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Detention Games RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Detention Games RP
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 17:55 (4 Years ago)
Luke takes Charlie’s hand. He smiles as he picks up his case, not remembering the black eye or what would happen if the one person caught him with it, so he was going to get back to class after this. “My name is Luke.” he said nervously. He just realized he wasn’t talking to some random person, but to a girl. Again. Today was his lucky day. People and only a black eye. What could go wrong?
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 18:06 (4 Years ago)
Charlie gave a glare at May then turned back to Luke. "It's nice to meet you Luke." She noticed his black eye. "Doesn't that hurt?"
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 18:18 (4 Years ago)
“Only a little bit, it happens normally once a week so it doesn’t hurt much anymore.” he said. He remembers what the one kid said then says, “I have to go to the nurse now. I just remembered something. Bye.” he said, then quickly runs off, but says “It was nice to meet you too!” as he ran.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 18:24 (4 Years ago)
Charlie nodded then headed to art as Luke headed off to the nurse's office.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 19:01 (4 Years ago)
when the class chemistry is done, Sam quickly hurries
out, going to the schoolyard for a bit of free time.
he sees a clump of trees, and he goes into them.
there is a clearing at the end of the pathway, leading
to what seems to be a training ground. he takes off
his hoodie and brushes his blue hair out of his face.
he unsheathes his katana, steadying it.
he goes up to a training dummy, which
appears to be hand-carved by Sam. Sam starts to
train with his sword, using advanced maneuvres
and slices that look to be like a Samurai's fighting
style. a sharp clang of steel rings out across the
school as a result from Sam's sword training.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 19:07 (4 Years ago)
After Luke is done going to the nurse, his eye looks a lot better. He goes back to biology and sits down at a different table than before, not wanting to get another black eye from the one kid. He is probably more serious.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 19:12 (4 Years ago)
Charlie and Alex now at art watch as their art teacher shows them how to make paper mache arts. Charlie was making some ordments for her and Alex's room while Alex was making a large piggy bank.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 761
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 19:13 (4 Years ago)
Seeing that Luke had moved seats, Julian sighed and concentrated on the lesson instead. Of course he felt slightly guilty in scaring off the other, but he had an image to retain, damn it. He was the tough gang leader, not a softie. Well, he was a softie but no one needed to know that, especially not anyone in this school.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 19:44 (4 Years ago)
Scarlet looks at Luke and Julian. She gives them both a confused look, but she doesn't say anything on the subject. She actually likes this class, so she found that it was pretty easy to pay attention to the lesson. She forgets about the two almost immediately, the lesson was far more interesting. It also wasn't her business, she wasn't interesting in getting involved.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2020 23:58 (4 Years ago)
Lorelai - Ambira - Teacher's Lounge

Lorelai confidently strutted ahead of Ambira and her group, trying her best to avoid the security cameras and hall monitors, and carving a path for those behind her. This was it. The entrance to the teacher's lounge was a navy door marked with a friendly looking sign, the keys were still in the door knob. She turned it, and peeked into the room. Nobody. Completely empty, it looked like her aunt's living room. Nice, tidy, and very chill.

" Oh em gee! There is literally a couch here! And a vending machine! Even one of those coffee maker things! " She squealed.

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 01:51 (4 Years ago)
Luke sighs happily, loving to learn about biology. He jots down some notes in his notebook with some extra fun facts he already knew. He stares into space, thinking about the people he talked to today. Some of the teachers, Charlie, the one kid who told him to go to the nurse or else, Julie, and the kid who acted a little weird around him.
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 761
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 02:04 (4 Years ago)
Listening to the lecture intently, Julian's tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth as he wrote notes down intently. On the side, he began to doodle little sea creatures, seahorses, manta Ray's, fish, even a squid. They were all quite cute in nature and Julian giggled silently to himself as he scrawled out the picture of a whale. His eyes darted up once in a while to keep focused on the lesson and to make sure no one was looking, continuing to draw the tiny animals.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 133
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 02:11 (4 Years ago)
“Mr Gorson, the compound of water is H2O, not HO2.” Aria stepped in to correct the teacher.
“Ah, right! Thank you, Aria!” He smiled at her. Mr Gorson was Aria’s Chemistry teacher, and he accepts constructive criticism very well. He’s also willing to learn from his mistakes, and that instantly made him Aria’s favourite teacher in school.
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 16:01 (4 Years ago)
(Everyone cool with a time skip? I might do noe straight to detention.)
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 16:07 (4 Years ago)
(I ok with it)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 16:20 (4 Years ago)
*Time skip to the end of da:, 7th period going on Detention* (by this point people should've already gotten detention for whatever reason.)

Charlie was forced to head back to her dorm while she waited for Alex to come back from detention. The back of Alex's hand had a small "X" on it indicating she was suposed to go to detention. The mark started to burn and ache slightly, if she tried to leave the school grounds it would get much worse. She headed straight to a room that looked like it was no bigger then a double doored walk in closet at first glance, but when the doors opened it room appeared to be much bigger.

A kind looking woman looked down at Alex from her clipboard. "Hand please." Alex gave the woman her hand and the woman put something over the mark and ushered her in. Alex was the third one to arive next to Luna and Crystal, both of the other girls were sliding a note back and forth to eachother as they "did" their homework. ALex glanced at her hand, the mark was fading and the pain was gone. Alex then looked at the white board: names of people that were suposed to be here were written up there with the reason(s) why next to them and her name was crossed off, probbaly because she was already here.
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My first Gmax, Cream!
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 16:23 (4 Years ago)
Sam walks into the detention room, feeling
confused. i mean, all he did was correct a teacher
on a test because they go their facts wrong.
he shows the X on his hand, meaning he got
detention. he sits down by himself, not doing
homwork, as he already did all of it.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 16:27 (4 Years ago)
Scarlet had tried to avoid going to detention. But even with her using her ice powers, she couldn't get past the door leads outside before the pain became unbearable. She stomps towards detention, glaring at the boy as she passes him. He shoots her a grin and a thumbs up. He flinches when she takes a step towards him. He lowers his head and runs outside, as if he were expecting her to lounge at him. A satisfied smirk runs across her face. After checking into detention, she sits in her own little corner, glancing around with a confused look.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 133
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 16:29 (4 Years ago)
Aria walked to the detention room, got her mark removed and sat down beside Sam, glancing at him to see if he was okay with it. At least she kind of knew Sam. She had also finished all her work, like Sam, and decided to start clarifying just about everything she could see in a whisper too soft for anyone but Sam to hear.
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 16:29 (4 Years ago)
Sam pulls his sword out of its sheathe
silently, starting to sharpen it, as he likes to take exceptional
care of the sword. it is a memory of his old
life, before the day his life changed forever.
he grips the handle, his eyes looking livid.
his hood is still up, and he hopes the detention
teacher allows him to keep it up, as nobody in
school has really seen his face, as he always
keeps his hood up.

Sam sees Aria sitting beside him,
and he smiles, but it's barely visible from
underneath his hood. he continues to sharpen
the sword, examining his work from time to