Forum Thread
Easter Egg Hunt 2017
Forum-Index → News → Easter Egg Hunt 2017Art credit: gelatin
unsless users are so freaky they can hack the pages xD
only one I can't check
and saying things around would be considered spoiling...but I still need some hours until I can check again
I double-checked all , except for that one, and there weren't eggs I didn't hit :/
If an egg is hidden in a forum thread, then it can be found on every page of that thread. Meaning you do not have to click through every page of that thread.
Just like last year, all egg spots will be revealed once the event is over - and just like last year, people will find out that they missed eggs in the most obvious spots :D
Other than that, all locations are now confirmed to be bug-free.
But Riako a Question popped up in my mind: "IF" there is an Egg hidden somewhere on a Pokémon Profile, would it be handled the same way than the Forum? Say the egg would appear on every page?
Also, Looking at the Egg Areas pic, my screen doesn't show much at all below the part where the clock is but the pic shows one a ways into the skin below it(in the bubbles). The last one on my screen would be the one that's half on, half off the bottom of the page. You SURE I don't have to zoom out (EDIT: zooming out doesn't let me see this area either)? Or is it possible my egg is hiding in the bubbles and I just never/(can't) saw it? My PH just doesn't seem to have as large a bottom margin as the pic shows.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!