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Searching for: Posts from Lavender_Luxray.
Posted: Thu, 06/02/2025 14:38 (11 Hours ago)
Sent, missing please

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2025 21:31 (5 Days ago)
Sorry, the shop is closed atm

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Posted: Thu, 19/12/2024 22:35 (1 Month ago)
@Axeli your order of a breeding pair of Oricorio ballet is ready! It'll be 50k pd

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Posted: Wed, 18/12/2024 21:36 (1 Month ago)
@Froakiemander your order of surfer machop and princess smoochum is ready! It'll be 45k pd

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Posted: Sun, 15/12/2024 07:49 (1 Month ago)
Shop will be closed for the christmas-new years period and re-open somewhere in the newyears! Thank you for all the business again.

We will still work on the current orders, but won't accept new ones for the time being.

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2024 18:35 (1 Month ago)

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Posted: Thu, 12/12/2024 10:38 (1 Month ago)
@Kochengsaur your order of 1 Slowyore, 1 Gloweon, 1 Zombeagle is ready! It'll be 26k pd

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 20:02 (1 Month ago)
Hi! I want a doodle! 💚
·Character: Lavender
·Refs: ref!
·Other: just do whatever pose you feel like! If you like you can experiment with different types of flowers in her fur too
·Tip? Some gems!

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 05:02 (1 Month ago)
I have the same issue

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Posted: Fri, 06/12/2024 07:08 (2 Months ago)
Hi, I noticed Duraludon's evolution has been added to the ph dex (1018). In the main series games (scarlet/violet), it needs a metal alloy to evolve, and by looking for it in the search notif options on GTS I discovered that the item has also been implemented here.

So I'm just wondering where this item will be available? Item shop, mystery boxes, Emera square? Just trying to keep my Paldea dex close to completion upon new releases.


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Posted: Wed, 04/12/2024 21:06 (2 Months ago)
@ShinyVirizion your order of a pair of summer Mareep is ready! It'll be 20k pd

@LKU_ I'm pretty sure I have a Solar Eevee ready to go in my sales boxes, so I'll set up a private trade for you! It'll be 8k pd.

As for its evolutions, you can see them here!

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Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 09:00 (2 Months ago)
@DGWHenrietta your order of both Sundaelite is ready! I'll set up a PT. It'll be 24k pd

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Posted: Thu, 21/11/2024 08:57 (2 Months ago)
@PurpleThickFeesh your order of a Wydoll is ready! It'll be 18k pd

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Posted: Wed, 20/11/2024 18:54 (2 Months ago)
@Sleepy2287 your order of two Gloweon and a Maneki Espurr is ready! It'll be 36k pd

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2024 07:00 (2 Months ago)
@Kochengsaur your Buizel Emera is ready! It'll be 18k pd

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Posted: Fri, 15/11/2024 07:14 (2 Months ago)
@Espy2015 your Buizel Emera is ready! It'll be 18k pd

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Posted: Sat, 09/11/2024 07:15 (2 Months ago)

Shop update!

The new current event, Wydoll , has been added to the shop's list! Might be a slower event to breed since its genderless, so has to use Ditto. For the meantime it's probably best to get your Wydoll through the event itself.

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Posted: Sun, 03/11/2024 16:45 (3 Months ago)
Axel123 your order of 1 Festival ralts and 1 Maneki espurr is ready! It will be 30k pd

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Posted: Sun, 20/10/2024 19:07 (3 Months ago)
I have a Witch Vulpix ready in my sales boxes, so I'll set up that trade for you now! Your total (excluding any tips) will be 12k pd

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 17:06 (3 Months ago)

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