Forum Thread
Guaranteed Encounter for Annual Legends
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Guaranteed Encounter for Annual LegendsI and others have been having a reoccurring issue with the annual legend events (Kyurem/Zeraora/Shaymin), this issue being that there have been periods in which there's been no sight of the legend until well over 70-100K interactions have been made. In my personal experience, many times I've interacted for multiple days without having the encounter. While I'm aware that seeing the legend is completely dependent on chance and sometimes you just have to keep going and wait, when it happens multiple times back-to-back, it gets extremely frustrating and discouraging, especially seeing that you went so long without having an encounter only to hatch a non-shiny.
As a solution to this, I'm proposing that there be a specific limit to the number of interactions allowed without seeing the legend. After this number is reached/exceeded, you are guaranteed to have the encounter on your next reload of the page. This would be to benefit those who are attempting to obtain a shiny version of the legend, as it gives them a way to consistently hatch eggs.
In case there's concern for the value of the legends' shiny forms dropping due to them hatching more often, I'd like to first state that out of the total number of all three of these Pokemon species on-site, less than 0.2% of them are shiny. Hypothetically, yes, there would be an increase in the number of shiny annual legends hatched, however the current number of shinies that already exist is so miniscule that I personally don't think this potential increase will even be an issue. I also think that the increase in the number of normal versions hatching would balance this out.
What does everyone think? ^^
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
I also think these pokemon need better shiny chances anyways. Like yeah they're supposed to be rare... But some of the oldest accounts have still not even seen one while consistently interacting their hands to death.
To be totally honest I'd rather scrap this type of random chance all together and do maybe a new interaction reward where eventually you can buy an egg for one amount, and a shiny egg for another amount, and throw in the plushies at some price. A very high one obviously, sort of like how the Halloween event ran the SM cursed rapidash. But from interactions only, you prevent it being something purchasable (until people sell their own I guess) and something that can only be obtained through hard work.
Could even rotate the pokemon every couple months to keep them a little artificially rarer, idk.
I just really hate the current method and RNG
~ here! ~

Sprite by Aisling
Yes, I know that some users do 100k interactions a day. But the majority of users do not have that much spare time, which makes the current RNG-based system pretty unfair, especially when children also play this game (not just for a shiny, but even for a normal one for dex, or the plushies).
So I don't agree that the cap should be as high as 100k interactions, or at least from the start of the event. This following idea is based on what @holodog and @solonium mentioned -
The cap should vary depending on the number of interactions a user has made during the event period:
- a 5k cap for the first 5k clicks (1 guaranteed encounter)
- a 10k cap till 25k clicks (2 more guaranteed encounters)
- a 25k cap till 100k clicks (3 more guaranteed encounters)
- a 50k till 350k clicks (5 more guaranteed encounters)
- a 75k till 500k clicks (2 more guaranteed encounters)
- a 100k cap till 1M clicks (5 more guaranteed encounters)
- no cap from 1M onwards
[The interaction count will reset every event]
Of course, to keep an element of surprise, users have the possibility of having random encounters between the caps and after the 1M cap, it's just that they're not guaranteed.
Here's an example:

Day 1 - 15k clicks ; guaranteed
encounter at 5k clicks (5k cap #1) and 15k clicks (10k cap #1)
Day 2 - 20k clicks (35k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 10k clicks (25k total, 10k cap #2), + random encounter at 2k clicks
Day 3 - 10k clicks (45k total) ; no encounters
Day 4 - 60k clicks (105k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 5k clicks (50k total, 25k cap #1), 30k clicks (75k total, 25k cap #2), and 55k clicks (100k total, 25k cap #3)
Day 5 - 25k clicks (130k total) ; no guaranteed encounters, + random encounter at 12k clicks
Day 6 - 80k clicks (210k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 20k clicks (150k total, 50k cap #1) and 70k clicks (200k total, 50k cap #2)
Day 7 - 50k clicks (260k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 40k clicks (250k total, 50k cap #3), + random encounter at 24k clicks
Day 8 - 30k clicks (290k total) ; no guaranteed encounters
Day 9 - 70k clicks (360k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 10k clicks (300k total, 50k cap #4) and 60k clicks (350k total, 50k cap #5)
Day 10 - 0 clicks ; real life exists
Day 11 - 45k clicks (405k total) ; no guaranteed encounters
Day 12 - 20k clicks (425k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 20k clicks (425k total, 75k cap #1)
Day 13 - 60k clicks (485k total) ; no guaranteed encounters, + random encounter at 36k clicks
Day 14 - 15k clicks (500k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 15k clicks (500k total, 75k cap #2)
Day 15 - 90k clicks (590k total) ; no guaranteed encounter, + 0 random encounters because RNG hates you
And so on...
Day 2 - 20k clicks (35k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 10k clicks (25k total, 10k cap #2), + random encounter at 2k clicks
Day 3 - 10k clicks (45k total) ; no encounters
Day 4 - 60k clicks (105k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 5k clicks (50k total, 25k cap #1), 30k clicks (75k total, 25k cap #2), and 55k clicks (100k total, 25k cap #3)
Day 5 - 25k clicks (130k total) ; no guaranteed encounters, + random encounter at 12k clicks
Day 6 - 80k clicks (210k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 20k clicks (150k total, 50k cap #1) and 70k clicks (200k total, 50k cap #2)
Day 7 - 50k clicks (260k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 40k clicks (250k total, 50k cap #3), + random encounter at 24k clicks
Day 8 - 30k clicks (290k total) ; no guaranteed encounters
Day 9 - 70k clicks (360k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 10k clicks (300k total, 50k cap #4) and 60k clicks (350k total, 50k cap #5)
Day 10 - 0 clicks ; real life exists
Day 11 - 45k clicks (405k total) ; no guaranteed encounters
Day 12 - 20k clicks (425k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 20k clicks (425k total, 75k cap #1)
Day 13 - 60k clicks (485k total) ; no guaranteed encounters, + random encounter at 36k clicks
Day 14 - 15k clicks (500k total) ; guaranteed encounter at 15k clicks (500k total, 75k cap #2)
Day 15 - 90k clicks (590k total) ; no guaranteed encounter, + 0 random encounters because RNG hates you
And so on...
To balance the guaranteed encounters, the random encounter rates could be decreased slightly.
This should make it fairer for all users to encounter their own Kyurem/Zeraora/Shaymin/Zarude, without wasting an unreasonable amount of time interacting (and feeling disappointed by having no luck with getting an encounter).
~ here! ~

Sprite by Aisling

I'd much prefer if the chance increased over time or, like I said, scaled with a person's interaction history. In regards to increasing over time, it could look something like at certain milestones, the base chance increases. It could keep increasing at certain milestones until you hit a fixed %, then when you get an encounter that % resets. So someone with 70k interactions and no encounter is going to have a higher base chance of an encounter than someone with 2k. It still keeps the difficulty while rewarding dedication and helping out those who have gone large stretches without an encounter.
But I think the odds need to be slightly boosted, so that the casual players that don't have that much time can have fun and can expect a shiny within 2-3 years max.
At the moment it seems like you need to do around 2mil interactions to have a 100% shiny chance (50 plushies).
I used my own stats + Csoxi stats on his profile to determine the average interactions needed to get a legend encounter, it's around 37,5k interactions per encounter (around 2.214.000 interactions with 59 encounters). Since it's a low sample size the average could be slightly lower or higher. Also keep in mind that both of us use mostly berries (to my knowledge) for the encounters, which boosts the chance of an encounter by 20%.
Some more very rough Numbers based on this:

Average Interactions needed per encounter:
Boosted: 37,5k
None Boosted: 45k
Chance of encounter per 1 Interaction:
Boosted: 0.0027%
None Boosted: 0.0022%
Interactions needed for 50 plushies (100% shiny chance):
Boosted: 1,875,000 interactions
None Boosted: 2,250,000 interactions
Also my math could be off, haven't done math in ages lol.
I personally just think the numbers are too high even if you are not after a shiny and only after the dex entry + the shiny and none shiny plush. This could fix the shiny issue but it could also mean that the amount of plushies required for 100% still needs to be adjusted (instead of 50 plushies, 30-40 or something). Again we should not only have the top players in mind but also those with little time but that's only my opinion.