down her feelings and hide behind a shield of steel to avoid getting hurt, so that's exactly what she does.

She comes from a world plagued by dragons, where the ongoing human and dragon war had forced many to insanity, causing them to do things they would regret for generations to come. One of those people was Freja. She tried befriending one of the dragons at a young age, but it went crazy on her and gave her a large scar spanning the right side of her face. At the age of 18, her little brother, who was 10, went "missing", and Freja was the only one who actually knew what had happened to him. The guilt haunted her for years, until she finally shoved down her feelings and developed a barrier of ice, blocking out any warmth trying to get close. She made no friends, and soon after, her parents went "missing" as well. By then, she felt no guilt, and started making people "go missing" a lot more often. She still feels tremendous guilt about her little brother, she just buried it in a glacier of ice so she didn't feel the pain anymore. Ever since she was a little girl, she had the gift of being able to connect with birds, and it was only when she turned 16 when she found out she could summon a raven, and that became her first friend in a while. The only reason she allowed it in was because it wasn't a human and didn't have the potential to hurt her. She named it Eren.

Freja's eyes are a pure green, but when she uses her bird gift they turn to a dark blue. I would be alright with a GC. While dragons do exist in her world, the human race still exists and they are fighting. Freja is completely human.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 18:14 (3 Years ago)
Ooo... a human! Accepted :)
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 734
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 19:01 (3 Years ago)
making a form soon!
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 19:05 (3 Years ago)
Take your time! Don't rush it,I hope it comes out as good you imagine it.
Trainerlevel: 64

Forum Posts: 67
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 20:46 (3 Years ago)
(Could I still apply? Or is everyone assigned already?)

Username: Aftershine
Name: Sukuna Shine
Age (19 - 24): 21
Appearance: 6'2, brown hair and green eyes, wears a long skirt with a belt attached, with several red and green coloured bags, which make a rattling noise when she walks, alongside a loose white top, which does sport red stains and a half-ripped tag saying "non -cere"; several injection marks and scars across her body
Personality: self-confident, pretends to show no regard or mercy for others, yet will take care of them anyway, has a weird habit of showing compassion...
Background: "Primum non nocere" - Any doctor worth his blood knows the principle of "do no harm". So is it with Sukuna, who was a strong follower of Sukunabikona, the Shinto kami of hot springs and healing. This stance did make her less popular amongst other doctors of her time but her medical prowess is nothing to underestimate. What she did though to end up here... is yet to be revealed.
Other: blue

Number two!

Username: Aftershine
Name: Lina-Marie Albrecht von Schwarzschild
Age: 23
Appearance: A humanoid shape, roughly 214 cm (7'(1/4)", I have no clue how to use imperial...) and just under 75 kg (160 pounds), albino-like skin, skeletal build and sports four more appendages: two to use as arms and two as a makeshift tail (they are legs, but she keeps them folded together on her back), has two antennae ranging out of her head; shining blue iris, body ridden with tattoos with formulas and various circuitry boards, edged in with acid, so washing off is no option; usually wears revealing things, most commonly a tank top and regular pants
Personality: scattered, has a mild attention disorder, either hyperactive or extremely lazy, short-tempered and obfuscates a lot (makes easy things difficult), scratches herself a lot
Background: Lina-Marie has extraterrestrial roots, not hailing from another Earth, yet retaining humanoid shapes and abilities. Her world was an artificially created ring around a black hole. Her ancestors long before had figured out to harness it for life and the plans and ideas are in the scattered mind. So is the reason she has ended up in this realm, only to be found out by not only others, but herself as well...
Other: blue lol

You know the first rule in combat? shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 20:49 (3 Years ago)
Looking forward to see it! :)

You can still apply!
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 21:12 (3 Years ago)
I have some spare time so

Username: Once [previously -Fog]
Name: Leo Pinn
Age: 21
Appearance: With rather dull dark blue hair trimmed into what is supposed to be a neat, 6cm cut - thought it's dishevelled and wild more often than not - and lighter strands framing his face, Leo looks almost as rebellious as he is at heart. His eyes are a blinding white colour, with cat-like slits rather than pupils, and faintly glow in the dark. His jaw looks delicate yet strong, matching the rest of his body, but since coming to the universe Leo has been eating far less than he should have been, giving him a sickly narrow build that reveals his ribcage and makes him vulnerable to hard blows. A sizeable scar from his chin to nearly the bottom of his left eye gives what he perceives as a mark of honour, something to be feared by all. When not sleeping he will be wearing half-rectangular glasses.
While most of the above description would make Leo seem like a human with bizarre eyes, if one were to look closely they would begin to see minor details which make him very much different from your average human. His teeth, for example, are naturally pointed, and each of his nails have hints of blue scattered within them.
His clothing generally consists of a white buttoned up long-sleeved shirt and black suit trousers held up by a belt, with a large gold-trimmed coat over his shoulders and a red scarf concealing his neck.
Personality: Arrogant, selfish and dim-witted are all words used in the past to describe Leo, and he hasn't changed much since then. His somewhat narcissistic mindset often gives people the wrong impression about him - he's not one to spend hours checking himself out in the mirror, but more a person that could stare into a mirror and spend far too long thinking about how the mirror works, which is why he's afraid of reflections. Leo has never been the brightest person, but what he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in confidence. He will always speak his mind, and in this appears quite rude, shouting over people to have any input in the conversation. He'll never back down from a fight, be it verbal or physical, though in both states he generally escalates the situation far more than is required. He's quick to defend anything he cares about, and won't stop until the opposition backs down.
In his calmer, more relaxed moments, Leo is a pleasure to talk to, able to commit to a polite conversation well and contribute to a friendly discussion
Background: I'm going to make this short because I honestly don't enjoy writing backstories-
Born into a royal family on his own planet, named Prince Leonard Pinn. Had a younger brother and sister, so he was next in line to be king. He failed at pretty much every test his father threw at him where his brother succeeded, and the amount of praise he was receiving from this made Leo jealous. He began to suspect that though he was the eldest son, his younger brother would be crowned king instead of him and he'd be sent off to be a soldier as practically his only strength was his sword fighting. He began acting up to get his father's attention. Continued this for his life up to the age of 20, so on his home planet he's supposed to be crowned king in four years. Skip a year of stuff that is secret and his father gives up and sends him here as a final attempt to fix him.
Other: brown.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 21:17 (3 Years ago)

Accepted! Happy to have ya :D
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 21:39 (3 Years ago)
Username: -Abra_Kadabra-
Name: Lin Mizayaki
Age (19 - 24): 21
Appearance : (A humanoid Pi Xiu mixed with my own mythological being, a Japanese Kuraudosupiritto (Cloud spirit) ) She is a tall (5'8) girl with silver hair and pale skin who wears a white hoodie and blue jeans. Wings sprout out of her back, which are made of wisps of cloud but she can't fly. Her eyes are a light blue and her teeth are sharp fangs. Her legs are silvery in colour and have pointed claws at the end. She has a long pointed, sky-blue tail which she tucks into away, as not to arouse any suspicion. Her ears are slightly pointed but her tongue is forked. (Image coming soon). Her hair is cut short, around shoulder length and is streaked with blue and gold. Her hoodie is ripped and slashed and one of her eyes is gold instead of a piercing blue. Her fangs are ivory.

Personality: Very mysterious and secluded. Pretends to be shy but really she is proud and fierce. She is quick to ignite but slow to forgive, as she doesn't think that people are trustworthy. She doesn't believe in second chances so if you crossed her then say goodbye to her trusting you. She can be very paranoid which causes her to have next to no friends. When fighting, she fights viciously, attacking anything in her path until victory. She hates defeat which makes her have grudges that can last as long as it takes until she wins again.

Background: Family were caught in a thunder strike and killed, due to a disagreement with another Pi Xiu family. Torn by grief, Lin's heart turned to stone and she became ruthless and vicious. Lived in an abandoned warehouse until now and misses solitude.

Other: Green!
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 22:22 (3 Years ago)
I will join at some point, just haven't decided on what species to do for my characters (And neither of mine will be humans, btw)
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 734
Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 01:57 (3 Years ago)
Username: Hanako
Name: June of the Power Plant
Age (19 - 24): ??? (appears to be in her early 20s.)
Appearance: She wears a faded looking black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just above her elbows as well as some heavy-duty dark grey work pants, littered with pockets and stray threads. June also wears brown work boots and a pair of safety goggles that are often perched on her head. She has choppy, chin length brown hair and amber eyes that sometimes appear to glow. Grease stains are present on all of her clothing, and she seems to have severe burn scars all across her body. June also happens to be somewhat transparent.

Personality: Mischievous and capricious, June loves to "haunt" her favorite abandoned power plant, having loved spooky haunted houses when she was younger. Since she knows the place inside out, it's easy for her to mess with curious visitors by banging around or fiddling with the various rundown appliances still present. June has a bit of a sadistic side to her, but once she gets attached to someone, she's fiercely protective of them and can become violent if anyone tries to hurt them. Her softer side is hidden, but June can be shy and uncertain at times, reflecting a low-self esteem despite all of her bravado.

Background: June hails from a universe that has just reached the peak of its industrial revolution. Magic is supposedly a thing of the past, only in fairytales and legends, but some know better. A worker at a large corporation that began to exploit the labor of its faculty for more gain, June became frustrated with the administrators and their aims. Taking matters into her own hands, she decided t- - - - - a--------------*@#$*--- Now, June has moved into the new universe after people stopped touring her power plant. Boredom, and ------+_--- have encouraged her to pursue a new lifestyle. Mostly boredom, though.

Other: red :D
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 06:18 (3 Years ago)
I'll look forward to seeing your character finished :)

Accepted! :D Lovely character!

Please keep your characters humanoid in some way or another. It'll be complicated to be a spouse to a feral animal if your character is, say, a human. At the very least keep 'em on two feet. :)

Thank you for the continued interest in my funny little roleplay :) After @-Abra_Kadabra- finishes their form, I will begin the official sorting of all characters (except the ones with existing spouses)
You are still free to join afterwards, but you'll be forced to make either two characters or pair up with the next person that also signs up.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 09:49 (3 Years ago)
Finished my form! I might make some changes later but for now its complete! (I have to say, this does look very exciting).
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 10:10 (3 Years ago)
Thank you! You're accepted :D excited to see how Lin plays out!

And with that.... the pairing will START! >:D
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 10:23 (3 Years ago)