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Trainerlevel: 71

Trainerpoints: 3,453/15,193


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Golduck352,478 / 3,781
Vanillite24654 / 2,251
Graveler353,486 / 3,572
Wailmer281,155 / 2,535
Scyther311,466 / 2,977
Wobbuffet282,159 / 2,437

About ri:ɑ:ko:

Please read before sending me a message!

Please contact our staff members (most likely our mods) in case you have a question or concern. They will forward your message to me if necessary.
Remember that I'm the coder of this website and want to focus on this task as much as possible 😊


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
ShiroTempest 1 Day ago
ShiroTempest 1 Day ago
KD6-37 3 Days ago
Zrien 8 Days ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #201681867
Registration: 14/06/2013 (11 Years ago)
Time Played: 5351:43 Hours
Total interactions: 626,674
Money: 28,760,927
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Have you already submitted your entry for our official Legendary Event Spriting Contest? 🎨
3 Days ago
PokeHeroes' favorite Pokemon is Umbreon. Our least favorite Pokemon is Ferroseed, lol.
Your favorite Event Pokemon is Candaria, followed by Celestial Mew, Neptuneon and Jupiteon.

(Data based on the "Favorite Pokemon voting" I had announced in some of my most recent feeds. We achieved a total of almost 100,000 votes.)

Full data sheet
4 Days ago
Well, turns out the feature update I was working on requires a bit more work than anticipated 😅 I'm only halfway done.

So I've decided to reschedule my plans and first prioritise the event, and to continue to work on the feature update in a few days. And the next event will be: The return of the Fun Fair! ... With a new Event Pokemon.

Also, small clarification based on some comments on my previous feed: By "feature update" I don't mean that there'll be a new feature but an update to an existing one. A highly demanded update, that is...
7 Days ago
Feature update next or new event? My schedule doesn't allow for both at the same time at the moment
14 Days ago
What do you think is the favorite Pokemon of our community?
16 Days ago
Ngl, "Pokemon Moon" sounds like a romhack and not a game that actually existed
17 Days ago
Our first ever Legendary Spriting Contest
19 Days ago
Who's your favorite Pokémon? Cast your vote now!

In this poll, you'll be shown two different Pokémon at a time—simply pick the one you prefer! The results will help us determine future Event Pokémon.

Everyone who casts at least 100 votes by the end of the week will receive 10 Nuggets next week. Please vote thoughtfully—spam-clicking without genuinely choosing your favorites may result in disqualification from the reward program.
21 Days ago
What do you think will happen at today's Pokemon Presents?
29 Days ago
Is your body ready for Zeraora?⚡
1 Month ago
I've picked my online nickname "Riako" about 15 years ago. Back then, its sole meaning was "Totodile" in Korean.

But lately I've been receiving more and more Google notifications about people claiming "to be a Riako". Apparently, nowadays it means that you're in love with an idol/actor/anime character/... 😂❤️

I identify so much with the name "Riako" and it feels so weird reading the reddit post linked above 😂
1 Month ago
Thanks for all the Valentine's cards ❤️❤️😘
1 Month ago
When I adopt eggs from the Lab, I kinda like seeing the "egg's no longer there, someone was faster than you" message. It's wholesome to realise that somewhere out there, some other person in the world is also adopting eggs right now.
1 Month ago
Feels like forever since a new Pokemon game has been released
2 Months ago
Event Distribution ended yesterday. Time for another event?
2 Months ago
Fun Fact: Prof. Rowan handed out an average of 74 Igglybuff eggs per day in the last 7 days
2 Months ago
give me event pokemon ideas
2 Months ago
Which shiny would you like to own, regardless of how unlikely it is that it ever comes true? ✨
2 Months ago
Just completed my 2024 goal 🎉💪

As a reminder: As part of the QoL initiative announced in this year's anniversary post, I set myself the following two goals:
(1) Reduce the amount of unresolved, confirmed bugs to less than 100
(2) Fix all reported spelling mistakes

Since the anniversary (July), about 200 bugs were fixed/resolved!
2 Months ago
Sometimes I adopt fully scanned, unwanted eggs from the lab (e.g. Easy Bug Pokemon sitting there for 4+ mins), hoping that my sacrifice will make the next person happy
3 Months ago



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angel26569Today, 02:21
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