Forum Thread
Lover of The Russian Queen
Forum-Index → Diaries → Lover of The Russian QueenKanto-- Missing: 3
Johto-- missing 10

Hoenn-- missing 10

Sinnoh-- missing 12

Unova-- missing 4
Kalos-- missing 5

*Alola-- missing 7

News: 6/13/20
Anyone who roleplays with me knows that I rarely reuse old characters in new roleplays. I've decided to put an end to this and actually start creating OCs, I'm no longer creative enough to always create new characters. Over the next few
Retired characters:
*From here on out, I'll be retiring almost all of my characters, but there are some noteworthy ones that I would like to mention
1.) Gwen Fletcher and Sage Brooker: These two ladies made an appearance only in the Haven of Beast trilogy. RoyalGecko and I plan on ending this trilogy so it seems fitting that I retire these characters with the roleplay. Like most of my characters, they started out completely undeveloped, really only an idea. But the longer I used them, the more developed they became. To me, Gwen has only been a symbol of perseverance while Sage has been a symbol of strength
2.) More coming soon...
For upcoming characters...

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1.) PH Oscars 2021

RoyalGecko and I are the winners of the PH oscar "Best Adapted Story" for The Awakening. Credit for the trophy goes to Chickadee.
2.) The Ravy's 2021

I won the Ravy's "Best Supporting villain" for my performance as Charlie in the RP Minegames 2.0 created by TGGAkane. Credit for the trophy goes to PizzaParlourSystem.
1.) PH Oscars 2020
- "Best Original Story!" (x2) Both The Haven of Beasts and The Program were nominated for this award. But was defeated by Abnormal Apocolypse written by NotJeffBezos.
-"Best Roleplay of 2019!" (x2) Again, both The Haven of Beasts and The Program were nominated for this award. But was taken down by After Presentable Liberty (or APL) written by TGGAkane.
2.) PH Oscars 2021
-"Best Ensemble Cast Performance!" The Awakening created by RoyalGecko and I were nominated for this award, but we lost to Kingdom of Aeraya written by Popplio.
-"Best Written Scene!" I was nominated for this Oscar based upon my performance in this scene but lost to Immortes for her amazing performance in this scene.
3.) The Ravy's 2021
-"Most Amazing Cast of Talented Roleplayers!" RoyalGecko and I were nominated for this award for The Awakening but lost to Popplio's Kingdom of Aeraya.
-"Most Creative Story!" RoyalGecko and I were nominated for this award for The Awakening but lost to LucarioLover99's The Viper Pit.
-"Most Ingenious Worldbuilding!" Once again, RoyalGecko and I were nominated for this award for The Awakening but lost to YungRover's Below the Clouds
-"Most Outstanding Roleplay!" RoyalGecko and I were nominated for this award for The Awakening but lost to Popplio's Kingdom of Aeraya.
~"I would, and I will. You know my theory. Plunge in. Face the fear head-on. Stay on the offense." (-Koethi Zan)~
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Occupation: Vigilante
Personality: Nox is quiet. She doesn't like to talk very much, so she chooses not to unless she has to. There are a few close people she is willing to strike conversation with though.
She is a terrifying enemy. She'll show little to no mercy and fight to the death. But she is a worthy ally. She is kind, and loyal. It'll be hard to earn her trust, but it's most certainly worth the effort.
Appearance: She has white hair, cut short into a pixie cut. Her cold, calculating eyes are an usual shade of gold. She stands at about 5'9, and has a fairly muscular build. She wears all dark clothing, as most people in her profession do. She always wears a cloth mask that covers her mouth to hide her identity and hide her expressions. She doesn't give her enemies... Or allies, anything to work with.
Backstory: "My name? Good question... what is my name? Ah, it's been years since I've thought of it. Since I've been called it... Since I've been her..."
Dakota Thorne was her name. WIP
Skills: She is very quick and agile. What makes her dangerous is her ability to be a silent killer. Everything about her is quiet. She can usually sneak up onto her enemies and strike before they realize that she is even there.
The most terrifying part? She rarely kills silently and quickly. If she is only assigned one target, she'll make her presence known. She'll sharpen her skills by playing with her food. Training with them until one of them breathes their final breath. The best people to train with are those who are fighting for their lives.
Her physical strength may not be the best, but her knowledge on swords and daggers makes up for it. She fights with two swords... Although occasionally she has to use her dagger. No matter what she uses, she can be a deadly enemy with her experience and knowledge.
Ability?: Her main ability is heightened senses. She most commonly uses it to track her prey and sense oncoming attacks. It'll be hard to land a hit on her and leave unscathed.
Weaknesses: She isn't too physically strong. She also doesn't use long ranged weapons. Someone with a gun, bow, or throwing melee weapon can be a dangerous enemy- dangerous enough to make even Nox a bit worried.
Nox is calculating, she'll take time to know her opponent before attacking. But she can be impatient. Sometimes launching an attack prematurely. She's nearly died a few times from her restlessness.
Weapons: Dual katanas and dual daggers
Daemon?: Snow leopard and raven named "Freyja" (Goddess of love and death)
~"It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill" (-Emilie Autum)~
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Occupation: Second in command gang leader//Assassin
Personality: Aster is seen as cruel, cold, and uncaring. All for good reason, one doesn't reach his rank by being kind. He is feared by most, so he is rarely bothered by the people in his gang. Aster is cunning and manipulative. If he wants something, then he will get it, no matter what. Aster tries to help people if possible. Sparing lives when he can and secretly killing the worse of his underlings when possible. Aster is secretly soft hearted. His whole tough bad guy persona could shatter if he found out his closest friend Dakota Thorne were still alive
Appearance: Long strands of black hair that is usually kept up in a ponytail. His hair has strands of neon purple in it and he has dark blue eyes. He is tall, standing at about 6'3. He has somewhat of an athletic build- being somewhere in between scrawny and brawny. He typically wears black dress pants and a black dress shirt with a long black coat over the shirt. He finishes the look by wearing boots and a gun strap on his chest. His arms and part of his chest are covered in flower tattoos. He loves flowers and thinks they look pretty neat.
Skills: Aster is most dangerous at far ranged fights. I mean... He has a sniper! Although the silencer, despite helping muffle shots, could expose his location. Fortunately he has a dangerous sword in the off chance that the fight becomes a close ranged battle. Aster is experienced with both weapons. He also has a dangerous network- his gang
Ability?: - Darkness- he can hide in the shadows- making him appear almost demon like. He can also make shadows do anything he desires. Obviously he is weaker when there is lots of light present and stronger when there is little to no light. He doesn't get the chance to use his powers very often since he usually uses it to scare his enemies. His power makes his flower tattoos glow red
Weaknesses: Being the person he is, he has made a lot of enemies. If a group turned against him, then it could turn out bad for him. Aster is strong, having both long ranged and close ranged fights covered. But large groups are his weakness. He also doesn't fare well with surprises
Weapons: His main weapon is a long sniper rifle that has a scope and silencer on it. But he has a odachi sword for defensive use
Daemon?: Jaguar and house cat- (a bengal) named "Tutelary" (a deity or spirit that protects) but goes by "Tut"
~"Sanity is a madness put to good uses." (-George Santayana)~
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Personality: Maverick normally doesn't take anything seriously. Most would think that there is not a single intelligent thought in his mind due to the way he acts. He can be very bold and daring, seemingly acting on impulse. His insane personality tends to drive people away for fear they'll be roped into something dangerous. At the end of the day though, Maverick is extremely caring. He just has a horrible way of showing it. He can be extremely loyal-- when he takes the time to make an effort and show it. Befriend Maverick, and you'll have a strong and worthy friend. Get on his bad side and... well, let's hope you don't find out for yourself.
Appearance: Maverick has long lengths of unruly silver and electric blue hair. His eyes are mismatched from a freak lab accident. His eyes are green and grey, with his grey eye having slightly worse vision than his green one. Maverick usually has his hair tied back, he wears a lab coat, closed-toed boots, and gloves (a safe boi). He wears a simple graphic t-shirt and jeans underneath his open lab coat. Over his graphic t-shirt is a chest holster that holds vials of chemicals rather than a gun. Maverick finishes the look by having a gas mask attached to his hip at all times. Just in case...
Skills: If Maverick were a video game character, all of his points would be inserted into 'luck.' He loves mixing together different chemicals to see what'll happen. Sometimes he'll drink said chemicals- testing them out on an animal or another person goes against his ethics. Surprisingly enough, nothing too horrible has come out of doing that [don't be like Maverick kids]. His efforts seem to be worth it because he discovered a few tonics than can temporarily enhance strength, agility, and healing abilities. He's been keeping these discoveries quiet though. The money wouldn't be worth it if these tonics fell into the wrong hands.
Weaknesses: Maverick isn't too physically strong, nor is he the best fighter.
Weapons: Maverick carries around dangerous chemicals. But when those fail, he always has his trusty backup double barrel shotgun
~"We need to be able to control- erm, guide the masses that can't control themselves." -(Brad McKinniss)~
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Occupation She lives a double life. Her main job is experimenting on people with Abnormal abilities and even using their blood to give themselves abilities. Her company name is called: Ichor
To avoid the government- which protects Abnormals, she works at a coffee shop. Her coffee shop job is basically her own money laundering scheme. Her public life seems far more innocent and peaceful than her private life
Personality: Manipulative and two faced. She can play any part- the kind, Abnormal loving girl and the malicious, cold-hearted, scientist. Her demeanor can flip like a switch, making her almost unpredictable if you were able to learn about her double life. Deep down, Kara has a deep hatred for Abnormal folks, and even humans. She found a way to get rid of both without facing any repercussions
Appearance: She has long lengths of fiery red hair that falls to her shoulders. Her hair has strands of pink and orange mixed within hair, although it's undeniably fiery red. She has dark green eyes on her oval shaped face. She stands at about 5'8 and is somewhat muscular
Backstory: Oh how the world sickened her.. how foolish and compliant Normal people were to the Abnormals. They were freaks of nature, made to bend to their will. Oh, how they could bend, and how they could break! Kara lived for breaking these Abnormals. Testing on them until they were compliant pets or dead. Her organization would never trust these Abnormals to defeat the world evils alone, so they took it upon themselves to do it for them. Some people react to Abnormal Blood differently. Some go insane, others get addicted. Kara was none of those. She was different. She would rid the world of all evils, including the Abnormals!
Ability: Kara has subjected herself to multiple 'ability creation' drugs. While she hasn't permanently obtained these abilities she can temporarily use any ability- as long as the blood taken from the ability user is mixed with a substance she calls binding serum and is left to sit for about to week. With time, the mixture will grow into a gross, mutated bacteria filled substance- Abnormal Blood!
Skills: She can switch personalities flawlessly, easily convincing anyone that she is not who she really says she is. She also has a seemingly unlimited number of support from Ichor- nobody will allow anyone to hurt or harm Kara and leave without a scratch. She is also a pretty decent fighter
Weaknesses: Without help from Abnormal Blood, she is physically weak. She also has made lots of enemies out of people who escaped from her lab
Weapons: None, but members of a special task force within Ichor arm themselves with weapons made to draw and catch blood. A knife that rounded edges, a needle and so on. The task force targets Abnormals that are too powerful to capture and/or are too protected to kidnap. Many lose their lives, but any successfully obtained samples make the risk worth it
~"My whole life, I have never been lucky. I always lost my bets, I could never seem to understand the game. So I decided to make a new one, one that tilts the luck in my favor"~
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: A jittery girl, she is usually fiddling with a deck of cards. She is extremely kind towards others and tries to treat others well- to not hold grudges. Secretly, she is afraid of confrontation, despite having an extremely strong ability. That doesn't mean she won't stand up for herself or others.
Appearance: Revna stands at around an average height of 5'6. She has long white hair that has silver streaks in it, she also has silver eyes- that turn purple upon activation of her ability. She is somewhat thin and has pale skin. She usually wears white clothing- her favorite color
Ability: The power of the odds. Revna is able to harness her ability through a deck of cards. Using it for both offensive and defensive uses. She can make her cards levitate around her as a shield or throw them towards her enemies like painful blades. Her cards are activated through defensive use when an opponent accidentally or purposely hits her cards. She can also activate her ability by manually 'pressing'
any chosen card.
Card abilities:

-Hearts: Once said to represent the clergy. These cards will test your faith. Summons a powerful necromancer. While the spells aren't anything special- just a simple spell that causes pain. The level of pain increases via card value (ranging from slight discomfort to deep cuts/potential to break bones)
-Spades: Once said to represent the military. This card summons a seasoned knight. Heavily experienced, wearing thick armor that makes his movements slow- but will make him difficult to take down. He carry a heavy claymore blade, that will certainly cut his enemies down in an instant. The only thing holding him back is the draw of the card. (The cards limit his movement from one to ten meters)
-Clubs: Once said to represent the merchants. Keen, sharp, and quick. This merchant will do what she can to take the price that is owed to her. She is equipped with a bow that has a series of different arrows. The higher the card value, the stronger each shot will be. (Ranges from flesh wounds to near fatal wounds)
-Diamonds: Once said to represent the peasants. Despite their representation, they are not weak. Hardships have toughened them. Keen eyes have picked up weaknesses to take down even the mighty groups of above them. A single peasant who has learned the dark arts will be your foe. Like the clergy, they use magic. But rather than attack, they use it to defend the one who promises the downfall of the ranks. (It shields Revna, each card represents how many hits it takes for the shield to break)
-Cards 1-10: Represents both range, damage and shield
-Jack: Master of all. Allows Revna to inherit the ability of whatever suit she has drawn for a limited time- but the strength of her power will be the same as a four card
-Queen: Master of all. Allows Revna to inherit the ability of whatever suit she has drawn for a limited time- but the strength of her power will be the same as a six card
-King: Master of all. Allows Revna to inherit the ability of whatever suit she has drawn for a limited time- but the strength of her power will be the same as a eight card
-Joker: Master of all, the fool, the secret hierarchy that trumps all. Revna can choose which suit power she wishes to inherit. Her power level will be the same as a ten card
Skills: She is a powerful fighter. Able to fight short, mid, and long range, depending on the card(s) that are activated. She isn't too great at physical fights and has a huge weakness within her ability
Weaknesses: She isn't a great physical fighter. Also her power, while complicated, has flaws, so long as your character doesn't get too flustered and takes notice to them. It's a long read, but it's explained below :p

-For one, she personally, can only activate one card at once, and only if other cards aren't active- although she can deactivate those cards
-Cards activated through defensive use can only be active twice at once, and she has minimal control over what is active
-Defending herself or throwing cards causes a minimal drain. But activating cards causes a massive toll, all increasing the higher the card. The joker being the most powerful, leaves her weak and almost immobile after she uses it
-This means both she and her opponent(s) have to gamble. Should she risk putting high value cards in a defensive spin? Should she risk throwing high value cards? Should her opponent(s) risk aiming at high value cards? Knowing fully well that she will be powerful but drained afterwards? Or aim at lower values, knowing she could have the energy to use a high value card when needed
-She can only throw five cards at once and defend herself with five cards
>>Two face cards (jack, queen, king, joker) cannot be activated in one session. If two are hit, Revna won't use any ability and collapse from exhaustion. If she already used a face card, she cannot use any card that will combine together to equal ten or more. [So a jack and a six for example]. Again, she will collapse from exhaustion and nothing will summon
>>>It is possible to kill the summons. Which will automatically deactivate that card. Similarly, you can 'kill' card activated Revna. Which will automatically deactivate the card and return her to her normal state, now weakened and drained of energy