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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 05/10/2022 21:58 (2 Years ago)
Blossom and Leaf were like usual, at home. A woman had tripped on a large rock and snapped her ankle, suffering a sprain, her husband rushed her over here and abandoned their groceries from the marketplace. By the time they get back to them they'll probably be no good. . .but he just wanted to make sure she'd be alright.

Leaf in the meantime had bandaged up the ankle with some wrap. It was a bit of a bummer they didn't have snow to use to reduce the swelling. But, she makes do as Blossom gets a few painkillers to help with the pain.

Leaf: Just try to keep the pressure off your foot as often as possible, and be sure to change the bandages after you get cleaned up.

Both thank the two and he helps her up, Blossom hands his wife some crutches for her to loan until the ankle heals up to the point where she wouldn't need them anymore. As they leave, Blossom rejoins Leaf's side as they clean the area. Technically they don't have to since she didn't leave a mess, but for sanitary reasons, they kinda have to anyway. . .plus it's good practice

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Posted: Thu, 29/09/2022 04:22 (2 Years ago)
Blossom decided to head back home so that she could help Leaf get set up in case they had anyone come in. So, she pays for her things and returns home.

Blossom: I'm home!

Leaf, of course, was happy to have her lover back. So when she does return, Leaf comes up and they share an embrace and a light peck.

Leaf: Did you find everything?

Blossom: I think so.

The two of them work on putting the medical supplies away

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Posted: Fri, 23/09/2022 02:19 (2 Years ago)
Blossom: I think she is following in our footsteps. Leaf and I have seen her looking through our book for medical and editable uses.

If Blossom followed in her and Leaf's footsteps. . .that would make both of them super happy. Though, they'd support her no matter which path she goes down

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Posted: Wed, 21/09/2022 13:50 (2 Years ago)
There was more than what Sage was openly saying, Blossom could tell that much, though Sage used to be on the council with Blossom herself before the war happened. Things weren't the same every day, always changes. Not to mention Sage was an advisor of sorts ensuring that the strong bond would prevent history from repeating itself. . .hopefully.

Blossom: We're good. Leaf and I finally managed to upgrade our place a little, so we can treat more people now. Emi's getting bigger and dipping her feet into medical, so we're also trying to help her with that.

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Posted: Wed, 21/09/2022 00:45 (2 Years ago)
Blossom: Sage, it's been a while. How have you been?

How long had it been since Blossom saw Sage last? A little bit after the last war, for sure. . .but in a way it was best that Blossom saw Sage out and about rather then being helped in to be treated.

(Leaf aint here btw, she's at the house)

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 17:36 (2 Years ago)
Well, Leaf was pretty good at healing herself and had a vast knowledge of plants as well. It couldn't hurt, since sometimes they had more than one person to help.

Blossom: Well, I guess that would work.

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 19:11 (2 Years ago)
Blossom: You dont owe me anything, honest.

(I'm off for now, see you later)

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 13:42 (2 Years ago)
Blossom: Well. . .I do have some Tumeric that I could spare you I suppose, I've already got plenty at home since Leaf grows plenty of it in our garden.

Blossom takes out the bottle of Tumeric and hands it to Hyolyn.

Blossom: Ginger's also good for hangovers, especially if you make it into tea.

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 04:33 (2 Years ago)
Blossom looked at Hyolyn a little surprised from suddenly getting bumped. Thankfully, the bandages and painkillers didn't fall out of her basket.

Blossom: It's alright, it can get a bit crowded here sometimes.

Blossom quickly glances over her list. Bandages and pain killers both taken off. Oh yeah, she had to get some soap and a few pouches of seeds for the garden (per Leaf's request). She hoped she had enough to pay for it all, business had been pretty slow since the last war, which while good since it meant no one was hurt, was also bad since that was the main source of income. But Leaf was trying to sell her product from the garden too in order to help get some money in.

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 02:25 (2 Years ago)
Star was as of now in the nearby forest harvesting berries, mostly for herself, though she did know a few people who would trade/pay for food. Let's see. . .what all did she have available. . .

Leaf and Blossom had done an inventory after breakfast, and they were missing a few things. Mostly bandages and stronger pain killers, but they could trade/buy for those in the shop. Because Blossom knew what to look for, Blossom heads out to get those while Leaf continues in the garden.

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Posted: Wed, 14/09/2022 21:18 (2 Years ago)
When morning had come, Leaf was sleeping away as Blossom rose from the covers. As much as she'd like to stay in bed with her lover, there were things to be done. So Blossom gets out of bed and works on breakfast. Eggs, some black caps, a bit of orange juice. It's not much, but for them it's enough.

Leaf stumbles out of bed after the smell of breakfast wafts into the bedroom. With a yawn and messy hair she slowly trudges over until she wraps her arms around Blossom's middle.

Leaf: Morning. . .

Blossom: Morning love. . .

(this was supposed to be longer but the original post got lost after the internet went down over here.)

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Posted: Wed, 14/09/2022 02:16 (2 Years ago)
Elsewhere, Leaf was tending to the garden at the back of the house. This garden wasn't just for food, but also for medical herbs and spices and other helpful plants. Blossom was in the house organizing and restocking the jars and bottles that were solely for medical use. After the last war, which neither of them wanted to repeat, they had settled in together and they were happy.

Star was fixing up one of her shelves in the house by torchlight, one of the sides kept slanting and anything that went on that shelf fell off. It was starting to get pretty tedious.

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2022 21:34 (2 Years ago)
Name: Blossom
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here (Credit)
Personality: She shy and sweet but clever as well
Kingdom: Poor
Other: She has a slingshot and a bow

Name: Emerald (Emi), Blossom's adopoted daughter
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here (Credit)
Personality: Very out going and curious
Other: She has a two small swords

Name: Star
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance: bleep! (made with dress up maker)
Personality: TBRPd
Weapons (Max 2. No modern-day weapons, this takes place in medieval times): Her sword

Name: Leaf
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here (1st image made with dress up maker, 2nd image credit here)
Weapons (max 2): She carries a dager for emergency use only (usually) and a staff for protection (green one)
Other: works a medic next to Blossom

(Images/art found on google. None of them are mine!)

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Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 02:45 (3 Years ago)
Bills House

And whatever this one is: O_A__U_U

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Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 03:44 (3 Years ago)
(Idk if Tsuko's still in (but last time I checked he was, but super busy with school) so until I can confirm or deny, Molly is treated as an NPC of sorts)

As their teammates got on the ship, Akane pushed the boat off as Jeremy carefully climbed onto Faith's back. Charlie smiled to herself as she started steering to the next island: Taiga.

Moona was flying above their ship alongside Faith and Jeremy, her angel wings wide and spread, a few feathers floating down from the sky.

(I got plans for the next area, including some character development, prepare your butts)

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Posted: Sun, 25/07/2021 02:46 (3 Years ago)
Soon Jeremy and Akane had arived were sent to their own stylist. Once they were cleaned, waxed from any unnecessary body hair, nails being turned into perfect shapes, their stylist went to work. The outfits are chosen carefully to match the tribute's home district. 12, coal mining.

Akane was wearing a simple red dress with a black belt that stopped just past her fingertips. It was simple and unassuming at first glance, but when Akane's stylist (who was fairly kind to her) put a fan in front of her that mocked the wind passing by her the dress ignited into flames, giving the illusion that her dress was of pure fire. To match the dress she was given a pair of sturdy black boots and a small headband to stand out.

Jeremy was given a tuxedo with a similar clothing illusion trick. When they were finished they were met on the ground floor with the other tributes. Both had been warned not to do anything to reveal their clothing trick beforehand, so both did what they could to avoid attention.

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Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 21:54 (3 Years ago)
Jeremy nodded. "And it wouldn't be uncomfortable if I rode on your back if you changed into a bird or something of the like?"

The island started rumbling and Akane looked visibly concerned. "I hope we got everything! We need to get out of here before the island goes down!"

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Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 02:50 (3 Years ago)
Leaf and Blossom had just come back from checking up on the injured, thankfully they were recovering well. Both girls were re-stocking their bags as they quietly chatted about what they fear would happen, they both knew a war was fast approaching so they needed to be as ready as they could be.

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Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 02:47 (3 Years ago)
"Which is easiest?" Jeremy asked, "or they all around the same?"

Charlie looked up as a flock of birds passed over head, they were all going somewhere. Maybe North?

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Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 16:45 (3 Years ago)
Charlie looked a little saddened for Faith.

Jeremy nodded. "Is this going to be another one of your many spells? Or am I flying by another method?"

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