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Trainerlevel: 74

Trainerpoints: 6,239/16,501


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Eevee212 / 19
Eevee212 / 19
Eevee210 / 19
Eevee20 / 19

The Life of Rkainjel

Age: 39 Birthday: August 6
Gender: ♂ Orientation: Straight
Relationship: Married
Not after anything other than making others smile.

Getting back into drawing and other forms of art, if you have a
request, you can pp/pm me. I do it for fun mostly, not the
greatest artist nor the worst. Some of my art is up on
DeviantArt. Link is on my profile.

[Pokémon Go© Friend Code]

5851 5834 7346

Please do not request things in boxes that are marked NFT *Not for Trade*.

Shiny Hunt

Rkainjel is currently hunting Eevee.
Hunt started: 30/01/2025

Chain: 216


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Rkainjel 16 Days ago
Rkainjel 16 Days ago
Rkainjel 22 Days ago
Rkainjel 1 Month ago

Art Ideas

Currently working on:

Kungfu Pancham * - Attempting to make it not look like Kubfu.
Dragon Warrior Pangoro *
Skull Starters (Day of the Dead) - with the evolutions.
Other Day of the Dead Mons
Vespigard (Evolution for Male Combee) (stats will affect body: Att, Def, Spd, Bal)

Newest ideas:
Redoing Tapu Origin forme and possible Future Paradox.
Paradox Starters
Redoing my Pokésona entirely

If anyone has a suggestion they'd like to see, I don't charge a fee as this is a hobby for me. I will post finished works to my DeviantArt.

* = Lost the originals... will be redoing these.

Safety Protocols - if you access my DeviantArt through the link on my profile:
1.) I personally try not to post NSFW deviations.
2.) I'm not offended nor disturbed by "most" NSFW posts.
3.) I draw inspiration from multiple sources and multiple genres.
4.) "Most" meaning I draw a line at inhumane posts and pictures, even with fictional characters (no killing in general).
5.) TBA


Spoilers will be updated when I remember...
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Interactions: 2,725,000/10,000,000

Dishes Cooked: 1,510/10,000

Honey Tree: 458/500

Perfect Berries:3/10

Lab Adopts: 9,425/50,000

Fishing: 1,502/10,000

Tall Grass: 771/7,500

All Giveaways are postponed until I decide on what to do.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #103720670
Registration: 17/10/2015 (9 Years ago)
Premium member until 05/Aug/2025
Time Played: 1582:38 Hours
Total interactions: 2,727,007
Money: 346,946
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Deoxys (Speed) explored this area enough to discover a new and larger section!

Level 99 unlocked!
Yesterday, 11:15
I have updated the "Art Ideas" section of my profile.
Yesterday, 08:13
I'm now the owner of a 2020 Mitsubishi Outlander SE. Had to get a replacement since my 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 needs an entire rear axle, a repair that is more than the value of the truck itself. Got insurance handled yesterday and will be getting my license plates transferred later today, as long as I don't have to jump through hoops to prove I'm still permanently disabled (again).
Yesterday, 06:53
Too make the corn maze a little easier for myself (not very good with directions), I map out my path on my console version of Minecraft.
3 Days ago
Congratulations, you solved it!

Points: 36
Wrong Guesses: 9
Game Chips Won: 12,500
Special Prize: Hoothoot (Retro) Egg!
5 Days ago
By PokéRadar - 9 Minutes and 52 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #195)!
5 Days ago
Apparently fell asleep clicking for an earlier scs.
5 Days ago
Have a tendency to do my interacting with my left hand even though I'm right-handed. Was focusing on clicking and noticed my right-hand muscles were spasming to the interactions. Kinda freaked me out for a minute.
7 Days ago
By PokéRadar - 8 Minutes and 5 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #183)!

Been 113 Eevee since the last shiny, aside from the Orthworm which says chain #154, I hatched 6.
7 Days ago
You found 8x Normal Gems in this treasure box!
15 Days ago
I've hatched 6 Orthworm... 1 being Shiny... lol
16 Days ago
Did not realize just how much room Starfield, a game I don't even play, was taking up on my Series S... 30% of my storage.
1 Month ago
The big achievement
Congratulations, Rkainjel! Your Hisui-Dex is now complete!

What you've managed to achieve here marks the successful end of a decade long research of mine. Actually, no - this research is even older. The Pokémon you've collected had already been studied by my great-granduncle Kamado, though he had never been able to gather so much information about these species as you now have. That's impressive!
Please take this certificate: it is proof of completing the Hisui-Dex. You deserve it.
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 8 Minutes and 48 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #70)!
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 20 Hours and 18 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #62)!

Didn't play yesterday, wasn't feeling the greatest.
1 Month ago
Guess my Eevee and Ditto are being shy today... and almost every day tbh.
1 Month ago
Looks like Mother Nature noticed we hadn't gotten our normal amount of snow this winter... expecting 6-8" on Wednesday with the potential of drifting.
1 Month ago
Think I might redesign my Pokesona. Got too much going on in the original picture... fusion of a Typhlosion and Skeledirge holding the skull of his former mentor, Blaziken.
1 Month ago

9000+ Extra Pokemon
1 Month ago
Where have the years gone... I'm thinking about doing another Giveaway this year, maybe starting on my birthday and ending on my registration 10-year anniversary. Would be just over 2 months and gives me about half a year to plan.
1 Month ago


Last Action
Viewing their stats (12 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

Blazecat1Yesterday, 19:17
enzou359Yesterday, 12:46
JXFSYesterday, 08:58
VeniceGrungeYesterday, 08:13
Darkdragonbz80Mon, 24/Mar/2025, 16:41

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Rkainjel hasn't collected any medals so far.

Mewtons I need

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Mewton Basic / Shiny

Game - Current/Basic/Shiny

Coinflip - 46,000/50,000/500,000

Higher or Lower - 1,000/5,000 √

Treasure Hunt - 2,987/5,000 √

Lottery - 15,000/200,000 √

Concentration - 13,032/20,000 √

Shop Owner - 7/8

Shop Shiny - 2/8

Personal Goals

Pokédex Completion:
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- Kanto √ 151/151
- Johto √ 127/127
- Hoenn √ 155/155
- Sinnoh √ 138/138
- Unova √ 175/175
- Kalos √ 117/117
- Alola X 123/144**
- Galar X 126/129***
- Hisui √ 027/027
- Paldea X 065/067
- Emera X 303/362
- M/G X 076/126
- Retro √ 046/046

- Missing -
**(Magearna: UB, MB to Unlock)
***(2x Glastrier, 1x Spectrier)

:National Dex Completion:

Pokédex Entries: 1635/1765 - 130

Eggdex Entries: 649/811 - 162

Gardener Level 100 - Exp Level - at 57

1,000,000 Harvested Berries

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These numbers will go down as my other stat's percentage goes up.
Dishes Needed for Shiny Chef - 8,497/10,000
Aspear Berries Required - 127,455
Time per Ice Heal - 8 minutes
Total in Days Hours Minutes - 47 days 4 hours 56 minutes
Start and End Dates - 3.14.2025 / TBA